Suggestions, changes, etc for the site: post ’em here in the comments and I’ll review them. Currently these are appearing in comments all over the site which is going to get out of hand quickly! Looking forward to ’em…
Scoop was set to EST but my server was set to PST, and I think that was resulting in incorrect times in both timezones (maybe this is a bug in Scoop — it should be doing time calculations based on GMT if possible). For now the default will have to be PST but if you change in your display prefs to EST it will show correctly. On your new server we can default the system to EST.
when posting a comment, can we make it so that the ensuing screen show the comments place within the thread, rather than having it jump back up to the top?
If it is a big hassle, we can put that off for a while.
That’s the problem, I can see who rated the other posts by clicking on the link, but not who rated my own posts. At least if there is only one rater. I bet there is a “rate private from the ratee” function that is default to on. Also, when I go look at a user’s page I don’t see a link to their ratings. This is a useful feature as it lets me piggyback my reading onto someone smarter than me.
I like the colors much better now. Also I think the warning rating is great. The kos ratings often confuse people. I keep stumbling on people who think marginal 2 means it was a decent comment. It’s not always newbies but ratings oddballs. But 2 warning makes it pretty clear what it means.
The spellcheck text feature got me. I clicked ‘post’ 3 times after spellchecking before I realized I had to uncheck spellcheck in order to post. Seems the “post” button should override spellcheck.
When the “spellcheck text” box is checked, pressing “post” causes a preview.
Now, I understand (will force “Preview”) matches that behavior. It does not explain that behavior. There is no indication that if that box is checked, post will revert to spellcheck. If anything, it implies the act of checking the box will trigger a preview with spellcheck.
Which isn’t so bad, since that’s really what a user would expect. In every other application, the widget labelled spellcheck text actually spellcheck’s the text.
Anyhow, suggested fixes:
Get rid of the “spellcheck text” line and checkbox. Replace them with a button alongside the [ preview ] button.
leave it as-is, but have the post button clear the checkbox (the preview button should not clear the checkbox). This way, clicking post will cause the spellcheck, but clicking it again will post.
change the text to “Spellcheck text (must uncheck to post)” or more verbose “Spellcheck text (Post acts as Preview when checked)
Generally, UI’s should be intuitive enough they don’t need text explanations, so I’d go for the first option.
Part of the misunderstanding, I believe, was that the misspelled words were not getting highlighted, so it does not look like spellcheck is doing anything other than preventing you from posting. That much has been fixed.
I do this for a living, too — but I didn’t write Scoop. Scoop has its fair share of crufty code and wacky form interfaces, but I don’t have nearly the time to fix all of them.
That said, the “spellcheck button” is a good idea.
Its never fun to muck in someone elses code. Especially if its nearly-infinitely configurable enough to be be close to what you want, but not all the way.
Hey Boo,
Great site you are setting up here.
I just followed the link from Kos and signed up – I’m ‘ask’ there as well.
When signing up, I did not notice any differentiation for “American” or not, does it kick in when posting a diary?
And the definition; is it by nationality or residence.
I am not an American, but reside in the US?
So, I was just changing my password in my preferences. When done, a page came up telling me ‘user updated’ – or something like that.
At the bottom of that page was a little box with a dropdown menu – to set country of recidence. At least, I think that’s the idea. However, I got no dropdown – it’s stuck on Afghanistan. I use Firefox.
I like the boxes @ the top, definitely closer to the mark than a [relatively unused] drop down box. OTOH, I keep thinking there must be a way to add a “lead-in” to the Recommendeds, even if it means putting them on a separate page.
That is, if you look at your lead here, it’s fairly short, and gets the information across. Most of the experienced diarists follow that principle – 5w’s and an h in the first two lines. My too sense.
[EXAMPLE: AlterNet’s new Peek “blog roundup”. Concept ok, but abstracts are too long.]
The one thing that is postively driving me nuts, and I am sure everyone else too, is the following:
When I post a comment, and then leave a diary, it shows that there is one NEW comment in that diary. But it’s not new. It’s the one I just posted. Very annoying.
When I leave an area it should calculate the comments then, not when I arrive there. Or something. Actually if I post it should just subtract one so that if other’s post at the same time, that does show up.
Could you fix the time too? Either make it PST, or EST, but it can’t show PST and say EST. Thanks. Since I live in EST, I would prefer that.
Scoop was set to EST but my server was set to PST, and I think that was resulting in incorrect times in both timezones (maybe this is a bug in Scoop — it should be doing time calculations based on GMT if possible). For now the default will have to be PST but if you change in your display prefs to EST it will show correctly. On your new server we can default the system to EST.
Yes! Oh yes! A site where I don’t have to figuire out the time here – then the time there – oh sigh, that thread ended an hour ago…
when posting a comment, can we make it so that the ensuing screen show the comments place within the thread, rather than having it jump back up to the top?
If it is a big hassle, we can put that off for a while.
one more test…
really just one more…
would be to show the comment you’re replying to above the edit box. dKos does that and I find I miss it.
you just have to scroll up.
Oh yeah, and what do you think about making the right column a teensy bit narrower and the center column a teensy bit wider?
That’s the problem, I can see who rated the other posts by clicking on the link, but not who rated my own posts. At least if there is only one rater. I bet there is a “rate private from the ratee” function that is default to on. Also, when I go look at a user’s page I don’t see a link to their ratings. This is a useful feature as it lets me piggyback my reading onto someone smarter than me.
Okay, now I see the view user ratings link. Should I be clearing my cache before checking out site features?
I like the colors much better now. Also I think the warning rating is great. The kos ratings often confuse people. I keep stumbling on people who think marginal 2 means it was a decent comment. It’s not always newbies but ratings oddballs. But 2 warning makes it pretty clear what it means.
