With all the current events, and none of them delightful, to say the least, I thought I would share a Southern Sunday with you folks.
For the past couple of days, there has been a stray kitten hang’n round my place, and very skidish to say the least. I’ve been trying to lure the little critter with some milk, and tuna fish, to no avail.
Finally yesterday, the little bugger kept crying around till I finally lured it under the steps of the front screened porch, with some milk, and tuna.
It had been hiding in the undercarriage of my jeep, just outta reach, without risking injury to the kitten,to get it out, I just kept trying to bait it out.
Now it was very scrared, and quite cautious of any movement whatsoever. I could see, it was almost on the verge of complete starvation, and very weak, so I bided my time, and kept the milk at the ready.
Last evening, we had some dandy storms come through the area, and dumped quite a few inches of rain,in just a very short period of time, and in Florida, it don’t take long, to get what we call a “frog-strangl’n rain”
Now there was quite the display of lightning, wind, and a large amount of rain, and the power was knocked out early in the evening. I knew the kitten was under the steps, with milk, and food, so I figured it was gonna be allright for a spell.
Unfortunately, the rain was so strong, that it must have washed the kitten out into the yard. I had been asleep for a spell, no puter, and no music to listen too, so this ol’ boy took a nappy.
I awoke around 11:30pm to the sound of kitty crying, and went out in the rain trying to find it, as I realized it was not under the steps, after checking. I searched the undercarriage of the Jeep, and the Pickup, and could’nt find it, so I figured since the sound was muffled, it was up under the hood, (where I had found it a day earlier) and again, thought, okay, your safe there for the night.
This morning, being Sunrise Sunday, I called all the family, and spent some time chatt’n with them, and giving the best holiday wishes, and then went out to try and wrangle that little rascal outta the truck.
I popped the hood, and it was no where to be found, then, on to the Jeep, still no kitty, and I had’nt heard it since the wee hours of the morning.
Just when I closed the hood on the truck, I glanced over at the Magnolia tree in the yard, and saw something, and it tore my heart out.
There was the kitten, face down, in the water soaked ground, and being wet, you could see every bone in the poor thing, it’s eyes all matted together, and not moving.
I went to pick it up to bury it, and just as I leaned over, I saw a twitch, and one gasp for air.
I picked it up and went inside to get a big ol’ terry cloth towel, wrapped it up, and started to massage it. The kitten started to cry, but it was so weak, it could barely make a sound, but it was breathing, very shallow, but still, some life.
I warmed another towel, and wrapped it in that one, then, I warmed some milk/honey, and got just a drop or two down the lil’ bugger.
So the day has been about every 1-2 hrs, a drop or two of the milk, Tupelo honey, and a smidgeon, of Echanacea. Now the little rascal, is sleeping, off and on, and let’s me know when it’s time for a lil’ nourishment, just a little at a time, but this evening, about two droppers full, and seems to be rest’n easier, and breathing better.
Come tomorrow morning, when the vet open’s, this little rascal will get a trip to the doc. I don’t know if the one eye is going to make it or not, but so far, it’s life is look’n much more promising.
Now, for the rest of the Southern Sunday, between nursing the lil’ kitten, I prepared my Sunday dinner, and it went like this:
Cast Iron Dutch Oven, put in a little bacon grease, get it hot on the stove top, chop up one sweet Vidalia Onion, chunk up 3 home grown sweet tater’s, 4 pats of butter, small palm full of natural brown sugar, and simmer, then crank up the heat, sear the 1lb. parsel of home grown pork tenderloin, (in the same pot) add a droozle of EVO, some Soul Season’n, pinch of sea salt, grind some fresh black peppercorn’s, and then pop that bad boy in the oven @ 350 for 1hr, 30 mins. (add in one more kitty feed’n, during the cook’n time) and voila…..
Mmmmm, Mmmmmmmm, I’m tell’n ya, it’ll make your tongue slap the ridges off’n the roof of yer mouth…woooohoooo.
Now, after all that, here’s the point, there is nothing more fill’n, than the sweet spirit of life, and the pleasure’s it can, and will bring unto you, if’n only you let it. ; )
Take time away from the rage, and let some sunshine in.
As a matter of fact, I think I’ll call the kitty, Sunrise, in light of the Spirit of the day.
Y’all have a great Sunday even’n, and reach out and hug the ones you love, and if’n there not in reach, then give them a call, and just tell’m, how much you love them.
