This is a just brutal pre-autopsy of the Scott Walker campaign that Matea Gold and Jenna Johnson penned for the Washington Post. It’s hard to choose the choicest parts of it, but the ending is a proper summation:
[Stanley S.] Hubbard, the major donor [and media mogul] in Minnesota, said he likes what he is hearing from Walker and he doesn’t understand why his pitch “doesn’t turn people on.”
“I think Walker says all the right things,” he said, but “something’s missing in the demeanor.”
His folks are currently bucking up the sagging morale of his corp of “major” donors by pointing out that he has really strong approval numbers in Iowa that are second only to Ben Carson. So, while the base of the party isn’t offended by him and they kind of like him, there’s “something missing in his demeanor” that’s causing him to hemorrhage support.
This next bit shows that he’s really not capable of fixing this flat-lined demeanor of his:
Some backers also fear that, as a result of his drop in the polls, he has adopted a persona that doesn’t square with his low-key demeanor and personality. As one person who has known him for some years put it, the tough-guy approach — including his recent promises to “wreak havoc” on Washington — is not a good fit.
You’d think that his supporters would be happy to see a little spunk. But, no, they cringe at its inauthenticity and ask him to stop.
And, yet, they bitch that he doesn’t assert himself more in the debates. I mean, it’s not his fault that CNN only saw fit to ask him three questions in the three-freaking-hour debate, but couldn’t he have interjected or something?
Still, their hopes that Walker would have a breakout performance at Wednesday’s debate did not materialize. While many felt he was stronger than he was in the first forum, they were frustrated by his tentative approach to the free-wheeling format and unwillingness to jump in the fray.
Many prominent Walker bundlers came away from the debate uncertain who will eventually emerge as the leader in the crowded field.
So, don’t try to come off as a tough guy because that’s transparently phony, but please don’t just sit there like a wallflower and let Chris Christie dominate you like you’re the third-string catcher for the Beloit Snappers.
That’s kind of a no-win situation for the governor and you can see why his bundlers are getting happy feet.
But before they split on Walker completely, the want him to shit-can his campaign manager. Of course, they won’t say this on the record or on a conference call with dozens of other people on the line:
The Wisconsin governor also faces growing pressure from some financial backers to make staffing changes in an attempt to turn around his campaign.
But in a brief interview with The Washington Post at the Los Angeles airport Thursday afternoon, Walker said he had just completed a conference call with about 80 major donors — none of whom mentioned wanting staff changes.
“It didn’t come up at all,” Walker said, as he waited for a flight to Detroit…
…Some of those on Thursday’s donor call had expected different news. Many backers have directed their ire at campaign manager Rick Wiley, who some Walker supporters believe expanded the staff too quickly and has failed to calibrate spending during the summer fundraising season. A recent count put the number of full-time Walker campaign staff at around 90, and there have been no cutbacks in salaries as there were earlier this summer in former Florida governor Jeb Bush’s operation.
“There is a substantial amount of chatter that he needs to go,” said one major Walker fundraiser, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations. “People are worried.”
They’re worried so they talk to reporters from the Washington Post. Perhaps Walker will get the message.
In any case, the bottom line here is that Walker is going to stop messing around and focus all his energy on Iowa. He’s going to double how many days he spends there a month from five to ten, which means he’ll be devoting a third of his time to a state he doesn’t even govern and probably another third to fundraising and maybe even a little more for a stop here or there, plus media appearances.
I hope Wisconsin isn’t going to be needing any attention from him, because there aren’t too many days left on the calendar.
To be honest, I don’t really know for certain why Walker is not getting any traction. I mean, I know this didn’t help, but…
Walker’s performance as a candidate has contributed to questions about the trajectory of his campaign. His verbal missteps — often the result of answering questions on the campaign trail with responses that he is forced to amend and later clarify — have been a topic of concern among his own loyalists. Last month, he twice found himself forced to clarify something he had said, first on whether he supported an end to birthright citizenship and again after an offhand answer suggesting he favored building a wall on the U.S.-Canadian border.
Walker has been urged repeatedly to be far more careful in answering unexpected questions, which have overshadowed positive reviews he’s gotten from conservative media and commentators about some of his policy proposals.
So, there’s the fact that he kind of sucks.
And there’s that pulseless demeanor thing.
