Up above you see East, South, Midwest, West, and World boxes.
Click on them.
They are Open Discussions.
Decide what part of the country/world you live in, and post away. Meet people from your area and marry them.
If you live abroad, use the World thread to talk about how strange Americans are.
And if you don’t want to limit your comment to just the Midwesterners, you can treat the World thread as a kind of all-purpose open thread.
and I came here the first night got my UID π
have been racking my brain thinking of frog names π
and thought the booman’s diary on kos announcing the boomantribune was f*ckin hilarious π
Since about 1pm EST I have not been able to get to the kos, ping the server, or even do a lookup or traceroute
Anybody else?
Me too. Ran some errands and can’t get on. It seems to be down at 11:20 am Pacific.
When I go there it now works but I get… “Daily Kos will be back up soon. We’re having a software upgrade gone awry.”
some for what its worth π
Atrios thread has some comments about dKos having DNS problems. What the eff does that mean?
Apparently something cataclysmic has happened, having to do with root servers or some such. I think it’s more than just looking under the hood and saying, “Hmmmm.”
This way around it was posted. I did it, and it worked:
Update [2005-3-15 19:14:35 by biscobosco]: If you run windows, you can create a record in your hosts file which will keep the kos dns entry alive if they dont fix this soon:
1) click start -> run and paste this in box:
notepad C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts
You should see a few lines of comments
2) paste this line at the end: http://www.dailykos.com
you boldly venture out of your box and subsequently meet and try to marry someone from another box – only to find that they serve their tea unsweetened or some such nonsense? Scary.
to guess you are in the southern box?
Booman sir…
Leaning toward any resolution on our frog to be named later…?
and then we’ll vote as a community.
I will accept answer the community provides except Kermit. It will NOT be Kermit.
I’m claiming comfort in the Midwest box. But I’ve heard about these clashes of teas and one can never be too prepared.
STOP… Your coded “I think I can bionk a republican and still feel good about myself in the morning!”
fear and loathing at the tribune -:(
is how my eyes are constantly attracted to the new comments in the regional threads every time I refresh.
I can’t compete with Kos, but I like that feature about this site a lot.
Now, if only we could get some ‘World’ diaries.
but is there any way to get a link back to the home page at the bottom of the comments threads, so I don’t have to scroll all the way back to the top? (Yeah, I know the keyboard shortcuts, but I get lazy…)
just emailed me about this. Yes, we’ll get to it.
Please put all helpful suggestions in the New Suggestion Box diary where my programmer looks for such things.
And please recommend that diary so I don’t have to create another one when it scrolls off the screen.
I encourage all of you to help me improve the site and make it more user-friendly. It’s already a lot better than it was yesterday.
Glad I found you – first from your diary on dKos and then referral from C&J Cafe group.
I like the diary and have you bookmarked…
New – from the West – North of San Francisco