This post is not really mine. I copied it directly from the amazing writing of DeAnander, one of the (many) brilliant commenters over at Moon of Alabama, the site where many of Billmon’s Whiskey Bar “barflies” have found a new home (and where we open a thread for each of his new posts – as you may have seen, he’s on a roll again).
This was written in reaction to a post on the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, where I contrasted the pessimism of the report with Meteor Blades‘s relative optimism on the topic, and I thought you might all find it quite fascinating.
So, everything below the fold as written by DeAnander, introducing “carburbs” and “corporadoes”…
Mc Kibben’s recent essay kind of covers the ground.
there is so much cause for optimism in our rapidly-increasing understanding of soil biology, of the functional use of fungi and invertebrates in waste processing, of permaculture (all too often rediscovering things that other cultures knew and practised millennia ago)… we can get more yield per acre from sustainable ag practise than from fossil farming; and we keep destroying family and peasant farmers, around the world, in favour of the less productive method.
as a species we are capable of inventing the bicycle (a truly innovative device and huge energy-saver), the hot-air dirigible, the focusing lens, the aerofoil sail, all the mechanisms we moderns dismiss as “clockwork”. we’re bloody clever! we moderns have been artificially made stupid, sub-competent and passive by our total-convenience lifestyle, but we have the capacity to be enormously inventive, creative, ingenious, handy. cause for optimism!
to mention just a few small examples: we already know of simple, practical, biotically-based ways to build or retrofit houses that are 5 or 6 times more efficient to heat. most of these methods are “illegal” under current building code. try to implement them in the average us town or burb and you will be punished with months of permit wrangling and tens of thousands of dollars in special fees.
we know how to install and use composting (“dry”) toilets, saving potentially 100s of mio gal of potable [aaaaargh] water per year. and most of our “planning” departments consider them illegal or sub-code. admit that you have installed one in the average town or burb in the us and you are in for the same trial-by-bureaucrat mentioned above. we are actively discouraging and preventing citizens from innovating and discovering less wasteful technologies.
we know how to transport heavy goods (and passengers) by rail and water, saving enormous amounts of energy. so — we deplete our rivers to the point where they become unnavigable, and tear up our railroads, and do our best to bankrupt our already-risible passenger rail network. we are running short of good farm land, so we pave more of it over for dead-end carburbs. we are politically and economically captive to foreign oil reserves; so we go out of our way to promote, build, market the most inefficient private vehicles we can envision, actively worshipping at the altar of profligate waste.
we know how to do all kinds of things right — “right” meaning “in an adaptive, survival-oriented, frugal, sensible way” — and yet we prefer to do everything as stupidly and wastefully as possible… I guess because it tickles our egos and makes us feel important and “wealthy”.
thus I remain a pessimist — a pessimist perpetually maddened by the proximity of optimism, like a starving castaway with a tin of food and no can opener, on an isolated atoll with no sharp rocks handy. optimism is so damn close — “another world is possible” — we can see it through the window, almost touch it, almost get our hands on it, but there is a phalanx of heavily armed plutocrats and their hypnotised disciples and rentathugs in between, telling us that we can’t go there. and history suggests that they will win. faced with the classic choice, “Adapt or Die,” they will make like the Greenland Norse, refuse “manfully” to adapt, and take us all down with them. when we were within arm’s reach of a saner way of living — no miracles or space aliens or perpetual motion engines required.
I’m reminded of M John Harrison’s surreal, poetic, elegiac, elliptical sci-fi novel The Pastel City in which a grim unstable feudalism survives in the post-industrial, post-space-age ruins of a far-future England.
hard-bitten miners brave the toxicity and desolation of the Rust Deserts and the Metal-Salt Marshes to recover scraps and relics of the fallen civilisation; travellers ponder an artificial constellation left in their night skies by ancestors whose technological prowess is long forgotten, unable even to read the alphabet in whose letters which the Name Stars are configured. [maybe it will be the infamous “orbital Coca-Cola billboard”?]
our greatgrandchildren, I fancy, will excavate and mine our old “city dumps” and other industrial middens for metal, plastic, glass. I wonder if they will loathe and hate us when they reflect on all that we giddily threw away — like a drunken, gambling-addicted father in a Victorian morality tale — leaving them in relative resource poverty. or will they perhaps, having lost historical continuity, regard us as mythical ancestors with magical powers beyond their understanding?
if so, what will they make of the magisterial wastelands we have left behind us — the cracked obsidian craters of our nuclear tests, the poisonous blazing-aquamarine waters running off our old copper mines, the great tilted slabs of our silent airports, the gaunt enduring armatures of our skyscrapers, the vast barriers of our embanked roadways? what legends will they tell each other about the mysterious, sickly lands around our abandoned hot ponds, the probable deltas of desolation downstream of Hanford and similar sites?
will they hammer the shells of our old automobiles into armour for their agrarian wars, I wonder, starting the old story all over again?
or will they look back on us, from their immensely clever bamboo-and-paper houses, surrounded by their perpetual permaculture gardens, reading by the light of genetically-enhanced fireflies 🙂 and feel sorry for us… because we made our world so clunky, so unnecessarily ugly, sordid, wasteful, conformist, uncreative and graceless? I wonder in my happier moments if they will look back at the SUV, the passenger jet, the office cubicle, and ask themselves as we now ask of the corset, the bustle, the long woolies of the Victorian Brits — how the hell did living, breathing human beings resign themselves to such imprisonment, such stifling, such bondage?
yes, less-impactful ways of living — and ideas about same — are heavily deprecated and obfuscated in the culture… derided and feared actually… not surprising as they all involve, ahem, buying less stuff. which is heresy, and must be extirpated.
