I guess TUs or admins or front pagers or some class of superbeing gets to use 5’s. Makes me feel a little left out.
I feel kind of like I’ve gone to a foreign country here–stuff looks mostly similar, but there are enough differences that it seems… weird. But it’s familiar enough, and it certainly should not be a carbon copy of dKos.
Keeping the 5’s would be a way of further differentiating things from dKos, but I imagine it would result in people being even more confused about what a 3 means…
I’d love to hear some thoughts on how strategies such as setting up Shadow Gov’t (in the British sense of the term), virtual economies or other ‘parellel systems’ approaches could demonstrate Dem’s right to continue in the power/political conversations that will steer the ship of state, now that those convos are moving squarely off their traditional turf.
I personally think that we need to do for America what Hong Kong continues to do for China: provide an example of success via another system that runs both in parallel and in competition with the main economic system. Instead of reforming the American system (and it’s inherent costs), just build a better one in the basement, that will, like a glorious hermit crab, eventually cast off it’s out-grown home.
.The gutting of the US economy which now depends on the willingness of Asian central banks to buy our debt;
.The unsustainability of the US housing market bubble;
.Peak oil arriving and already introducing strains in our material economy (in the form of ballooning prices, but it will get worse than that);
.The determination of the national government to do nothing at best, or even exacerbate the developing resource/economic/political crises;
I believe that the US will crash in a major way–much worse than the Great Depression–in a few years. Well, actually I am a pessimist and think we have one year, but many folk in the blogsphere think we we could have up to five. Either way, survival will depend heavily on whatever organizing and planning we get done at a local level. Many of our “legitimate” political structures will be totally unable to cope and someone will have to show the way. Open or public shadow structures might be a way to do this.
Each of the different modes of collapse–or their synergistic combination–implies a different emphasis. Probably the most benign would be for the War for Oil to spin out of control and prematurely shut off oil supplies. This would create a physical crisis which might be the easiest for people to orient to.
In contrast, a collapse of the housing bubble or the financial system could lead to a lot of desperate, destitute people with no idea where to put their attention. The Great Depression was like that: There was plenty of food, but people were starving, because the mental reorganization needed to understand that it was the money system and the capitalist/”free market” economy itself that had failed was too much. It took three years to vaguely begin to understand that “markets” don’t work unless they are regulated deliberately to create benign results. We have unlearnt what we knew 70 years ago, so this is a bad prospect indeed.
I don’t want to get bogged down in scenerios–there are so many–but instead mention the need to revive ethics from our far past that value community as a way of finding the good life through sharing and working together to meet apparent human needs. The key new idea is that, quickly or slowly, we will have to become ecologically sustainable. This is a deeper level that would provide the moral underpinning while dealing with the wonkish business of thinking through policies and consequences.
I agree with you that we are circling the drain, but we should add that the wealthy have successful extricated themselves from much of these impending issues. In light of this, is it not legitimate to start construction of neo-nations who’s purpose is to protect it’s citizens when their ‘real’ gov’tments will obviously continue to fail them?
By aggregating our concerns we could make demands of the the marketplace that our gov’t refuses to, out their of mis-guided ideology and hidden self-protection and greed.
A digital environment, not unlike SCOOP (the b’trib’s core technology) could very well supply a rudimentary infrastructure for doing this. Imagine if all the polls we are taking actually translated in to real policies/law?
Don’t like the law? Start your own nation. A significant force would compel people to stay within a neo-nation, even when they disagree with some policies: the larger the populace, the more sway on the market the nation can employ.
True Democracy in constant, bloodless revolution would be an unstoppable form of gov’t.
hmm the formatting on this screen looks bad. maybe it’s intentional, but the blogads on the left hand column go up really high, while the content in the center and right columns is about half way down the page. bizarre.
I can come here when I want to hide the fact that I’m reading and posting from my husband. … That is, until he catches on. He’s even crankier about dKos that Maryscott’s husband.
In his conference room this week, DeLay, looking fully recovered from his electroshock treatment last week for his occasionally irregular heartbeat, said his problems were not ethical but political, and that he was going to treat them as such.