B’bye,,,,gotta run, that lil’ Sunrise is bellar’n for some more milk/honey. ; )
If you want sob stories… but not today. Wouldn’t be fittin’
Now, tell me… what is EVO, what is in Soul Season’n and YOU HAVE PIGS? Where are you? Can I come visit? : )
I love pork and as I remember US commercial pork is NOT worth eating. Here, we have excellent pork though our beef is not so good (unaged and tough).
I have some amazing slow cooked pork recipes.
Cheers and greetings to a southerner from another kind of southerner.
Sunrise, is do’n fine, and eat’n more and more, the lil’ pig…LOL
EVO= Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Soul Season’n = garlic, sugar, salt, black/red peppers, Paprika, and some fresh garden herbs
Yeps, plenty of pigs, and their wild, totally organic, and there are so many, you can harvest anytime. They’ve actually become a problem for some of the yuppy pretty lawns..LMAO…
I’m in North Florida, a stone’s throw from Alabama, Georgia.
Y’all come by and see me anytime. ; )
and from one “suuthener” to anutter, y’all come back an see us, y’heah.
Oh no, I thought, that’s so sad. Your image of the poor kitty lying in the puddle made me cry. But he wouldn’t have told me that to have the poor thing die I thought. Then he breathed and I smiled. My smile grew tears as you rescued pooter. Now the tears were sweet.
All the best to your new pet. I hope he gets well and healthy soon. Sunshine. That’s a great name.
the lil’ rascal is do’n fine, so far, we’ll see what the night brings.
I’m not a cat person, but hey, there’s allways room for change, huh. ; )
I consider them companions, never was quite fond of pet, seems like you own something, and I believe we own nothing here, only caretakers.
Thanks for your kind comment.
Funny, I don’t usually say pet. I have two cockatiels and I would never call them pets. They are my companions, my intelligent, funny, playful, silly companions.
I agree, we don’t own them.
I understand, sometimes I think it’s just habit, from the old school.
This is especially true of cats. Cats are never really owned. They may choose to let you serve them for a life or two but never make the mistake of thinking that a cat is yours. It would more appropriate to say that you belong to the cat.
Dogs are something else. Again you don’t own them but you are hugely responsible since they are so much less capable of taking care of themselves compared to cats. And the fact that they are locked into you removes most of your options.
Birds, especially of the parrot families, have been proven to be very intelligent. I haven’t lived with a bird for a l o n g time (I found them alien and boring but that’s just taste) but again I imagine that you are its keeper.
Reptiles and fish well… I am thinking ‘enemies’ and ‘food’ but again, that’s just me.
It is also getting really, really late for me, so I’ll bid you goodnight while I still make any sense at all.
I don’t think I own my dog or my cats either. Thanks for saving the little kitty. I hope it makes it and is a good companion for you.
I doubt you’ll get much sleep, but you should probably get used to being waked up by the fluffcat. When it gets better, it will jump on your head to wake you up.
I wonder if the storm knocked it out of the tree. The vet can tell you if any bones are broken, I hope not.
LOL, yeppers, I’m sure, last night was up most of the night try’n to find the lil’ bugger, then today, well, it’s been touch and go, but so far, so good.
Don’t know if it came out of the tree, don’t think it had the strength to climb, but there has been an owl hang’n round, and I think it may have nabbed it, or an attempt to. Seems to be a small punture by the one matted eye.
All in all, it seems to be a fighter, and wants to live, so I’ll give it the best I can. It’s only right, for something that has that much fight in it, with all the odds against it.
Aw, kitty hit the Kitty Lottery with you, looks like.
I had sweet taters too, only baked in the woodstove. Butter & candied walnuts. No pork though, dagnabbit.
Thanks for your story.
ooooooh yah, the woodstove, geez I miss that, from the cabin in the mountains for many years.
here it will just be the smoker for the most part, and the candied walnuts..yumm yumm, good stuff from mother nature.
thanks for tak’n the time, to pass time with me.
Love the horse teams. I spent several years in the Carolina mountains, and still have a lil’ spot of land there.
One of the ol’ timer’s that taught me a lot, logged with horse teams all his life. Quite and amazing man, and the knowledge that ol’ boy has is more than a library on mountain heritage. He’s over 90 now, but still sharp as a tack.I spent a lot of time with him, and the rewards were too great to mention.
