How do you dress when you blog, Where are you mostly located when you blog? How does your family feel about your blogging, do they think you do it too much?
Do you have any ailments that make it harder to blog.
How emotional do you get when you blog?
Or add anything else you want to say about blogging and how it affects you.
I mostly wear regular clothes, except that my computer is in my bedroom so I could be dressed in anything actually.
I have back problems which affect my neck, arm and shoulder especially, so I have a lot of pain while blogging.
My family thinks I am a little off over this, obsessive maybe and don’t understand what I am talking about when I describe different situations occurring on blogs.
I have all the range of emotions when I blog.
How about you? Also put in the location you are in and the weather if you want.
It’s hard to say about clothing since most of my comment time is before work or at lunch. My wardrobe is business casual to suits…yuck. At home it’s 95% blue jeans and sweatshirts.
The only physical problem with extending blogging at home is the butt gets sore…I need a softer office chair to curl up in! lol
My husband thinks I’m a little over the edge – but I don’t watch TV and he does. We agree not to comment on the other person’s habits and it works well.
I’m in Northern CA – heavy rain yesterday, intermittent showers today, cold wind blowing. Sun is forecast for the Thursday and Friday. π
The weather where I live in Southern Cal, the OC, is light showers in the morning, sunny now, looks like it will be dry this week. Temp. 66 degrees. Anyone know how to make the degree sign?
Good evening,
I am pleased with myself to say that I am taking my first step out of the lurkers closet with this post.
This is my first comment on any blog since I started reading several sites in January of 2003.
I have decided that it’s about time that I actually type/say something and this diary seems innocent enough to start out with and so to speak “test the waters” by replying with my comment on this topic. So, I will jump right in!
I always have clothes on when I lurk, and depending on the time of day that I check out my favorite blogs I may go through a couple of clothing changes. I lurk at home so in the mornings, I have on my pajamas, and I’ll read while I sip my tea. In the evenings, I usually have on casual clothes…my job is not dress code oriented as long as I am neat and presentable. I go for comfortable, which is usually jeans or a skirt and a sweater of late. Late night it’s back to the pajamas of course, as I have to try to convince myself that it’s time to get off the computer and get some sleep so that I can wake up and begin the whole lurking cycle over the next morning before heading off to work.
I live with two dogs and two cats, their only problem with my bloglurking is that I tend to loose track of when it’s time to feed them, pet them, walk them, let them inside/outside…they inevitably let me know in their own ways that I need to get off my butt and pay attention to them. I love them all dearly and I know they love me back…that is as long as I am not sitting at my computer.
My name is Julie and I am a bloglurkingaholic. My family and friends don’t know much about it, except that they say that I have become more informed news-wise and that I am more vocal and logical about my politics and beliefs over the past two years.
In regards to emotions, some diaries and stories really pull on my heart. Some make me angry, some make me laugh. Some I just exit after reading a few lines and think “oh my,that was really stupid”. I have my opinions and range of emotions on what is written. Hopefully, one of these days, I’ll be brave enough to comment.
I don’t really have any ailments right now that make it harder to lurk. I do have fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain syndrome, but I haven’t had a major flare with either in a long time. The little flares I can deal with, by upping my supplements, going to bed earlier and sleeping more. (MSOC, I know your pain!)
Well, if any of you have read this far, I thank you all for being such a great influence in my lurking life. I feel like I know some of you on personal, political and emotional rant levels. I appreciate all that I read, it keeps me thinking.
I am being summoned by the dogs to feed them, it is almost an hour past their supper time! Yikes! I can now see where this comment posting might be more time consuming than just lurking!
BTW, it is presently 58 degrees here at 8:00pm here at my house in Albuquerque. That is according to my outdoor thermometer, although it is probably cooler than that away from the adobe wall where the sensor is, as the adobe tends to hold the daytime heat for quite some time!
I really am happy to see you here and making your first post, which by the way was excellent.
I hope you will feel freer now to comment, it’s really a lot of fun and this site is pretty mellow.
