Wow Booman talks to little old me ::snicker:: I’m honored.
I’m in Naples, Booman. I don’t know Rudi Dekkers and to be quite honest, I don’t pay much attention to anything that goes on around here. It’s all red state hell and I have little to say about it.
Know anything about Naples?
By the way, I’m originally from Delaware (the state, you know, where Biden-(D-MBNA) lives?)… I was quite surprised to see on your Kos “Booman Goes Live” diary that you did campaign work in the vicinities of both of my areas. Are you in PA?
I didn’t recognize the name. He’s in Venice I think. Didn’t Falwell have something to do with Huffman?
Philly, I miss the area, really I do. Everything here is so lame compared to up there (I’m stuck, can’t leave here). Are you old enough to remember (or are they still possibly broadcasting?) WYSP? WMMR? My FAVORITE Radio stations! I miss them soooooo much.
my older brother tuned the radio to WYSP and I didn’t move the dial for over a year. The big hit that summer was “I love Rock and Roll” by Joan Jett. Hah.
WMMR ultimately turned out to be better.
But now WXPN is the best (in the entire country).
No commercials. Beat THAT! And you can get it online!
Cool, and thanks or the tip, I’ll check it out. I need some music in my life anyway, listening to lazy commentary on CNN is getting awfully boring (and stressful), if we’re going down the tubes, I might as well do it singing my favorite classic rock oldies.
For some reason the picture of the man on the missle at the end of Dr. Strangelove just entered into my mind. Hmmmmm.
Should West Virginia be in the South or the East. My part of the state is more like a DC suburb so it’s sort of East. But we are south of the Mason-Dixon line and West Virginians do have the accent.
“March 19, 2005 marks the second anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. Perhaps no place in the United States has been affected to a greater degree by that war than Fayetteville, NC. The US government continues to deploy soldiers stationed at nearby Ft. Bragg to fight and die in a country that doesn’t threaten our security and probably never did. Many from the 82nd Airborne Division and the Army’s Special Forces Command realize that those who really support them are their families and their community. The appeal of the empty slogans and the yellow ribbon magnets of the right-wing pro-war zealots faded long ago. In 2005, real support for the troops means Bring Them Home Now!”
Still trying to keep up with things, and now I have another blog to participate in. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll learn something!
For those keeping score, Christine Jennings, who finished 2nd in the Democratic primary, is, thus far, the only announced candidate for the FL-13 seat. Katherine Harris hasn’t declared her intentions yet, but rumors persist she will leave the seat to run for the Senate. Eeek.
Hi Andy, I’m not too far from you. Nice to meet a neighbor. Welcome.
My husband actually works in Sarasota once a week (he does maintenance for all the Orion Banks in the area). Maybe I’ll get a chance to come up with him one day and we can do lunch or something.
On Easter weekend (more precisely March 26th, Saturday) the Florida folks from Smirking Chimp are gathering in Orlando for a meet-up. If you’re ever on Smirking Chimp you could join us if you like. Let me know as I’m the one making the reservations. We’re meeting outside in the parking lot between 2 and 3 p.m. for an afternoon at Lake Buena Vista Ale House. You’re invited if you want to join us.
Air America arrives here in Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday on AM 910. Al F. goes head-to-head with Sean Hannity in his hometown. I hope the AA team will come here to inaugurate. They were in Austin and Albuquerque this week.
We are about 90 minutes from Crawford. W (the Resident) is doing a presser now, and talking about being here to meet Fox and the Canadian premier there (Crawford) in the next few days.
Questions now. What a zip-head. 1st question: what about the Italians?
A: Countries are pulling out when the Iraqis can defend themselves. Our troops will come home when the Iraqis can defend themselves.
MY question: so, if it’s good enough for the Italians, how about OUR people?
-Rev. Brendolyn Jenkins, associate-pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Aiken, SC- whose nephew, Algernon Adams, was the first soldier from SC to perish in the War
-Harriet Johnson, mother of Darius T. Jennings, 22, killed in Iraq on November, 2, 2003
-Dot Scott, President of the Charleston branch of the NAACP
-Bret Bursey, Director of the SC Progressive Network
Real excited down here, maybe even hopeful for a change…
It’s always so hard. Are we South or West? Well, I see two Texans here and none over at West, so I guess I’ll be checking in here. This is open-source geographical determination, right?
