Here is a new suggestion box. The site is almost a day old and we have established a few things.
One: a lot of people do not like the default comment titles. If anyone likes ’em, speak up now.
Two: people are freaking out about the spellcheck feature. For now, you cannot post in comments or a diary until you uncheck the spellcheck button.
You can turn off the default spellcheck button in Display Preferences.
If you want to use spellcheck, just remember to uncheck the box before hitting post.
Three: we have to fix the New message lights so they don’t count our own posts as new.
Hmmm. Anything else?
No, sorry. Different universe. All I have are a few layout suggestions, because it otherwise seems pretty sweet to me.
The top menu bar is a little crowded, and could be neatened up a little if you simply make the text and boxes somewhat smaller (particularly for the top row, I think). Or is that just my ridiculously long username?
And, to be really nitpicky, I don’t think your orange/brown title bars work very well with the other colors. I’d go for a lighter shade, or even a completely different color.
I think we are going to cut the names up top after 15 letters. It might be annoying to you to see your name cut off, but it will solve the problem you describe.
What do you think?
so it works for me.
Agree as to not liking default subject. Do especially like the geographic boxes, good idea. I also think Mr. Frog looks a bit like needs something under him like a bit of color or lily pad?
As I am pretty computer illiterate I am also wondering if it is just me doing something wrong when clicking on to see who rated any comment of mine and nothing shows up unless it is over 1 rating?
Boo, can we update or edit diaries? If not, and it’s not a hugh coding issue, could that be added?
If so, I’m a dodo in need of help on how to do that.
you should be able to. HELLO? Can people edit their diaries?
If not, we’ll fix it so you can.
How about putting the West box on the left and the East box over to the right?
How about adding the ability to edit our comments? Or does scoop not allow that? Other blog/board software allows comment editing, usually with a “stamp” added on the bottom when a comment is edited so readers know it has been edited and when.
Nitpicky, I know. Looking good, looking good.
I am neutral on the suggestion box, and I’ll bet a lot of people are bitching cause it’s different from D-Kos. But hey, how come there are two recommended diary lists? I don’t like that. And it’s not cause it’s different than Kos, it’s cause I’m too stupid too understand why that it is. And I think that’s it, except for, congrats BooMan on your new blog! I like the feel of it already.
when we have more submitted diaries.
You are registered as living in the good old USA. That means no matter how good your diary is, it will never appear in the World Recommended Box.
Only people from outside the USA qualify for that space. That way we always have foreign content, for those of us that are interested in travel, exotic places, foreign affairs, used to live abroad, or do live abroad.
That’s the idea.
I love the World Box idea. For anyone who can’t do any traveling except with our minds/what we read, this is a great place to specifically check out what people in other parts of the world are thinking or doing.
oh yeah and now that someone has mentioned that the West box should be on the left my idiosyncrasies of having everything in their exact and proper place means that now this is making me nuts.
my idiosyncracies involve reading from right to left. And we settled the east before we settled the west. Maybe that will make it better for you.
did I say right to left. Slaps head!
You know what I mean.
whoops! i meant to say i am neutral on the default subject heading. and now that i understand what the two different recommend categories are for, i think i like it. but i’m not sure.
More question than suggestion: I can’t see who has rated my comment when only one rating exists, but can when two have rated it.
get to this. We know about it.
It relates to the fact that your mojo isn’t recalculated until after the second rating.
We just gotta tinker with the code.
The Site Rocks….I have noticed something. It looks like when a “World” Poster puts up a diary, it seems with just that one diary it can end up on all three lists. if they post 2 or 3 diaries..that means we see 9 diaries by this person or people. I am sure you are seeing this. As the site continues to gain popularity I would hate to see diaries slipping off lists quickly if the problem isn’t solved. sides that…Awesome job and so happy you are getting the kudos and top quality people we have all come to respect over at dkos.
is that we only have 18 foreign users right now and only 4 of them have posted diaries.
Now, I intentionally left it so that foreign posters could make both lists. I want them on equal footing regarding the top spots. But I want to encourage more people to read about foreign affairs and issues.
It’s why I am so happy to have SusanHu posting here.
When we attract more world diarists it should become competitive to get on that list.
And I can tinker with the exact mojo requirements as I get a better feel for the community.