Prescott- 8 votes – 10 %
Boofrog- 10 votes – 13 %
Blog Frog- 7 votes – 9 %
Toadblossum- 8 votes – 10 %
Darwin- 13 votes – 17 %
Freedom Frog- 5 votes – 6 %
Jean-Frog Van Damme- 4 votes – 5 %
Rovitt- 11 votes – 15 %
Karl- 1 vote – 1 %
Jeremiah- 6 votes – 8 %
Any election lawyers out there? I hear Rovitt is on the phone with Jim Baker as we speak.
P.S. Are we using regular rules, or Louisiana rules?
I don’t actually care which name wins, but I’d like to see a runoff (Louisiana rueles) just because I believe that plurality voting is a bad system. IRV would have been even better, but it’s a bit late for that, and I’m doubtful that Scoop supports that.
Maybe scrap these results (or just toss the bottom choice) and redo the poll via IRV. Here is a cgi script for IRV polls. It won’t integrate with Scoop as is, but you could still link to it. Voter verification could be a problem, though I imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to get it to check whether a user is logged into Scoop.
Then again, all this is easy enough for me to say, as I’ve never managed a site with Scoop or IRV, so I can’t actually claim to know what I’m talking about. Perhaps I’ll look into integrating the two projects later on.
Voting for a run-off of the top 2 or 3
Guess that makes it Louisiana rules…
I vote for a run off of the top 3 or 4.
In another universe:
and so true.
In the interests of fairness I guess I should go with a run off vote…even though my favorite might lose. I still think that we could combine Darwin and Boofrog as Darwin B.(boo)Frog, sorta killing two frogs with one lilypad or something like that.
My two cents–I don’t think you’ve quite captured the essence the frog. It is possible that the flashing Darwin advertisement subliminabally influenced your votes. I suggest keeping the top two names and opening up the discussion again. He is part Don Knotts, Rove, W., Niles Crane, and Robert Novak. I’d also like to hear from the talented designer herself, who listened to us both describe him ad nauseam, and what he represented, until she was able to capture him exactly.
My suggestion is Sir Frog…who is an elitist, secretive, lying froggie brought down by the People.
When I was first suggesting names that ad wasn’t under the frog it was on the other side of the page. I mentioned before that I was kinda backwards to everyone else’s thinking on the frog and everyone in bush/company who should be frog marched out of washington. It is just for some reason I kept seeing in my mind the frog as us-the american people who were/are being frog marched out of all of our freedoms by bush and company.
I realize I’m out of step with everyone on this but that was just my first impression of the frog. While I like the name I’m going with, I’ll be happy with whatever is picked.
I didn’t vote because I was conflicted in regards to the history of the frog. Boomans amazing Blog will survive BushCo and should we look back and always remember Rove with Cuffs, or Bush with his lies and cuffs being frogmarched out of the WH, or should he be our cute mascot that will always remind us that truth shall prevail and secretive, lying, elitist will be punished? Should it positive..or Negative? I agree…an essay or diary from the creator and run off would get my vote. Boogal you are also right on in regards to the subliminal Darwin flashing light. Perhaps the vote was final and we will not be given a Revote.
Looz-ee-anna for me.
Run Off! Run Off!
Do I have to call my “aides” and “puppy press” to stage a demonstration?
Ya don’t want that!
Hey, Boofrog people…caucus in the alley at midnight.
We gotta talk about the vice-frog position, and the consulting contracts.
The owner of the frog IP might invoke Bush v. Gore rules. We could ask her.
what’s going on with her frog.
Who is your quote from?
ooops…I missed the vote! But, Darwin was one of my favs.
all the others in this batch will lose. do we really want that knowledge to weigh us down, especially when there is an alternative. a win-win for us, and a no-one loses situation for the names that were polled and the people who voted for them.
yes, we should go off-board for the choice, i say. and that’s why i once again want to bring back into the discussion the name loretta
it’s a nice name, a frog name, and specifically the name of a very confused jew in the time of brian (and jesus too), named stan, who wants to be called loretta for the simple reason that he wants to have a baby (cf. “the life of brian”).
the number of literary, political, social, cultural, gender, sexual and religious inferences and allusions that can be gleaned from loretta frog are endless. almost fun for the whole family too. possible allusions so i’ll just be on my way now, and i’ll leave the suggestion right here, at the door.
Screw this!
We all know who controls the voting machines here, buddy boy. No way are the entrenched institutional powers going to push their vapid, vanilla candidate through to inglorious defeat this time!
Choose Prescott or Toadblossom or face Revolt!
End of story.