I think Texas overall has much more in common with the South than with the western states…except of course West Texas… Guess we can check in at the West thread too.
This is my first time over here. I usually don’t have time to do this. In fact, I have to get back to work right now, but I really like knowing this regional open thread is here. I’ll be back!
Let him know we appreciate it. Not a resident? No problem. If you go to the beach anywhere on the east coast, let him know you appreciate not screwing up the coast!
The General Assembly must decide whether to sustain the Governor’s veto and kill the bill or reject the veto and pass the legislation once again
when they reconvene April 6th.
Please join us in urging our state legislators to sustain Governor Warner’s veto of legislation that opened the door to off shore drilling.
You can do so at:
Hanging my hat in Miami environs — rural part of the county — where for the first time since I’ve lived here (25 years) I’ve been running the A/C since late March.
Remember: There’s no such thing as global warming!
We’re, & other progressive sites regulars from the great state of Texas.
We’re here to drive Texas more progressive & to give to the general public all the great data that, atrios & other great progressive sites have.
About 170 or so of us (& growing) ready to make a difference!
One could argue that Texas is not a part of the “South.” Its size and general attitude suggests that it’s a region unto its own self. (Perhaps we’d all be better off if it were its own country.)
I saw your post and I checked out your site, and it gave me a new idea for my project, see:
and maybe you would like to join in on this project.
Anyway your site on Yahoo, gave me an idea that it would be a great thing to set up a group site for my project, similar to your linked site.
Welcome all Texans!!!!!
What’s going on? Well we are beating off Haley Barbour with switches, this in an email from Jackson:
Hood, Moore slam Barbour’s veto of Vulnerable Adults funding bill
Associated Press
JACKSON, Miss. – Attorney General Jim Hood and his predecessor, Mike Moore, teamed up Tuesday to criticize Gov. Haley Barbour’s veto of a bill to fund the Vulnerable Adults Unit.
The unit is one of two in the attorney general’s office that prosecutes crimes against the elderly. Barbour, in his veto last week, said the state Department of Human Services has a program to educate the public about elderly abuse.
“Establishing a new program within another agency of state government would be confusing to the general public and would cause unnecessary new administrative costs,” Republican Barbour wrote in his veto message.
Hood and Moore – both Democrats – said Barbour should know DHS doesn’t prosecute crimes.
“I suppose that’s one of the problems you encounter when you hire someone who parachutes out of Washington, D.C., to stay with us a while,” Hood said in a swipe at Barbour’s background as a Washington lobbyist.
During a separate news conference later, Barbour said Mississippi is facing a tight budget and needs to pay for the Crime Lab and more state troopers, not a public relations effort.
“When we’re faced with those kinds of decisions, I can’t let a bill go through that creates a duplicative, redundant, separate PR agency in the attorney general’s office,” Barbour said.
Moore on Tuesday said the attorney general’s office has a Medicaid Fraud Unit that prosecutes cases against people who abuse nursing home patients. The Vulnerable Adults Unit was created in 2000 at the request of Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck and Sen. Terry Burton of Newton to prosecute cases involving mistreatment of older people in homes or other private settings.
Tuck and Burton were Democrats in 2000. Since then, they have both become Republicans.
The Vulnerable Adults Unit had been funded by a grant from the Mississippi Leadership Council on Aging, but that money is no longer available, Hood said.
The vetoed bill would’ve added a 50-cent fee to every ticket for speeding, DUI and littering. It would’ve generated an estimated $288,450 a year for the Vulnerable Adults Unit.
The bill also would’ve added fees ranging from 50 cents to $15 to different types of tickets to help pay for hospital trauma units, home-based health services for the disabled and prosecution of delinquent child-support cases.
Moore said: “This is the dumbest, most ill-informed veto I have ever seen in my life.”
Barbour praised provisions of the bill that would’ve helped trauma units and home-based services for the disabled.
Overriding a governor’s veto would take a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate.
Tuck said she plans to talk to Barbour about the veto.
“Obviously, my concern is just to make sure we prosecute those who abuse our senior citizens,” she said.
