Or why the religious right creeps me out.
Rudolf Diels, first chief of the Gestapo, about Hitler in Frank Rector’s “The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals”
-Dr. James Dobson, “Eleven Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage”, May 2004
–A Quote from Jerry Falwell’s National Liberty Journal, April 1999
–Coretta Scott King, March, 2004
This is a hard diary for me to write. Hard but necessary. Some of my Christian brothers and sisters are using our religion to cover their prejudices with the patina of belief. They rejoice in their acceptance by society, and the stamp of approval they receive by being such good Christian that they could even love a gay person…if only they’d just stop being gay.
I can’t tell you why they do this. I can only tell you it’s wrong.
How do I know it’s wrong? Because I’m a student of history, and specifically the history leading up to and during the Second World War in Germany.
It amazes me still that the same week of the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings called for PBS to ban showing an episode of a children’s program that showed lesbian parents of a little girl, because “many parents would not want children exposed to such lifestyles”. I remember calling Ms. Spellings up in Washington, D.C., and almost breaking into tears talking to the nice, young woman on the other end of the phone who was fielding calls for the secretary.
“Is Ms. Spellings aware of the fact that gays were also targeted by the Nazis and killed in concentration camps?” I asked. The sympathetic young woman said that she didn’t know, but she would pass on my concerns to the Secretary.
Maybe she doesn’t know. Maybe, like Minnesota state Rep. Arlon Linder, she just chooses not to believe it:
“I was a child during World War II, and I’ve read a lot about World War II,” he said. “It’s just been recently that anyone’s come out with this idea that homosexuals were persecuted to this extent. There’s been a lot of rewriting of history.”
Holocaust revisionism always makes me ill, because it usually hides the prejudices that the person doing the revisionism just doesn’t want to deal with. The revisionism that states that gays were not targeted by the Nazis is especially dangerous, because in a way Rep. Linder is right: it has been relatively recent – starting mainly in the 1970’s – that gay men who were targeted by the Nazis felt comfortable coming forward.
What Rep. Linder does not understand is that this is not “rewriting of history”. As Warren Johansson and William A. Percy write in their scholarly paper, “Homosexuals in Nazi Germany”:
…A decision of 10 May 1957 of the West German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) in Karlsruhe injured the homosexual victims of the Nazis even more. It held that the altered version of Article 175 of the German Penal Code, as amended by the Nazi regime in 1935 to make the definition of male homosexual acts more comprehensive and the penalty more severe, was constitutional because it “did not interfere with the free development of the personality” and it “contained nothing specifically National Socialist.” Further, it asserted the primary justification of the law to be that homosexual acts “unquestionably offended the moral feelings of the German people.” The court even recommended that the maximum penalty for the offense without further qualification be doubled-from 5 to 10 years.3 This maximum was higher than the sentences actually served after the war by some concentration camp commanders and guards. No one protested the ruling, least of all the psychiatrists who then rarely missed an opportunity to assert that “homosexuality is a serious disease” and even implied from time to time that ostracism and punishment were not inappropriate forms of therapy.4
Examining the persecution of gays in the Holocaust is not “rewriting history”. It is discovering it. And those who attempt to revise or ignore this history may want to do some soul searching and be brutally honest with themselves why the fact that the Nazis – the undisputed “evil doers” of all time – oppressed gays using the same rationale that is being used today to deny basic civil rights and the opportunity to marry to homosexuals.
What were these justifications for the imprisonment, forced castration and murder of gays in Nazi Germany? It seems to have been a combination of fear of homosexuality – specifically among men – as being a cancer to the nation, that left unfettered would expand and eventually decay the body politic from within, literally like a cancer. This fear of homosexuality was combined by the Nazi desire to increase Aryan birthrate, and they viewed gay men as specifically standing in the way of this goal:
I would like to develop a couple of ideas for you on the question of homosexuality. There are those homosexuals who take the view: what I do is my business, a purely private matter. However, all things which take place in the sexual sphere are not the private affair of the individual, but signify the life and death of the nation, signify world power or ‘swissification.’ The people which has many children has the candidature for world power and world domination. A people of good race which has too few children has a one-way ticket to the grave, for insignificance in fifty or a hundred years, for burial in two hundred and fifty years….
Therefore we must be absolutely clear that if we continue to have this burden in Germany, without being able to fight it, then that is the end of Germany, and the end of the Germanic world….
–Heinrich Himmler, on the “Question of Homosexuality”, February 1937
It’s also hard to calculate exactly how many gays perished under the revised Paragraph 175 of the German Criminal Code, overseen by the Gestapo under the Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion: Special Office (II S). The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum gives the following statistics:
The number of 5,000-15,000 is only an approximate, as it takes into consideration only those camps on German soil. Johansson and Percy state:
Many scholars believe the death rate in the concentration camps for homosexuals was particularly high, estimated at 60%. Again, from Johansson and Percy:
It is also important to note that these numbers do not include gay men who committed suicide rather than be imprisoned.
