Why does the Christian right hate America? They hate our freedoms. They don’t like women being treated as equals. And they try to justify their political views as biblical based.
A verion was posted originally at faithforward
from Jesus-Is-Savior.com
For quite a long time, women resisted the feminist call to play sports, since they just weren’t interested like men were. But this didn’t sit well with the feminists; they felt this was the fault of male oppression. In the name of “equality,” feminist leaders poked and prodded and pushed women to join the games, until women in droves finally succumbed to the pressure. (from Carnacki: those women, always succumbing to pressure in droves) I think this should give us strong reason to pause and consider the question, “Should women participate in sports?”Over the years I’ve noticed that Christian parents, as much as any parents, encourage their daughters to participate in sports. This is all the rage in our public schools, especially since the passage of Title IX by the feminists. Since most Christian parents send their children to the public schools, it doesn’t surprise many of us that Christians are influenced more by the secular school culture than by the culture of the Church. Worse, the Church itself is being more heavily influenced by the culture instead of the other way around. One of the trends in schools is the participation in sports by women; therefore it shouldn’t surprise us that so many Christian daughters today participate in sports. But is this really all that bad? For those of us who believe we should train our daughters according to Titus 2, 1 Peter 3, and other Biblical passages, my answer is “Yes, it is not good.” I propose that sports greatly hinders the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character. Parents today expend extraordinary amounts of time and energy taking their daughters from one sports event to another, week after week, even to the point where it exhausts the family and family resources. The fruits we see are that today’s Christian women are often ill-prepared to be Biblically obedient wives and mothers. This brings to mind a couple of questions: “Why do we spend so much time preparing our daughters to play sports?” and “What does it prepare them for in the future?” My answer is that sports prepare women to be more like men. Instead of spending all that time preparing our daughters as the Bible directs, we are training them to be like men so they can better compete with men in traditionally masculine roles – i.e., compete with them in the workforce, in politics, in the military, and in sports.
Recreational sports for women is okay with the author — as long as it is on an occasional basis. That’s funny. I missed the passage in the Bible that said, “Thou shalt not play competitive women’s basketball.”
The Bible talks about women developing a quiet and gentle spirit; I think sports fosters anything but that. They instead develop a competitive and contentious spirit that will cause them to have great difficulty in their marriages. I already mentioned that the effort expended on sports will hinder the development of wifely duties around the home; even worse is when a man has to compete against his own wife in the workplace and community.
We have a nation filled with weak men and disorderly women. Much of the disorderliness among women comes from feminist influences and activities like competitive sports. Weakened marriages and divorce are often the result. Most men I know admire a woman who is reasonably healthy and fit; they are also attracted to a woman who is somewhat “soft” and cuddly. This does not mean she should be delicate like tissue paper; no, a woman should be reasonably strong, and the normal duties of life will make her that way.
What do we know about the Christian right? They hate America for our freedoms; they see us as a land of “weak men and disorderly women”; women should stay in the home and not play competitive sports or compete with men in the community or workplace; women do not have the right to control their lives.
Do Christian fundamentalists realize how much their screeds sound like those from Osama bin Laden and the Taliban?
Hi Carnacki!!
Thanks for posting.
I hope the you aren’t thrown off by the fact that the site is being worked on at the moment.
Any first impressions or advice?
Not at all, BooMan. It’s great — like getting a behind the scenes tour of a theater production.
I am hoping that we can launch tonight.
Andy has to put a few finishing touches on things.
And we will be putting some indicator of how many comments are in the regional threads. Not sure if we’ll do that before launch or not.
By the way, isn’t Andy the balls? He’s done a GREAT job.
Put out a tip jar Carnacki!
P.S. are you far from Moyers?
Here’s a tip jar. I’m not sure where Moyers is.
Isn’t he in Texas these days? 🙂
Good post dude. You’re a stud. Who are these whackos?
I’ll try this again. Did my post end up anywhere or get lost? chocolate ink
ok I’ll try this again. I thought this could have been saterical but holy fucken christ I guess not.