Barbour and Hood both took office last year and have exchanged sharp words over issues such as Medicaid funding. The attorney general angered many on the governor’s staff by siding with health advocates who sued the state to block Medicaid cuts Barbour pushed through the Legislature in 2004.
I’m from Dallas, Texas, and this is my first post on Booman. I found it by accident today while doing some research and thought I had landed on Kos. I’m a relatively new poster on Kos, with the same user name. It’s great to see there are so many other Texans here who are trying to make changes on the Texas political landscape.
Debbie has been in the fight for education and Medicaid funding in Mississippi, tough place to be a Democrat!!!
Senator Debbie Dawkins son Hunter was hurt in a car crash,Hunter Dawkins, 22, son of state Sen. Debbie Dawkins, D-Pass Christian, was severely injured in a car crash in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.
Sen. Dawkins said from Washington Hospital Center that her son was in “critical but stable” condition on Monday, with skull fractures and pulmonary contusions.
Help Block Federal Funding Earmark for Destructive I-81 Project
$400 Million Likely to Come Out of Total Virginia Road Funds
Congress Could Mandate Truck Lanes for A Project Rejected By Shenandoah Valley Legislators
The STAR Project:
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and STAR, a group of road builders, are negotiating a massive expansion of I-81 under the state’s Public Private Transportation Act. STAR plans up to 12 lanes in Augusta County, 10 lanes in Rockingham and Frederick Counties and 8 lanes elsewhere in the Shenandoah Valley.
Most lanes will be dedicated to trucks. No lanes will separate cars. Everybody will pay tolls.
Ask Senator John Warner to block any federal funds in the highway bill for I-81 truck lanes. Call his office 202-224-2023, fax 202-224-6295 or email him using the “Take Action” button at the top of the email this week!!!
Just realized I never posted anything about DemFest on the South thread. (BooMan and I got into a little argument about where the info for this belongs – he was saying it belonged here and I was resisting because it’s a national conference, not a local event.)
Well, that’s neither here not there. Looks like a great conference and you “South” folks might be interested because you won’t have as far to travel as some.
So here’s the link to my diary about it, and here’s a diary by roses today. Both have info about DemFest – what it is, how to register. roses diary also includes info about finding a place to stay with Austin Kossacks.
And any of you Kossacks – breakfast with Markos and Jerome is on the schedule for the Sunday.
Checking in from Boone, NC with a comment to hopefully stir discussion.
I have just returned from a mini-vacation to what seemed to be Red-State Heaven… Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. What made that concentration of crass commercialism was the presence a mere five miles away of the relative antithesis of Gatlinburg. Anyone who has been there can probably relate to what I am saying. The bottom line is that when people proudly proclaim “The South will rise again”, they could likely be referring to the WalMartization of the country and its values. I shudder at the thought.
I am just up in Virginia, just over the pointy place in East Tennesse. Get to Boone once in a while. You at school there?
Guess you don’t recommend Pigeon Forge for Booman Meet-up?
I have lived hereabouts for 25 years, so no longer shudder at my surroundings, in fact keep grounded in the things that first made me want to live here. Like that the people were sort of stand-offish, though polite, until they watched you for a couple of years before deciding who and what you are. That is why, I think, I get away with being a tin foil hat librul who is still liked and respected by my red type neighbors. I watched them too, and learned how to make points without pissing them off. Course, most of the neighbors are farmers, and only go to PF oncet a summer for fun, but don’t want one next door.
At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for conversation, inspiration, and fabulous door prizes! Follow link in my sig for more details.
At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for conversation, inspiration, and fabulous door prizes! Follow link in my sig for more details.
Greetings BooTribbers of the South. I just came across this news article and thought I would pass it on. The Free Enterprise Fund is getting ready to run an ad campaign defending DeLay and attacking the media for the “feeding frenzy”. They are planning to spend more than $100,000 to defend the BugMan. Keep your eyes peeled, DeLay’s Texas district will probably be targeted to help raise up his anemic polling numbers
Ryan Devany, a member of staff at Butterfly World, near Edinburgh, Scotland, gets a close look at two new baby green Yemen Chameleons hatched in the last two weeks Thursday, May 26, 2005. The chameleons may reach up to two feet in length. (AP Photo/David Cheskin / PA)
Hey there Newsie, it’s blueohio from KOS. Great site, Booman. I’m in southern-most tip of Ohio. On a clear day, I can see Huntington, W.Va and Ashland, Ky.