One of the most heartbreaking stories of gay oppression during the Holocaust comes from survivor, Friedrich-Paul von Groszheim. This is his testimony:
1940-44: Because of the nature of my operation, I was rejected as “physically unfit” when I came up for military service in 1940. In 1943 I was arrested again, this time for being a monarchist, a supporter of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II. The Nazis imprisoned me as a political prisoner in an annex of the Neuengamme concentration camp at Lübeck.
This awful chapter of human history is too lengthy to record in one diary, and I suggest that folks check out all of the links I’ve provided above, in addition to this page, which links to more online material. The life of a homosexual in these camps included rape, molestation, brutal beatings and there is one testimony of death by a dog attack.
It is vitally important that this little-told history reaches the ears of as many people as possible, especially in these days of some forces in our government wishing to use homosexuals as scapegoats and political pawns.
Never again.
An upbeat epilogue to this diary: Arlon Linder is no longer a state representative in Minnesota.
Cross posted at faith forward.
Great diary. This type of persecution must never happen again, but I can understand why gays are so frightened by what is occurring in this country.
GrannyHelen is here. All is right with the world.
Great to see you here!!
A persons individual right to believe in a reason for this life, and a faith in the next, is to be vehemently protected.
Organized religion on the other hand has for most of history, walked hand in hand with political power, and its control of individuals lives.
The current “leadership” understands this.
Whether it be Gay, Jewish, or Gypsy, the weakest have always been used, as fodder.
as a religious person, not only do I see your point but I think the linkage between religion and political power has been one of its biggest corrupting influences.
Yet 1 more reason why the religious right creeps me out.
really well done, and a lot of stuff I never knew. Thanks.
Allentownboy who wrote the diary, I think they want to kill me posted his thanks to you in your diary elsewhere.
Thought you’d like to know.
I’ll go check it out…
Excellent diary – just excellent.
I hesitated to click on to your diary as I figured from the title I would end up becoming royally pissed off….and sure enough I was. Just seeing Dobson’s name turns me into foaming at the mouth idiot usually.
Excellent diary, great links. Diaries like this are important to keep a subject like this on people’s minds and to inform. The more informed we are, the better we are able to reach people. One by one if that’s what it takes.
Why is persecuting gays wrong? Thats simple. Disgusting predjudice and bigotry are always wrong. Period. Having it masquerade as religious ‘belief’ makes it doubly freaken evil. No amount of gussieing it up as some tentent of religion can make it anything than what it is, wrong, evil and vile.
We are all human, we all bleed red blood so why people want to define others by the aspects of color, nationality, sex orientation, gender and put them into boxes of good/bad/better/worse simply based on this defies my understanding.
It’s my belief that folks like Dobson actually don’t understand how much their views on gays coincide with the Nazis. I think if they did have a better understanding of this history, it might be a cause for some self-reflection…
I don’t think people like Dobson do self-reflection, it might clash with their rigid mindset.
You’re right about people like Dobson having so many ideologies really that align with Nazi ideas/behavior. And how completely ignorant(intentionally or not) they are of the true history of the whole Nazi regime/propaganda.
This goes along with their framing the abortion issue. They continue to try and equate people who are pro-choice as equal to Nazi baby killers. When in fact abortion under Hitler was a criminal offense-at least for ‘Aryan’ women.
I don’t believe we will reach leaders like Dobson or Falwell but have to hope we can get through to moderate people who may have not really thought through their ideas(wrong ideas) on gay people.
Someone recently remarked to me that they just didn’t know how to talk to ‘gay’ people. Like being gay is some sort of alien being with completely different hopes/dreams and fears instead of that person being just like them. Makes my dam head ache with jaw droppingly stupid statements like that.
researching it right now. Gloria Steinem actually has a great response to this:
Entire Steinem article is here: http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/speakout/steinem.html
Gloria Steinem was my hero when I was younger(well still is) and have all of her books. I love her writing.
i am reminded by your really great diary of the following 2 somewhat oft-shown, famous photos from the early nazi era in germany:
usually, when identified, these photos are thought to be taken during what is been named “Kristallnacht,” the name given to the 2 night-anti-Jew pogrom executed by the nazis in germany, november 9 and 10, 1938. “the night of broken/shattered glass” draws the name from the sheer volume of broken glass from jewish businesses and synagogues / temples / schools and residences left in the streets the following mornings.
“Kristallnacht” marks truly the start of the Holocaust in design / terminology / propaganda that was either in place, in planning, or in practice by the nazis to deal with the jews in germany. originally, the nazi plan/actual response to these 2 nights of nazi-encouraged, nazi-directed, nazi-sponsored looting, killing, destroying and terrorizing was to blame the jews. and so they did. 30,000 jews were summoned and sent off the the concentration camps on the heels of “Kristallnacht.”
however, “Kristallnacht” was in november 1938. the two photos above are from 1933, may 1938. what is pictured in the photos — these book-burnings in berlin 1933 — are scenes from the nazi destruction of dr. magnus hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science. hirschfeld was perhaps the most famous of pre-WW2 researchers/pioneers for lesbian/gay rights. his Institute for Sexual Science was a pioneering center trying to understand homosexuality, study it and to promote tolerance and acceptance of what hirschfeld once dubbed “the third sex.”