This just makes my head want to explode but then I guess I’d be considered a ‘disorderly’ woman what with pieces of exploding head raining on everyone.
Yeah woman are playing sports in droves all right thats why womans sports are televised 24/7.
Garbage like this is hard to critique cause there’s just so much incredibly wrong with it.
I just love how the author sees women playing sports only because the feminists made them. As if women don’t like playing sports because it’s fun or because they don’t like competition.
oh yeah if us feminists could make All those woman play sports in droves then we would have also made them vote for Kerry, but gee it didn’t seem to work out that way….unfortunately.
Hey carnaki,
That was a great laugh! I had brothers growing up and ya gotta know I played football and soccer right along with them. Lettered in 4 sports in college and paid a lot of my college by teaching swimming. Makes this old lady jock just chuckle when I read this sort of crap. We Amazon’s from the Isle of Lesbos just love hearing how we are supposed to be obedient and submissive to the men. Just goes to show you, for every crazy bible thumping nutjob out there, there are a group of brainless twits that are willing to follow along. If they could read I think they would be astounded at what the bible really says. And if they could think, they would do some study and be really confounded.
there’s the conundrum, those ‘twits’ don’t. They just believe what people like Falwell, etc tell them the bible says along with quotes taken out of context.
And oddly enough when I came to the conclusion that the bible was just one more book, much of it full of crap I started reading it just to see what was really in it. I figured I should know what was in it if I was going to diss it.
I do seem to have missed the part in the sermon on the mount about the evils of women in sports.
What’s wrong with this picture?
. prodded and pushed women
. women in droves finally succumbed
. Christians are influenced more by the secular school culture
. Church itself is being more heavily influenced
.we should train our daughters
.feminine character
.hinder the development of wifely duties around the home
.obedient wives and mothers
.women developing a quiet and gentle spirit
.disorderly women
Oh, yeah, disorderly women. I’ll vote for that.
Otherwise, I can’t breathe just reading this.
Yes, that does justtake your breathe away doesn’t it. I know there are still people out there who believe this horrendous drivel but actually seeing it in print just me wonder sometimes just how far women have come.
Disorderely women indeed-think that should be a slogan for the next woman’s group that starts up anywhere.
Hmmm. The Order of Disorderly Women as an antidote to the Repressive Righteous.
I’m still reading Wilhelm Reich’s “The Mass Pyschology of Fascism.” He started his work in the 1930s, and I am amazed how applicable this is today. Sexual anxiety, authoritative father figure, suppression of women and inability to think and act in one’s best interests.
of Wilhelm Reich:
1)His book “Listen Little Man”
2)somewhere in one of books his makes this classic overstatement (paraphrased): “All neurosis is caused by potty-training.”
I never forgot that assertion.
Oh, and the orgasmo-boxes he was marketing were classic.
I used to be a big fan of his career.
Looking forward to reading more. I understand he was mentally ill later in his life.
What I do enjoy are his digressions, despite the awkwardness of translation from German, on various topics like why the repressed are drawn to degraded sex, and I think of all those righteous Republicans and their hypocrisy. It still may be a hook to thwart the Right’s bigotry towards gays and lesbians.
Picked up some info on Reich’s books and life on Amazon and other Web sites. Fascinating.
well there we go in a nutshell, right…religion as/is fascism.
the religious manipulated by the fascists.
As I understand Reich, the sexually repressed favor mysticism (religion) and thereby are easily manipulated by nation/state/party seeking control. The manipulation is in the representation of authority as strong father, as in a family (family values). In the process they are swayed by emotion, not reason, to vote for/support measures not in their best interests.
Sound familiar? I swear Karl Rove read this book.
not getting laid can really screw(no pun intended)you up. Not to make light of what you said but guess I might have to look that book up, sounds interesting.
love, not war.
For more about following authority, see susanhbu’s diary: Can unimaginable behavior become ordinary?
funny as I just posted comment on her great diary entry.