When I turned on my television this afternoon, CNN was presenting wall to wall coverage of the steroids in baseball hearings. Yawn. I’m not a baseball fan and overpaid jocks do nothing for me, but I love watching political theatre, so I confess to watching the hearings for a while. I don’t particularly want to discuss the steroids in baseball issue here. What I do want to focus on is one man’s well-covered chastisement of the MSM.
My favourite highlight was brought to my TV screen courtesy of Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
I’m Canadian and there are many US representatives I’m not familiar with. Bernie Sanders is one that I’ve never paid attention to. Well, he caught my attention today.
When he began to speak at the hearings, he first made a point to lecture the numerous media people there. A man after my own heart.
You can watch or listen to Rep. Sanders in action here, on C-SPAN. Just click on the “House Hearing on Steroid Use in Major League Baseball – Part 3 (03/17/2005)” and fast forward to approximately 2:47:46 on the recording.
This morning, I was on a TV show, as I’m sure many members of this committee were, and I was asked by the interviewer whether I thought this committee was grandstanding, whether in fact, we were using the fame of these outstanding athletes to get our names in the paper and so forth and I said I didn’t think so because I thought this was a hugely important issue impacting millions of young people. And, that’s what I believe. But, I do want to say that I am overwhelmed by the kind of media attention that this has gotten.
I have counted dozens of TV cameras and I think some of the American people wonder, is this all we do, because this is what they see on television. So, I want to say to our media friends, that when some of us talk about the collapse of our health care system and millions of people not having any health insurance, come and join us. And we talk about the United States having the highest rate of childhood poverty in the industrialized world at a time when the rich are growing richer, come on down. Now, maybe we may have to bring great baseball players to help us talk about childhood poverty, I don’t know. I would hope not. I would hope we could have some of the great experts and I would hope you would come. But, to the American people, some of us are dealing with other issues as well.
You can visit Rep. Bernie Sanders web site and send him thanks as I have done. As I said, this congressman is new to me, but I see from the issues he writes about on his web site that he champions some causes that are vitally important to this liberal. I’ll be watching his moves from now on.
Thank you, Congressman Sanders, for using that well-publicized platform to remind the media about the truly important matters of the day. And, if you’re now accused of grandstanding for what you’ve done, so be it. We could use more such grandstanding in the future.
(cross-posted to Daily Kos…)
What part of Canada are you from?
Bernie is our only elected socialist. And he is always humorous to watch.
However, I am worried about you. If I ever start watching Canadian parliamentary hearings I want you people to do an intervention 😉
Calgary, Alberta. If you want to have some real fun watching our system, check out Question Period on CPAC daily. Despite the lack of food fights, it’s quite entertaining!
Bernie is a good guy.
And everyone throws the word socialist in, alongside whenever he is discussed….
The fact is, Vermont, and New England, in general, may have these political acceptances because of the climate.
In a harsh environment, you either work together, or you don’t survive.
Maybe that is why we find the most developed welfare states in northern Europe + Canada?
Bernie Sanders is my favorite Congressman. He was mayor of Burlington when I was in college in Vermont in the late ’80s, and was even more outspoken as a real “socialist.” I saw part of this quote in the paper, but thanks for putting up the whole thing. I wrote elsewhere here about how objectionable I found the whole baseball hearing yesterday, which I saw as blatant grandstanding on the part of the members of Congress involved. But Bernie puts it into better perspective.
As I said, Sanders is new to me and since I posted this diary here and at Daily Kos, I’ve heard nothing but good things about him. That’s great.
I always enjoy hearing about a good guy that is someone who can help us out when needed. They are so few and far between. GO “Roots”
Bernie Sanders is a very good model for progressive politicians. He has been extremely successful, and wins by huge margins, by using populist and progressive methods to great effect. An article by Micah Sifry of Public Campaign (a public-interest group focusing on campaign-finance reform)puts it best:
He goes on to explain that:
A progressive– even a Socialist!– can win in places like Orleans county, Vermont, and even in Red States (yes, I really believe this) by adopting an unapologetic populist stance and by running against the entrenched power structure. Not by running to the middle, or by talking more about God. Bernie Sanders, BTW, is Jewish. Not many Jews living in Orleans County. Doesn’t matter to them.
I think the time is ripe for truly progressive politicians in some areas, although “conventional wisdom” says not. Bernie is one example (I first became aware of him through the film “OutFoxed” actually) but also I think the overreaching hubris of the current group in power is finally beginning to sink in.
Maybe enough politicians who are progressive, or at least will stand on real principles and values, will find their ways to the polls in the next few elections. I think most everyone is tired of voting against the ‘other guy/gal’. Would be nice to vote actually for someone (even if one doesn’t agree with them on all points).
This guy seems awesome. On his “Contact Bernie” page, he tells Vermonters who need immediate assistance to call his toll free number right away, not wait on an e-mail! If he’s a socialist, maybe we need more of them. Great catch.
His newsletter is called “Bernie Buzz”. How cute is that? 🙂
Bernie rocks- plain and simple