Instead of over there at dKos? I’ve always been an admirer of Booman’s connect-the-dots conspiracy diaries and so I didn’t hesitate to sign on here. The site itself has distilled all the best aspects of the dKos set-up and added some embellishments that are truly fine. But, somehow, I think I missed the Mission Statement and I’m wondering what others think.

Are we here just so we can splash with the frog in a smaller pond?

Is this just going to be a kind of mirror site? Reading the same diaries there and here is getting redundant. Why not offer original diaries here and don’t post them there? Okay, fewer comments, less ego-boo here but, if we’re going to build another community, our foundation has to be solidly our own, doesn’t it?

I’d like to hear from Booman, MaryScott and Paster Dan about what inspired them to put this together. I’d also like to hear from anyone else about what they’d like this site to become.