I posted on this last night but I didn’t get a whole lot of response (although I did get some good tips). I am looking to add a ‘world’ section to my blogroll and am looking for good international blogs. Any suggestions are welcome.
Everything seems to be going well. We had a lousy day for new members (are y’all forgetting to tell your friends?) but we have a new Italian and a new Brit in the house.
If anyone knows people that advertise on blogs, this site is a major bargain right now, and the rates are going up soon. So get the word out!
And thank you all for being such a great bunch. I was looking at the mojo tables and we have no one with a rating under ‘3’, and almost everyone has a perfect ‘4’ rating. Is anyone a trusted user yet? I gotta look into how long it takes and how many comments you have to have rated.
Post Script: Today I have had to try to arbitrate my first dispute here at BooTrib and it wasn’t a process I particularly enjoyed. But it comes with the job.
And I just want to disseminate a new rule based on my semi-collected thoughts:
Not everyone is as smart as you.
Not everyone one is as well informed as you.
Not everyone writes as well as you.
And I don’t care how dumb, ignorant, and illiterate you are, there is someone, somewhere who is more so.
So, when it comes to having disagreements and debates and discussions…this is the rule:
Don’t be a prick.
Don’t act in a way that would get you punched in the face or thrown out of a dinner party. Don’t treat other people with disrespect even if you think they are stupid and ill-informed.
Don’t mock someone because they have trouble expressing themselves.
Don’t be a prick.
That’s the rule.
Iraqi Resistance Report
Dahr Jamail’s Dispatches
bloggers without borders
Taliban Online
Muslim Uzbekistan
State of Aceh
Kavkaz Center
If you were looking for more “pro-western” or “collaborator” type blogs, you might like these
Healing Iraq
Shi’a Pundit
Kurdistan Bloggers Union
or you might like
The Angry Arab
He is really only slightly miffed, and very “centrist”
Just World News by Helena Cobban
I am here because of posts like this. thank you BooMan for this community. let it always stay this understanding and understated.
If this place gets pricky, I am out of here.
I am going to be posting almost all of my well thought out diaries here. The old LibL likes this place, and I will be putting the same energy that I put into my original DKos diaries here.
So I am glad the prickyness is not welcome here.
Let’s celebrate our values as a community of people.
And I am super excited about your international focus. Super excited!
x <——here be Nordic blood
Way to go…I see that Margaret Cho is advertising over at Kos…anyone with connections? Ellen? BTW/ my user page says I am trusted user..if true…does that help you out? Keep up the great Blog Spirit. Perhaps put out the word to AA radio maybe they will like your inexpensive Ad space. As Armando says…”I’m thinkin, I’m Thinkin”
I’m serious, you’ll be the first to do it if you can. I might even put it in the FAQ.
i did it…you now are a mego troll…a big fat Zero….goodbye
I mean, you are a guy right?
I mean you could be a studette.
Yes…I am a STUD…French name does confuse some though….Chamonix..(shaw-men-ee). Awesome ski resort in the French Alps..I do it every year..I’m in LA now..So i am with the late night crowd here…hey…is MSO ok? hasn’t been around in a couple of days and I know she was feelin like shit. also..can you tell who is on the blog all the time and if so..can you tell who? Just curious..The mega troll didn’t send you into the hidden comments. I guess you need two of them.
of everyone on the site if I want to go check on another web site. But that doesn’t tell me who is on.
Basically, I don’t care. The more the merrier.
but I had to add another “mega troll” rating to this. Just to say I troll rated the main administrator. 🙂
As someone twice-banned for innocence I can commiserate
I go to the hidden comments folder to celebrate just having gotten TU status, and I find a comment from the site owner in the hidden pile! And his UID is 4! What is it with site owners not having 1 as their UID (I think Kos’s is like 3 or something).
the now hidden post to show that you need two ratings to even see, let alone see no longer, any ratings on a post. looking forward to my TU status here, although as things are currently going, I hopefully wont need…
i had a comment here and it is gone? Where did it go? This is wierd..
with rating of 0 and 1= .50 but where did my comment go??? wierd…if a comment is troll rated and hidden away do all comments with it dissappear?
that way the whole ugly spectacle of a flame war gets hidden.
I wanted people to know I was a stud….kidding… but you should let people know in the FAQ’s…might be a bit controversial as that’s a lot of work from people that are not a troll and spent a lot of time debating that and other things in the thread..plus mojo sent to the bin. Although…perhaps it’s a great idea..keep conversations with trolls short and to the point…and then BAM..they and the entire experience are wiped out..(I don’t care but others may want to know)..I however, am proud to have given the first mega troll rating here on Booman Tribune and to the proprietor no less. btw/ Please note that for the archivist.
but I am pretty sure than a hidden comment (thread) retains all mojo.
Also, if you want to see your comment again you can go change the rating you gave me…you’d still be the first to megatroll, the first to megatroll the host, and it would still be noted by the archivist.
But it’s your choice. Mojo doesn’t effect me!
YOU ARE THE MAN….lets leave it hidden…that way we have a hidden comment for all to see when they become TU’s….I was pimping “Booman Tribune” over at dkos just now..trying to get a little more Boomers bouncing over our way..Keep up the great diaries and work my friend.
I got TU’d during your Give Each Other Mojo thread. I seemed to me that it happened quickly, that is, with a pretty minimal number of 4s.