But even CNN seemed to forget he was a candidate and on the stage and prepped and prepared to answer actual real-life debate questions. I mean, who cares what he has to say?
And I guess that’s the problem, in a nutshell.
This speaks to my overarching theory of the idiocy of American politics – the “demeanor thing” – I was calling it “gravitas” or “comfort in one’s own skin” – but whatever you want to call it, it’s a THING! Walker, Jeb, Romney, Dukakis, Kerry … they don’t have “it”. Trump and Obama have it in spades. Bill Clinton has it – Hillary, sadly, doesn’t.
Now … it’s not THE determining factor. I think Hillary has the game so sussed out that she could win without “it” – just as Tricky Dick finally managed to. And at the other extreme, Trump, who has “it” but nothing else, won’t be able to win in spite of “it”. Sadly for the GOP, however, he might be able to win the GOP nomination.
The more precise word is charisma. On the national and IA and NH state stages, Walker is like a charisma black hole. Why that appeals to a majority of WI voters beats me.
Interestingly, in most states people rarely see their governors, even on TV. Mostly they read about them. This is why so many fall flat on their faces when running for President.
Here in Colorado Gov Hickenlooper would be a disasterous Presidential candidate. Fortunately, unlike Republicans he seems to know this so doesn’t imagine himself as President. On the few occasions he is on TV, like after the big fires two years ago, he comes across as extremely wishy-washy and unsure of himself. What he’s actually trying to do is keep the door open to all points of view, but it doesn’t come out that way.
You actually are more likely to see Senators on TV than Governors. Not sure why.
I think his lack of charisma was what got him elected in the first place. If Walker had gone full-throttle Tea Party in 2010, he would have scared off enough voters to lose. Instead, his low-key, nice-guy approach made Wisconsin voters comfortable with him. That’s why it was so shocking and caused so much outrage when he took office and promptly outlawed collective bargaining for state employees. It wasn’t something anybody expected from such a mild-mannered soft spoken guy.
Was his prior record in Milwaukee consistent with the uncharismatic, mild-mannered, moderate persona that the media presented in 2010? Drives me a bit nuts that voters dismiss the past record of candidates and then after being elected and showing their spots, voters are surprised.
You seem confused about WI. The state is not a liberal bastion. It goes through liberal moments, but it is a rural state, and Walker’s issues appeal to many who are rural, and conservative, but I am being redundant. He was elected, and it was not a surprise. He has not been deceptive. The WI Republican Party keeps doing and saying the same things, and have been in charge of the entire state since 2010. No one is concealing stuff. WI is much more conservative than people realize.
Not confused about WI at all. The last time a GOP presidential candidate won WI was in 1984.
And would hardly describe voters that have elected to the US Senate La Follette, Gaylord Nelson, William Proxmire, Feingold, and Tammy Baldwin as anywhere close to being conservative. Those politicians have been/are among the best and most progressive of Senators.
WI voters also elect some of the worst — Joe McCarthy would be at the top of the heap. And tailgunner Joe wasn’t some mild mannered, moderate sounding guy.
The most descriptive word I can come up for WI voters is schizoid.
The results of Wisconsin elections may seem schizoid. What the results represent is a sharply and fairly evenly divided electorate which appears to prioritize different interests in their voting for Presidential and other Statewide races, based in significant part by the turnout patters of midterm and Presidential election years. If Walker had faced a Presidential electorate in one of his campaigns for Governor, it is likely he would have been defeated.
By the way, did you know that Clarence Thomas was an associate of the Black Panthers, wore a Black Panther beret, and helped take over University buildings?
We receive this amusing historical claim from David Duke in his debate with the young Scott Walker. Listen to Walker get torn up by almost every single person who calls in to this public television program; these Wisconsin Republicans want Duke on their 1992 Presidential ballot. Poor Scotty; he was just sent there by the Republican Party to enforce the plausable deniability underlying the national face of the GOP’s Southern Strategy. “Sure, all of our policies are racist in their outcomes, but that’s coincidental. This former KKK Wizard would blow the deal!”
This was part of Walker’s political education, surely. He learned early that racism animated Wisconsin voters. Racism is a barely hidden part of his attack on Unions, particularly in his initial attacks on public sector workers, a good percentage of whom are African-Americans.
Also, too, did you know Alex Jones is a Zionist shill and Matt Drudge is a secret Mossad agent?