We need more voices posting and you seem to be thoughtful in your comments and you would make a good addition to our little community.
I just posted my first ever diary last week and now I have done 5. So be brave, another blooger Mindmouth urdged me to diary, and because of her nice words and encouragement I did.
So don’t be shy, jump right in.
Funny how I had to come back to see if anyone had commented on my comment…
Thank you for your welcome and encouragement. I have been thinking that if I do start commenting on a regular basis I’ll be able to sort through the jumble of thoughts I have on so many subjects.
Best regards,
Hi, Do you know that you can check your comments on your page and see if there are any replies.
Also if you click the comment block at the top of the page, you will see current comments as they are made.
If you want to chat about random things, or just have a conversation you can either post on World Thread above or the west or an open thread if there is one.
If you have questions just ask, on those sections I mentioned above. Someone will help.
We are still learning the ways of the site ourselves so join in.
Anyway aren’t you proud of yourself, you have already made two posts.
Most of us are trying to sort through the jumble of information just like you are, but posting does help.
Welcome! It’s very nice to meet you. I’m so glad you decided to come out of lurking mode and post. You may notice that this place is very free thinking and community oriented, and I hope this makes you comfortable enough to comment more, and maybe even post a diary. We have a number of non-political threads going on around here, if you want to start slowly. Come on out and chat with us more often!
I was wondering that also about the degree sign?…
I almost always blog from work, so I’m dressed, although I wish I were in PJs! Dress in my office is very casual, so I can’t complain too much. I’m in jeans and a T-shirt right now. π
My family’s already gotten over their issues with my net obsession. I ran a very large, busy online community for a long time, and they got used to that, years ago. My husband, who is just now getting really good at finding his way around the net, doesn’t ‘get’ it, but it doesn’t bother him, either. I have more time to be online at work than home, though, which I find pretty funny. My family keeps me busier than my job does!
About more time to work than home. I’ve noticed that about you. We don’t see you much after 5:00 or 6:00.
But then I am theoretically at work right now, but I am home too, so that makes it nice for me.
Care to explain more about your job and how you can blog so much.
BTW I always have on TV, cable news, radio talk shows all night long and on the computer at least 14 hours a day, not always blogging though, sometimes I do research, and sometimes I play PC Video games.
You know I am curious how people came up with their screen names, please add that everyone. With some names I have the hardest time deciding if they are male or female, so add your first name to posts, everyone, if you like or just say male or female.
I like it when people use their first name in screen names so then I know right away, usually.
Why does it matter male or female, sometimes I just want to know if a man or woman said that.
That’s why you don’t see me! I go home and turn into a whirling dervish, doing Mom and Wife things: laundry, dinner, homework help, bath time, animal time… LOL! I get online from home when I can, and that’s usually on the weekends. I think I said before that I work for a financial services company – and my job is to sit behind a desk and tell my staff what to do. I’m a supervisor so I don’t do a whole lot of hands on things, and usually, I’m e-mailing people or I’m on the phone, so I’m at my desk most of the day. I kinda like it. π
My screen name – well, it comes from my first initial, which is M, the fact that my niece calls me ‘Mimi’ (MM) and the fact that whatever comes into my mind comes out of my mouth. All put together, ‘Mindmouth’ seemed like the best choice at the time.
I’m online for other things too – namely checking on my community (although there are other people that handle it for me), communicating with friends and family, playing games (I recently became addicted to Zuma), things like that. I don’t use it much for work-related stuff – occasionally, but rarely, so I’m thankful that I still have access at work, although that gets trimmed every so often when IT discovers us visiting sites we shouldn’t be and they get blocked. Like my precious Zuma, dang it.
So, while I sit on my big fat tush talking to you guys during the day, my staff is out doing all the work. And I don’t feel guilty at all. LOL!
I’m male, run my business from my home, so usually pretty relaxed.
I go to bed early, and get up early, usually up around 4am, turn the puter on, start the coffee pot, turn on the boob tube to the news, and I’m off.
