Sometime before November 7th, 2000, the decision of a single electron split the universe in two. This happens all the time. There are an infinity of universes and, paradoxically, they are increasing all the time. Every time an electron has a choice, a universe is born.
In the universe we are not in, a database eliminating voters from Florida rolls rejected 50,134 voters instead of 67,172. Of these 17,038 people some 20% actually voted; less than three and a half thousand. They broke for Gore by 66%.
Here there was no recount. Al Gore was duly sworn in on January 20, 2001. President Gore immediately persuaded Congress to pass his emergency fiscal stimulus/tax cut package, using part of Clinton’s enormous surplus to stimulate middle class demand and infrastructure construction while still paying down the national debt.
On September 11, 2001, a single plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing some 1600 people. Several other hijackings were averted at the last minute. The President gratefully accepted NATO’s solidarity and crafted a plan to quickly invade Afghanistan with a spearhead of American special forces aiding the Northern Alliance followed by the rapid and robust deployment of sixty thousand NATO troops. Gore also appealed personally to allied and friendly governments for special forces.
These tactics paid off. Osama bin Laden died resisting capture as did many other high ranking Al Qaeda leaders. President Gore implored the international community to commit to Afghan (re)construction. The response was phenomenal as the entire world responded to Gore’s emotional appeal. Hundreds of thousands of peacekeepers and aid workers from around the world spread out over all Afghanistan. Responsibility was quickly handed over to the UN which soon held elections.
In the Spring of 2002, the Gore Administration passed another fiscal stimulus/tax cut package which brought the budget into a shallow deficit. This passed with little difficulty despite Republican complaints about high corporate taxation. The President’s push to ratify the Kyoto treaty went nowhere so he launched the Millennium Energy Independence Initiative.
Acceding to direct talks with North Korea, the President’s envoy, former President Clinton, found the North Koreans almost pathetically eager for a non-aggression pact. A few months of bluster and diplomacy were enough to produce a “grand bargain.” North Korea would give up its “inherent” right to develop nuclear weapons in exchange for energy independence, tangible guarantees of its territorial integrity and a stint on the International Space Station for one of its astronauts. “North Korea was a very special case,” President Gore said, “and no other country should expect the US to be so lenient.”
Bolstered by these triumphs, the President focused his attention on the Middle East. Enlisting the help of former Presidents Bush and Clinton, the Administration pushed hard for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Little progress was made until Chairman Arafat died in late 2004 but the reputation of the United States as an honest broker was never higher and greatly helped speed matters after the election of Abbas.
The United States joined by the EU piled pressure on Iran to come clean about its own nuclear program. The enormous moral authority and popularity of the American President even inside the Islamic Republic seems to have placed the ruling clerics at a disadvantage, though the end outcome is still unclear.
Iraq was a festering sore. That the strong man in charge had once been one of our own was no comfort. Sanctions were killing hundreds of thousands and badly damaging what had been one of the most advanced and secular societies in the Arab world. However, lifting the sanctions and allowing President Saddam Hussein out of his box was widely perceived as being too dangerous.
President Gore called a summit meeting of the Security Council’s permanent members and persuaded them to agree to his plan. By appealing to the French love of conspiracy, the Russian and Chinese love for things that don’t hurt and do profit and the British love for “standing with America,” the President got his resolutions and his multinational troop buildup.
When President Hussein became convinced that the world was serious, he reached out through back channels and offered to hold truly free and fair elections within two years. Gore gave him nine months and kept piling the pressure and the forces.
With 250,000 troops massed at his northern and southern borders, half of the them US, Hussein kept on giving ground. In another universe a slogan would have been proved right: “You can win without war.”
By late 2003 the President’s artfully aimed fiscal stimulus packages had begun to work and the economy resumed its Clintonian levels of job creation. Increasing tax revenues without any increase in actual tax rates brought the budget back into surplus.
In November 2004 Gore won reelection with 54.3% of the vote and his coattails gained a Democratic majority in the Senate and a more evenly divided House. Many analysts put his true support level much higher, given that complacency had kept many voters home.
America’s prestige and standing in the world were at the highest levels in a generation, the terrorists were on the run, the economy was humming along nicely, global climate change was a top priority in Washington and President Gore was poised to cement a liberal majority on the Supreme Court that would last for decades, as his second term began.
Major problems remained but they seemed less intractable as the national debt continued to shrink and the United States enjoyed much goodwill from around the world.
Apologies for cross posting from dKos. It received quite a few recommendations but did not quite make the list, so I thought I would extend the conversation to this wonderful place.
I may repost one more piece and from then on all my material posted here will be exclusive to the Tribune.
Please feel free to ad-lib on alternate presents.
Don’t apologize! I’m so glad you posted this here, it’s a wonderful diary and if you’d only post directions to this alternate universe I’d be really, really grateful.
Decades ago, the US decided not to join England in adventurism for fun and profit in the Middle East, England could not do it alone, and the corrupt Ottoman Empire transitioned naturally into various nation states, whose borders were drawn by the inhabitants, they all prospered, sold their oil at a fair price, most became constitutional monarchies, as did much of Europe, the US ended apartheid and decided that other nations who had veered toward the position that the purpose of government is to benefit the people, and concentrated its efforts on doing that instead of CIA coups, torture schools and corporate colonialism.
By the year 2000, the US was a multiparty democracy, providing health care to all, housing to those who needed it, and a living wage to all who worked. It used its wealth for good, passed wise laws to provide checks and balances on greed, its middle class thrived and the upwardly mobile poor amassed capital.
