…World Diaries and more members both foreign and domestic:
Everything is going well with the site, in large part because our little community has been so patient and helpful with making suggestions.
My only complaint so far is that I have been so busy working on technical issues, and other details, plus trying to be a welcoming host…that I don’t have any time to do any serious writing, or even to really keep track of breaking news.
So, here is my request for help.
The site will be more fun and more successful if we can gain some more users, and particularly users from around the world, so that the ‘World’ feature really starts to work.
We also could use more diaries to help me keep up with the world outside this website.
So, if anyone has any good advice on how to promote the site, attract new users, or get more diaries, please post them here.
And any volunteers are welcome too.
You’ve all been great, and this venture has, so far, exceeded all my expectations. Thank you all.
…and tell your friends we’re here 🙂
…but I think one of the things that makes dKos successful is that it attracts a HUGE segment of folks that have their own blogs. They post stuff there because they ultimately want to drive more traffic back to their own blogsite.
Maybe if you had more “blog pimping” here, or some special area where folks could talk about their blogs. You could group by category/interest: progressive-religious, current events, Iraq/soldiers, etc. Most bloggers have their own “specialty”, and maybe allowing them to highlight their blogs here would spread the word around and encourage more diaries by more authors.
Just a thought…
“Post Failed. Subject is too long (max is 50 characters). ??
It was no book. Only a couple of paragraphs. What’s up with this?
it’s the amount of text in the subject line, not the body, of the post.
the problem was the subject title was too long. My fault.
Altho, I am not an owner or front pager on this site I have taken the liberty of inviting some of the “global voices” I have encountered over the years to post here. I hope they show up and blow our minds. One of them had the distinction of being called a “terrorist” when he posted on the Agonist and his ability to find obscure Middle Eastern sources of info is quite amazing. The more we know about what the rest of the world is saying and thinking, the better we will all be in dealing with the current subversion of our government.
In other words, I am totally behind the direction you’ve set and will do my part as best I can.
Hope this goes thru…
Ditto. I’ve been whorin’ for the Booman . Even dug out my best Donna Karan hose without any runs. And, I still have a wonder bra from 1994! (Do they still make those?)
I whipped out some of my best Thierry Mugler and Galliano Suits with some awesome, vintage Armani Tee shirts and hit Santa Monica Blvd last night…This place should be JUMPIN DAMNIT.
We need some controversy. Nothing spurred DailyKos to huge numbers than controversy over the contractors.
I don’t think we need anything that extreme, but if we could let leak there’s some sort of huge fight on the site, say between grannyhelen and me, people will rush over to see what is going on.
When they get here and don’t see anything, we’ll say, “Oh, it’s in the hidden comments.” Then they’ll stick around long enough to get trusted user status and we can say, “Oh, those comments were deleted at the request of the participants.”
(Maybe I’ve studied the Republican tactics too long.)
to make a suggestion like that. Scha…
Oh yeah!…hell I can’t even think of a way to get into a fake flame war with you. No one would ever believe it.
to work with. You could have responded by name calling, derision…geesh. You’re like the anti-troll.
I’m sorry. I’ll try to be mean to you later.
I’m thinkin’, I’m thinkin’….
PRO_TORTURE. you guys are a riot.
Here’s one…I’ll say something like, “well, Carnacki…I think the sky is generally more of a iridecent blue…”
and you could respond with…
“Iridecent? IRIDECENT?! WTF?!! Anyone who actually bothers to look at the sky knows that it’s cerulean blue. I mean, don’t you even know how to speak this language?”
and I could say…
“Language? I got your language. right. here.”
and then MSOC could jump in with a few well placed expletives and we’d be off to the races 🙂
Hold on I’m taking notes…OK, then what do I say?
Flame wars on the internets is hard work.
myself (not other people, mind you, but I can write a great troll script).
Use a lot of the F word – like bad acting, that always works when you can’t think of anything else to say
Goddammit, Grannyhelen, if you’re going to pick fights with people, you could at least spell IRIDESCENT right! I-R-I-D-E-S-C-E-N-T. SHEESH! What a bunch of f*cking losers you people are! I mean, gawd, at least everyone at DKos has perfect spelling and perfect grammar.
< /flamewar >
You would find a slam like that “awesome” since you’re into S&M.
(How is that? Is that better?)
I posted about our “fight” on kos. Take a look.
in an unsolicited flame war…at:
egg one of the contenders on, maybe it could go nuclear….
She’s like a moth drawn to flame wars. I wouldn’t worry about it. 🙂
I think most people understand that…it’s sad, and funny at the same time.
I’m not the brightest bulb in the pack, but sheesh, I’m just trying here…..
I think your US vs world categorization is a little confusing.
It seems like the “world” includes US ex-pats, while the “US” includes anyone whose software indicates a server residing on US soil.
I wonder if that will give you the divergence in view and perspective that you want.
For example, many US ex-pats may tend to have a stronger support for US policies than nationals of victim countries residing in the US.
Please hide that last sentence from the grammar police.
there was a pull-down menu that asked you where you live. This refers to your primary residence, which I will make more clear at both sign-up and in the FAQ soon.
Ex-pats still live somewhere other than the US and therefore have a unique perspective.
But after you drive around a little, make sure to leave some suggestions in the Suggestion Box Diary.
oops! I thought this was the suggestion box!