Compare that to the AP story regarding Delay’s heart condition (I didn’t know that he had a heart), which does not mention electroshock treatment at all.
I’m sorry but there were two news stories that nobody seems to remember or care about that seem essential to know much more about:
The airline industry Options activity the preceeded 9/11. Qui bono?
I’ll save the second for a later diary. But I want to know if anyone remembers if there was even an official line of explanation for the huge rise in options contract activity? Was there really a serious investigation?
Haven’t seen the connect between anthrax (an insider event to expose our own WMD programs) and 9/11. Would be interested. Rudi Dekker?
They have only now decided to re-open the Hamilton, NJ PO! It took this long to realize that it was just Trenton’s reputation that was causing all the skin rashes.
It has taken as long as 4 days for a letter from NYC to get to Princeton recently. That’s a 1 hour drive away.
I think the Anthrax thing was just a method to introduce further inefficiency into the East Coast (blue state) infrastructure to give the red state carpet baggers (not the red state general pop, fer sure) a fighting chance against their betters in the East.
East Coast liberal elites RULE (even with both hands tied behind their backs).
It takes a certain mindset to be able to believe that a terrorist might pick a cornfield over the densest population/economic areas of our country. Part of it is obviously some kind of exaggerated self-importance :
“I have a personal relationship with God/My Fear/The Terrorists. Often, when I fell alone and insignificant, I speak with him/it/them and feel renewed in my understanding that I am important to Him/It/Them.”
My God/Fear/Terrorist is an Awesome God/Fear/Terrorist!
A murder of 3000 people and three-and-a-half years later there is no crime investigation! Rather stinks, no?
Almost from the outset it was plain that at best the Bush administration was guilty of criminal negligence. But as more information comes in, we see that it is worse than that. The way WTC 7 collapsed–I don’t mean that it collapsed, but the way it collapsed–rules out the possibility of a “terrorist” attack. Nine/11 was an inside job from A to Z, with somebody very high in the US govt co-ordinating the Air Force stand down, &c. Don’t know who, but surely we can guess.
And then we got the “PATRIOT” Act and the invasion of Iraq.
You know I’ve become almost paranoid since bush took office especially this second time around. I used to be rather naive but now that’s the first thing I think of when any left leaning/democratic site goes down. And I hate that I’ve come to think that way.
Those hawks in NYC are doin’ okay, now that they got their home back from those bastard developers.
Lola is preggers (with egg). Pale Male is the dad. Yesterday, Lola ate a pigeon for lunch. Pale Male was seen cruising near the Carlyle and, later, on Fifth Avenue.
You got that right! I was having actual heart palpitations yesterday when I realized it was a DNS problem. I thought my ISP was cracking down on my leftist activities.
I live in Virginia – technically the south, and actually below the Mason Dixon line. However, 12 miles and 30 minutes of driving and I’m standing in front of the White House. I don’t have a Confederate flag and I’m not a Republican – but I’m technically in the South. I refuse to associate myself with that and am claiming, as many Northern Virginians who think the rest of Virginia is insane, myself a member of the East. If you want to remove me it will have to be by force, and I fight mean.
I currently live in Georgia but if all goes as planned we will be moving to NoVA and it sure don’t feel like the South to me up there. My son and his family live in Alexandria and that place was wall-to-wall Kerry/Edwards signs and bumper stickers before the election. I was up there in late February and it looked like only half had been taken down.
I came to check out the East thread because that’s where I think NoVA belongs. So there’ll be two of us who personally don’t want to be thought of as living in the “South.”
Thanks to the Booman for getting me out of my own way and into this site – it looks great! Congratulations, and long may you ribbit! We need all the good voices we can get.
In 2004, a wetland protection bill passed in the state Assembly but failed to pass in the state Senate. Now, amazingly enough, the Governor has added a wetland protection provision to the current budget bill. The Assembly has indicated its support but apparently the Senate is about to drop the ball again and has not included similar language in its version of the bill.