Clothing, well, that can be a mixture of things, I’m in Florida, so mostly shorts, and t-shirt.
If I’m about to leave during the day, I’ll be in my work clothes, jeans, shirt, or shorts and shirt..
No one here but me, and now a very vocal cat, as of yesterday.
My daughter will visit during the summer for a few weeks, but she expects me to be in front of the puter, or on the job, no surprise there.
During the day, you can find me in or out of the house, with the phone strapped to my side, and a headset on, if on the road, well, it’s the cell phone.
Not much to report here, just a boring ol’ guy.
The username, well now..heheheh, that’s a horse of a different color now. Since the terrorist call us that, it was appropriate, and then many years ago in a divorce proceeding and ex shouted that at me in court. The judge had this look upon his face, sorta like the deer in the headlight thing, then slammed down the gavel, and said, get the hell outta here.
Your ex actually called you an infidel pig?
Was it as funny as it sounds? π
LMAO, yeppers, and I was almost as shocked as the judge, I had no idea where it came from, but to add to it, the whole statement went like this: ” I’ll have you shot, you infidel pig”
Where it came from no one knows, but her brother had to physically restrain her in the court room, the judge said get the hell out, and my lawyer just looked at me and laughed.
I firmly believe, she was out of valium on that day.. ; )
IP, that is hilarious. Just picturing a crazed woman screaming, ‘I’ll have you shot, you infidel pig!’ has me laughing like a nut.
scared the hell outta the judge, and my attorney had facial muscle spasms laughing, me, I went and had a drink…LMAO ; )
story, I laughed too when I read it, I will never forget who you are now, when I see your tag.
I’m curious too, who the ones are that voted they “blog with nothing on”, care to confess anyone.
not me,,,,and I really don’t want a mental image of the ones that do….LMAO
before Donna Karan launches an exciting line of Easy Elegance Blogwear Separates.
For him and her, of course.
I hope you will come back and post your story. You are one of the familiar names around here and I for one would like to hear your blogging story.
Booman too if he’s around.
I’m waiting for the Donna Karan line myself.
Thank you for asking, it is a pretty boring story, people kept telling me I should have a blog, I got one, and then a shadowy unknown group of nerds who prefer anonymity smeared design on it.
So far, I have not yet taken up the custom of changing for blogging in the way one changes for dinner. My preferred blogging snacks for spring are veggie pakoras and pale blue marshmallow peeps.
I am very negligent in updating it, it seems like lots of people read it but most don’t leave comments, if they do anything they send me emails that are either:
I just delete the spew and death threats and tell everybody else that the LL Bean parka is better for Jihad but they should just go to Target and get the same thing cheaper.
That seems like the best way to explain what PNAC is, too.
Great post, thank you .
I especially liked your sentence about “you don’t change for blogging.” I did lol at that.
Brings up a nagging question, however!
When I talked about blogging I really meant doing what we do here, not having your own blog per se, type of thing.
That was the best word I could come up with, since I don’t like the term “surfing the web” and it really doesn’t decribe what we do.
I am always having to answer the question when my kids call, “What are you doing?” and I say either “blogging” or “computerising.” Don’t know what else to call it, do you?
Does anyone have any suggestions as to a name for what we do here? Maybe; “blog wallowing”???? Should we come up with a new term.
Oh, BTW Ductape, are you male, you didn’t say, I’m guessing you are. Ductape is a very male name. (“She said with a smile on her face and her tongue tucked firmly in cheek.)
Yes, I am male, and my preferred activity while neglecting my blog is reading news stories. I like to read a wide variety of stories, and count the weeks until they do or do not show up on the crusadenets.
Most don’t. I might blog about it someday π
I have to wait until the kids are in bed and all the household chores done. Most days I don’t have time to change after getting home. My employer monitors web traffic and blocks some classes of web sites (even educational ones like sky and telescope and the American Physical Society. ) This limits the time to between 10 PM and midnight on weeknights. Kids and errands suck up most of the daytime on the weekends too.
We’re both hooked. And I’m the non-obsessed lurker in the family. It’s cut into book reading a lot.
