You’ve probably seen my diary: Halliburton Employee Gang-Beaten by Baghdad Co-Workers. (It’s in the Recommended List at the moment.)
Anni, who is close to Ron, would like to speak to us, and answer your questions about how Ron is doing, and what happened to him. Some questions, this person may not be able to answer.
Anni, my foremost concern is that Ron is getting proper medical treatment and, if possible, I think we’d all like to know how he is doing.
And, thank you for offering to speak up on his behalf.
I appreciate your helping me get set up on this blog! I will answer those questions that I am able to. Some questions I may not be able to answer.
Ron is currently in Germany. We are hoping he will get some medical treatment tomorrow. We’ll know more about his actual injuries sometime this weekend. We understand he was in intensive care up until he left Baghdad for Germany.
I am speaking up on Ron’s behalf because I want the world to know why he is over there. I found a diary dedicated to Ron at DailyKos. I read through the thread and was disturbed by a couple of the posts made. References were made about Ron possibly being a mercenary. He is not. He has far too much character to do the kind of nasty work that mercenaries do. He was working in Baghdad to support his family. Like any other father, he wants to be able to provide for his children.
How many children does Ron have? When did he last see his children?
When did you last see Ron? And how did he seem to you? Was he concerned about his job?
(A lot of questions, I realize … answer what you can.)
I can’t comment about his family. He is concerned for their safety.
I last saw him about a month ago. He looked good but was feeling the pressures of the job. He works 24/7. He hadn’t had a day off until he came home to visit.
Will anyone in his family be able to travel to Germany to be with him?
Or will he be returned to the United States?
Has anyone spoken with him? (I am not asking what they talked about, but it would be nice to know that he’s talked with people who care about him.)
Hi Susan – He is coming back to the US on Wednesday on his own accord. Initially his wife was going to meet him but I don’t know that is going to happen any longer.
He has spoken with his father and his wife.
Is it in jeopardy from people he’s been working with?
Can you saw any more about the “Red Neck Mafia”?
I would love to comment on the Red Neck Mafia but I only have as much info about them as you can google. From what I have heard they are a nast bunch of guys.
It is safe to say that Ron is concerned for his family’s safety just because of who injured him.
I wish Ron the best.
Is he being treated in a military hospital?
Thanks for your best wishes. I don’t believe he is being treated in a military hospital. He was “dropped” off at a hotel when he first got there! Very concerning considering he has been in intensive care in Iraq.
I am concerned and upset to hear about what happened to Ron.
I am glad you are hear to tell us about what you have heard happened, and also to tell about Ron and what his job was like in Iraq, and anything else you would like to share.
He worked security at the Baghdad airport. It was a very intense job. He told us about driving the roads around the airport and how fast he had to go. He said they are all moving targets when they leave the secure areas…so they have to be extremely aggressive and drive very fast.
heard a lot of stories about how dangerous the road is to the airport. Including the recent incident with the Italian reporter. It must be terrifying to travel on a regular basis.
That is something I am going to ask Ron. I would like to know why the Italian agent was killed. The story we got from the main stream media just doesn’t make any sense.
that you were upset to hear your friend characterized as a mercenary. Can you describe what his job as a security officer entailed?
Do you know how he found out about the job from KBR and what kind of decision making he used before deciding to take the job?
Yes. I was upset to see him characterized that way. But I don’t hold any grudges to those who may have seen him that way. There are mercenaries there. And I am sure they are ruthless. I really don’t know exactly what he did. I am sure I’ll find out more very soon.
KBR was recruiting in Houston but I just don’t know how.
Any update on the potential legal action?
Right now all we want is for Ron to come home. We want to make sure he is properly examined, diagnosed and treated. We have heard he was black and blue from head to toe and that he has at least 40 stitches on his head. His heart had some irregularities that are very concerning. That is our priority…
there may have been some racial motivation for this assault? Is that true?
When Ron came home recently he did discuss his fears with his father (as was reported by Amy Goodman). Apparently he felt his supervisor had problems with his last name.
Anni, just FYI, there was a problem with the written transcript posted at the Democracy Now site … part of the interview was omitted. I wrote to Democracy Now! to alert them that it needs to be corrected. So, I think that the people who only read the transcript, and who didn’t watch or listen to the video/audio, didn’t see some of Ron’s dad’s remarks about the problems with racism, etc.
