Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
TV tip — I didn’t want to make a new diary or story and take up space: “Sometimes in April” is debuting on HBO tonight. About Rwanda. It’s gotten rave reviews, even from the NYTimes. Directed by the same man who directed “Lumumba” for HBO in 2002.
Oh man :):) … by First, I meant that I wanted to assure all that I’d done my business here for the above-mentioned purpose of voting on the matter at hand, before I sneaked in an OT info post.
and besides, i didn’t troll rate, i merely “warned.” ha ha ha ha
i still think loretta is a great name either for a frog or a screen name, but as i am merely a participant in this site and not the director and since i alrady have a screen name, i guess i am poop out of luck.
so, i will just sit here loudly pouting and sighing really annoyingly like a bad guest at thanksgiving until my ADHD kicks in and th
Sure is nice to vote somewhere where one is absolutely sure one’s vote will count. will count, won’t it? I mean, I saw it go on the green line, that means it’s counted, right?
Who manufactured this vote counter anyway? Can it be hacked? Is my reciept in the mail? Yeah, that’s it. Reciept is in the mail. Feel good now.
We regret to inform you that, while you are registered to vote at the Booman Tribune — and voted at the correct website — you have voted in the wrong diary. As a result, your ballot has been set aside. It will be will be thoroughly examined regarding your frog naming intentions when hell freezes over.
Yours in representative democracy,
The Powers That Be
PS If you’ve received this comment in error, don’t worry. We are aware of the problem and you can rest assured we will do the right thing. 🙂
PPS There are some great things on tv tonight. You should avoid the news, though. It’s too depressing. 🙂
I’m keeping the 25 bucks, and don’t try to get it back either.
So what did I vote for anyway, and was there any pay for that vote? If so, I want my money.
You Powers that Be Piss Me Off.
Waiting for hell to freeze over,
Ms. Snicker
I was leaning toward “Toadblossum” but I don’t think the mascot name should be misspelled. Enough of that goes on in freeperland. I cast the first vote for Prescott, ‘cuz I think it’s the most insulting to the fake cowboy draft dodging liar. I know he doesn’t like to be insulted. Wasn’t one of the unstated real reasons he invaded Iraq on our behalf to remove the floor mosaic of pappy that Sadam had in one of his palaces? I think grandpappy Prescott in handcuffs sends the right message.
I voted for Blog Frog (which is cute), but for some reason, my eyes skipped over Darwin…I would like to officially change my vote from Blog Frog to Darwin, in case it comes down to a one-vote difference. I have submitted all my papers to change my vote, signed in triplicate.
I voted for Boofrog but the more comments I read the more I like Darwin. He’s already wearing clothes and the yellow outline on his left hand almost looks like the begging of a thumb.
I’ve liked Darwin from the start. I think Darwin might be connecting cause it can mean a good variety of different ideas here. At least I hope that Darwin will stay ahead and win out or I’ll take my chocolate and go home.
Apologies, but a lightbulb just went on for me and I want to run it by you all. In this diary, BooMan referred to us as Tribbers. That got me thinking that maybe the frog says tribbit instead of ribbit. Maybe the frog should be named Tribbit? Just a thought.
Okay, I’m the first to admit I have the attention span of a flea, but I read the title
“Saturday Night: Name The Frog Poll”
and then the first two lines
“Ok Tribbers. The time has come.”
and immediately thought the frog’s current name was, that’s right, “Tribbers”, and we were picking out a new one. Sigh…
My name is Buddy and I’m an idiot.
But that doesn’t mean I’m voting in the poll. As a sign of solidarity with myself, I’ll be utilizing my write-in ballot and casting my vote for “Tribbers.”
What’s up with people changing the chronological order that their post appears in the thread? I first noticed it in the reigonal thread and now I see people are doing it here. What’s up with that?
Someone posted that name upthread. Awww, I like that name. Tribbet’s Tribbers has such a nice Pythonesque ring. (Crunchy Frog, Anthrax Ripple, Steel Spring Surprise) But I voted for Boofrog, although Darwin has a nice ring to it too.
the Australian frog hospital that ask mentions in his/her comment above. We might get more Aussie users anyway. The hospital sounds like a worthy cause.
same thing…would love more world people over here. Perhaps put something up top of World thread asking for suggestions and telling the world peeps to tell a friend….or do a front page diary with other Tribbers making suggestions as far as PR/advertising in local Free papers or Liberal radio shows around the world. btw/ thanks for working on the text stuff on the front page. it’s coming along.
The first one is french I think, but attracts international audience. The second is the free Iraq blog, and they too have international audience.
I will add this site address to any comments I make on those sites. This is aljazerra international, and this site has comment sections below each story which attract world wide visitors. It is hard to post comments on this site as the entries must go through a translation I assume to arabic and then back to English, so statements will come out different than written, so it may be difficult to post a link. While you are at the site check out the comments made from USA. They are usually very bad pro war and pro all of America’s messups comments, and its really a bad representation of America.