I don’t know how you can refer to yourself as “non-obsessed”!
Signed, Mrs. NoisyGong
Ha! Gotcha, Mr. Noisy! π
My most outstanding accessory while blogging is coffee, coffee and more coffee. To that end I have a variety of coffee cups to suit my mood and as fashion accessory for the day..which may change during the day also.(and a good way to rotate coffee cups is to hit the thrift stores)
That said my day starts anywhere from 5 in the morning to noon(I’m disabled and sleeping pattern varies depending on what’s happening with that). So whenever I get up I hit the coffee pot button, get coffee in the carafe from day before to tide me over till fresh coffee is made, turn on the computer and here I sit.
Before I do anything on the net I click on the hungarsite and several others and do charity clicking and then hit sites like buzzflash, commondreams, etc and then come here to find out what people here are writing about and commenting on.
Casual clothes=tshirts and sweats. Since I’ve been single for a million years I don’t have to worry about anyone thinking I’m obsessed with blogging…except myself.(thats when you say: ‘ok self, get off the dam computer and get some work done around the house.’
For even more irrelevant info, my computer sits on a hutch type computer desk in my living room with window overlooking grass/trees in this very small enclosed apartment complex.(13 units-all groundfloor)
Oh yeah, today-april 1st and the weather here in central Ca. is sunny, breezy and in the 70’s.
Chocolate ink simply means I’m also a chocolate freak and ink I just liked because of relation to books/newspapers/magazines/libraries…the printed word and just thought both suited me.(even more than coffee)
Just read this entry and nice to here from you about your life.
Since no one else is posting on this page we night as well chat.
Does the coffee bother you; I can’t drink coffee much at all, no caffinated only decafe, have a touchy heart and it causes it to pitter, patter.
I do love coffee flavor tho, love starbucks coffee icecream and I’m addicted to it.
I don’t see many people during at all, don’t go out much, but I still feel like Ihave to dress properly, cause I think that if I don’t I will just slide into another dimension I guess.
The westher hear was really hot today aftermath of the Santanna winds.
I have my garden,that keeps me sane and I am growing staghorn ferns among other things.
About the rant site, still I would love to hear yours.
No coffee doesn’t bother me at all. Now my sister can not drink it at all anymore and has to make do with decafe also. She can’t even eat chocolate to late at night as the caffine in it will make her jittery. Which just doesn’t taste the same no matter what anyone says.
Years ago(when I was being misdiagnosed for some 30 years) my sleeping was such a problem and I had people(and doctors) telling me my problem was the coffee. So to shut everyone up I switched to decafe for several months(was still trying to work also) and it didn’t do a damn bit of good so I switched back to regular coffee and never looked back.
Coffee drinking seems to run in the family, my dad always had coffee cup attatched to his hand as does my brother.
I don’t get out more than 4/5 times a month. I haven’t been able to drive for over 15 years so that puts a stop to a lot of getting up and going anywhere. I’m lucky my sister takes me around when I need to get out or have cabin fever.
I don’t drive either, cannot even turn my head far enough to see behind me (so dangerous), besides traffic freaks me out now.
My kids drive me where ever I want to go and they are great about it and it help that I never want to leave the house.
I get cabin fever once in awhile, but not very bad any more at all, I love to be alone. Having raised 5 kids ranging from 23 to 42 I never had a chance to be alone till I was about 59, so I treasure every moment.
I do visit my kids once in awhile, and babysit,(didn’t have enought of that yet, ha ha.)
Whatever would I do without a computer, I have friends all over the world now and just love it. Expanded my horizons no end.
It’s really nice to hear someone else say they don’t mind not getting out. I’ve had some doctors try and tell me that must be a mental problem(no my problem is stupid doctors) but anyway I don’t mind not getting out that much anymore. Only sometimes. Such as my youngest nephew(25) and his band had a show last weekend but couldn’t go.
My sister and I are more or less like twins even though we’re 4 years apart. Best friends and just think almost completely alike with just enough difference to be interesting. She comes over several times a week usually or spends day here with me watching movies or whatever until she turns into a pumpkin when her husband gets home from work.