Hello all- I’m currently in W. Kentucky, but have family in Wilmington, Asheville, and Boone, NC and South MS. Would love to attend a meetup with BTribs or DKossers in any of those places… I can only take so much of the very red W. Kentucky…
And, we’re always looking for excuses to go to Boone. 🙂 Ahhh, mountains.
BTW, I REALLY like the changes here – esp. spellcheck…
Greetings from the blue underground in red east TN.
You can tell us if you visit by looking for the few cars without W stickers and yellow ribbons (placed sideways so they also serve double-duty as “Jesus fish.”)
Unlike the neighbors, we also won’t ask what church you go to… …which reminds me of a story:
When we moved here one of the neighbors asked what church we were going to. Mrs. Dem-in-Knoxville told her the Unitarian church. “Unitarian!” the neighbor exclaimed, “They’re not even Christian! What kind of a church is that?” Mrs. D-i-K didn’t miss a beat: “It’s the kind of church for people that think what you believe is your own business!”
But that was seven years ago; we’re acculturating (I’m from Philly; she’s from Kansas City), but we’re not becoming part of the Borg! 🙂
JAX, better known as a suburb of South Okefenokee. Welcome from the heart of a state with a Liddy Biddy Senator. We live in the valley between South Carolina and Virginia.
Hello all Southerners from Facing South, a progressive Southern blog put together by the Institute for Southern Studies (a progressive non-profit center in Durham, NC)
As mentioned here, we’re looking for progressive Southern bloggers. Any tips welcome!
The good news is that a recent surveyusa poll showed that our governor, Haley Barbour-R (I call him “Hollow Bubba”) has a favorable rating of %37. The bad news is that we have to put up with him until 2007.
What’s up down south?
Really nice!
Cool site
I made it. Awesome site Booman.
So, where in the south are we all? I’m in SW Florida (one hour south of Sarasota).
welcome. I worked in Manatee and Sarasota on the election.
You are down there with Rudi Dekkers?
Wow Booman talks to little old me ::snicker:: I’m honored.
I’m in Naples, Booman. I don’t know Rudi Dekkers and to be quite honest, I don’t pay much attention to anything that goes on around here. It’s all red state hell and I have little to say about it.
Know anything about Naples?
By the way, I’m originally from Delaware (the state, you know, where Biden-(D-MBNA) lives?)… I was quite surprised to see on your Kos “Booman Goes Live” diary that you did campaign work in the vicinities of both of my areas. Are you in PA?
Oh, you ought to know about Rudi Dekkers, if for nothing else, so you can steer clear of him.
And I live in Philly. Something in the water makes us Blog.
I didn’t recognize the name. He’s in Venice I think. Didn’t Falwell have something to do with Huffman?
Philly, I miss the area, really I do. Everything here is so lame compared to up there (I’m stuck, can’t leave here). Are you old enough to remember (or are they still possibly broadcasting?) WYSP? WMMR? My FAVORITE Radio stations! I miss them soooooo much.
my older brother tuned the radio to WYSP and I didn’t move the dial for over a year. The big hit that summer was “I love Rock and Roll” by Joan Jett. Hah.
WMMR ultimately turned out to be better.
But now WXPN is the best (in the entire country).
No commercials. Beat THAT! And you can get it online!
Cool, and thanks or the tip, I’ll check it out. I need some music in my life anyway, listening to lazy commentary on CNN is getting awfully boring (and stressful), if we’re going down the tubes, I might as well do it singing my favorite classic rock oldies.
For some reason the picture of the man on the missle at the end of Dr. Strangelove just entered into my mind. Hmmmmm.
Broward County.
BTW this site is terrific!
This is real, real purty.
Thank you very much.
I’m sure I’ll get lots of comments on the colors. Improving on Kos was impossible. But I tried, and I’ll sift through all the feedback.
Should West Virginia be in the South or the East. My part of the state is more like a DC suburb so it’s sort of East. But we are south of the Mason-Dixon line and West Virginians do have the accent.
My rule is that you get to decide and other people have to respect your decision.
But if someone from WV thinks they live in the West, you can call them an idiot.