while 1934 usually marks the date when the nazi purge of homosexuals began in full force (after the “night of the long knives,” were hitler had rohm, who was gay, murdered because hitler (incorrectly) feared rohm — the leader of the SA — was plotting an overthrow against him, it was one year earlier. however, it was after this internal coup that the anti-homosexual fervor of the nazis was unbridled. with rohm’s murder, himmler assumes control over the SA, birthing the power of the SS and signaling hitler’s absolute control over the nazi paty, in just one year since its taking of power in germany (in 1933).
however, the previous year, in 1933, the nazis destroyed hirschfeld’s institute (as seen in the two photos above) and with the institute went countless priceless books and artifacts and art and writings regarding homosexuality that were one-of-a-kind treasures never to be recovered. hirschfeld’s institute and the subsequent images were victims of the nazis and their bloodlust for power at the expense of whole communities and ideologies. having only just take power that same year (1933), the homosexual “element” came under attack by the nazis.
hirschfeld fled germany following the destruction of his institute and died in france two years later, in 1935.
in a great many respects, grannyhelen, your choice of examples of contemporary fear-mongering, homophobic evangelists could not have been more perfect in parallel to your choice of the nazi spokesmen.
sometimes i feel very afraid when i hear these men. not because i think they will be allowed to execute any kind of cultural pogrom on my community, but more because the example from germany tells me that there is often no resistance to such brutality.
if we can not hold the line and connect the dots, how can we protect each other?
What’s funny is that Hirschfeld felt that homosexuality was innate and could not be “cured”, which was the cornerstone of his argument about tolerance toward gays. Some Nazi eugenicists shared this belief, and felt that gays would just “breed themselves out of existance”.
What’s strange about Dobson is that he fervently rejects ANY argument that gayness may be biological. That’s pretty much the cornerstone of his homophobia.
As for me, I don’t think tolerance should be tied to the origins of how someone came to be gay. I think when God instructed us to love each other, he meant warts and all.
What a lot of Christians object to is “the gay lifestyle”. What is bizarre is that they are also not in favor of gay marriage. All Christian demonimations I’m aware of hold that marriage is a curb of sexual lust – for Lutheran’s it’s the top reason to get married.
So, if one objects to the “gay lifestyle” shouldn’t one be in FAVOR of gay marriage?
Dobson has basically the most homophic response to this argument I’ve ever seen, and it’s the one I’ve cited above.
I think it is mean and cruel to withhold from another human being the love, understanding and support that marriage brings. I believe this is especially true when speaking of gay marriage, as I’ve seen from friends how lonely it can be at times to be gay in this culture.
Just my random thoughts right now…
for the life of me, i can not figure out what in the world is meant by that phrase “the gay lifestyle.” i know that it is code, and have learned over my 41 years on this planet that “gay lifestyle” is meant to say, without ever saying it, things like: “promiscuous, dirty, sexual predator/prowler, insatiable, diseased, hiv infected, std carrying, disgusting, abomination, sin, siner, juvenile, immature, always looking, irresponsible, selfish, dangerous, harmful, killer, child molester, hedonistic, heathen” and do forth and so on…
problem is tha while i hear this, i don’t see it, and when i do encouter hyper-sexually charged adults, they cme in all flavors and all stripes, from mardi gras to colege frat/sorority parties to gay sex clubs to swingers and fetishists and the world before and after all of these.
there are fundametal principles and needs that we all share, as humans. being fed, loved, clothed, in good health and with a like group of friends/family in a safe and suportive environment that aims to help us grow, enjoy ourselves, risk, and even mature and actualize our dreams and future.
where i that sort off-the-top-of-my-head litany is their a “gay lifestyle?” or “heterosexual lifestyle” differentiation?
religious beliefs aside, as they should be especially in having/framing the discission about why same sex marriage is a relevant and important civil rights/equal access issue, isn’t affording yur neigbor the same opportunities and same chances that you have a fundamental belief of this nation?
every time we seek to dey anyone their due, whether that is by deying them aceess or by denying them hope or by denying them dignity or by denying them the extra help they need or by denying them resources, we not only hurt ourselves and our nation, but we set back into motion a pattern of oppression/oppressed that we have see play itself out again and again.
history may repeat itself, but ignoring it only means that lessons once learned have to be learned again, which to me speaks about wasted opportunities to help more forward …
completely agree.
When I hear someone like Dobson saying that I just kinda go WTF as the people who are friends of mine who happen to be gay are just like everyone else, surprise surprise. Same hopes, dreams, loves and fears..but I guess that makes them too ‘human and normal’ right. Can’t have that cause it makes it harder to demonize someone if they are normal just like you. And I am using normal in context with gay people because to me that is just as normal as hetersexual.
‘Gay lifestyle’ is most definately a coded phrase that the so called religious leaders and republicans use to imply all manner of supposed perversions(to their way of thinking anyway) without coming out and being specific.