The Riverkeeper organization has provided a page on its site where you can send a message directly to the Senate majority leader and your own state senator. Go, express your rage and disgust or the negative emotion of your choice. The link is here: http://ga1.org/campaign/wetlandprotections
ES3 is a brick and mortar solutions provider in the grocery industry. We are a company with a long and rich heritage that offers tangible results for manufacturers and grocery supermarkets in the distribution, operational and sequencing processes. ES3 is currently building the largest grocery warehouse facility in the world that will service a host of consumer products companies and supermarket retailers in a variety of regions across the continental United States.
ES3 is headquartered in the picturesque city of Keene, New Hampshire.
Interesting news for NH
I never heard of ES3 before- just hope its not preparation for a Nuc attack or other disaster-my cynical mind at work..
For those of you in the neighborhood, a brief public service announcement:
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) will be holding a forum on the future of Social Security. It’s open to the public, there will be no loyalty oaths or tee shirt inspections.
The event will be this evening, March 23, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the auditorium of East Haven High School (on Wheelbarrow Lane, off Rte. 80/Foxon Rd.), in East Haven, CT.
I’m not poster but want to acknowledge this site and the benefit of different topics to post under. I used to just browse dk for entertainment since my wife post enough for both of us.
Still have snow, two feet on the ground 🙁 Need golf bad.
“One gay student asked whether government had any business enacting and enforcing laws against consensual sodomy. Following Scalia’s answer, the student asked a follow-up: ‘Do you sodomize your wife?’ The audience was shocked, especially since Mrs. Scalia [Maureen] was in attendance. The justice replied that the question was unworthy of an answer.”
He claims consentual sodomy effects the interests of the public, and yet won’t deny practicing sodomy with his wife.
As I assume he participated in moot court at one point in his life, he should have been prepared for such a question-
The ideal response is to say “No”
The next best response is to note that Lawrence v. TX is good law, mooting the question.
Scalia’s answer can mean only two things-
That he does not subscribe to stare decisis as regards Lawrence (likely because he secretly beleives that the is some extraconstitutional authority for the Congress and Executive to agree with his prejudices) AND that he sodomizes his wife. It is the sort of answer traffic court judges give when you ask them if they ever speed when they drive.
Scalia was a judge at NY Law School’s Moot Court Competition several times. He’s probably lobbed a few of those rhetorical bombs at moot court participants himself.
If anyone is in the MD/DC area and wants to meet up, I’d like to do that. I live in Bowie and have limited transportation options, but I can get around okay on weekends. I haven’t lived in MD for very long and I would love a chance to sit down and discuss the options for 2006 and beyond. Anyone here from PG County? Montgomery? Anne Arundel?
(not my diary but goes with the above.) Consider writing an op-ed on SS for your local paper. Many local newspapers like to carry op-eds written by area residents. For tips on this, read this diary: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/21/18578/842
GWB is apparently bringing his road show to Rochester, New York Tuesday 24th-anyone going? Anything planned? I’d love some company in a simple turn your back moment or something similar.
This photo released by the Museum Victoria shows a 50,000-strong swarm of spider crabs mating on the seabed of Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay. Scientists are baffled by the size of the enormous gathering which is scaring away all other sealife from the area.(AFP/HO-MV/Julian Finn)
(not my diary but goes with the above.) Consider writing an op-ed on SS (or another topic) for your local paper. Many local newspapers like to carry op-eds written by area residents. For tips on this, read this diary: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/21/18578/842
Absolutely stunning on the Site meter as I view it from my Time frame: East coast wakes up with the meter above 9,000 pageviews!
The ratio page views vs. visits is high, an indication BooMan’s Tribune is being read and checked out. Welcome to all newbies, refugees, apprentice bloggers, domestic or foreign fighters for the good cause of democracy.
How is the weather?
Still lots of snow on the ground here in upstate NY, but it looks like a bright sunny day.
(And yes, I really just wanted to see what user number I got!) 🙂
It’s cold as hell. How’s Oakland?
