Cross-posted at Daily Kos.
While on guard duty at a Baghdad shopping precinct, four American soldiers reportedly raped two Iraqi women. Said one soldier who was interviewed:
“I know the women were Iraqi. I however don’t know if they were raped, or were prostitutes, or just wanted sex.”
The soldier’s comments, and those of others interviewed, went unchallenged, and “only the most cursory attempts [were made] by the investigator to establish whether the women were raped.”
The fallout? The allegations “can be heard almost everywhere in Turkey, [that] US troops have raped thousands of Iraqi women and young girls. …”
“Didn’t you see? The American soldiers raped Iraqi women … My father talked to me about it . . . Thousands of rapes are in the records. Can you imagine how many are still secret?”
More fallout and detailed reports below, including today’s report on Democracy Now! : : :
More about the specifics of the rape charges below. First, this:
More fallout. In “Iraqi women find election a cruel joke,” an op-ed published in The Independent and reprinted in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on Jan. 30, 2005, Houzan MahMoud — the United Kingdom head of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq — wrote:
Methal Kazem is one woman who spoke publicly of her treatment by the occupiers. Last February a U.S. helicopter landed on the roof of her house. She was hooded and handcuffed and taken to Abu Ghraib.
Accused of being a former Baathist secret policewoman, she was made to run on sharp gravel, tied up and suspended and made to listen to the screaming of other inmates. She heard one man repeatedly screaming “do not touch my honor” and Methal believes that the man’s wife was being raped in front of him. …
I also believe that American soldiers have raped Iraqi women. They dare not talk about it, however, as they face being killed by their own families if they do. My associates in Iraq have been counseling Liqaa, a former Iraqi female soldier, who was raped by an American soldier in November 2003. The savage truth is that if she returns home, male family members may murder her for her “dishonor.”
How Fake Photographs Fuel Muslim Anger: One site I investigated purported to show actual photos of Iraqi women being raped by U.S./coalition soldiers.
Reports the Christian Science Monitor in a May 2004 article, “For Iraqi women, Abu Ghraib’s taint,” the photos “would horrify anyone: hooded US soldiers raping and torturing naked Iraqi women at gunpoint. …” However:
“I know they’re not real, but people won’t believe it,” says Azzawi, a pretty 20-year-old [whose mother was in Abu Ghraib prison], holding up the paper with a shaking hand. “Who’s going to marry their daughters after they see a thing like that. …
The material and fake photographs found on Web sites are loathsome, inflammatory, racist, and ridiculously exaggerated.
But it has become — from what we know about reactions in Turkey — a part of the mythos of the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
As the CSM‘s article points out, “photos — even if fake — spark rumors that hit family honor.”
Foremost among the serious journalistic efforts is the reporting of Suzanne Goldenberg, U.S. correspondent for The Guardian.
Ms. Goldenberg — whose Guardian article, “US soldiers accused of sex assaults,” appeared March 8, 2005 — was a guest on today’s Democracy Now!:
It began: “Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Brigade — the same military unit whose troops fired on the car carrying freed Italian hostage Giuliana Sgrena — were under investigation last year for raping Iraqi women, U.S. Army documents reveal. Four soldiers were alleged to have raped two women while on guard duty in a Baghdad shopping precinct. A U.S. Army investigator interviewed several soldiers from the military unit, the 1-15th battalion of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, but did not locate or interview the Iraqi women involved before shutting down the inquiry for lack of evidence.
“Transcripts of the investigation, obtained by the Guardian from the American Civil Liberties Union, show only the most cursory attempts by the investigator to establish whether the women were raped. The soldiers claimed the women were prostitutes, or denied any knowledge of anyone in their unit having sex while deployed in Iraq. The statements went largely unchallenged. “I know the women were Iraqi. I however don’t know if they were raped, or were prostitutes, or just wanted sex,” one soldier told investigators.
Most astonishingly, Ms. Goldenberg told Amy Goodman:
Their statements will not be challenged. The interviews are not very rigorous, and that’s a pattern that is — has become evident in the large amounts of documents that have been obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union. That’s like hundreds or actually thousands of pages of documents.
Can you imagine conducting an investigation of any kind without locating and interviewing the victims?
In May 2004, Ms. Goldenberg was reporting this story:
The note claimed that US guards had been raping women detainees, … Several of the women were now pregnant, it added. The women had been forced to strip naked in front of men, it said. The note urged the Iraqi resistance to bomb the jail to spare the women further shame.
Late last year, Swadi, one of seven female lawyers now representing women detainees in Abu Ghraib, began to piece together a picture of systemic abuse and torture perpetrated by US guards against Iraqi women held in detention without charge. [It was] “happening all across Iraq“.