I used to live three miles south of a marker on the Mason-Dixon line and we still considered ourselves northerners LOL -(just saying).
You go where ever you wish Carnacki, I’m happy to have you here if you wish to be “south”.
There isn’t much going on in my part of the south tonight. Booman, this looks great!
I am not disappointed. You were right.
Birdies twittering here in Va. Got to go out and listen.
Anybody shizzolated any diaries yet?
Too cool. Shizzolated must be in spellcheck.
Peace Gathering scheduled for Fayetteville NC on the 19th
“March 19, 2005 marks the second anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. Perhaps no place in the United States has been affected to a greater degree by that war than Fayetteville, NC. The US government continues to deploy soldiers stationed at nearby Ft. Bragg to fight and die in a country that doesn’t threaten our security and probably never did. Many from the 82nd Airborne Division and the Army’s Special Forces Command realize that those who really support them are their families and their community. The appeal of the empty slogans and the yellow ribbon magnets of the right-wing pro-war zealots faded long ago. In 2005, real support for the troops means Bring Them Home Now!”
The West is kicking our asses. Look how many comments they have. Come on, people’s! What happened to Southern gabbiness.
stuff is supposed to happen once one of these threads reaches 250 comments.
Should I have a contest to see which one triggers the funkiness?
BooMan, you shouldn’t encourage our bad behavior.
Otherwise, people might race threads with unneeded comments to win.
What would be the prize?
Still trying to keep up with things, and now I have another blog to participate in. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll learn something!
For those keeping score, Christine Jennings, who finished 2nd in the Democratic primary, is, thus far, the only announced candidate for the FL-13 seat. Katherine Harris hasn’t declared her intentions yet, but rumors persist she will leave the seat to run for the Senate. Eeek.
Hi Andy, I’m not too far from you. Nice to meet a neighbor. Welcome.
My husband actually works in Sarasota once a week (he does maintenance for all the Orion Banks in the area). Maybe I’ll get a chance to come up with him one day and we can do lunch or something.
On Easter weekend (more precisely March 26th, Saturday) the Florida folks from Smirking Chimp are gathering in Orlando for a meet-up. If you’re ever on Smirking Chimp you could join us if you like. Let me know as I’m the one making the reservations. We’re meeting outside in the parking lot between 2 and 3 p.m. for an afternoon at Lake Buena Vista Ale House. You’re invited if you want to join us.
Take care.
Dallas here (Texas, NOT Pennsylvania!).
Air America arrives here in Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday on AM 910. Al F. goes head-to-head with Sean Hannity in his hometown. I hope the AA team will come here to inaugurate. They were in Austin and Albuquerque this week.
We are about 90 minutes from Crawford. W (the Resident) is doing a presser now, and talking about being here to meet Fox and the Canadian premier there (Crawford) in the next few days.
Questions now. What a zip-head. 1st question: what about the Italians?
A: Countries are pulling out when the Iraqis can defend themselves. Our troops will come home when the Iraqis can defend themselves.
MY question: so, if it’s good enough for the Italians, how about OUR people?
w00t!!! we’re getting AA in d/fw?!?!?!? AWESOME!
arlington, texas checking in.
booman – great job w/the new site. i’ll definitely be bookmarking & visiting often.
Another Texan checking in from Dallas 🙂
Just found this site and I think it’s great!
Just happened upon you’re site for the first time…really cool. And when I saw the East, South, West…
I thought…ahhahhhh! I can secede from the Union!!!
and I didn’t like that Galiel had to go out in a flaming ball like that…
Good luck on the site…I will definitely be stopping by on occasion. As I secretly plot the South’s secession…
We are holding a demonstration in the middle of downtown Charleston, SC on Saturday and Sunday…
Charleston Speaks
‘A Day for Peace in an Age of War’
19 March 2005
Charleston, SC
Marion Square Park
2 to 5 pm
-Rev. Brendolyn Jenkins, associate-pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Aiken, SC- whose nephew, Algernon Adams, was the first soldier from SC to perish in the War
-Harriet Johnson, mother of Darius T. Jennings, 22, killed in Iraq on November, 2, 2003
-Dot Scott, President of the Charleston branch of the NAACP
-Bret Bursey, Director of the SC Progressive Network
Real excited down here, maybe even hopeful for a change…
Darth Cheney will be in Charleston, SC tomorrow!