Warm. Spring is in the air. 🙂
Hey, if you want to talk about the weather in Oakland, go to the West open thread!
5?! Wow.
I guess TUs or admins or front pagers or some class of superbeing gets to use 5’s. Makes me feel a little left out.
I feel kind of like I’ve gone to a foreign country here–stuff looks mostly similar, but there are enough differences that it seems… weird. But it’s familiar enough, and it certainly should not be a carbon copy of dKos.
That’s a relic. I changed the ratings from factory default back to a more familiar Kossackian format.
Kinda reminds me of ‘This Is Spinal Tap’. But the rating goes to ‘5’.
Keeping the 5’s would be a way of further differentiating things from dKos, but I imagine it would result in people being even more confused about what a 3 means…
Does the ability to give a 5 mean that Carl Nyberg would give 4’s then?
LOL! Shortly after I started posting at dKos he gave me a 4 – I almost fell off my chair when I saw it. And it hasn’t happened again.
in the East Open Thread…
Those of us in the West (Marin Co.) are feeling left out. ;^)
BTW it’s great to cruise the other regions just to see where everyone is from!
I usually think of hell as being warm.
Here in Rhode Island, it’s been 40ish lately. Last week was colder, though.
I’d love to hear some thoughts on how strategies such as setting up Shadow Gov’t (in the British sense of the term), virtual economies or other ‘parellel systems’ approaches could demonstrate Dem’s right to continue in the power/political conversations that will steer the ship of state, now that those convos are moving squarely off their traditional turf.
I personally think that we need to do for America what Hong Kong continues to do for China: provide an example of success via another system that runs both in parallel and in competition with the main economic system. Instead of reforming the American system (and it’s inherent costs), just build a better one in the basement, that will, like a glorious hermit crab, eventually cast off it’s out-grown home.
More on that another time..
Hey buddy.
I think you should write a diary on that and give it a snappy headline.
What do you think?
Do you LOVE the frog?
I love the froggie. Especially like his red tie. Details, details.
I think his name might be related to the WB frog?
mobile I am a mobile pengyou. I from HongKong china...
I like your thought, Anachronarchrist.
When I consider the confluence of
.The gutting of the US economy which now depends on the willingness of Asian central banks to buy our debt;
.The unsustainability of the US housing market bubble;
.Peak oil arriving and already introducing strains in our material economy (in the form of ballooning prices, but it will get worse than that);
.The determination of the national government to do nothing at best, or even exacerbate the developing resource/economic/political crises;
I believe that the US will crash in a major way–much worse than the Great Depression–in a few years. Well, actually I am a pessimist and think we have one year, but many folk in the blogsphere think we we could have up to five. Either way, survival will depend heavily on whatever organizing and planning we get done at a local level. Many of our “legitimate” political structures will be totally unable to cope and someone will have to show the way. Open or public shadow structures might be a way to do this.
Each of the different modes of collapse–or their synergistic combination–implies a different emphasis. Probably the most benign would be for the War for Oil to spin out of control and prematurely shut off oil supplies. This would create a physical crisis which might be the easiest for people to orient to.
In contrast, a collapse of the housing bubble or the financial system could lead to a lot of desperate, destitute people with no idea where to put their attention. The Great Depression was like that: There was plenty of food, but people were starving, because the mental reorganization needed to understand that it was the money system and the capitalist/”free market” economy itself that had failed was too much. It took three years to vaguely begin to understand that “markets” don’t work unless they are regulated deliberately to create benign results. We have unlearnt what we knew 70 years ago, so this is a bad prospect indeed.
I don’t want to get bogged down in scenerios–there are so many–but instead mention the need to revive ethics from our far past that value community as a way of finding the good life through sharing and working together to meet apparent human needs. The key new idea is that, quickly or slowly, we will have to become ecologically sustainable. This is a deeper level that would provide the moral underpinning while dealing with the wonkish business of thinking through policies and consequences.