The naked racism that the Trump campaign is more substantially unearthing in the American public, a naked racism which had already been uncovered as a political force in recent Republican campaigns, really does worry me. This batshit crazy stuff does not worry me. When you’re to the right of Jones and Drudge, you’re sailing off the end of the flat Earth where your ideology resides.
As WI resident and even a WI elected official in a mostly rural county, I’d say that centerfielddj calls it pretty well. We have a split electorate with very liberal liberals and very conservative conservatives, and the latter are more consistent voters. So, presidential years we can be very liberal, but off elections we get creamed by the conservatives.
I have a house in a small rural town near Fond du Lac and Ripon. My wife’s family are all WI. I will doubtless live in rural WI after I retire.
The rural parts are very conservative. The urban zones (Milwaukee, Eau Claire, La Crosse) are small islands of blue in a sea of red. This is true in IL, WI, MI, PA, any state. There are no blue states. There are red states, in which the urban areas have less impact.
And the impact of Bob Proxmire, who died 20 years ago and was anti-science and a piece of crap in many ways, is zero today.
Say, WTF is going on with this extremely skanky deal to sell a fat cat Walker scum contributor a huge piece of prime lakefront real estate? This just makes the entire Walker administration look even more disgusting and a give-away for his rich fucking asshole contributors.
I don’t think his record was well known. As County Executive, Walker proposed some pretty outrageous budgets, but the County Board didn’t let any of them go through, so there was no impact, and thus little press.
It was the job of the Democrats to make Walker’s record a campaign issue in 2010, and they failed at that.
The big issue in the 2010 gubernatorial campaign was whether Wisconsin should accept federal funds to build a faster rail link between Milwaukee and Madison.
Been saying it since the beginning — Bruce Walker has all the personality appeal of a dead shark.
I doubt if hanging out a lot more in IA is going to help much. He’s on my Death Watch list.
As for Trucky, he got Hubert and the war to run against. And Ailes packaged him like a box of cornflake. Back then a lot of people still ate cornflakes ..
Is there some reason that you continue to call him Bruce?
Your name’s not Bruce? Oh, that’s going to cause some confusion. Mind if we call you Bruce just to keep things straight?
Yes. After noting several times Walker’s dead-shark appeal, and while searching around for an appropriate name, I recalled that the on-set name Spielberg and crew gave their mechanical shark was Bruce.
A bit of a stretch, but I figgered many here would be movie afishianados and fairly quickly chomp down on the chum.
okay, missed that reference for sure
You notice what they don’t mention? Maybe Walker would take off if there was only two or three other candidates, but 50? He doesn’t have the last name like Jeb! He doesn’t have the empty suit and empty headed looks of Marco Rubio. He’s not a household name like Trump. So what does he have? Busting unions? Sadly for him, that’s not enough.
Even now, in their Rocky Mountain redoubt, the Koch Klan is convening a Death Panel to decide Walker’s fate.
Plugs will be pulled. Then Walker can get back to turning Wisconsin into a dystopian hell-hole, aka “his day job”.
Yes, Walker’s campaign isn’t generating any “revenue” so the investors are already looking to cut costs and trim employees! That’s their answer to all bizness problems, I guess. But geez, if they invested in, say, a restaurant, they’d at least give it a few quarters of running in the red before cutting wait staff and downgrading to cut rate suppliers, wouldn’t they? But here they don’t even want to pay some (reasonably priced!) wingnut welfare…
Just like their intense focus on short term stock prices, all these plutocrat political investors can see are weekly poll numbers! Months before the actual opening! At least let Chef Walker lose Iowa before pulling the plug, he may get a favorable review….
Walker is a feeble uncharismatic candidate who can hardly utter a coherent sentence without flubbing the imagined point or creating a hapless gaffe, another Midwest Pawlenty. Why these conservative white male nebbishes think they are obviously presidential timber simply because they won some guv race remains a profound mystery. Idolatry of St Reagan from teenage years just isn’t enough, apparently, and Walker is too much of a milquetoast plutocrat bagman for even the braindead Repub base to take seriously.
As Phil P points out, the sheer number of clowns in the car HAS to have an effect on the revenue numbers the investors are looking at, yet that isn’t mentioned by the food critics. The fact that all 17, 18, whatever of these clowns have essentially the same far-right positions on everything certainly makes brand differentiation a bit of a problem. How does a teenage Reagan idolator break-out when they’re ALL respectful worshippers at the shrine? How does an armchair militarist out-hawk an entire flight of hallucinating hawks who think dubya “kept us safe”?
