…World Diaries and more members both foreign and domestic:

Everything is going well with the site, in large part because our little community has been so patient and helpful with making suggestions.

My only complaint so far is that I have been so busy working on technical issues, and other details, plus trying to be a welcoming host…that I don’t have any time to do any serious writing, or even to really keep track of breaking news.

So, here is my request for help.

The site will be more fun and more successful if we can gain some more users, and particularly users from around the world, so that the ‘World’ feature really starts to work.

We also could use more diaries to help me keep up with the world outside this website.

So, if anyone has any good advice on how to promote the site, attract new users, or get more diaries, please post them here.

And any volunteers are welcome too.

You’ve all been great, and this venture has, so far, exceeded all my expectations.  Thank you all.

…and tell your friends we’re here 🙂