I agree with you that we are circling the drain, but we should add that the wealthy have successful extricated themselves from much of these impending issues. In light of this, is it not legitimate to start construction of neo-nations who’s purpose is to protect it’s citizens when their ‘real’ gov’tments will obviously continue to fail them?
By aggregating our concerns we could make demands of the the marketplace that our gov’t refuses to, out their of mis-guided ideology and hidden self-protection and greed.
A digital environment, not unlike SCOOP (the b’trib’s core technology) could very well supply a rudimentary infrastructure for doing this. Imagine if all the polls we are taking actually translated in to real policies/law?
Don’t like the law? Start your own nation. A significant force would compel people to stay within a neo-nation, even when they disagree with some policies: the larger the populace, the more sway on the market the nation can employ.
True Democracy in constant, bloodless revolution would be an unstoppable form of gov’t.
Waddaya think?
Just wanted to say Hi!
and check my user ID number too of course :o)
hmm the formatting on this screen looks bad. maybe it’s intentional, but the blogads on the left hand column go up really high, while the content in the center and right columns is about half way down the page. bizarre.
Thanks for the invite over on Kos.
Hope you don’t mind, but I’m giving your tire a quick kick too.
Great site Booman! Congrats!
Thanks, I finally woke up.
Great site! I love the green.
I can come here when I want to hide the fact that I’m reading and posting from my husband. … That is, until he catches on. He’s even crankier about dKos that Maryscott’s husband.
The buzz is something big is coming that will doom DeLay.. Any word?
Slobber, Slobber.
I don’t know about anything big coming down the pike to hurt Delay, but did you know that he receives electroshock treatments?
from today at CBS News.com
Compare that to the AP story regarding Delay’s heart condition (I didn’t know that he had a heart), which does not mention electroshock treatment at all.
I get no credit for being so far in advance of this story that it gives new meaning to my screen name?
Wassup with that? I guess ratings are for flourish, not import.
Oh, and buy ADM and Cadiz. NOW. Unless you are afraid of surviving the coming crash..
I’m sorry but there were two news stories that nobody seems to remember or care about that seem essential to know much more about:
The airline industry Options activity the preceeded 9/11. Qui bono?
I’ll save the second for a later diary. But I want to know if anyone remembers if there was even an official line of explanation for the huge rise in options contract activity? Was there really a serious investigation?
I’m not sure it is even mentioned in the Commission’s report.
Anthrax is not mentioned either, IIRC.
Haven’t seen the connect between anthrax (an insider event to expose our own WMD programs) and 9/11. Would be interested. Rudi Dekker?
They have only now decided to re-open the Hamilton, NJ PO! It took this long to realize that it was just Trenton’s reputation that was causing all the skin rashes.
It has taken as long as 4 days for a letter from NYC to get to Princeton recently. That’s a 1 hour drive away.
I think the Anthrax thing was just a method to introduce further inefficiency into the East Coast (blue state) infrastructure to give the red state carpet baggers (not the red state general pop, fer sure) a fighting chance against their betters in the East.
East Coast liberal elites RULE (even with both hands tied behind their backs).
you WOULD say that.
Dude the Hamilton mail office WAS my mail sorting office at the time.
I was taking my mail outside and waving it in the wind…holding my breath when I read it…
Those fuckers.
And then people in Nebraska turned out to be the ones more concerned about terrorism than us NR corridor types.
What’s up with that?
It takes a certain mindset to be able to believe that a terrorist might pick a cornfield over the densest population/economic areas of our country. Part of it is obviously some kind of exaggerated self-importance :
“I have a personal relationship with God/My Fear/The Terrorists. Often, when I fell alone and insignificant, I speak with him/it/them and feel renewed in my understanding that I am important to Him/It/Them.”
My God/Fear/Terrorist is an Awesome God/Fear/Terrorist!
A murder of 3000 people and three-and-a-half years later there is no crime investigation! Rather stinks, no?
Almost from the outset it was plain that at best the Bush administration was guilty of criminal negligence. But as more information comes in, we see that it is worse than that. The way WTC 7 collapsed–I don’t mean that it collapsed, but the way it collapsed–rules out the possibility of a “terrorist” attack. Nine/11 was an inside job from A to Z, with somebody very high in the US govt co-ordinating the Air Force stand down, &c. Don’t know who, but surely we can guess.
