Well, maybe it IS time for me to move on… my HUSBAND just posted a diary on dKos…
I kid. I kid.
This is a test diary, really — I have lots to say but no time to organize my thoughts into words right now.
But I DO have GMAIL invites. Drop me a line and I’ll shove one your way.
Incidentally, I am supposed to be a front page contributor here, but HELL if I know how to do it.
I guess that will work itself out eventually.
I’m not good with change.
The visuals are freaking me out.
Waaaah. But so far, so good — I like the improvements.
So, email me.
Don’t make me CLICK things, for god’s sake.
sent sent π
Hi All & MSO…I made it…Can we Curse here..fuck..fuck..fuck…what is a gmail account?..I am an internet idiot..is my email address going to be for all to see here? Yikes. I had to pick Chamonix1, just plain Chamonix didn’t give me a password that worked. I am Happy to be here..
so if you prefer that original name, I’ll see about getting you a password.
And welcome to the site.
Whatever…I just got tired of trying to get in here and and am now Chamonix1…Just wanted folks that gave a Rats to know..Your Site Rocks Booman & so do you..Will I ever go back to Dkos??? Of course, but this place seems fun and you Got the Queen of Scots to come along and Play on your Front Page. Fuckin A.
see if you have the ability to publish stories.
I can give you the details over the phone or email.
Got it. I think.
I don’t want to waste the inaugural/cherry pop with a TEST thingy, but I’m seeing a whole bunch of admin stuff, so I’m thinking we’re a Go.
I’ll email you my other contact info, in case we need more coordination.
Nice to be here, babe. I like.
Yeah, you’ll need a few tips to navigate…get things where you want them to be…
Hey Maryscott, I sent you an e-mail regarding those gmail accounts. I shure would like one.
surely I meant to type sure instead of shure. Im sure of it.
And to those that may be reading this who’s name is shirley, I wasnt nescisarily directing my coment towards you.
This is fun, a new playground to explore.
to see what my UID number is and find out whether I could change the comment title line. Sorry to waste everyone’s time.
Does that mean I’m the first of the second hundred or the second? I’d prefer first, of course, and since there’s no zero in our UID math (are we waiting for the Mayans?) I think I am. Did the 21st century start on Jan. 1, 2000 or 2001?
The fact that this is the third millenium (starting with the 21st century, not with the 20th) tells you that the century started in 2001.
Funny – just read hubby on kos. Is this where we will find all the “good stuff”?
I don’t understand the gmail thing or I’d probably want one too.
Do you like the fact that you don’t HAVE to come up with a Subject Title?
and I’ll bet eventually you ditch it, although I’m not advocating that, it’s certainly not an annoyance and some might find it powerful.
But a “form” Subject Title, used consistently, would be no subject title, you could eliminate the subject title altogether and go straight to the body copy. I suspect also that a “form” subject title use equates to proportionately lower readership and therefore ratings, so I’d bet most people write their own subject titles after the newness wears off. The principal value of the “form” subject title at present, then, is provision of a means to rebel, opt out, be different.
I am going back and forth on it myself.
It eliminates the aeiou and asdf factor completely.
But it also can be somewhat misleading and distracting.
I will be looking for some consensus, or at least a plurality, on this issue as we go forward.
good luck with it
My initial gut reaction was that I don’t like it. But when I first joined dKos, I didn’t really like having to supply a title, and then I found out about asdf. But these days, I kind of use the title as a way of limiting frivolous posts–granted the environment here is different from dKos and in the early days, you probably want to maximize comment frequency.
Anyway, I applaud your choice of Scoop–I love the nesting comment system, and the lack of it at other blogs that I would normally frequent has kept me away. Best of luck to you, and see you around…
I just checked to see if I could change it, when first I posted, and since I could, I did.
Always wanted to say “Yay, Boo” anyway.
I like having to come up with titles for my comments. When the Re: thingy come sup, more often than not I just leave it there — whether it’s pertinent or not.
I think, aestheticaly, it messes up the visuals, too.
My vote: eliminate it.
I may ax it.
It was kind of funny how your title became a default theme, with every comment involving our Holy mother.
Holy mother of god, I think I died and ended up back in catholic school!
Wow – lotsa familiar names here… this should be fun. BTW, how much work in building a Scoop site? I think it’s far and away the best blog platform – mostly because of its community building properties.
If you could see the inner workings of Scoop it would make your head spin.
Believe it or not, both Kos and I have about 90% of the options turned OFF.
But deciding what to do and how to do it is a bitch.
And then there is design and all the other shit.
I’ve been tinkering with Scoop for quite a while now, getting my site up together. It’s a really well written piece of software, and very extensible.
I’ve been debating whether or not to keep in place one of its default behaviors (which I notice almost everyone turns off), which is to let anyone post a message that can be put on the Front Page — the only caveat being that some percentage of the rest of the users of the site have to approve the message before it gets posted.
I’m still trying to figure out how to do Recommended Diaries, though — that seems to be a Kos special that only the elect have access to. π
but…Holy Mother of God…that’s a bit much
for your new front-page status:
Oh Maryscott, oh Maryscott,
Possesses a temper that’s hotter than hot.
Yes, she’ll damn you to hell
But she argues so well
That you figure she’s more right than not.
Oh Maryscott, oh Maryscott,
What is it that you have that I haven’t got?
It’s not just bein’ profane
Or in some way humane
It’s your talent for hitting the spot.
Oh Maryscott, oh Maryscott,
Your anger inspires, and so does your tot;
You belong on front page
With your smarts and your rage
But what sets you apart from the lot?
It isn’t just fighting
Or even good writing
I’ve read some good writers
Who just left me bored
And “fighters,” I’ve found
In the end leave you Gored.
But still when I see
Maryscott on a thread
I click to it first
To enlargen my head
I do it at once;
Not at all do I tarry,
It’s hard to explain;
There’s just something ’bout Mary.
Best wishes to one and all on your new venture!
That is a really, really great poem.
And I’m not just saying that because it’s about ME.
(Though I could live without the “Mary” thing at the end. Mary being… not my name. But never mind the nitpick — I’ve got a thing about my name…)
i’ve always been fond of the phrase holy mother of fuck as spoken by neil armstrong. it says it all really.
This is a test comment. Wow we get green now, very cool
Wow…have to think about whether the auto-subject is cool or not…could be kind of repetitive after a bit…
Looking good, Boo!
…here in New Mexico, so I’ve got some time to squander here today. Been working up a storm and have not had time to keep up at dKos for the last month. Where I stay during the week has no internet access.
Maryscott, you just acquired a whole new dimension of reality here in blogtopia, with your hubby’s entry into the fray. He sounds like a good man, and I’m glad you’ve got him.
I have absolutely nothing germane to say, but I’m inspired to join you all over here. It’s still snowing tonight, so it looks like I’ll get to check in tomorrow. Maybe I’ll tell you about the tower I’m building.
What’s the URL to your husband’s diary?
This reminds me somehow of Charlie Rose last night.. he interviewed john Patrick Shanley, the playwright who wrote “Doubt,” about a Catholic priest, nun/principal, etc.
in the body of her diary. Up above.
Congratulations of your first Front Pager here.