(Cross posted with Daily Kos)
I just received a “Thank You” letter for my donation in regards to the South Asia Tsunami Relief and other Unmet Needs. MSF aka “Doctors Without Borders” is an amazing organization, they are often the first relief org. to arrive at the scene of an emergency and the last to leave. They go into the most remote and dangerous parts of the world. They also speak out against human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law that it’s teams witness while providing medical relief.
MSF was founded in 1971 by a small group of FRENCH Doctors, today more than 2,500 doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, and logisticians from 45 nations volunteer each year. They work in all most 80 countries.
Anyone who donated to this amazing organization or who still wishes to donate should know what they are up to now, along with the South Asia Tsunami releif.
Supporting the Ugandan health system: They run a 350-bed therapeutic feeding center and a supplementary feeding program, as well as four clinics and two mobile clinics. In Gulu district, they run a night shelter for the nearly 4,000 children seeking a safe place to sleep each night.
Treating TB patients in Georgia:
At Gulripsh hospital in the separatist republic of Abkhazia, their staff provides care and Meds for nearly 240 people suffering from TB, including about 20 patients living with multi-drug resistant TB.
Combating HIV/AIDS with Antiretroviral-ARV
They currently are providing ARV’s to more than 23,000 patients living with HIV/AIDS in 27 countries and that number continues to grow each month. They continue to fight for improving access to quality medicines and removing obstacles to the use of generic medicines.
Anyone interesting in making donations & learning more about this amazing organization please check out WWW.doctorswithoutborders.org You could become a field partner and help with a donation for as little as $7.50 a month, that’s only .25 cents a day or just make a one time donation. Disasters, Epidemics, and Wars often occur without warning. Sometimes it’s best if you can spare some change to help out before the next disaster strikes.
“We are by nature an organization unable to tolerate indifference; and we believe that it is both possible and necessary to take action” -Rony Brauman,M.D. Co-Founder MSF
“We volunteer because we are needed-it’s that simple. Doctors and bandages don’t stop wars and epidemics. But saving lives and speaking out is our job.” -Peter Orr, Volunteer
Maybe this is a good place to keep a list of our favorite Charities and Organizations and the difference they make in the world..Feel free..go ahead…what are your favorites?
Thanks man…you are the best!
I’m so glad you posted this story.
Favorite charities: One is Humane Society International, the international arm of Humane Society of the United States. HSI did a remarkable job following the tsunami and concentrates on supporting local groups around the world.
with a bit of a kick from you…and some help from the Booman I figured it out. Thanks
So glad you found this to cross post. And the ‘awful’ French strike again, eh, founding this organization, those dirty bastards.
I did just rent again the Angelina Jolie movie, “Beyond Borders” and am going to watch it again tonight.
As for charities, well I’m kinda at a disadvantage as my sister helps me out(my disbility check is rather minescule)..if not for her wouldn’t have this computer and she also has to pay the monthly internet charge. thank god.
She donates money to Native American projects such as sending so much money to buy wood burning stoves on reservations. If any group of people in this country need help that would be it. Don’t have a link off hand.
no prob…I hope you are able to find it and let us know about it. I did some work with Native Tribes all over the US a couple of years ago…Loved just about everyone I met..From CT. to Long Island to Oklahoma, Texas, Calif and Florida. I also met with a group up in Canada. It was for the Entertainment industry and they were the kindest people I have ever met. I was given many things that I cherish today.
For anyone with a very limited income this is a great way to feel like you can help contribute-make a difference to many causes. Your click will donate to these organizations due to all their corporate sponsers.
I go to the Hungarsite every day. I believe there are at least 6 there. One they’ve added is Literacy-Books for Kids. After the tsumani the click for hungar counted as a double click for a month to help even more.
Another site is Care2.com. This site has 9 categories ranging from the Rainforest, Violence Against Women(sponsered by Amnesty International), Children’s International, Oceans, Big Cats and so on. You can only click once a day.
I have not found name of organization(two actually my sister donates to for Native Americans) but will let you know. With the statics now of one out of five american children living in poverty(and I don’t believe this even included Native American children)something has to be done right here.