Here is an example from today reg. Iran builds nuclear university to train scientists- Report
“””this is good news. now we have more buildings to bomb not just reactors. the iranians will never ever have the big bomb it wants. isreal with the backing of the usa will close these facilities very soon. time for democracy to come to all me countries by force or by attrition. wonder which way is best. send in the cruise miss iles and sort the mess later. semper fi
Derek from USA “”””
You are welcome, and I want to add that comment was the very least nasty of the ones I have read there. I try to post when I can that all Americans are not like these and what some of us are trying to do. The comments from other countries are very anti-American so I am hoping others will try to post comments.
I think a diary dedicated to this subject would be a good idea. Also ask for favorite links in the diary.
Thanks for this site, I feel comfortable here, but I wouldn’t like the site to get too big, then one just gets lost in the crowd and a lot of good points, etc. do not get noticed.
FIRST! I voted!
TV tip — I didn’t want to make a new diary or story and take up space: “Sometimes in April” is debuting on HBO tonight. About Rwanda. It’s gotten rave reviews, even from the NYTimes. Directed by the same man who directed “Lumumba” for HBO in 2002.
SusanHu posted a “First!” 😀
(ps: Warning! whoever troll rates Susan for this will Pay for their foul deed) heheheh
I voted for ‘Toadblossom’, in case anyone wanted to know.
Oh man :):) … by First, I meant that I wanted to assure all that I’d done my business here for the above-mentioned purpose of voting on the matter at hand, before I sneaked in an OT info post.
…and got four 4s for it. Man, this really isn’t dkos.
and besides, i didn’t troll rate, i merely “warned.” ha ha ha ha
i still think loretta is a great name either for a frog or a screen name, but as i am merely a participant in this site and not the director and since i alrady have a screen name, i guess i am poop out of luck.
so, i will just sit here loudly pouting and sighing really annoyingly like a bad guest at thanksgiving until my ADHD kicks in and th
because of eric idle’s character from monty python’s “life of brian.”
and voted for “jean-frog van damme” for all the obvious reasons. one being that loretta was not an option.
anyway, with proper meds i have found that adult defecit h
Still hanging in there with Jeremiah –
A vote for happy dancing when the idiots get frog marched out!
Got my vote too
Ok, I did my duty as a Tribber and voted and I won’t be secret about it..I voted for Darwin. (Darwin B.(Boo)Frog)
Sure is nice to vote somewhere where one is absolutely sure one’s vote will count. will count, won’t it? I mean, I saw it go on the green line, that means it’s counted, right?
Who manufactured this vote counter anyway? Can it be hacked? Is my reciept in the mail? Yeah, that’s it. Reciept is in the mail. Feel good now.
The email I got said that Democrats vote tomorrow night. 😉
Nope, tonight. And you get 25 bucks too, according to my mail.
Dear Ms. Emmasnacker,
We regret to inform you that, while you are registered to vote at the Booman Tribune — and voted at the correct website — you have voted in the wrong diary. As a result, your ballot has been set aside. It will be will be thoroughly examined regarding your frog naming intentions when hell freezes over.
Yours in representative democracy,
The Powers That Be
PS If you’ve received this comment in error, don’t worry. We are aware of the problem and you can rest assured we will do the right thing. 🙂
PPS There are some great things on tv tonight. You should avoid the news, though. It’s too depressing. 🙂
I’m keeping the 25 bucks, and don’t try to get it back either.
So what did I vote for anyway, and was there any pay for that vote? If so, I want my money.
You Powers that Be Piss Me Off.
Waiting for hell to freeze over,
Ms. Snicker
But he’s got bot hands tied behind his back. What’s that all about?
Come to think of it, perhaps that is the appropriate image for today’s United States of Creationism.
The way I see it is that we are the frog..we are being frog marched out of all of our freedoms by bush/company.
I was leaning toward “Toadblossum” but I don’t think the mascot name should be misspelled. Enough of that goes on in freeperland. I cast the first vote for Prescott, ‘cuz I think it’s the most insulting to the fake cowboy draft dodging liar. I know he doesn’t like to be insulted. Wasn’t one of the unstated real reasons he invaded Iraq on our behalf to remove the floor mosaic of pappy that Sadam had in one of his palaces? I think grandpappy Prescott in handcuffs sends the right message.
I voted for Blog Frog (which is cute), but for some reason, my eyes skipped over Darwin…I would like to officially change my vote from Blog Frog to Darwin, in case it comes down to a one-vote difference. I have submitted all my papers to change my vote, signed in triplicate.
But did you notarize it in Blood? Because it doesn’t count, otherwise. Toad. Toad. Tooooooooad.
Darwin it is for me. Just for the right wingnut irritation value.
that was one of my considerations also for going with Darwin.
Just think how happy the thought of Mr Darwin being frog-marched off to eternal renditon would be to those guys.
It’s gotta be Turd..uhh…Toadblossom.
I’m waiting for the day.
