Another Bush “transformational diplomacy” “success”? The simultaneity of the announcements is striking:
Mexican attitudes ease on private oil investment
Libya mulls oil exploration concessions
So how should this be interpreted?
Let’s have a look at the details:
Mexican attitudes ease on private oil investment
Politicians from Mexico’s three main parties are bracing themselves to allow more private sector investment and greater financial autonomy for the heavily indebted national oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
Pemex, which provides the Mexican government with 36 per cent of its revenues, needs to invest in fresh exploration and production to reverse a recent fall in reserves and rising imports. Recent oil spills have also drawn attention to the dangers posed by the company’s ageing infrastructure.
Mexico’s constitution asserts that energy resources are the exclusive patrimony of the nation, barring foreign companies. Pemex was such a sacred cow that Vicente Fox, elected president in 2000 on promises of a “government of change”, asserted that privatisation of the company was off the agenda.
Privatisation is still not being discussed, but many are appealing for options to allow some private investment, to sell some shares in the company to Mexican investors, or to reform its corporate governance.
With taxes based on revenues rather than profits, Pemex last year contributed about 75 per cent of its sales – 110 per cent of pre-tax profits – to the national Treasury.
So the story here is purely domestic: Pemex has been a cash cow for much too long, and although it is a competent company technically, it is not able to invest enough because its resources are captured by the central government (which depends unhealthily on them – 36% of income!), and because there are too many hands in the “pot of gold”…
This fits in my narrative in previous diaries about national oil companies being unable to invest, and the host countries being unwilling to let foreigners do it. Mexico, a democracy, is at least asking the right questions: how to invest, how to make the company more efficient, how to use the natural wealth of the country for the benefit of the population.
Pemex’s example shows that keeping investors out is not necessarily the best way for the country: the wealth is less than it could be because of lack of investment, and it only goes partly to the right uses as there is a lot of “seepage” in a monopoly with no competition and entrenched “stakeholders” of the wrong kind.
In any case, Bush has very little to do with it, so don’t let him claim that as a victory in any way.
Now Libya.
(a slightly longer article than that linked to above, I am not sure it is accessible without a subscription)
Libya is considering offering lucrative long-term oil exploration concessions in a bid to attract international oil companies and boost crude output after years of economic sanctions.
Such a move, if agreed by the Tripoli government, would mark a rare return by an Opec producer to a concession system that collapsed in the mid-1970s.
Libya, which holds the largest oil reserves in Africa but trails Nigeria and Angola as a producer, is dangling the prospect of oil development and exploration rights at a time when oil companies around the world are battling to replenish dwindling oil reserves.
Analysts believe Libya hopes the concession arrangement will appeal to big foreign oil companies such as ExxonMobil and BP.
Libya, which has estimated reserves of 36bn barrels, has started to open up its potentially rich oil and gas sector to greater foreign investment following the lifting of 18 years of US trade sanctions in 2004.
In January it raised about $200m (€155m, £107m) through the award of 15 exploration licences, mainly issued to US companies led by Occidental Petroleum and Amerada Hess. But foreign companies only account for about 20 per cent of the country’s oil output.
Mr Shatwan said Libya planned to issue another 100 exploration licences over the next 18 months in an effort to double oil output to 3m barrels a day by the end of the decade. It currently produces about 1.6m b/d of crude, less than half the peak of 3.3m b/d in 1970.
Libyan officials estimate the country needs $30bn in investments to expand and modernise the oil industry.
Under the licence terms, Occidental and Amerada would have to share production with Libya’s state-owned National Oil Corporation (NOC).
Oil companies which already operate in Libya, such as Total of France, Italy’s ENI, Repsol of Spain and Austria’s OMV, operate under production-sharing agreements with the NOC.
Fellow Opec member Algeria may also introduce long-term oil concessions following last week’s approval of new energy liberalisation laws by the country’s national assembly.
This is fairly technical stuff, but what you need to note is the following:
- Western oil companies (well, European) are already producing oil in Lybia, under the PSA (production sharing agreements) regime, which is not necessarily better than the concession regime (it all depends on the taxation mechanisms in each case).
- like Mexico, Lybia needs new investment in its oil sector. Unlike Mexico, it has not been totally closed to foreign investment, but was not very welcoming until recently.
- the elimination of the US sanctions allows US companies to join their European counterparts in the fun, and the improvement in bilateral relations makes it easier for all oil companies to come and invest.
- as has been discussed elsewhere, Libya has been keen for relationship normalisation for a while and that process is only marginally linked to Bush’s diplomacy and the Iraq war.
In either case, do note that the investments wil ltake a few years to come to fruition, so this potential oil will not be in the market for a while and will not do much to ease the expected tensions on the market in the near future.
suits this scenario the best, and they’re doing it very well, because they are the puppet masters.
I work with a company, that has represented the oil industry, ie. Rememdiation, in the Latin countries for over 8yrs now.
You are correct in your conslusion of the time factor as the infrastructure is not completely in place, but it is on a fast track to accomodate the need.
Exxon, Shell, are very large in the fields there, and are gearing up for production at a rapid pace.
At present time, in most of the Latin countries, we have to work with armed gaurds to even get to the fields to asess the rememdiation needs, and any, and all photo/video is tightly regulated.
Since most of these countries have little to no environmental standards, as other countries do, it is simply hiding what has long been a disaster by any other standard.
The good news is, it is being dealt with, as I’m sure before the fields open up to the public, let’s say, the mess has to be presentable.
In February of this year we started a large rememdiation process with Halliburton in Mexico, and the sites are very numerous, and very bad, but alas, they are on the way to being cleaned as we speak.
I firmly believe, it will be producing by 2008, in a large capacity, and imagine that, just in time for election. These people are truly “puppet masters”.
They do not want any public “eye” on the current conditions, as well as driving the price up, and then let them shine, for being the “relief” for the consumers. These are manipulative thieves, and have many years of expeirience in performing their act.
Venezeuala is as bad, but the Chinese are putting large amounts of cash into the till there, as well as Columbia, very little of this is being viewed by the public, mainly because of the militant governments, keeping under the wire, till they decide who is going to be “in bed” with them, after the shake down.
One thing for certain, we will never again see the current prices rolling back. Get Used to It.
…he’s given up precursors to weapons of mass destruction, he’s still disappearing dissidents into the Libya gulag, and nary a word can be heard from the NeoImps about democratizing the country now that the old dictator is scattering the obstacles off the West’s path to that light, sweet crude.
not to mention that Cheney would have found a way lift sanctions on Moamar somehow, no matter what. The Khan stuff could have been used as an excuse for invading Libya, but given the oilfield development contracts Libya was signing with other countries, it was easier to reward Moamar and lift the sanctions.
Is my understanding correct that these oil fields <u>in total</u> will have very little effect on meeting current projections of the demand for oil and are pretty miniscule when compared with the untapped resources in Iraq?
My tiny brain can only handle the simplified big picture, so help me please!