I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for letting me know.
I hope he heals quickly and completely. He’s a stranger to me, yet I’m equally outraged and concerned. I can’t imagine how those close to him must feel. If there’s anything we can do, I hope you’ll let us know.
Thank you so much for your concern! It does us wonders to know so many people are following Ron’s story. I actually can’t wait to show Ron this thread when he comes back. Maybe we can get him to post. There is something you can do. You can call or email Harry Reid and demand an investigation into Halliburton. I know Harry Waxman is working on one. Perhaps Barbara Boxer could help.
Do you wish us to contact Harry Reid specifically about Ron’s case and/or investigations into Halliburton’s practices?
Have the senators and congresspeople in New Mexico been contacted about Ron, and have they been responsive?
I think contacting Harry Reid’s office about Ron and Halliburton would be most helpful. But anything you care to do would be greatly appreciated!
I haven’t been told about any potential legal action. The focus has always been to get him home safely and to have him examined.
If you know Ron’s father, how he is doing? He was very impressive on Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. He is a great advocate for his son.
And, has he received a response to his letter to the Justice Dept.? (It’s probably too early, but I expect the Justice Dept. to be very responsive to him. It’s the least he deserves.)
Has he contacted Gov. Bill Richardson or any other prominent Democrats he may have met while he was campaigning?
Ron’s father is completely exhausted. I do believe he has received an acknowledgement of his letter but I don’t know what the contents read.
I am not sure who he has contacted in New Mexico. I contacted several congressional offices the day we found out about the beating. I was very disappointed with their responses.
Anni, we hear a lot about corruption in the context of contractors in Iraq. Do you think what happened to Ron is connected to that in any way? These men who hurt him sound like the types who would be involved in other dirty business as well…
I do believe there is rampant corruption in Iraq. Amy Goodman reported on an email Ron sent his father where he discussed people being on the take. I personally believe his beating is related to dirty business in Iraq. Very dirty business. Americans really need to take note of Ron’s beating, the 7 truck drivers who died, and the other contractors who were killed in Iraq. They need to ask their representatives why. They are being severely injured and killed by other Americans. There is no excuse for that.
Thanks for your concern. We do appreciate it.
I just wanted to add my concern and best wishes for Ron’s recovery. As Susan has pointed out, we hear so little of what is truly going on over there, and often what we do hear makes little sense (I’m thinking of the attack on the Italian agents). This barbaric behavior needs to be stopped.
And please know that most of us (although I didn’t read the dKos thread on this) realize that Ron was over there trying to support his family, not acting as a mercenary.
Thanks cabingirl! That is why I came forward. I didn’t want anyone to think that Ron was over there to hurt people for money. The size of his heart equals the size of his body. He just wanted to make a living…
Halliburton has a code of corporate ethics, which is there obviously to encourage investors.
Here’s some excerpts:
Company policy prohibits all unlawful discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment. The Company is committed to providing equal opportunity to all qualified individuals in its hiring and promotion policies. The Company will endeavor to create a workforce that is a reflection of the diverse population of the communities in which it operates.
The Company believes that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect. It is the policy of the Company to provide a work environment which is free from harassment.
As used in this policy, harassment includes sexual, racial, ethnic, and other forms of harassment, including harassment based on disability. Some examples, depending on the facts and circumstances, include:
* Verbal or Written Harassment – unwelcome or derogatory comments regarding a person’s race, color, sex, religion, ancestory, ethnic heritage, mental or physical disability, age or appearance; threats of physical harm; or the distribution of material having such effects, including by electronic mail or display in any Company work area.
* Physical Harassment – hitting, pushing or other aggressive physical contact or threats to take such action, or inappropriate gestures…
…Reports of harassment will be investigated promptly and discreetly.
Any employee who reports any act of harassment in good faith, including sexual harassment, will not be retaliated against because of such report.
Seems that the existance of a “red neck mafia” pretty much flies in the face of all this happy corporate speak.
So…will Ron be reaching out to Halliburton’s board of directors or investors about this? Has he tried to pursue this through HR? Did he get the run around? And, would the presence of an organized group of racists in this company pretty much violate the company’s own ethical standards?
Don’t know all of the options you could pursue with this, but it seems rife with PR and legal possibilities to try and seek justice for Ron.
Wow grannyhelen! Thanks for the info. I will share it with Ron when he comes back.