I maintain a dynamic primary residence for security reasons. 😉
Some of the Colleges and Liberal Arts schools. I email a few friends..GET THE KIDS..We need them and they turned out in record numbers last November. Any ideas? Also There is a Progressive Gay blog, I think it’s called Towel or (le) Road, they have some of the same ads as kos. Not sure if you can have them link here or leave a link on an open thread if they have one. Shouldn’t we recommend this diary?
You know, Bob’s bowser. In spite of being digitally challenged, Rex is a quick, witty poster. His spelling, however, tends to be … unorthodox.
Seriously, though, I hope humor posting will be encouraged, perhaps in its own thread or section. I know some Kossacks, for example, get upset when a non-serious diary attracts a lot of attention, but a little levity helps offset the crushing weight of 24/7 politics.
Well, Rex will get along great with grannyhelen. I bet he can spell IRIDESCENT.
I say let this site grow organically, which means that it will grow as people hear about it and are attracted to it by word-of-mouth, links and users inviting other people to visit.
I can’t remember who said it, but someone on this site said B Tribune is like a quiet refuge from DKos. I think as the “focus” of this website becomes better understood, it will grow.
Booman you have your own reputation for doing “tinfoil” or conspiracy stories. Is that to be part of the “focus” of this website? Will the “focus” be on those who want to see someone frog-marched out of the WH? Will the “focus” be just a quieter side pond of the enormous DKos lake? Etc…
Frankly I like this website as it is right now, starting small and growing slowly. Many DKossers joined up after it was a huge enterprise, never seeing it back when it was still fairly “intimate”.
Walden Pond was beautiful until ten thousand people marched there to see its quiet stillness…
it’s funny, because I wrote a lot of stuff for a long time with a total expectation of anonymity, and then decided to go quietly public under the same handle.
A lot, almost all, of my diares on Kos were intended less to prove a point than to push a conversation in a certain direction, or to provoke further inquiry.
For instance, the Sibel Edmonds troika just aimed to lay out a lot of information, in the hope that by doing so I could get through a deadlock in my own investigation.
I obviously have to abide by a different standard of journalism now. First of all, I’ll actually be called on to explain myself. So, the tinfoil will have to be put safely in the cupboard.
But on the other hand, I really believe that an online community can break stories that the MSM is refusing to report. We’ve seen the first big fully non-accredited online scoops in the last year.
Having read a lot of your writing I have to conjecture that you to have a lot of richly developed, yet deadlocked, investigations sitting in files waiting for a key source to kick down the road and break open into wide new vistas.
Putting the info before the world can have unpredictable consequences.
As for where I want to go, this site will diverge from Kos as a natural organic process. But I want to really develop both the local/regional aspects, and the global/world focus.
I don’t want the site to bebcome just a moment-by-moment critique of whatever drivel the media thinks is the story of the day.
And I hope to have many Romanians eventually participating and sharing their perspectives on world events, and the United States role in them.
Thanks Boo… you said what I was trying to say much better, that I felt like this site would grow organically. I feel absolutely no impatience for it to “become” something, but then again I’m not paying the bills 🙂
Having read a lot of your writing I have to conjecture that you to have a lot of richly developed, yet deadlocked, investigations sitting in files waiting for a key source to kick down the road and break open into wide new vistas.
I remember once being deep inside an underground bunker that was a command structure for a multijurisdictional agency under federal aegis…
Before I went down there, I was excited. I thought this was going to finally be it… I was being admitted to an inner sanctum, with all the technology, training, experience and authority to make a difference in this world.
When I got down there, I heard more inane things than I’ve ever heard on a “tinfoil” blog. More paranoid, delusional thinking too… these were supposed to be the “masters” and the only difference between them and a sweaty midnight blogger was they had power and the guns and the warrants.
There’s a lot rotting away in my files, a lot of things I’ve come across that is just going to keep on collecting dust.
Just because the information exists is not enough reason for me to bring it to light anymore.. there must be a “Need to Know” as the Clancy novels call it, although I’m referring to the public and not some white men in suits.
The public wouldn’t know what to do with most of what’s out there, so for me now the primary goal is simply to investigate and report the OPEN secrets of this world.
That’s why I put out my 100 years of use of force Diary on here yesterday. When we’re aware of the geopolitical game being played, with various levels of skill, then we can start connecting the dots that are hidden in the dark.
Boo, it’s always been a pleasure to read your writings on Kos. I can tell you that I have only three authors I “subscribe” to, you and Susan are two of them.
Did anything in those files mention Danny Casolaro? Just curious.
No, and in a way I’m quite relieved. I’ve got enough just on AMDOCS to last me a lifetime and that’s a hot potato I really am too frightened to touch.
Hi I saw your entry at the above site and wanted to let you know your link does not work, at least it did not work for me. It says could not locate remote server. I think it has too many forward slashes (3).
What topics?
Religion? Politics? Snark? Profanity?
How many words?
What’s the deadline?
I could always snatch up one of my “sinkers” from Kos and throw it up here. Of course if I did that, I might find out it was a “stinker” instead of just posted mid-diarying-frenzy, whereby it sank, forever, into the tenacious obscurity of recent diaries.
Or we could have meta-wars. That was fun.
Now if I could just find something to diary about before it’s already been diaried by ten people, I’d be all set. And thanks again, BooMan, et al…I kinda like it here.
I hope you noticed that we have 5 open threads at all times in the top menu. Thanks for your input and kind words.
The Booman Tribune is now listed on the Kos Alumni blogroll.
I learned it from you.
That’s great!!