Further to Booman’s diary here last week Is John Bolton’s Confirmation in Trouble? I noticed the following encouraging opposition to John Bolton’s nomination to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations
more below
Three more former American diplomats have signed a letter (you’ll need to scroll down a little for the letter) opposing the nomination of John Bolton to US ambassador to the U.N., bringing the total to 62.
Some 59 former American diplomats had written, to declare their opposition to Boltons appointment, to Sen.Richard.G.Lugar (R-Ind) chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who has scheduled hearings on Bolton’s nomination for April 7.
Some choice quotes from the letter
Meanwhile, just as an illustration of the b.s. this administration comes out with (not that it needs illustrating, but humour me)
Stephen Hadley, National Security Adviser, 14/3/05 :
John Bolton, World Federalist Association speech, 3/2/94 :
pretty caring I’d say.
Finally for the best information as this story develops, I’d recommend Steve Clemons Washington Note
This is great news. What do you suggest we do to help things along?
Well looking at whats up on DKos today, it seems Lincoln Chafee (RINO-Rhode Island) is the Republican most likely to oppose the nomination and tie the Senate Foreign Relations committee 9-9. Assuming all the dems oppose.
So here’s his contact details in case any Rhode Islanders are on here
Web site: chafee.senate.gov
Address/phone # in Washington:
United States Senate
141A Russell
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2921
The web page has an email contact form:
the Wash Note is all over it. I think Lugar may allow this ass-clown to go down.
Has any other nominee accumulated so many objections? It would be a great day if a majority -even a small majority- well, a respectable number – of Democrats did not let this pass. Biden will say he’s the real deal;Lieberman will give him love. Anyone else we can count out?
Have the hearings started? If not, when?
Bolton should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo for that remark alone. Plus that silly criminal mustache.