Oftentimes in a tragedy of this magnitude, we are left only with our faith in a devine order to all things, and many questions for which there are no good answers.”
There are many among us who would seek to ridicule me for this, but to them I say simply… hear me out.
The sixteen year old boy who is presumably responsible for this tragedy returned to the High School from which he dropped out… God has told me that he is not happy with No Child Left Behind.
His Grandparents, who were trying to raise him were still working to try to make ends meet because they had no retirement… God has told me that he is not happy with Social Security privatization.
The boy’s parents, victims of suicide and head trauma were not able to raise him… God has told me that he is not happy with health care in America.
The boy never saw a ray of hope of betterment in life while living in the poverty of a reservation…God has told me that he is not happy with racism and greed.
The only solution this poor boy saw was to take up a gun and kill… God has told me that he is not happy with fear and War.
In the coming weeks you can expect drastic changes in America, for the good of us all. For those of you whom I once considered my enemies, hear me now, I am ready to admit my mistakes and I will welcome your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can together answer God’s call. For tonight, remember your children, talk to them, love them, and give them a hug. Goodnight, and may we someday find God’s blessings again.”
What the hell, HE hasn’t said anything yet, so I thought I’d say it for him… a guy can dream can’t he?
God hasn’t said shit to me.
The kid was an indian, on an indian reservation and I think Dub is still a little petulant about the “Walking Eagle” moniker…
He’s still trying to figure out what the word sovereign means and trying to keep a dead woman alive…or maybe he’ll just come out and do the tomahawk chop in solidartiy with the ‘redman’.
Not to be obtuse, but I’m unaware of the Walking Eagle moniker. I’ll appreciate some info so I too, can be one of the kool kidz.
Do you happen to have a link to W’s comments from last summer, where he responded to a reporter’s inquiry on how he proposed the government would interact with sovereign nations? I can’t find the quote, and it was one of those sickening “classics”. In turn, another reporter posed the same question to Kerry, and he responded quite eloquently.
I’m pretty sure that this is an “urban legend”, but If the mud sticks… he should just go hose himself off…
provided a fine kick off to this lovely Friday morning. Thank you for taking the time to find and share – much appreciated!
Just out of curiosity is that a recent photo of the Prez? Man, he’s not looking to good…a little worn down. maybe he needs a feeding tube? <snark>
off of a pic snapped when he was exiting AF1, rushing back from vacation to save TS. I just pasted it onto that one where he was giving a speech for something else. Otherwise , no attempts to accentuate his Haggardness King George…
probably caught him when he was coming down from a good buzz!
Having friends who grew up on the Red Lake Reservation, I’m posing the following from the perspective of someone who group up near, and has friends from, that area.
I’ve seen allegations in the media that this situation isn’t receiving the same attention as Columbine, and therefore it must be because it happened on an Indian Reservation, and society certainly wouldn’t care as much for “Rez” kids as it does for the students in a white, affluent suburb of Denver.
Well, I personally don’t think that’s the case – and I think it’s far more complicated (or perhaps simplistic) than that. There have been several school shootings since Columbine, and sadly, I think society has simply become numb to this type of tragedy. Any given story will receive attention based on the sensationalized story line that goes with it. I really don’t think it’s a matter of race or income level. It’s a matter of a society too much accustomed to random killings.