“If the United States were the TV show “Survivor”, which state would you vote off?”
How would YOU vote? Below:
Several friends and relatives get Zogby’s online polls. This is one of the questions from the latest poll. There was unanimity among my little cadre of friends. How would you vote?
PLEASE use the poll below, or add YOUR comments. I randomly selected some possible suspects, depending on one’s political persuasions. Louisiana is sinking into the ocean (because man screwed with the Mississippi River too much), so I didn’t think it fair to pick on it.
Diarist’s prerogative: I didn’t list Washington state. Half of it’s cool anyway, and full of fiddleheads. The other half, where the leadheads* live, is going to have lots of dust storms this summer! Ha!
*Leadheads. Whaddya think a that, Al Swearingen? (Btw, I’m still looking for the meaning of hoopleheads.)
Um, ‘scuse me.
Just because only 40% of E. WA. is blue, does not justify your coldness. This is a bi-partisan drought.
Salmon happen to like this part of the state, too.
Now, Texas, on the other hand – Ha – Ha! Double HA.
Hi, Rich. I grew up in the Yakima Valley and only knew one Democrat before I went to college. But, I will say that some of the best people I’ve ever known in my life were in that tiny town, and we all stayed in touch. I was just being snarky cuz they all voted for Dino Rossi, who’d probably like to cover William O. Douglas’s museum with a shopping mall.
Yeah – it’s OK.
Over here in the 5th Congressional, we had a very qualified and likeable D candidate, and it still came out 60/40.
Now the winning R has delivered $3 million to make the highway to our town 4-lane.
I haven’t seen a nice little town that a 4-lane can’t screw up yet.
Deeper into the woods I go.
Voted Other – Alabama or Mississippi would be my choice. Sorry to blue residents of the 2 states but these 2 haven’t left the 1860’s politically.
Florida is a purple state and I have hope for them – except for the legislature.
I’ve never seen a single episode of survivor, can I just vote for my state to secede…oh…no…wait there was a war about that once before, wasn’t there?
I had to pick Texas; 34 GOP Electoral votes without a hope of going Democratic anytime soon.
at this point, wouldn’t mind belonging to a separate country. I’m willing to sacrifice my state for the good of my state. Have to vote Arnold out, of course. I think Barbara Boxer would make an excellent President of California. Certain complications in breaking off, but I would no longer be held to the whims of the extreme right wing nutjobs who currently have the greatest influence in this country. Also, it might be nice to have some personal liberties returned and a constitution that has actual meaning.
I’m not too keen on Texas, since most of the ills facing this country can be traced back to the actions of the politicians from this state.
I’d also vote off where Cheney was born. Not the state or the city, but the actual spot. For while Bush may be the foreman of the destruction, IMO, Cheney is the architect.
Your comment inspired me to write a diary.
“”For while Bush may be the foreman of the destruction, IMO, Cheney is the architect.””
It’s called ‘Bush, Contractor General’ and I hope you will read it and add your own take on the subject.
I am a fellow Californian and appreciate your sentiments regarding that subject. We could be an island in the Pacific, hopefully somewhere near Hawaii, eh?
I’m with you there. We’d still be something like the fifth or seventh largest economy in the world. I can see President Boxer.
Here’s another vote for secession of California from another resident. President Boxer!
You and the rest of KullyPhoneKneeYaaaaahhhh secede and ya get yer Prezinator …
(pulling my self back down to earth)
So how can we help resolve your problem …
I woulda voted Texas, but I really like Austin. On the other hand, I couldn’t think of one thing I would miss about OK. Bubbye Sooners.
so I could vote DC off even though I knew it wasn’t a state. My early morning brain said that if we get rid of DC, we’d get rid of Congress, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, etc.
Er, what I failed to realize before my quick click (and misplaced wit) was that hardly any of those people live there and that the voters of DC vote mostly Dem.
So, instead, I’ve decided on Alaska. If it’s not in the union, we can’t drill there. Right?
They’ll drill anywhere they damn please at this point. Even if they have to kill people to do it.
I say wait for W to go have a big meeting with all the Co. at the “ranch”, and get rid of texas while he’s on a bender and everyone is making coffee and wringing their hands.
Sorry, Austin.
The funny thing is that people are naturally using two different kinds of reasoning to decide which state to vote off.
Some are doing it to punish states such as Texas and other red states — in other words, to get rid of them, thereby saving the rest of the country. This is probably the most natural initial reaction to the question, and was probably how the question was intended.
But others are suggesting “saving” a state worth saving, one that might be better off by itself (California, Alaska), and leaving the rest of the country to its sorry fate.
So, in the end, what value can the poll have? (Not that it could really have any “value”, of course!) Both “good” and “bad” states may be voted off, for entirely opposite reasons.
It made me giggle – isn’t that enough?
Texan here. HELLO? HELLO?
It’s all I can do to not go all Maryscottish here (but I couldn’t do it as well, anyway). But I’m am so fuckin’ (oops, slipped out) TIRED of being told to go away, drop dead, we don’t want you, get lost, fuck the South, etc. etc. ETC.
I live in TEXAS and there are a lot of good liberal people here. Yep, we’re in the minority right now, but that doesn’t mean we’re not Americans. And I can’t tell you how depressing and demoralizing it is when people the place where I feel at home – here and at dKos start in telling me that they’d like to evict me from my country.
And no, I’m not going to just pick up and move to somewhere that matches my politics. I need my friends and my family to stay sane, and they’re here. I love the land itself – sunrise in the Hill Country in the Springtime with a little mist wrapping itself around the live oaks and over the wildflowers is as close as this atheist gets to seeing god. Following coyote tracks through the dunes at the coast. Walking the red dirt road that my mother walked to school on through the piney woods in the 1920’s – it’s still a dirt road. Visiting my mothers’ grave.
Electoral votes are not the be-all and end-all of taking this country back. There’s a lot of work to be done in every damn race in every damn state from city council to senator. And no matter how red the state, we can win some of these and winning every one we can is important.
And by the way. GW is NOT at Texan, We don’t claim him and we don’t want him back. Send him back to Connecticut.
You might like to read this – a little diary I posted at Kos recently:
Tired of the Texas bashing
They’d be happy. I’d be happy.
Not that I have a problem with the LDS, I just really hate Word Perfect, and the exempt organizations center in Ogden.
Also, why is this considered punishment? I mean it would be cool if my home state got voted off the Union- I’d get to live in a foreign country without having to move!
Sure, I’ve got friends there, and I’ve e-corresponded with some swell strangers.
Still, it seems that every creepy beltway problematic jerk around our government is in Virginia.
… and a cast of what seems to be tens of thousands.
I’d miss the York apples if we cannot resolve trade issues, but that’d be pretty much all …