Markos thinks that Republicans and Muslim terrorists share a lot in common.
In fact, they are exactly what we see in the Republican Party as the GOP continues to consolidate power — creeping theocracy, moralizing, us versus them, embrace of torture, the need to constantly declare jihad on someone, hysterics over football-game nipples, control over “decency” on the airwaves, lyrics censorship, hostility to women freedoms, curtaling of civil liberties, and so on.
So it’s pretty obvious — we don’t love terrorists. We don’t want them to win. For them to win would be to realize our greatest fears. The muslim terrorist is truly the anti-liberal. Like matter and anti-matter.
What do you think?
You summed that up pretty succintly, so yes I agree completely.
The fundagelicals (whatever their political party might be) have an awful lot in common with the radical Islamists. Two flavors of fundamentalism, the only thing they really differ on is which set of scriptures to revere. But not all Republicans are fundagelicals.