I joined dKos and now Booman to join the political debate. I have driven my friends and family nuts with my inane rants about politics, education, healthcare and how I am going to fix my career to actually do something about it. I needed (and they needed) me to find a new audience. I thought a forum would be just the place to focus these energies, and maybe force me to write some coherent essays along the way. (I’m more of a math guy and I definitely need the practice…)
{ok, I’m losing interest in this diary already, so if you don’t make the jump with me, I’ll understand… Abbott makes the leap…}
So here I am. I have sat down and tried to write a number of diaries on all of these wonderful subjects and what happens? Well, I get sidetracked. I find Goodbye Cruel World diaries to mock, poorly thought comments to deride, and, oh look the Tivo taped a baseball game from 1988 and I couldn’t not watch that, could I? (Was that a double negative? Yep, my writing needs work…) Basically, I have become a serial commenter with a high propensity for sarcasm and bad jokes. Not really what I envisioned when I sign up.
What I need from you, fellow Boopeople, is some inspiration. I have attached a poll listing some of the topics I have started and not finished diaries on. Please take a moment to vote on which topic you would be most amused by and I’ll make it my mission to crank it out. It’ll be like an assignment – hopefully putting some pressure on me to finally add something valuable to the discussion other than “I hear Catnip loves Jeb Bush…” not that I’ll stop doing that either… I need the pressure. I need the inspiration. Help me get over the hump!