Thanks for the opportunity to try out my weapon. Nice to be able to practice without hurting anyone.
Love the rule. It’s nice to have one size fits all.
i noticed after being the first to comment on a diary…that another comment jumped ahead of my comment and I am now the second comment. Does it do that based on the number of ratings it gets. ie: my comment has one rating..the one below mine had 2 ratings..and that is when it jumped up above mine..I don’t care I am just interested in how this works. Thanks Boo..
It is not hidden for everyone.
ah the mysteries of Booland.
Remember to roll up one trouser leg and say Boaz every morning
I think I troll rated BooMan (yeah good idea, troll rate a front pager) and your comment was attached to his.
you gave him a 1…his comment is hidden…where’s mine?
Is this why I can’t the rating for my posts? If I only get one rating, it won’t show it? That explains a lot.
And as to the other point, it reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker: “Life is short. Don’t be a dick.”
I think I understand the logic behind not showing anything about it when you get only one rating. But dang it, I get curious! I’m used to being able to at least see it with some effort.
And I for one don’t believe entire subthreads should be hidden if the originating post is. Just my two cents!
Maverick Leftist
Can someone, please explain in simple words what this whole business about ratings are. I never quite understood why at times at dKos I got lots of 4 and then non at all. What is a troll rating and what are hidden comments. So I assume my comments can become hidden too and how can I see them.
As I wrote somewhere else yesterday I appreciate and understand the recommend button, but am still confused about the rating as to its purpose and as to how it works.
Hi Fran-
If you want a really good education on this, check Paston Dan’s dKos community guide which is linked in my FAQ.
But here is just a little primer.
There are two kinds of regular users on the site. Trusted users and untrusted users. I dinn’t make up those terms, they come with SCOOP.
Trusted users are people that are active enough on the site (in terms of making comments), and have received good ratings on at least 10 comments in a certain time frame.
This rating is called mojo. If you have enough mojo, then you get two new powers. First, on your rating button, you will see an option to rate someone a megatroll (called supertroll at dKos).
If a comment gets rated so that it’s average value falls below one, it becomes hidden along with all the responses to that comment. That way, if someone comes on to your diary and acts like a prick, trusted users can clean up your diary so no one has to be distracted by the flamewar, or offended by the comment.
Only trusted users can see the hidden comments, and they can rate them back up if they think someone has been unfairly picked on.
As for how to use the ratings, I would encourage you to read Dan’s guide. But there is one significant difference between here and dkos.
My name for the rating #2 is not ‘Marginal’ as at Kos, but ‘Warning!’.
So give a 4 for an excellent post, or something that made you laugh.
Give a 3 for something less than excellent, but good.
Give a 2 as a shot across the bow to let a user know he/she is approaching offensive or trollish behavior.
Give a 1 for a post which is disruptive, intended to insult, doesn’t add anything constructive (like spam).
Give a 0 if you think the user’s comments should be hiddden and the user should be potentially banned from the site. (Enough ‘0’s and you will get auto-tossed, I don’t have to lift a finger).
Hope that helps.
Thank you!!! and you should put this in your own FAQ, this is very helpful and even so you do not need it you get a 4 from me.
And I will also read the recommended link.
And somehow read a wonderful welcoming essay from Booman that explained the responsibility involved. It was very thoughtful and helpful and I sure could have used something similar when I stumbled into TU status at dKos.
So, ever dutiful, I’ve been hitting the “Review Hidden Comments” option every morning. I feel great pride in our little community that the one and only troll-rated comment, so far, was solicited by our host. Gosh, we’re a nice group of folks…
Thought I’d pop in and introduce myself – I’m yet another pesky euroweenie who has crawled on board. (Norwegian to be precise. Since my good friend ask is also around, I guess our miniscule petro-socialist monarchy is absurdly over-represented by now…) Some of you may recognize my handle from dKos.
Anyhow, congrats to Booman on this new exciting forum. I look forward to taking part in the World section, which is really an excellent idea.
As to worthy international blogs, this one is pretty good: A Fistful of Euros
Aah another Nordic – greetings brother (or sister)
The “don’t be a prick” rule is a great one.
What about “don’t be prickly”?
It takes two to tango.
GhostChild has a number of interesting discussions going on, as well as a good international links section. A couple of spinoffs, Moor Unity, and a Catalan site are also linked.
Thanks for the tu status Booman. I just noticed it today. I missed out on the mojo love fest the other day. By the time I signed on out here on the west coast everyone else had gone to bed.
To tell the truth I am not here for the mojo but I do believe in the ratings system to keep the super trolls out. I just hope that what I have been seeing over a dKos(disclaimer here, I love that site not trying to bad mouth)doesn’t start up here. In the past month or so I have watched folks 0 or 1 rating peoples comments just because they don’t agree on points of view. Not because they were being trollish or out of line or instigating in anyway. All I hope is that is not what will happen here.
I am really enjoying your site and that you are around so much right now. It’s a really nice personal touch. Thanks Booman.
Is this about the flame war between grannyhelen and me? ;^)
It had to be you guys. You troublemakers.
geez, I need to come by here more often!
It’s nice to watch a small community evolve,
Put together by locals: Radio Free Nepal
Produced by Westerners, unduly sympathetic to the Maoists: Intl. Nepal Solidarity Netw. (Can you smell old left?)
General South Asia:
Extra! Extra!
Nerve Endings Firing Away