Tough duty for Chef Scotty Walker, but he signed up for it–he thought he could compete on Master Chef. But he’s forced to keep serving the same dishes as all the competition! And is only option is more rightwing spice packets….
” … the sheer number of clowns in the car HAS to have an effect on the revenue numbers …”
The sheer number is because they really believe in the spirit of Citizens United, whereas the Dems have merely adapted to it. You have to ask yourself, WHY are there so many GOP candidates? It’s because they each have their own backers, in some cases (like Koch Bros.) with bottomless pockets. But that’s ALL they’ve got. Most of these backers (including the Kochs) haven’t exactly got their finger on the pulse of America, although they all think they do.
My analysis is that the Republican primary system is the Wheel of Morons. You enter the Wheel at the bottom. Your primary message resonates. You move to the top.
The wheel turns.
Who was once on the top begins to slip. Is Trump post-apogee? Possibly?
Walker is nearing the Perry-point of the wheel.
And who is on the rising side of the Wheel of Morons?
Carly is rising.
Ben Carson is rising.
As you rise, people respond to your aura. You project the aura of a winner. You repeat your signature lines, and it sounds like wisdom. You deflect the assaults of Trump, with grace and style.
Only when you get on top can they see your undies, and it dawns on people that you are not the Divine King, but normal, and the aura begins to fade. Trump’s aura is beginning to fade. I give him until Nov.
Curiously, and I do mean curiously, Lindsey Graham gave an interview to Andrea Mitchell this morning calling out Trump for his handling of the anti Muslim whackjob at his townhall yesterday. Was probably one of the best moments Lindsey has had in his career (that’s where the curiously comes in).
Maybe the non reactionary element will see a rise.
Carly IS rising. The establishment media – which more and more is being revealed by their active involvement in trying to shape the GOP campaign to be openly rooting for the GOP and spiritually in bed with Fox – is pushing her hard, and was doing so after the first JV debate.
What I’m not sure about is if they actually want her to win or if they instead see her as a) the person to take out Trump and b) the probable VP pick to counter Hillary on the woman’s vote side. Do remember that McCain was on to something when he decided on a woman as his VP pick, it’s just that he picked the worst one possible.
Anyway, I suspect that Fiorna is being promoted by the media for tactical reasons, not as a legit contender.
Carson, on the other hand, is the guy who lets the racists pretend they aren’t racist. Hermann Cain filled that role last time. This is a very important role – it’s why Fox hires so many blacks as news readers. But there is no way they’ll let him actually win, any more than the rich brothers were going to let Eddie Murphy’s character stay in charge of their firm in Trading Places.
Carson is the candidate for angry racists who don’t want to be seen as either.
Whereas Carly’s rides, as you noted, on the executive elevator straight to the top by Villager invitation. What tactical reasons beyond VP? I reckon she’s not really ready for prime time; that PP moment of hers was borderline disturbing, frankly.
On point comments, Shaun. Only quibble: Fiorina’s statement on Planned Parenthood was entirely disturbing and, most to the point, full of lies:
“During the debate, Fiorina said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could watch “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”
No such scene was present in the hours of sting videos released in recent months. When asked by TPM to defend Fiorina’s comments, the Center for Medical Progress, which produced the videos, pointed to a section of the third episode of its “documentary” series “Human Capital,” a spin-off of the initial “sting” videos.
…It is none other than (the Center for Medical Progress filmmaker) himself — in the next cut of the video, appearing on CNN — who then makes the claim that that digoxin and other chemicals used to “kill” fetuses before a procedure are not used in when the tissue is going procured, because “that poisons the organs and the tissues.”
The video then jumps to O’Donnell, an ex-staffer at yet another tissue procurement company, who describes being asked to procure a brain tissue from an aborted fetus, but such footage is never shown.
While she is describing the incident, footage is shown of a fetus in a tray, footage Center for Medical Progress is now admitting it did not film itself, but rather obtained from anti-abortion groups. The Center for Medical Progress itself came under fire for a separate image used in one of the videos that was not an aborted fetus, as suggested, but in fact a stillborn. The photo was taken without the mother’s permission from a Daily Mail article about the woman’s miscarriage.