You are Rich with knowledge. That is the smartest idea. Love it…really love it.
or I’d know how to make a link to those sites. Pretty computer illiterate. Those sites are great because if you log on they tallies up every day what you’ve clicked/saved..for instance I’ve saved so many acres of rainforest so far or helped to feed so many animals in animal shelter. Or what people collectively every day have done. Makes it more personal and you feel even more like your accomplishing something.
When I see 4/5 thousand clicks every day and think of how many millions of people are on the computer every it makes me wish I knew of some way to get that many people clicking every day..drive the sponsers crazy. (although I suspect that is tax write off for all of them)
Here are some links if you’re interested:
The Hunger Site
The Rainforest Site
The Child Health Site
OOPS! Something wrong here!!!!
Trying to insert a link the usual way
< a href=www.thehungersite.com >The Hunger Site< /a >
doesn’t work! It ends up referring to someplace within this (BooManTribune) site. That’s a no no!
My bad! I forgot an essential part of linking to outside sites. The link should be as follows:
< a href=http://www.thehungersite.com >The Hunger Site< /a >
The Hunger Site
Hey there, thanks for posting link. I think it would be great if more people were aware of those sites and did this every day. Especially as it is of no cost to anyone. Thats the first thing I do on the computer everyday before I go to any other sites…do all my clicking. Thanks again.
The Soutwest Indian Foundation has online site, http://www.southwestindian.com. This is for southwest Indians but more specifically the Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Apache and the Laguna and Acoma tribes in the 4 states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. The main goal is to lessen poverty and promote education.
Since 1998(and with the help of the military) they have managed to build over 60 houses, among many other accomplishments with the help of donations.
One of the items my sister purchased was a video called “Black Indians: An American Story”, a very forgotten part of history of the cultural fusion of African Americans and Native Americans.
The online site is southwestindian.com. This site is mainly for the Zuni, Hopi, Navajo, Laguna and Acoma tribes. Which cover Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.
Since 1998 I believe they have been able to build over 60 houses with help from donations(and grants). They provide many other services also. The main goal is the lessening of poverty and promoting education.
One of the best items my sister purchased for me(from their catalog) was a video called “Black Indians, An American Story”. Great history in the fusion of Native Americans and African Americans-a unique ancestory. That this part of our history has been forgotten is truly an incredible shame.
Kinda funny also since I just mentioned this for charitable donations that she got new spring catalog in the mail today.
I will check into these sites..also please thank your sister…is she gonna come visit us here at BooTrib? The black Indian story sounds so interesting. It was so funny, when I was on the Reservations with the tribes and their leaders…I kept referring to them as “Native Americans”, finally the tribe leader said…”It’s OK…You can call us Indians, we don’t need this PC BS” Loved him.
I see I have a double entry here-thought I’d lost post and redid it…I really am pretty computer illiterate. I will tell my sister. She’s one of those people who does not discuss her charitable giving, I’m lucky I do happen to know about it. I probably wouldn’t know about it except for the fact that she brings over the catalog when she recieves it…making me ask why she was getting it in the mail.
Yes, that video was incredibly interesting-enlightening. Every time I learn something like this it makes me realize again how bloody awful our education system is especially regarding our history.
I really suck with Computer skills..I am trying to learn how to link a article or story. MSO has given me a couple of tips but one really has to know computer speak to even understand…If someone was here, with me at the computer talking me through it..I would get it in a second. but Trying to read and decode their instructions make my brain hurt. I do hope your sister signs up…tell her we want her voice here, and to at least get an id while they are still under 500. My number over a Dkos is so high I feel I am ignored some of the time. Although people like KO, MB, MSO and others have been very kind over the past 5 months there. At least Boo has the spell check over here..that is a big help for me. It doesn’t change the letters, just tells you which ones appear to be spelled wrong. I may go back over to kos to check up on the Schievo nightmare that Delay et al are putting this country through. Our rights are being taken away even as I type this response.
on the computer thing..if someone was here to show me I’d get it right away but trying to read or decipher computer stuff sometimes just makes my head hurt also.