This is a great site and look forward to stopping by often.
Another Charlotte-area poster…good news!
I’m in Charlotte too, that’s where the 704 in my name comes from…
walked into the Dem precinct meeting…got elected chairman the first five minute… cause I spoke, I guess
I was wondering if NC was considered South, or East 🙂
I say South. Cause I’ve been there.
Raleigh is fairly liberal, but feels red sitting next to Durham and Chapel Hill… Hopefully we can follow our western neighbors to the LEFT in 2006!
Another Wake County here. I had no idea so many North Carolinians here. That IS good news.
It’s always so hard. Are we South or West? Well, I see two Texans here and none over at West, so I guess I’ll be checking in here. This is open-source geographical determination, right?
I haven’t looked at the “West” open thread, but if you Texans think you belong here, then so do I…
Very nice site, Booman! Dkos functionality without the stifling hordes. I saw your note at Moon of Alabama and finally had time to visit.
I’ve had a TON of traffic from Moon of Alabama today. I blame Jerome.
I think Texas overall has much more in common with the South than with the western states…except of course West Texas… Guess we can check in at the West thread too.
This is my first time over here. I usually don’t have time to do this. In fact, I have to get back to work right now, but I really like knowing this regional open thread is here. I’ll be back!
Hello fellow Southerners!
I love these regional threads, BooMan!
Although I am a native texan Raised in Corpus Christi,Texas.
The site looks and feels great.
Howard Dean, if you’re interested, we can give you some lessons… Might be worth a whole passel of votes…
Checking in somewhere south of that Manson-Nixon line! Yo…’sup. I mean…Howdy Pards!
Latest information on BP Amaco explosion in Texas City, Texas:
Investigators say information on blast is pouring in
OSHA accused of caving on penalties to get fixes made
To thank Gov Warner for veto of the offshore oil drilling bill. US PIRG has a quick edit and send letter here.
Let him know we appreciate it. Not a resident? No problem. If you go to the beach anywhere on the east coast, let him know you appreciate not screwing up the coast!
The General Assembly must decide whether to sustain the Governor’s veto and kill the bill or reject the veto and pass the legislation once again
when they reconvene April 6th.
Please join us in urging our state legislators to sustain Governor Warner’s veto of legislation that opened the door to off shore drilling.
You can do so at:
the Virginia Sierra Club site.
(log in at the bottom)
Fish, fisherman and eaters of fish thank you.
Hanging my hat in Miami environs — rural part of the county — where for the first time since I’ve lived here (25 years) I’ve been running the A/C since late March.
Remember: There’s no such thing as global warming!
Hi, I welcome anyone to join Texas KOS.
We’re, & other progressive sites regulars from the great state of Texas.
We’re here to drive Texas more progressive & to give to the general public all the great data that, atrios & other great progressive sites have.
About 170 or so of us (& growing) ready to make a difference!
we have a surprising amount of Texans here. Mostly from Austin, but from other areas as well.
One could argue that Texas is not a part of the “South.” Its size and general attitude suggests that it’s a region unto its own self. (Perhaps we’d all be better off if it were its own country.)
I saw your post and I checked out your site, and it gave me a new idea for my project, see:
and maybe you would like to join in on this project.
Anyway your site on Yahoo, gave me an idea that it would be a great thing to set up a group site for my project, similar to your linked site.
Welcome all Texans!!!!!
South MS here- Gulf Coast in fact.
What’s going on? Well we are beating off Haley Barbour with switches, this in an email from Jackson:
Hood, Moore slam Barbour’s veto of Vulnerable Adults funding bill
Associated Press
JACKSON, Miss. – Attorney General Jim Hood and his predecessor, Mike Moore, teamed up Tuesday to criticize Gov. Haley Barbour’s veto of a bill to fund the Vulnerable Adults Unit.
The unit is one of two in the attorney general’s office that prosecutes crimes against the elderly. Barbour, in his veto last week, said the state Department of Human Services has a program to educate the public about elderly abuse.
“Establishing a new program within another agency of state government would be confusing to the general public and would cause unnecessary new administrative costs,” Republican Barbour wrote in his veto message.