And then we got the “PATRIOT” Act and the invasion of Iraq.
Cui bono indeed.
Is dKos down? Haven’t been able to get on there for a while. 1:14 PM PST.
I was wondering that also. Haven’t been able to get on the site for several hours. It’s 1:28 here in CA.
Has Abu Gonzales finally come for Markos and Armando?
You know I’ve become almost paranoid since bush took office especially this second time around. I used to be rather naive but now that’s the first thing I think of when any left leaning/democratic site goes down. And I hate that I’ve come to think that way.
I was on there about 3 p.m. EST but haven’t been able to since. Maybe the Cheers & Jeers thread finally got too long.
Crumbled under the weight of its own snark!
Terminal 4 distribution!
Those hawks in NYC are doin’ okay, now that they got their home back from those bastard developers.
Lola is preggers (with egg). Pale Male is the dad. Yesterday, Lola ate a pigeon for lunch. Pale Male was seen cruising near the Carlyle and, later, on Fifth Avenue.
Any particular reason that you can’t see who rated a comment if only one person rated it?
because we haven’t fixed that yet.
since you don’t get truly rated until two people rate you, it doesn’t display the first rating.
Once we figure out how to get around that, we’ll fix it.
My suggestion?
We should be like C & J around here for a little while. No one gets only one rating…
Here’s a link that will work in the meantime:
But apparently you can’t post since you can’t login. It’s a “read-only” site this morning.
You can login once you update your hosts file (PC user’s only). Here are the instructions:
Greetings from the great blue state of Pennsylvania. I just pulled into the BooMan site and I am liking what I’m seeing!
Nice job BooMan and thanks Glinda for the troubleshooting info re Kos. My paranoia level began to increase when I couldn’t get in today either.
You got that right! I was having actual heart palpitations yesterday when I realized it was a DNS problem. I thought my ISP was cracking down on my leftist activities.
and then, since I’m logged in from work, I started really getting paranoid about big brother boss shutting me down. Major sweats indeed.
how Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) plans to vote on the Kerry-Cantwell Amendment? I’m thinking of giving him a call, just in case.
I think so. According to this, he introduced it, so I don’t see why he would vote against it.
I live in Virginia – technically the south, and actually below the Mason Dixon line. However, 12 miles and 30 minutes of driving and I’m standing in front of the White House. I don’t have a Confederate flag and I’m not a Republican – but I’m technically in the South. I refuse to associate myself with that and am claiming, as many Northern Virginians who think the rest of Virginia is insane, myself a member of the East. If you want to remove me it will have to be by force, and I fight mean.
I currently live in Georgia but if all goes as planned we will be moving to NoVA and it sure don’t feel like the South to me up there. My son and his family live in Alexandria and that place was wall-to-wall Kerry/Edwards signs and bumper stickers before the election. I was up there in late February and it looked like only half had been taken down.
I came to check out the East thread because that’s where I think NoVA belongs. So there’ll be two of us who personally don’t want to be thought of as living in the “South.”
Just found this site, looking like a job well done Booman!
This regional dealie is sweet. Scooperific goodness.
I checked out your website. Lot of good material I hope you’ll share.
I’ll cross post here. Promise.
I’m here! 🙂
Thanks to Susan for pointing me in the right direction! The site looks great.
I love the idea of regional threads. Normally I feel like I’ve missed the party if I’ve gone to bed at a typical EST bedtime. Thanks, BooMan!
Sorry for the crass commercialism, but this stuff is comical – if hard to wear in public..
The Whole Store
You want snarky?!
Thanks to the Booman for getting me out of my own way and into this site – it looks great! Congratulations, and long may you ribbit! We need all the good voices we can get.
from dKos diary
The Riverkeeper organization has provided a page on its site where you can send a message directly to the Senate majority leader and your own state senator. Go, express your rage and disgust or the negative emotion of your choice. The link is here: http://ga1.org/campaign/wetlandprotections
Action Alert: New York Wetlands
by boran2 Please jump over, and let him know if you have responded, and recommend.
