Take the quiz. I took the short quiz, and I am (WTF?):
Probably best we all not post the movie we are! The files might be kinda big! But if it’s a great poster … well …
P.S. The latest diary by Bob Johnson over at Kos — “I’ve decided to go on a feeding tube” — made me laugh so hard it took a long time to read it. Much needed!
but I won’ t Post the Poster (hehehehe)
and no, I’m not eally a control frea,
I’m not sure I want to know if this is a good or bad thing. LOL!
Me too… I wanted to be the Bad News Bears.
Me too! Hmmm. I found that odd since I tend to dislike most gangster movies, although I do love Godfather II.
Schindler’s List
Ohhhh .. why didn’t I get that. That’s much nicer (not to mention more humane) than Apocalypse Now! Give me some of your vibes.
I did the long version of 45 questions. As for being more humane..doubt that, from reading your diaries and comments. However being disabled-as I am- sometimes makes you become much more aware of injustices of all kinds.
Same here, and the Famous Leader quiz said I was Che.
So much for my carefully crafted persona as a SOB lawyer and conservative Democrat.
Anyone wanna go get killed trying to redistribute wealth to some widows and orphans?
hi, so did you happen to see Motorcycle Diaries? I didn’t really know anything about Che but that was a very good movie. Now I have to go find out more about the guy I guess.
Well I don’t want to get killed but would like to try a little distribution here and there.
And these quizes this morning are just the antitdote to the whole media circus about the Shaivo case.(and forget any coverage about Iraq or Afghanistan I guess for awhile).
But Che, I know of. Aside from being a Commie (he wouldn’t be insulted by that epithet) he was a sex symbol. He was the revolutionary all the hot revolutionary chicks wanted to schtup to piss off their daddies. So, of course, he was the revolutionary all the boys wanted to be like.
To be fair he was much more interested in the democracy end of the promised peoples’ democracy than most such revolutionaries, which is probably why he got booted out of Cuba.
Enough of a combination of pragmatism and idealism to be a dangerous enemy to his enemies and his allies. Hence, dead on a mountaintop.
Schindler’s List and Mikhail Bakunin. It’s going to take a while to figure that one out.
I am Apocalypse Now also; guess I should watch the movie to see if I agree.
What Classic Movie Are You?
<font size=”1″>personality tests by similarminds.com</font>
Easy Rider. I hope the rednecks don’t get me.
I got Easy Rider too! And, amazingly enough, I’ve never even seen the movie.
I have to add it to my list of Catching Up With The Sixties movies.
I just ruined the ending for you.
… Easy Rider.
Me too. And I haven’t seen it, either!
Too funny!
Susan, I was crying over my coffee at Bob Johnson’s feeding tube this morning. Especially when someone commented that he should get catheterized at the same time and he’d never have to leave the couch.
Everybody else should go check it out.
so I could tell him I laugh out loud at his diaries.
The guy is a genius at his own unique style of comedy. Wow … he could do it for a living. Wonder what he does do.
What Classic Movie Are You?
<font size=”1″>personality tests by similarminds.com</font>
Fortune-hunting, eh? Cookies or gold?
I know you asked not to post the posters, but I couldn’t resist when I saw Indy. By the way, we were the same on the last quiz.
It’s more than cool … i was hoping only that not everyone would post their poster.
Yah, that’s me, too!
And my “Leader” tests comes out as Einstein.
I’m not sure I like this.
Then again…
Yeah, me too, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Einstein. B-b-but what does this mean, Mr. Natural?
I guess it jes means:
“Keep on truckin’!”
This is odd. I re-took the test to do the long version and my results came back: “Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives.” I’m surprised that’s even an answer.
A little bi-polar in the results, I see!
I was kidding. I doubt if Jason is an answer.
Geeee, have you run across any vampires in your adventures, ha.
No, but you just gave me an idea for a fun short story.
glad to have sparked an idea through a silly comment.
my movie is “On the Waterfront”
Forget the politics of Eliah Kazan, I was not aware of that when I saw the movie in its time.
It’s the relationship between the convent girl and the tough guy, forgiveness and atonement, courage of convictions, defeating poverty, defeating the steretypes about poor people being less than intelligent, less than honourable…
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington!
Yikes – as much as I hate public speaking I’d be doomed! ;^P
Me too.
“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” and I hate public speaking. We’ll be doomed together sister.
Make that Ms. Smith Goes to Washington.
That was mine too, this is interesting, I wonder what it says about each of us.
Mr Smith was a do-gooder and optimist. My leader was Ghandi and he was a do-gooder also.
So at least the answers are consistent – root for the underdog, fight injustice, and avoid the spotlight.
I prefer to think of it as optimistic realist – things suck but I always believe they will get better.
I only did the 9 questions, so maybe the answers would come out different.
I think the movies kind of fit some people here along with their comments on other posts I have seen, like you Sally, I thought you might be a Mr. Smith.
But then I thought mindmouth would be too, so who knows?
Is Sally your realy name or nom de cat.
Nom de cat gets a 4
Real name is Sally and I’ve always had cats.
I identify with the independence and snarky attitudes of cats – thus the name.
Nom de Cat is Trouble!
He earned the name…a fluffy, snuggly little twit…but I like him anyway.
how can that not be the best movie to be considering our context here.