In November last year, Swadi visited a woman detainee at a US military base at al-Kharkh. … “She was the only woman who would talk about her case. She was crying. She told us she had been raped. Several American soldiers had raped her. She had tried to fight them off and they had hurt her arm. She showed us the stitches. She told us, ‘We have daughters and husbands. For God’s sake don’t tell anyone about this.'”
Astonishingly, the secret inquiry launched by the US military in January, headed by Major General Antonio Taguba, has confirmed that the letter smuggled out of Abu Ghraib by a woman known only as “Noor” was entirely and devastatingly accurate.
I have nothing to say. Except to add this from Amnesty International:
as I do pretty much all your diaries but it feels so inadequate. This should be headline news, in ten foot tall type.
I mean, yeah, sure, all armies rape. It is one of the things that armies do, like loot and pillage. When the Turkish army invaded Cyprus we had compelling evidence that they gang-raped grandmothers but it was to be expected. They were, in fact, making a point. I don’t know but I would bet on it, that any time Greek soldiers had the chance, they raped Turkish women.
But this…
One of the things that has bothered the —- out of me since the beginning of this war was that it was a war of choice for a supposedly higher cause. In such a war you have to have higher standards. “Caesar’s wife” and all that. It was not a regular war where looting, pillaging and raping were acceptable. We had to hold ourselves to a higher standard to make it work.
Not only did we not hold ourselves to a higher standard, we have dragged Old Glory through the mud and blood and vileness and it will take a l o n g time to get the stains off. If they ever do.
I am sure you have heard the old sexist joke: “Beat your wife every day. You may not not why but she does.” I fear that this will become: “Kill Americans every day. You may not know why but they do.”
than in the west. I know that many in Washington will be disappointed that they have been unable to keep it confined to “unreliable” sources who frequently report stories that differ widely from crusadecom press briefings, and are not vetted by US military censors.
I wish I could be more optimistic that it will make a dime’s worth of difference in US policies and their implementation.
I’m sure the rapists did not feel they were doing anything wrong. (Please see Open Letter to Lynndie England )
Thank you for posting this.
Another unbearable important story. Every day brings new horrors. I saw that CSM article, but was kind of comforted by the thought that it was faked. I should have known better. Thank heavens for Amnesty, but they have to be so tired. Nothing but bad times ahead for all of us, I’m afraid. I’m so ashamed of my country.
Thank you for taking the time to pull this all together, Susan. (Better late than never on my part, I guess)
Many years ago I had a conversation about this topic with a coworker who had served in the military. While expressing my horror at this type of activity, he smugly responded with, “Spoils of war, baby, spoils of war”. I was utterly shocked – in most part because this was a close friend who I viewed as caring and compassionate. But when the discussion turned to war – his personality changed.
Sadly, I see little hope for the Iraqi women in finding justice. (Consider how effective U.S. women in the military were in bringing charges of rape against fellow soldiers over the past decades) There’s a code of silence surrounding this issue. A code that needs to be broken.
And unless something is done about this, the fallout will be tremendous.
My first thoughts when reading about these stories that have been surfacing for awhile now was that it would get absolutely no traction whatsoever. Pretty much for what you stated about women in the military here being raped and the cover-ups about that which continues. I read that a women here who joins the military has a much higher chance of getting raped than someone who is a civilian. Nice to know that she has to be so on guard against her own comrades.
I don’t think much has changed since the infamous Tailhook incident that happened and not much was really done about that. All show, nothing happening.
And anyone who has seen the “General’s Daughter” with John Travolta knows just how this might play out for women here in the service. This is a truly, truly ugly side to our military.
Rape is considered a women’s problem, with all kinds of classes women can take for them to learn self defense etc yet this is NOT a women’s problem in itself but a man’s problem and until men become as vocal and involved in stopping violence against women nothing much will happen with this issue.
Which is my roundabout way of saying that Iraqi women who are being raped are pretty much shit out of luck if nothing much is done to our women who get raped by their comrades in the military. The Iraqi women don’t have any chance for justice.
All these abuses from rapes/torture/checkpoint killings have lost us the war to say nothing of Iraqi’s still not having water, electricity and other basics. And will reverberate for many many years to come against this country.
Unfortunately, I’m in a position to speak about the general topic first hand. In light of what I was subjected to emotionally by my friends (30 years ago), I find it incomprehensible to fathom the horror for the Iraqi women. For a multitude of reasons irrelevant to this discussion, I chose not to pursue the matter in court. But damnit, I had the option.
The Iraqi women are faced with insurmountable obstacles. He said/she said against U.S. military – who, oh by the way, happen to be occupying their country at the moment. Court systems? I’m sure they’ll be well represented. Oh yeah, then there’s that small issue of potential murder at the hands of their own family members. And heck – if they make it past that – where do they go with no community to return to? Dear Lord – it makes me cry.