I thought about naming ‘3’ ‘Nyberg’ but thought better of it. Heh.
These colors are really tough on the eyes. Maybe switch them? Green headbars and gray links?
It’s really difficult to look at.
Besides that- kudos on the site. 🙂
not sure why.
Hm, I havn’t done anything to the page layout yet.
Change the size of the comment box in Site Controls > Comments > default_textarea_(rows|cols).
20- I have it set at 15 and yet this.
just to complicate the matter… its also controlled via your user profile under Display Prefs, which overrides the default.
A couple of times now I’ve seen the number of new comments listing in the sidebar boxes go negative… has anyone else seen this?
Yeah, I deleted a lot of comments. Housecleaning.
user pages… check ’em out.
That look very good.
I’m not sure about the box color, but don’t worry about it now.
What’s the status on the regional open threads?
We don’t have to worry about the flip-over for a while yet. But what about some indicator of how many new comments are in there?
Yes I’m working on that indicator right now…
got it! w00t!
I removed the site password lockout; so its open to the public now.
Are we ready?
Yes I think we are ready.
here goes. One last point. At least on my screen, it is still a little wide. Right column is cut off.
I’ll make the right col. a bit narrower… I could do the same on the left, too.
The left col. is 200 pixels wide…. using that as a basis can you estimate by how much your screen is cut off?
All of my computers have huge screens, so its hard to tell where it might cut off on a smaller one…
It’s hard to say. I think I am getting about 125-133 pixels displayed on my monitor.
go to blogads and change the col. width to 150 pixels.
how is it now? I tried to scrunch things as much as I could…
Looks good to me, let’s see what other people have to say.
Sounds good. Kos definately can scrunch down a bit more. We have some complications due to the top menu, it won’t scrunch beyond a certain point…
The spellcheck text feature got me. I clicked ‘post’ 3 times after spellchecking before I realized I had to uncheck spellcheck in order to post. Seems the “post” button should override spellcheck.
Spellcheck forces a preview; you may want to disable “spellcheck posts by default” under Display Preferences.
Not exactly what I was saying.
As I types this, the following is on the screen:
When the “spellcheck text” box is checked, pressing “post” causes a preview.
Now, I understand (will force “Preview”) matches that behavior. It does not explain that behavior. There is no indication that if that box is checked, post will revert to spellcheck. If anything, it implies the act of checking the box will trigger a preview with spellcheck.
Which isn’t so bad, since that’s really what a user would expect. In every other application, the widget labelled spellcheck text actually spellcheck’s the text.
Anyhow, suggested fixes:
Generally, UI’s should be intuitive enough they don’t need text explanations, so I’d go for the first option.
But then, I only do this for a living.
Part of the misunderstanding, I believe, was that the misspelled words were not getting highlighted, so it does not look like spellcheck is doing anything other than preventing you from posting. That much has been fixed.
I do this for a living, too — but I didn’t write Scoop. Scoop has its fair share of crufty code and wacky form interfaces, but I don’t have nearly the time to fix all of them.
That said, the “spellcheck button” is a good idea.
Understood, and appreciated.
Its never fun to muck in someone elses code. Especially if its nearly-infinitely configurable enough to be be close to what you want, but not all the way.
How about a link to home page at the end of comments thread?
Good point.
Like the headers on the sidebar containers and up above where it says “replying to:” and “post comment”
How can I post an image in a comment?
doesnt like the src tag
Hey Boo,
Great site you are setting up here.
I just followed the link from Kos and signed up – I’m ‘ask’ there as well.
When signing up, I did not notice any differentiation for “American” or not, does it kick in when posting a diary?
And the definition; is it by nationality or residence.
I am not an American, but reside in the US?
Good questions. First of all, welcome.
The question applies to your primary place of residence. It is a pull-down bar in the User Preferences.
If you live in the US then put US.
But feel free to write about the World and spend time in the World open discussion forum.
I put an extra notice about this detail on the new user signup page… (Blocks > General > new_user_html)
So, I was just changing my password in my preferences. When done, a page came up telling me ‘user updated’ – or something like that.
At the bottom of that page was a little box with a dropdown menu – to set country of recidence. At least, I think that’s the idea. However, I got no dropdown – it’s stuck on Afghanistan. I use Firefox.
Thanks for the heads up.
We’ll look into it. However, you are still showing as a USA user, so don’t worry about that part of it.
Hmm, I looked at it with firefox but the dropdown appears to be working normally.
I like the boxes @ the top, definitely closer to the mark than a [relatively unused] drop down box. OTOH, I keep thinking there must be a way to add a “lead-in” to the Recommendeds, even if it means putting them on a separate page.
That is, if you look at your lead here, it’s fairly short, and gets the information across. Most of the experienced diarists follow that principle – 5w’s and an h in the first two lines. My too sense.
[EXAMPLE: AlterNet’s new Peek “blog roundup”. Concept ok, but abstracts are too long.]
that is a very good idea. I’ll look into that.
So much information, so little time. Anything that cuts a click is helpful.
[SIDETRIP: I’m still waiting for the 3-D interface from Jurassic Park].
the sidebar poll’s header is off because we changed the column width…I think.
Okay, Andy, the site is working great!
I am very pleased over all.
The one thing that is postively driving me nuts, and I am sure everyone else too, is the following:
When I post a comment, and then leave a diary, it shows that there is one NEW comment in that diary. But it’s not new. It’s the one I just posted. Very annoying.
When I leave an area it should calculate the comments then, not when I arrive there. Or something. Actually if I post it should just subtract one so that if other’s post at the same time, that does show up.
Yeah I noticed that, too. I think, if we can get it to go back to the new comment in the thread after you post it, that will take care of it nicely.