He still has some of the best honey in the mountains there. yummm, yummm
He taught me when to cut on the signs, and you know I built a couple of large structures there on his knowledge, and we bought a 1918 AC 60 belt drive mill, start it with gas, and then switch it over to kerosene. The timber we cut, and milled, was used on a few of the structures there on the property, and after over 20yrs, has yet to have a split in any board.
We used Poplar, for the outside board and batten, oak, and ash for the main beams, wild cherry for all the interior wall covering, and trim. Still standing strong, and look’n great on that mountain top.
So glad to see an advocate for the Horse Logg’n..and I’ll be back this year to visit, and photo in the area. Thanks for sharing.
is the best. Love building…just hired on to chink the inside of an old nc tobacco barn that has been moved and made into an artist’s studio. We did the outside last summer, and tarted it up with arrowheads, coins, coral and pretty stones in the mortar…as well as making some weird images in the mortar itself…you know, one second your’e smoothing a chink, and all of a sudden there’s a darn owl or hawk looking back at ya from the ce-ment.
How’s the kit?
Yes, it is a great experience, and I know what you mean about the faces.
In Memphis several years ago, I was invited to see an interior door that was delivered to a house under construction, they had pulled it off to the side, and kept it covered.
It had the perfect duplicate image of the “shroud” from the tomb of Jesus. It was in the birch veneer, and it looked as though it was a scanned image on the door, but it was natural from the veneer split of the birch tree. Pretty amazing what you may find. They never installed the door, and keep it protected inside the house. pretty cool.
Those old tobacco barns have a lot of character in them, and can make an absolutely beautiful home.
Great place for an artist inspiration. KUDOS
ps. the kit is do’n fine, “she” is training me very quickly, ; )
While I read it, I was imagining it in Sam Elliot’s voice as “The Stranger” in “The Big Labowski”…
good imagination, cause that’s pretty much what the voice sounds like, maybe a lil’ more country. (chuckl’n)
Many of the best stories are personal and come from the heart. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Mornings used to be my favorite time of the day in Texas. The heat of the day hadn’t caught hold yet and I could actually go out and do something simple like walk two blocks to the 7-11 without sweating off a couple pounds.
And I’m not even a morning person. 🙂
LOL, yes, the morning time is my favorite, fresh coffee, everything and everybody awakening,
I guess after that would be the even’n, day is done, finish supper, sit down and relax with a good cigar, and read some.
Sorry I’m late in responding. Great first diary! How’s Sunrise doing today? You’ll have to keep us updated on Sunrise’s progress. (meaning more diaries LOL!)
Sounds like material for a song…
I always wanted to be a pioneer woman and feel like I know a real pioneer man! Lucky you! and you made the recommended list first time out!! Not bad…friend.
Well, thank you lady, much appreciated. ; )
As for the Sunrise, heh, the lil rascal let me know it was around for most of the night, after the critter figured out it was’nt gonna sleep in my lap all night. At my feet here at the puter, course, it’ll probably be less fond, after the trip to the doc! yikes, and ouch…heh heh
There was’nt enough milk/honey in the eyedropper towards the end of the night, so now it thinks I’m supposed to hand feed it with a spoon, LMAO, I can spoil damned near anything.
Kitty has found himself a new home. =)
I think that’s a perfect name – and the fresh pork sounds absolutely delicious.
say hey to yer mama ‘n’ ’em
How are you enjoying your new life as Sunrise’s pet human?
Doc says “she” is fine, no worms, no lukemia, was a little dehydrated, gave her some fluid, some antibiotics, just in case, loves her new kitty food, in fact, don’t get near it while she’s eating, or she’ll “bite” LOL.
Very, very, very, vocal kitty, wheeewww..but starting to settle down, and she’s training me very quickly. ; )
She must be a pretty tough kitty to come through all that in such good shape. Now she can get down to the business of getting fat and growing more fur.
Yes, and she is training me, she is almost as tough as my DI in boot camp..LOL
Thanks for the inquiry : )
Does she have a name yet?
yeppers, the main name is Sunrise, in light of the day, Sunrise Sunday,
and now at the vet, the name on her file is “Sunny” a shorter version. ; )
thanks for the inquiry
Please keep us updated about your kitty. I’ve rescued a few of them myself. I think I got as much in return for my efforts as they did.
I’ve even had “kitty” dreams in which I’m running around in the yard and seeing the world at cat’s eye level.
Just sign me an admirer.