Hood and Moore – both Democrats – said Barbour should know DHS doesn’t prosecute crimes.
“I suppose that’s one of the problems you encounter when you hire someone who parachutes out of Washington, D.C., to stay with us a while,” Hood said in a swipe at Barbour’s background as a Washington lobbyist.
During a separate news conference later, Barbour said Mississippi is facing a tight budget and needs to pay for the Crime Lab and more state troopers, not a public relations effort.
“When we’re faced with those kinds of decisions, I can’t let a bill go through that creates a duplicative, redundant, separate PR agency in the attorney general’s office,” Barbour said.
Moore on Tuesday said the attorney general’s office has a Medicaid Fraud Unit that prosecutes cases against people who abuse nursing home patients. The Vulnerable Adults Unit was created in 2000 at the request of Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck and Sen. Terry Burton of Newton to prosecute cases involving mistreatment of older people in homes or other private settings.
Tuck and Burton were Democrats in 2000. Since then, they have both become Republicans.
The Vulnerable Adults Unit had been funded by a grant from the Mississippi Leadership Council on Aging, but that money is no longer available, Hood said.
The vetoed bill would’ve added a 50-cent fee to every ticket for speeding, DUI and littering. It would’ve generated an estimated $288,450 a year for the Vulnerable Adults Unit.
The bill also would’ve added fees ranging from 50 cents to $15 to different types of tickets to help pay for hospital trauma units, home-based health services for the disabled and prosecution of delinquent child-support cases.
Moore said: “This is the dumbest, most ill-informed veto I have ever seen in my life.”
Barbour praised provisions of the bill that would’ve helped trauma units and home-based services for the disabled.
Overriding a governor’s veto would take a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate.
Tuck said she plans to talk to Barbour about the veto.
“Obviously, my concern is just to make sure we prosecute those who abuse our senior citizens,” she said.
Barbour and Hood both took office last year and have exchanged sharp words over issues such as Medicaid funding. The attorney general angered many on the governor’s staff by siding with health advocates who sued the state to block Medicaid cuts Barbour pushed through the Legislature in 2004.
The bill is Senate Bill 2471.
I’m from Dallas, Texas, and this is my first post on Booman. I found it by accident today while doing some research and thought I had landed on Kos. I’m a relatively new poster on Kos, with the same user name. It’s great to see there are so many other Texans here who are trying to make changes on the Texas political landscape.
Hunter Dawkins hurt in crash
Please send Hunter a card, or flowers if you can.
Debbie has been in the fight for education and Medicaid funding in Mississippi, tough place to be a Democrat!!!
Senator Debbie Dawkins son Hunter was hurt in a car crash,Hunter Dawkins, 22, son of state Sen. Debbie Dawkins, D-Pass Christian, was severely injured in a car crash in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.
Sen. Dawkins said from Washington Hospital Center that her son was in “critical but stable” condition on Monday, with skull fractures and pulmonary contusions.
(crossposted at kos)
Hunter Dawkins
Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving Street, NW
Wing 4-G, Bed 30
Washington, DC 20010
Help Block Federal Funding Earmark for Destructive I-81 Project
$400 Million Likely to Come Out of Total Virginia Road Funds
Congress Could Mandate Truck Lanes for A Project Rejected By Shenandoah Valley Legislators
The STAR Project:
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and STAR, a group of road builders, are negotiating a massive expansion of I-81 under the state’s Public Private Transportation Act. STAR plans up to 12 lanes in Augusta County, 10 lanes in Rockingham and Frederick Counties and 8 lanes elsewhere in the Shenandoah Valley.
Most lanes will be dedicated to trucks. No lanes will separate cars. Everybody will pay tolls.
Ask Senator John Warner to block any federal funds in the highway bill for I-81 truck lanes. Call his office 202-224-2023, fax 202-224-6295 or email him using the “Take Action” button at the top of the email this week!!!
Read all about it, and help!
I finally made it over to spend some quality time here at your new site! Nice place ya got here!
Checking in from: Raleigh, North Carolina!
Just realized I never posted anything about DemFest on the South thread. (BooMan and I got into a little argument about where the info for this belongs – he was saying it belonged here and I was resisting because it’s a national conference, not a local event.)
Well, that’s neither here not there. Looks like a great conference and you “South” folks might be interested because you won’t have as far to travel as some.