There is no proof that the footage cited by Fiorina’s defenders was filmed in a Planned Parenthood clinic, nor that it was even of an aborted fetus.
Furthermore, there is no point in the scene where someone is overheard saying, “we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”
While Fiorina has continued to defend her debate remarks, her campaign has complicated things by offering a video separate from the Center for Medical Progress series to show what inspired her. As Vox reported, the one-minute video was a uploaded by a group called “Save Babies” (not by Center for Medical Progress) and is a mish-mash of some footage from the sting campaign, but also other footage not from those particular videos.
As Vox noted, the scene Fiorina described is not there either.
Another low energy contestant, as it were. Surprisingly, he hasn’t suffered much in the way of Trump barbs.
Not to be overly simplistic, but Walker doesn’t have anything to offer. And he can’t even articulate that he has nothing to offer.
Perry was at least entertaining when he misspoke, Walker doesn’t even offer funny for the critics. So we’re left with the hope that at least the national campaign has awoken WI Rep voters to what an embarrassment he is. Hopefully he’ll find a non union job in a fast food chain next.
That’s not quite true. His schtick is the anti-union one – crush the unions, unleash prosperity. That’s been the entire message in WI, and he is doubling down on that, to really really crush them to tiny bits of ruble.
o/t Pope declares Big Bang theory real and God is not a magician.
17% of republicans think the Pope is a Muslim.
As I have been saying here for a long while, the U.S. electoral process…especially in national elections…has devolved into a hero show/beauty show.
Walker looks like an egg-sucking dog…a sneak. Of course he’s not going to pass the visual media test.
Further… Fiorina looks like a Disney villainess…a witch or mean stepmother.
Paul looks like your rumpled. smart-ass little brother who can never seem to match up to Dad no matter how hard he tries.
Carson? He’s almost transparent. He seems nice enough, but no weight. No hero weight, for sure.
Christie…a fat bully with some bad history.
And the comparisons go on throughout the current crop of candidates on both sides. HRC looks like your tired, late-middle-aged old aunt who still feels like she has to go to work for some reason. Just going through the motions. Sanders looks like your old uncle who’s always kvetching about how bad things are and how good they would be if only you had listened to him 30 or 40 years ago. O’Malley? He has the look, I guess, but not the position. That speaks ill of him as a viable candidate.
Trump, however, looks looks like a bully who wins. Wins consistently. In a weakly imaged field, that’s a winner. Obama would have cleaned his clock, even with his record of failures.
Too good-looking to lose.
Only Biden has a shot against Trump so far. That is, if Trump doesn’t make any truly horrendous mistakes and/or mistakes of his past are dug up to bother him and/or something else truly damaging happens to him. Biden’s got the look and he’s a “good guy” hero instead of a villainous one.
Biden vs. Trump in the finals.
Biden by a nose.
That’s my take so far.
P.S. If Trump doesn’t win the nomination and runs as a third party, all bets are off.
All of them.
A traditional Haiku, in the traditional morae style (5-7-5)
with fast noise and sound
so shallow thoughtless factoids
so deep the bullshit
Couldn’t happen to a better Koch troll.
He was always a joke….but, there always must be a pretense for White Mediocrity like Walker.
The thing I love most about CNN’s treatment of Walker at the debate is that they treated the wrapped gift he presented to Sheldon Adelson and ALEC earlier in the week as a complete non-event:
Promise to eliminate the NLRB and create a national law which eviscerates Unions a day or two before the debate, and CNN pays it no mind whatsoever. Sad trombone.
Of course, Walker could have fit this horrible promise into one of his moments at the debate, but I believe he neglected to do so. So maybe even he’s a little ashamed of his servility to the oligarchs here. It’ll be interesting to see if he starts campaigning hard on his plan to screw over the American middle class even more vigorously than the other candidates.
CS Monitor Jeb in NV
“Half-full rec center” translates to about a hundred or so in the audience.
(Not many more at a Clinton NH appearance yesterday either.)
The Guardian, some testiness between Paul and Rubios’ team:
Marco Rubio official punching Rand Paul adviser caught on security video. (Better than when a member of Paul’s security team punched out an ordinary Democratic supporter.)
(Yob was apparently not injured and not a stranger to being punched as his wife (ex?) was accused of doing the same to him.)
“…just think how much you’re going to be missing. You don’t have
NixonWalker to kick around any more…”Yeah, but he’s still a Dick