I’m Easy Rider. And while I joke about that being great… fact is my main characters die. Sure I’m a classic, but we’re all classics. And my director is a weird republican.
Oho! Me, too. It’s interesting to see who tested similarly.
I am hopeless. Mine is Wuthering Heights, dramatic and romantic. The need to find true love is the main passion in my life.
Laurence Olivier was such a hunk!
That’s what I got too. Don’t know what to make of that, though.
Ok, I took the short test and got
“Schindler’s List”
I boycotted this movie because I had so much information already on the holocaust,
I couldn’t bear it.
But I saw it on video recently and thought it was a very good movie with strong performances.
couldn’t figure out the html for posting
an image.
I am the Godfather. badaBING!
I’m Gandhi? Weird.
I guess I like to balance my contract hits with non-violent protest.
Gandhi and the Godfather have a lot in common. You fucked with either of them, you went swimming with the fishes. Few people realize Gandhi’s carefully cultivated image hid the ruthless heart of a gangster, whose enemies woke to find a Bengal tiger’s head in their bed.
well, what’s the real meaning of The Godfather the movie?
perhaps it’s a message of non-violent resistance.
nah. that is weird. But I’m Easy Rider staring Saddam Hussein so count yourself lucky.
So, today you have had me as Noam Chomsky and now you have me as Schindler’s List. So what gives? I mean, Susan, are you determined to destroy everyone’s self image, to send us babbling off to our therapists to know why we are not the Diehard Ruthless villains that we have tried to so carefully nurture over the years?
You ARE an anarchist, aren’t you? I can see why you got Apocalypse Now.
As my mom used to say, “You are SUCH a willful child.”
When I made the 27 questions test, I was Easy Rider
When I made the 45 questions test, I was Schindler’s list…
Who am I?
And, as a leader, I’m Abraham Lincoln!
My famous leader is fricking Saddam Hussein!
What with my movie being The Godfather, I am starting to frighten myself. LOL!
I guess we know who not to piss off.
The next time somebody asks you what you want for a gift, maybe you could tell them to get you the Godfather Horse Head Pillow.
LOL! That is hilarious – I gotta get me one of those. The must have this season for your favorite terrorist gangster. 😉
18 Qs: Sunset Boulevard (yikes!)
45 Qs: (“more accurate”) Raiders of the Lost Ark (whew!)
Maverick Leftist
Has anyone seen King Vidor’s 1928 silent film The Crowd? I just saw it for the first time last night, and I was blown away. I consider myself a big film buff, but usually I find silent films, even those that are hailed as among the greatest films of all time, overrated, overacted, and on the dull side. But The Crowd was totally different–the naturalistic acting was incredibly true-to-life. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the ups and downs of marriage portrayed more accurately!
Maverick Leftist
Haven’t seen ‘The Crowd’ but then haven’t really watched a lot of silent movies. So did you ever play the Silver Screen Edition of Trivial Pursuit?
No, LOL–I’m sure I’d be terrible at it. I’m usually more into movies made in the last forty years. And 1920s movies in particular, I’ve generally found hard to take. But this one is really different. I’m not the only one who says so, either:
Godfather here. I am somewhat of a control freak but that’s not always bad is it?
Bob’s diary on Kos this morning had me in tears I was laughing so hard. Thank God there is someone like him around to give us a laugh just when we need it the most huh?
Wuthering Heights. Cause apparently that is the movie that I am. maybe some day.
We are kindred spirits! I was not at all surprised to be a ‘Wuthering Heights.’ But read the book it is much better than the movie. Likely it is the ‘Wounded at the Core’ question that sealed it for me.
Since taking that movie test I have managed to lose about an hour taking other tests at that website.
which I can live with.
great, now the vast right wing conspiracy is going to get ahold of this and think WE have the WMD.
Funny thing about such tests, of course, is you rate yourself, so it’s your self image that you are matching to classic movies and what not… same on the movie side of things, someone had to rate these movies as well and what they represent.
was Saddam even IN Easy Rider? Maybe in the commune scenes.
I’d tell everyone else where our WMDs are, but then I’d have to kill them, and send black roses and horse heads to their families.
Couldn’t bring myself to watch the movie – although I enjoyed The Pianist immensely.
Susan – thanks for the great laugh! I held back a spit take when I read your results, and ended up choking on a mouthful of water. Next time I’ll take the chance of spewing all over my laptop!
Apocalypse Now [27 questions]. Godfather [45 questions]. A navel-gazing wanderer watching combat surfers, on a mission from God, planning the untimely deaths of my enemies, perfectly aware of my own mortality and the futility of war? Why, that’s odd.
Apocalypse Now . . . . . and Abe Lincoln
Truly Gemini!
I’m the only “Platoon” — guess that makes me a cautious poltroon.
I know the rest of you answered the questions in a way to flatter yourselves. Do you think that’s altogether honest? Really — all you laid-back, adventurous, daring, hip, risk-taking, really, really cool stars.
I’m in great company here. Just hope all your sterling qualities have some influence on me.
Don’t give this test again. Platoon. That’s SO not me.
Should have cheated like all of you.
I’m the Godfather. Earlier I was Noam Chomsky. Brain hurt now.