This Schaivo deal is godawful and considering we are in the second year anniversary in Iraq I wondered today if that is why this emphasis has been played out so strongly today on Terry Schavio..to make public forget about Iraq(and Afghanistan).
I am trying to get my sister to sign up here. However she’ll probably just lurk and read. Too bad as I believe she has great insights into many issues and has much better writing skills than I have, in my opinion.
My daughter hated “Beyond Borders.” Let me know what you think. (She is otherwise a huge fan of Jolie and especially her humanitarian work.)
Wouldn’t say it’s the greatest movie but does make you think a bit about what is going on in the rest of the world and what some people are doing to remedy so many wrongs. I’ve always liked Jolie but with her humanitarian work now I have much respect for her. Especially when you hear that she has spent over 5 million of her own money to help..and she pays her own way for all her trips also.
Did you happen to see my diary about Jolie? It is over at Kos
I didn’t. I’ll go check it out.
You always do such terrific writing. I had wondered what was happening with Rachel Corrie story and family…
I happened by accident to catch Jolie on C-Span the other night. If only bush were so intelligent/informed and caring.
Been watching Jolie’s career for many years and saw when she first got interested in humanitarian work. Seems she has now also learned how to fly and bought a small airplane so she didn’t have to depend on people to fly her in/out of places in many of these countries that are hard to get to.
Thanks 🙂 I’d originally written a line about Jolie — “Her transition from Billy Bob’s blood donor to humanitarian…..” But I axed it.
Rachel 🙁 People are being so nasty about her on Kos. I just do not understand. Krag wrote another diary about Rachel today and he was very upset. We exchanged e-mails. I hope he comes over here to visit and write.
My daughter and I caught that CSPAN cov. of Jolie at the National Press Club too. She was very honest, and very diplomatic. Oh well. Back to discussions about the TOPIC that matters: Steroid use in professional baseball.
Yes, I read all the comments posted under Rachel Corrie post and was surprised. Silly me, I just assumed most people thought she was murdered. That was my conclusion after articles I’d read. Guess I was reading the wrong articles, huh.
I think the Billy Bob line is funny…actually I had thought them doing that was kinda interesting. Also one reason I liked her to start with was because she wasn’t so called normal, but seemed to be doing things her own way. I personally never did see what was so outrageous about her to start with but then maybe people would think I’m not normal for thinking that..who cares.
Truly. Who cares. You’re fabulous just as you are. Back to my diary writin’ … so glad you’re here and speaking up. You have much to say.
P.S. My daughter is excited about this movie coming out later this year: “Emma’s War” — Nicole Kidman stars as the titular hero of Debora Scroggins’ book about a British aid worker in the Sudan who marries a warlord bent on controlling part of the country.
I like Médecines Sans Frontières, but there is another one I like very much too. They give help to self-help and have some very smart, environmentally healthy projects.
The Biovision site is awesome. I loved reading about the “Mully Children Family/Home Orphanage” in Nairobi. The beekeeping workshop and teaching them to build modern hives. How inspiring that the kids want to grow up to become Beekeepers and Doctors to boot. This is what I wanted this Diary to become..A sharing experience
They’re the organization we gave to after the tsunami. They’re wonderful about emailing information.
One of my favorites..So happy to see you here. Yup…they are great and they do follow up with email and hard mail. All my best to you, the Mrs. and the adorable kids. I look forward to hours of great conversations & reading all your diaries over here too.
That’s very nice of you. I always enjoy reading your posts too.
For this ecofanatic and horsewoman, the discovery of Jason Rutledge and his HHFF was a joyful one. He actually made me re-evaluate my deep and bitter hatred of logging. Gave me new eyes to see through.
Here is a man who puts not only his money, but the whole of his life where his mouth is, every day.
He has just produced an incredible DVD which documents the first 10 years of the foundation’s work.
But don’t just take my word. See what others have to say. Google Healing Harvest Forest Foundation
I will check it out…