Nothing remarkable happened on Sept. 11, 2001 because no one in Washington had any plans for global domination by seizing the world’s oil supply for once and for all. That day, Osama bin Laden did some boring paperwork for a shopping mall his dad’s company was building in Jedda because he never worked for the CIA, who never fought a proxy war in Afghanistan, where the US had no plans to build a pipeline on the blood and the bones of the Afghan people. In Mesopotamia, Saddam Hussein al Tikriti, who had never been installed in a US aided coup, purchased several fat sheep and bragged about them to anyone who would listen, insisting they were the finest sheep in all Tikrit, in all Mesopotamia and put all other sheep to shame. The people of Tikrit rolled their eyes and told Saddam that if he wanted to go with them to see “Gigli,” recently opened at the Tikrit Cineplex, he had better shut up and go put on a clean thobe, because that one had sheep hair all over it.
Back in Jedda, Osama put on his World Trade Center t-shirt and settled in to watch “American Idol.”
Tomorrow, he resolved, he would write to Fox news for a contestant application. He was ten times better than Clay Aiken, and it was time the world knew it.
I agree with you that the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was a seminal event of the 20th century whose ill effects were been suffering from for many many decades but I am not entirely sure that a change in US attitude would have been enough to mitigate the disaster. After all, several other powers had their fingers in the pie.
Excellent post though.
I asked my three-year-old daughter this very question, and after a moment’s careful thought, she answered confidently,
“A warticle.“
Amazing! She’s right!
This is several quantum events farther away, but here goes:
April 30, 1998
In a dramatic news conference, his first since the Lewinsky scandal broke, President Clinton announced his resignation.
Flanked by his wife, Hillary, and Vice-President Al Gore, Clinton, his voice choked with emotion, stated, “This unwarranted and unconscionable persecution has reached a point where I see myself forced to resign so that the country can move forward, and to spare my family and Ms. Lewinsky further pain.” … Clinton further accused Independent Counsel Ken Starr of leading a “hard, well-financed, vigorous effort” to undermine the presidency…
Republican officials were not immediately available for comment.
November 6, 1998
… Particularly Republican legislators who were seen as “pushing” the Starr investigation were the big losers in yesterday’s midterm elections, helping the Democrats to greater majorities in both the House and Senate. Representative Tom Delay (R-TX), who lost a seemingly safe House seat in a stunning upset, stated, “I never thought Texans would take the word of a socialist and an adulterer.” Ex-President Bill Clinton had campaigned heavily for his opponent, Barbara Gonzales.
November 8, 2000
President Gore convincingly turned back the Republican challenge, winning both the popular and electoral votes …
… The election was marred by widespread allegations of election fraud in Florida, with many complaints from voters in heavily Democratic districts.
December 15, 2001
One week after the fall of Kandahar, President Al Gore today declared in his speech before the UN that “the world community had triumphed” in Afghanistan.
After thanking the NATO allies who joined the campaign and the numerous other nations that had provided material support, Gore warned that the reconstruction of Afghanistan would require “stamina and commitment”.
January 24, 2002
In his State of the Union Address, President Al Gore stated that those advocating military action in the Persian Gulf region were “reckless alarmists and ruthless adventurists”, adding that US intelligence had detected “no credible threat” in the region.
In what was widely perceived as a warning to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Gore said, “The United States can tolerate declared enemies better than false friends who profess to respect us while supporting terrorist fanatics bent on destroying our way of life.”
I remember hoping that Clinton would resign at the time, not because I felt that what he did was so horrible but because the whole fracas badly damaged his ability to govern and because it would make a Gore presidency much more likely.
I fully agree that that was a missed opportunity and that things would probably have developed much as you describe.
Excellent post.
Thanks for the awesome idea. This was a fun exercise!
The investigation of Whitewater uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing, and K. Starr resigned, stating, “I don’t want this to turn into a witch-hunt.”
Great diary, Athenian!
I read your diary last night and was so impressed. I have long thought about this question but was not able to put it into words. Your words were excellent, very well thought out. I could not add more.
I only wish that the parallel universe was the real one and do you have any magical tricks to make it so.
As I told Dude Abides on dKos, as soon as I can figure out how to make a functioning transporter, I’ll try to get it to malfunction so we can all go there and wear cool goatees a la Spock in the Star Trek episode.
The one bright spot in this universe is that the Democratic Party’s grassroots have become much stronger due to the unrelenting assault by the vindictive creeps in power.
I also think we’ll have a better grasp of what to do when (if?) the Democrats regain power.
about the grassroots. Yes I think that this is a movement that will create something wonderful in the end,(no pun intended) that is if we survive to see the day.
…there is a portal in my back yard that will take me directly to a parallel universe where leftwing Democrats are in the center of the political spectrum. Now you say I gotta wait for a transporter? I sure hope stem cell research picks up the pace so I’ll be around then.
… do you think I’d still be here?
On the other hand, the nice thing about infinite parallel universes is that you are in most of them.
I also think that people alive today may well have the chance to live much longer lives than any previous generations. With all the horror and deception going on around us it is important to remember that this is a magical time when previously unimaginable things can become commonplace. In fact, that will be the subject of my next diary.
I’m really thrilled you are here, Meteor Blades.
Thats what happens when so much “fertilizer” is piled on, day after day.
Another instant classic in the genre, by a grouchy old military historian of a paleo-conservative bent:
Read the rest here. Quite entertaining stuff – especially when, like me, you are both a Scandinavian and a believer in parallel histories.