E.B. Farnum: “Al. If you’re not dead and already moldering, I send news to revive you. A fish to rival the fabled Leviathan has swum into our waters. Get well soon and we’ll land the c*cksucker together.”
Trixie: “Jewel, that he says he’s got around against some hoople-head only having nine cents and wanting a piece of p—y. That ain’t it. Why she’s around is it’s his sick fucking way of protecting her.”
Doc Cochran: “Tell Wu that drunk best not get by his pigs till I’ve had my way with the corpse.”
Swearengen: “I’ll handle my areas but there’s dimensions and f*cking angles I’m not expert at you would be, if you’d sheath your pr*ck long enough, resumed being the upright pain-in-the-balls that graced us all last summer.”
ANNOUNCING The Deadwood Drinkin’ Game:
Slam the damn bottle on the bar and have a drink every time:
- Al curses Doc
- Anybody in camp says c–ksu-k-ah!
- Seth’s eyes undress Alma
- Trixie and the rest talk about them hoople-heads, square-heads, dirt worshipers, or fuckin’ heathens
- Dan murders someone
- A body gets delivered to Mr. Wu’s pigs …
P.S. You can really buy that glass — and a wagon-load uh other shit at the HBO Deadwood site.
P.P.S. Alternative for those who don’t imbibe: Eat a fuckin’ canned peach.
sounds more like the Bush Advisory Team, in the battle room…LMAO
to give us alcohol poisoning?
at least I could understand the poisoning from drinking, versus, the BushCo poisoning..LOL
I’d be three sheets to the fuckin’ wind …
Nubian genie! Oh, E.B.
“I’m not hearing confessions this afternoon, Dan.”
Great episode. Just great … and it’s one I need to watch at least two more times to get all the dialogue. it’s not that it’s hard to get or understand, it’s that — the first time I hear it — it jolts me so much I am still dwelling on what was just said and often miss what comes next. So I rewatch and always catch much that I missed the first time out.
that I could remember anyone’s name after the show is over.
I could, too. Is the governess trying to make trouble for Alma? Seth will have to come to her rescue, and Martha will have her suspicions confirmed. What do you think? Some more questions: Will Al be impotent now? Did Doc get all the kidney stones?
It’s about time for another major character to get killed. It hasn’t happened yet this season. Any bets?
I’ll need another couple of viewings to get it all straight, too.
What’s the name of the sinister man who last year played the part of the slob who shot Wild Bill? His TV name, I mean. And what’s the trouble with Sy? The new competition at Chez Amis (or is it Cher Ami)?
5 stars for female spite tonight. But it didn’t have some of my favorite characters in it…if only I could remember their names…the fire inspector and the reporter.
My daughter and I have been discussing Alma and predicting that she’d get pregnant — if only to complicate things — but also because, um, I don’t think Seth ‘membered to stop by RiteAid.
Her spite (as you point out) + a pregnancy (see previews) = Troubles ahead for Martha and Seth*
*is there a droplet of passion there? What do you perceive?
Alma was spiteful towards E.B.
The governess was spiteful towards Alma.
The new high priestess whore master was hostile and spiteful towards someone.
And I’m glad I didn’t play the drinking game because the Chinaman’s extensive use of ‘cocksucker’ would have killed me. Plus, Dan killed someone.
I think Seth and Martha will start ramp up the rutting..but we’ll see.
Alma is a woman of strong passions. She LOATHES E.B. She LOVEZZZ Seth.
She’s also a decent human being. She sacrificed herself for her father. Put up with that dumbo husband until Dan murdered him. (Her only crime against her husband was her former dependency on laudanum, and that was perhaps necessary to live with him.) She put up with her father’s sudden, greedy presence and was even willing to help her father financially but for his all-consuming greed. She hired a skilled governess for Sophia, and stuck by Sophia despite her love for Seth. She fired the governess who was too cold towards Sophia and quite unbearable to boot. She gave the governess highly generous severance pay. And on and on….
Did the governess hear the ridiculous rumors spread by Alma’s idiot father about Alma being involved in her husband’s death?
Will she, pregnant and accused of a crime, become Deadwood’s Hester Prynne?
Chez Ami
Characters and cast
My daugther just told me a funny: All the people who post on the Deadwood thread at TV Without Pity noticed that the new guy in town — Francis Wolcott, Hearst’s envoy — is the ONLY one who eats the bacon in at E.B. Farnum’s hotel restaurant.
He’s a cannibal!
Jane, can you help me understand what he’s doing at the Chez Ami? The games, the talk, the — uh — unusual interaction with the whores.
This is just guessing, Susan. He seems to be a control freak – making the girls stand in uncomfortable postures around the room. He would like to “educate” them in the classics. The reason he didn’t undress to have sex – I don’t understand that at all. Just watched it again, and I’m no wiser. Does he own the Chez Ami? Is he Mattie’s partner? There’s definitely something twisted about his sexual proclivities. Maybe we’ll know more next week.
I’d like to know who’s making what kind of money deals here. Is Sy buying whores from the sinister Chinese? Woolcott mentioned something about opium. When were the opium wars in China, by the way?
Push, Al! Focus! Breathe!
Grrrrrrr … what a smoldering hunk.
From Episode 15