I have a real problem people. The Default Title Poll is tied.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
And Akaka and Specter HAD voted for ANWR.
well, maybe it’s something you can just get used to, but FWIW, i voted for “are annoying and confusing”.
just my $.02
now that i think about it, i think the default title of every comment should be farting fish fingered. really. that would rule.
“Holy Mother of God”, but hey…
As my Sainted GGrandmother would say…”Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!”
OR….as Maryscott would say…”Motherfuck”
or… …”holy mother of fingered fish farting”.
is not resolving anything.
There’s a diary about this place over at Dkos. Just checked it out. Word is gettin out. Coolman
Either have Subject box empty automatically when clicked if it has not been changed yet or have the default titles fill in automatically if the user tries to submit and the Subject box is blank. It seems to me that this avoids the annoyance of having to delete the default Subject as well as the annoyance of having to type a title if you don’t have anything interesting to put there. I think both of these solutions should be pretty easy with JavaScript, as well.
This is just a test to see whether I can post without any title at all (I almost stupidly put that in the title).
I originally tried to post that without any title. It brought me to the preview screen and said I had to enter a title. I didn’t notice that it had restored the default, so it actually went through when I pressed “Post” again.
a little Wonkettish. Don’tcha tink?
I never read Wonkette.
BooManish..i went there once on election night, very quickly..someone at Dkos wrote about it so I checked it out…she seems a little like the Liz Smith of Politics. Hey…what are we called? We Booman people? The Booman Group?
“All members of this site are welcome to consider themselves Boo Men, Boo Women, Boo People, Boomers, El Boomerinos (if you’re not into the whole brevity thing), Boomsters, Boominators, or whatever else you can come up with…”
And I might mention BooTribbers.
But I really don’t care.
Tolliver: “And don’t the kid in all of us look forward to the new arrival. I still tingle at the bottom of my balls. Who could be coming? President Hayes? Maybe it’s jugglers, or face-painters.”
best lines, Deadwood
i actually just referred to regular readers of this site as “boomanese” in a diary found here. it was the first thing that popped in my head…
anyone remember the old song the ‘Name Game’? Thats kinda what all these different names got me thinking about for some reason….Booman bow booman boonanafana bo booman or something like that..and yeah I’m rambling I know.
As for what to call ourselves, well ha ha ha, you could do another poll! That ought to make you wanna tear your hair out I bet.
And I still vote to get rid of default line. And I didn’t cuss once in this post goddamit.
“The Bootiful people”, but then I’m a raging egotist.