Not only do I not mind, I do not want to. Why is my big question, nothing I want to do but computerize, as I call it.
My sister and I are two years apart and she lives in Neb.and Palm Desert and we are not speaking due to a fallout over Kerry, she is a Rep.
I had other reasons tho, inheiritance dispute, and she is a little too high and mighty for me. She has a lot of money and I don’t and that is a problem in itself. We just don’t see eye to eye on life. All and all we did not live near to each other for most of our lives, so things may have been different had she lived close.
She is a pumpkin wife too.
Did you see my request to past your comment on the other diary, if you don’t know how to do it I will tell you how.
have you ever played any computer video games? If ou haven’t you should try, very entertaining and a lot of fun. Helps to relax.
Part of the reason I don’t mind not getting out is that I’ve always like a lot of time for myself-to read, do whatevr and now I have a good excuse. Also their are just so many bigots etc out there I get tired of meeting someone who seems half way decent and then they make some stupid racist remark or anti-gay remark and I just want to puke.
Sorry you and your sister aren’t that close. My friendship with my sister is just the greatest deal in the world. She’s the one who got me my computer for christmas one year and now I really don’t know how I’d survive without one. As for money, know what you mean as my disability and supplemental income is pretty sister helps me out immensely with money.
I’ve never done any computer games. When I get off the computer I’m ready to watch movies or read.
Yeah did see your suggestion on other diary and did ask you to tell me how to do that…ha
think its time for me to get off computer and relax for awhile. Let me know how to do that cross posting a comment ok…I’ll check tomorrow.
I see you learned how to the do the copy and paste. It wasn’t to ohard was it. I didn’t know how to do it for the longest time, even tho I am very computer literate, just one little deficit, I guess.
Hope you are feeling well today. I just left the house this morning, BTW, I went with my son-in -law to a garage sale, his wife, my daughter, did not know he left, so she had a fit he was gone, and having fun, not with her!
We did find a really nice bedroom set for them and after a little persuasion she allowed him to buy it.
That’s why I don’t like to leave the house, problems with people!
Just curious but, do you have trouble eating in the day time, I have a hard time eating the first food of the day and finding anything I want to eat, so I don’t eat a lot. But I don’t think its a good idea to wait all day, how can your body take that?? Mine couldn’t and if I drank coffe instead, you would have to take me on a stretcher at the end of the first day. So I hope you will try to eat more often. Hope you don’t mind me saying that, but we women have to stick together and urge each other on at times, I think so anyway.
Yes I did the copy/paste…finally. I don’t mind getting out in controlled circumstances with my sister, when she takes me to Bakersfield to a movie and lunch..thats fine.
Well at least you got some fresh air anyway..thats always good. I get to get out today also as it’s the beginning of the month and my checks are in so time to do the grocery shopping.
My sister broke her foot a month ago and can’t drive me around right now so her nephew and her are coming over today at 2 to take me to the store. (her husband is working this weekend which is good-he’s works for himself as oil consultant at Elk Hills)..anyway I’ll get some fresh air also. Air out my apartment ..I smoke also along with the coffee habit.
As for eating-I’ve never eaten in mornings-had to be forced as a kid to eat breakfast before school…always felt and still do sick when I get up ..kinda like having a permanent flu.(which I now know is related to the neuro disease) Living alone now just a habit I have of not eating all day and it works for me.
My nephew that lives here (and married a little over a year) is the youngest, 25, the oldest(34)lives in Ar. and has 5 kids. I was around a lot when they were young and helped raise them so Danial-the oldest has his kids call me ‘grama susy’ which some people find odd but both my nephews basically consider me mom also..just worked out that way.(and they never called me aunt) Both have turned into incredibly interesting young men.
I will try and get and email off to you maybe tonight with more infor and stuff like that. You can tell me more about you and your health stuff and all that. I’m interested also in the women you said you made friends with that will be going to Kuwait, did you say?