Like most HR manuals and policies, I think Halliburton’s is all smoke and mirrors. Makes you feel good about working for them but not necessarily what they practice.
When Ron got to Germany they didn’t get him into a hospital. They dropped him off at a hotel. That is how much they care about his condition.
Also, Halliburton did not communicate with his family after he was savagely beaten. Only after multiple calls were made to them, by many different people, did they respond.
Halliburton tries to give itself a cute little out from federal prosecution in its Equal Oppty language:
With respect to operations governed by the United States law, this policy relates to all phases of employment, including recruitment, hiring, placement, promotion, transfer, compensation, benefits, training, educational, social and recreational programs and the use of Company facilities. It covers all other personnel actions in all job categories and at all levels, including employment of qualified disabled individuals, disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era. It is intended to provide employees with a working environment free of discrimination, harassment, intimidation or coercion relating directly or indirectly to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin.
All Directors, members of management and other employees shall actively support this policy.
I think it could be argued that Iraq under that Halliburton, being hired by the US military, is still subject to US law in Iraq (as the US military is also subject to US laws in foreign countries). Not a lawyer but I think there’s enough here to get a legal opinion.
I think it could be argued that Halliburton, being hired by the US military, is still subject to US law in Iraq (as the US military is also subject to US laws in foreign countries).
fingers flying too fast – sorry!
I agree. They operate under the Department of Defense. You have made some excellent points. I don’t know anything about international law and how it relates to contractual law here in the US. It is about as clear as mud to me.
Basically, it’s pretty simple. You pull the contract and check out the “jurisdiction” clause. Pretty much states under what country (and in the instance of US contracts, under what state in the US) any disputes need to be litigated.
What would be great about following a legal course of action – if you could get someone like the ACLU to do it for you so you don’t incur too many legal fees – is the discovery process. All documents pertaining to Halliburton’s contracts with the DoD would need to be pulled to determine stuff like jurisdiction. Who knows what else could be asked for, cuz discovery is meant to be broad.
The ACLU might be interested in taking this one up…
I will pass this info onto the appropriate people. Thanks again.
Anni, thank you so much for participating on this thread. (I regret my delay in posting, but I ran into tech problems this morning, and this has been my first opportunity since then.)
Yesterday afternoon Susan indicated that she was unable to locate any reporting of this incident outside of Amy Goodwin. (From my observations, if anyone can find something, it’s Susan on a mission.) This matter would seem to be of great interest in Ron’s regional area, so I wondered if anything has since been reported. (I certainly hope so.)
Please know that Ron and his family have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I appreciate your suggestion on how we can offer support – and I plan to contact Harry Ried.
We would all be blessed to have a friend of your caliber, and I wish you the best of everything.
Thank you! We have heard he may be stateside Wednesday of next week. We are keeping our fingers crossed!
The BBC has contacted his family as well as the LA Times and the Houston Chronicle. Outside of those sources, no one else has contacted the family.
I again want to thank Susan for allowing me to take up space on this board to answer questions. It has been a wonderful experience.
I’m definitely looking into an online subsription to the Houston Chronicle. More than any other paper, they seem to report the issues that matter to me. (Based on what I’ve seen during my blog surfing).
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Anni. I hope Ron finds the justice he so deserves, and I wish him strength and serenity in his healing process.
I just read this diary today and it has been up for two days. Susan? Anni? Do you have an update on Ron? Is he still in Germany? Please let me know.
Ron will be back in the US this next week. We are all so very happy that he’ll be back on US soil.
Thanks, every one of you, for your concern and questions. Your thoughtfulness and support is much appreciated. His family will know how kind you all are.
I am so happy to hear that although I am not sure if Ron and his family will be all that safe in the States. I think it is important that we all do what we can do to let the media know what happened. In my humble opinion, I think Ron and his family will be safer if more Americans are aware of what happened to him. I am also worried about other Americans like Ron still in danger. This story should be on the front page of every newspaper and every American should be flooding all of their Congressperson’s office to put an end to this madness.
You are right. The lawlessness that is pervading the so called reconstruction of Iraq has extended back to the U.S. There has got to be an outcry from Americans demanding that this stop. Not only are innocent people (American and Iraqi) being injured and killed, the amount of money that is being hijacked is disgusting. Our future generations will be paying for these crooks to line their pockets.