So here’s the link to my diary about it, and here’s a diary by roses today. Both have info about DemFest – what it is, how to register. roses diary also includes info about finding a place to stay with Austin Kossacks.
And any of you Kossacks – breakfast with Markos and Jerome is on the schedule for the Sunday.
Checking in from Boone, NC with a comment to hopefully stir discussion.
I have just returned from a mini-vacation to what seemed to be Red-State Heaven… Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. What made that concentration of crass commercialism was the presence a mere five miles away of the relative antithesis of Gatlinburg. Anyone who has been there can probably relate to what I am saying. The bottom line is that when people proudly proclaim “The South will rise again”, they could likely be referring to the WalMartization of the country and its values. I shudder at the thought.
I am just up in Virginia, just over the pointy place in East Tennesse. Get to Boone once in a while. You at school there?
Guess you don’t recommend Pigeon Forge for Booman Meet-up?
I have lived hereabouts for 25 years, so no longer shudder at my surroundings, in fact keep grounded in the things that first made me want to live here. Like that the people were sort of stand-offish, though polite, until they watched you for a couple of years before deciding who and what you are. That is why, I think, I get away with being a tin foil hat librul who is still liked and respected by my red type neighbors. I watched them too, and learned how to make points without pissing them off. Course, most of the neighbors are farmers, and only go to PF oncet a summer for fun, but don’t want one next door.
At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for conversation, inspiration, and fabulous door prizes! Follow link in my sig for more details.
At least for three days in June, that is. Sign up for Demfest 2005, and join us Austin Kossacks for conversation, inspiration, and fabulous door prizes! Follow link in my sig for more details.
Greetings BooTribbers of the South. I just came across this news article and thought I would pass it on. The Free Enterprise Fund is getting ready to run an ad campaign defending DeLay and attacking the media for the “feeding frenzy”. They are planning to spend more than $100,000 to defend the BugMan. Keep your eyes peeled, DeLay’s Texas district will probably be targeted to help raise up his anemic polling numbers
Newsie’s Entries:
Hey there Newsie, it’s blueohio from KOS. Great site, Booman. I’m in southern-most tip of Ohio. On a clear day, I can see Huntington, W.Va and Ashland, Ky.
Hello all- I’m currently in W. Kentucky, but have family in Wilmington, Asheville, and Boone, NC and South MS. Would love to attend a meetup with BTribs or DKossers in any of those places… I can only take so much of the very red W. Kentucky…
And, we’re always looking for excuses to go to Boone. 🙂 Ahhh, mountains.
BTW, I REALLY like the changes here – esp. spellcheck…
Boone checking in here. We love to have folks visit 😉
Greetings from the blue underground in red east TN.
You can tell us if you visit by looking for the few cars without W stickers and yellow ribbons (placed sideways so they also serve double-duty as “Jesus fish.”)
Unlike the neighbors, we also won’t ask what church you go to… …which reminds me of a story:
When we moved here one of the neighbors asked what church we were going to. Mrs. Dem-in-Knoxville told her the Unitarian church. “Unitarian!” the neighbor exclaimed, “They’re not even Christian! What kind of a church is that?” Mrs. D-i-K didn’t miss a beat: “It’s the kind of church for people that think what you believe is your own business!”
But that was seven years ago; we’re acculturating (I’m from Philly; she’s from Kansas City), but we’re not becoming part of the Borg! 🙂
Hello all, from South Georgia. There’s a little Southern humor in that statement, but it’s pretty local (and damn it, not very funny anymore!).
JAX, better known as a suburb of South Okefenokee. Welcome from the heart of a state with a Liddy Biddy Senator. We live in the valley between South Carolina and Virginia.
Hello all Southerners from Facing South, a progressive Southern blog put together by the Institute for Southern Studies (a progressive non-profit center in Durham, NC)
As mentioned here, we’re looking for progressive Southern bloggers. Any tips welcome!
Can’t help you out with any southern bloggers, but I wanted to say that I read and enjoy your site. Thank you for your work on it.
The good news is that a recent surveyusa poll showed that our governor, Haley Barbour-R (I call him “Hollow Bubba”) has a favorable rating of %37. The bad news is that we have to put up with him until 2007.