ES3 is a brick and mortar solutions provider in the grocery industry. We are a company with a long and rich heritage that offers tangible results for manufacturers and grocery supermarkets in the distribution, operational and sequencing processes. ES3 is currently building the largest grocery warehouse facility in the world that will service a host of consumer products companies and supermarket retailers in a variety of regions across the continental United States.
ES3 is headquartered in the picturesque city of Keene, New Hampshire.
Interesting news for NH
I never heard of ES3 before- just hope its not preparation for a Nuc attack or other disaster-my cynical mind at work..
For those of you in the neighborhood, a brief public service announcement:
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) will be holding a forum on the future of Social Security. It’s open to the public, there will be no loyalty oaths or tee shirt inspections.
The event will be this evening, March 23, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the auditorium of East Haven High School (on Wheelbarrow Lane, off Rte. 80/Foxon Rd.), in East Haven, CT.
I’m not poster but want to acknowledge this site and the benefit of different topics to post under. I used to just browse dk for entertainment since my wife post enough for both of us.
Still have snow, two feet on the ground 🙁 Need golf bad.
Former Conn. Governor Reports to Prison
I can’t wait until there is a similar headline for Tom Delay
One freakin’ word: Bo Dietl.
He freakin’ smell-itates to high heaven, yet persistimates to make-itating serious green for his brilliant use of the F-Bomb.
WTF? He has his own show!!
Besides the spelling, this is awesome..
NY Post:
He claims consentual sodomy effects the interests of the public, and yet won’t deny practicing sodomy with his wife.
As I assume he participated in moot court at one point in his life, he should have been prepared for such a question-
The ideal response is to say “No”
The next best response is to note that Lawrence v. TX is good law, mooting the question.
Scalia’s answer can mean only two things-
That he does not subscribe to stare decisis as regards Lawrence (likely because he secretly beleives that the is some extraconstitutional authority for the Congress and Executive to agree with his prejudices) AND that he sodomizes his wife. It is the sort of answer traffic court judges give when you ask them if they ever speed when they drive.
Great … good diary material (hint)
I like how Cicero misspelled that sexual perversion word so I don’t get a bunch of googling freaks showing up here.
Scalia was a judge at NY Law School’s Moot Court Competition several times. He’s probably lobbed a few of those rhetorical bombs at moot court participants himself.
The Yankees just scored 13 runs in the 2nd inning.
Boo Yankees!
(I live in NYC but was born a Kansas Citian AND figured I had to boo the Booman)
Newsie’s Entries:
Any east coast tribbers around? This thread is getting little use. who’s having a kegger this weekend?
Prove the Right right:
Get you Wowee for Zarkawi Coffee Mug here.
Send one to Rush (Limbaugh, not Holt) today.
If anyone is in the MD/DC area and wants to meet up, I’d like to do that. I live in Bowie and have limited transportation options, but I can get around okay on weekends. I haven’t lived in MD for very long and I would love a chance to sit down and discuss the options for 2006 and beyond. Anyone here from PG County? Montgomery? Anne Arundel?
Cocktails would be nice as well <g>
the pornography on CNN is too comical. Anyone who has never seen the Paula Zahn special on adultery should definitely tune in.
Newsie’s Entries:
needs some sigs on her petition to Chafee re:Bolton.
GWB is apparently bringing his road show to Rochester, New York Tuesday 24th-anyone going? Anything planned? I’d love some company in a simple turn your back moment or something similar.
Newsie’s Entries:
Absolutely stunning on the Site meter as I view it from my Time frame: East coast wakes up with the meter above 9,000 pageviews!
The ratio page views vs. visits is high, an indication BooMan’s Tribune is being read and checked out. Welcome to all newbies, refugees, apprentice bloggers, domestic or foreign fighters for the good cause of democracy.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
This is New Hampshire, just now chiming in…