I voted for Boofrog but the more comments I read the more I like Darwin. He’s already wearing clothes and the yellow outline on his left hand almost looks like the begging of a thumb.
but I’m surprised. My money was on Rovitt from the tenor of the debate thread.
I’ve liked Darwin from the start. I think Darwin might be connecting cause it can mean a good variety of different ideas here. At least I hope that Darwin will stay ahead and win out or I’ll take my chocolate and go home.
it is the subliminable effect of the advertisement blinking on the left.
Is that for GWB’s grandfather?
As I understand it, yes.
and his other brother Darwin….
Apologies, but a lightbulb just went on for me and I want to run it by you all. In this diary, BooMan referred to us as Tribbers. That got me thinking that maybe the frog says tribbit instead of ribbit. Maybe the frog should be named Tribbit? Just a thought.
for catching my subtle play on words.
Hey, check this out – maybe we should chip in to keep them open..
Australia frog hospital to close
Okay, I’m the first to admit I have the attention span of a flea, but I read the title
“Saturday Night: Name The Frog Poll”
and then the first two lines
“Ok Tribbers. The time has come.”
and immediately thought the frog’s current name was, that’s right, “Tribbers”, and we were picking out a new one. Sigh…
My name is Buddy and I’m an idiot.
But that doesn’t mean I’m voting in the poll. As a sign of solidarity with myself, I’ll be utilizing my write-in ballot and casting my vote for “Tribbers.”
and join you in voting for Tribbers or Tribbit or whatever variation people are happiest with.
Wow! Could this be the beginning of a movement?
Fight the power!!
Bev Harris or Wayne Madsen?
I’ve been made!
Seriously though, that made me laugh out loud.
okay. Whatever.
I don’t get it. Help me out?
What’s up with people changing the chronological order that their post appears in the thread? I first noticed it in the reigonal thread and now I see people are doing it here. What’s up with that?
Someone posted that name upthread. Awww, I like that name. Tribbet’s Tribbers has such a nice Pythonesque ring. (Crunchy Frog, Anthrax Ripple, Steel Spring Surprise) But I voted for Boofrog, although Darwin has a nice ring to it too.
it was that specific skit (crunchy frog) that ruined me for life.
and of course the LP version of “the death of mary queen of scots”
This is just a little fun fact:
We have reached 25 international users. If anyone knows how we can attract hordes more, please tell me. Here is the break-down.
Great Britian=3
The rest=1 each
New Zealand
U.S. Virgin Islands
the Australian frog hospital that ask mentions in his/her comment above. We might get more Aussie users anyway. The hospital sounds like a worthy cause.
same thing…would love more world people over here. Perhaps put something up top of World thread asking for suggestions and telling the world peeps to tell a friend….or do a front page diary with other Tribbers making suggestions as far as PR/advertising in local Free papers or Liberal radio shows around the world. btw/ thanks for working on the text stuff on the front page. it’s coming along.
What about Germany?
My suggestion: Post comments on these two sites and then add in this site address.
The first one is french I think, but attracts international audience. The second is the free Iraq blog, and they too have international audience.
I will add this site address to any comments I make on those sites. This is aljazerra international, and this site has comment sections below each story which attract world wide visitors. It is hard to post comments on this site as the entries must go through a translation I assume to arabic and then back to English, so statements will come out different than written, so it may be difficult to post a link. While you are at the site check out the comments made from USA. They are usually very bad pro war and pro all of America’s messups comments, and its really a bad representation of America.
Here is an example from today reg. Iran builds nuclear university to train scientists- Report
“””this is good news. now we have more buildings to bomb not just reactors. the iranians will never ever have the big bomb it wants. isreal with the backing of the usa will close these facilities very soon. time for democracy to come to all me countries by force or by attrition. wonder which way is best. send in the cruise miss iles and sort the mess later. semper fi
Derek from USA “”””
perhaps I should have a diary dedicated to this, and we could make it a group project for those who are interested in helping out.
I will follow up your leads.
And regarding that last post, that is the kind of talk that will get American civilians killed.
Why they don’t see that? I don’t fucking know.
You are welcome, and I want to add that comment was the very least nasty of the ones I have read there. I try to post when I can that all Americans are not like these and what some of us are trying to do. The comments from other countries are very anti-American so I am hoping others will try to post comments.
I think a diary dedicated to this subject would be a good idea. Also ask for favorite links in the diary.
Thanks for this site, I feel comfortable here, but I wouldn’t like the site to get too big, then one just gets lost in the crowd and a lot of good points, etc. do not get noticed.
What! No Poland..jeeezzzzzzzz.
Because of the frog-marching pose. Also like Blog Frog. Darwin– okay, I guess. Doesn’t really “send” me.
I just can’t beleive (as of this post) that four other people did as well.
Obtusion rocks!
I’m tempted to vote for Karl, but then I’d feel the compulsion to flog the frog, and that’s just too bad of a pun for me to contemplate.
Darwin it is…
Looks like one is needed. Top vote-getter so far is at 17% of the vote.
Although I haven’t voted yet and don’t really care about the results, I think a runoff would be a democratic thing to do.