Stossel (the limblowhard of ag and food) and his repeated attempts to demonise and “dangerise” organic produce is a good example. people in cars who yell “Hippie!” and “Get off the f**king road!” at cyclists on US streets. teenagers who learn to call the city bus the “loser cruiser” and believe it is a social stigma to ride it. people who believe that not eating meat every single day is an unthinkable degradation of their lifestyle — even if the meat they do eat is so stuffed with hormones and antibiotics and injected with adulterants that it almost qualifies as lab waste. it all adds up to a phobia, a cultural rejection, of the very idea of low-impact living. The American Way of Life is not negotiable. we can either be ourselves — heroic, imperial, wealthy — or we can suffer enormous loss of face and “live like peasants/heathen.”
the corporadoes did a really, really, really good job of burying the brief sustainable-counterculture movement of the 70’s. with ridicule and caricature [aided to some extent by the natural loopiness of humankind which expressed itself in communes and collectives just as vividly as it does today in the prayerful gaggle outside Terri’s hospice], with erasure and historical revisionism, with the help of police harassment and accelerating enclosure of “public” space and corporate media control, they pretty much “disappeared” the whole live-lightly cultural thread that flourished oh-so-briefly, along with its (ironically) very traditional values of materials re-use, ingenuity, home-building, low energy use, historicity, frugality, sharing, etc. those ideas are still out there, but you have to know where to look. they will only appear in the corporate media as part of a “humorous” freakshow story.
specifically on the composting loo topic, google for “Sun-Mar” or “composting toilet” or “sawdust toilet” or “Biolet” or “Joseph Jenkins”… I believe this technology is far better accepted in Euroland than the US. backward again, alas.
for an interesting review of the “owner-built home” movement and the sustainable architecture subculture, and their survival into the present, the recent book Home Work is a treasure trove. the original — classic — book Shelter is long oop I think.
the “smaller/lighter is more beautiful” movement is still around, just invisible to the media (except for occasional public pillorying and pelting with tomatoes). only the highest-tech edge of it (folks like the Lovinses) get any air time — imho because they support the grandiose technocratic mythos, whereas the humility and third-world ingenuity of the low-impact crowd really hurts the Amurkan ego. buckyballs are Way Cool, but mass transit is for losers and composting toilets are ‘eeeew gross!’
googling for “intentional community” may turn up examples of persistent low-impact advocates banding together to build or convert apartment buildings or condoplexes (in the city) or create eco-villages (in less urban areas) with a view to reduced resource consumption and more human/shared/green space. [it will also turn up the usual percentage of lifetime SCA members who want to form communities with others who wear wolfskin vests, carry broadswords, and try to speak extinct Scandinavian dialects. to the corporate media, they’re all the same — misfits, freaks, fantasists.]
also google for “urban gardening”, “green roofs,” “bioneers,” “hermetia larvae”, “eisenia fetida,” “straw bale building,” “papercrete construction,” “water harvesting,” and discover a lot of very ingenious people trying to be smart without being destructive… this list of googleable topics could easily get to be pages long, but you get the idea… little grains of determined crunchy hopefulness in the stodgy pudding of despair.
Great diary. I was just preparing a diary on sustainable living. You saved me a lot of trouble. I’ll post some of the information here. (Some of it duplicated what you have.):
Here’s New Scientist’s
take on the report:
And from the same April 2nd issue:
Thanks for your input, but I want to repeat that I did not write this.
I am however interested to know if you like this writing…
I confess the beginning confused me. I assumed it was your writing but based off information collected by the others. The writing read well. I usually prefer my capitalization, but the hipsters got their own ways of riffing.
I just figured out why I was confused. Might you edit the diary to put his work in block quotes? I think that’s how it’s usually done when quoting long pieces by someone else.
It’s just that it’s pretty long. i’ll edit the post to put the extension as one big quote box if someone else piles in…
Sirocco special. What do you think?
And now – enough of the meta-comments!
How do you like his writing, and what do you think of its contents?
so one more meta comment.
To learn how I did that, just hit edit story on this diary and look at the code. The part for color was left as XXX, meaning a white background. You could change that if you wanted to.
Concrete, vivid imagery, freeform poetry written in paragraphs. As a former copy editor, I usually can’t read without editing in my head. Not so here, because the writing flows from idea to idea.
The content is something lots of people seem to be thinking about. There are many solutions, but who will have the resources to develop a few of those so they are affordable and easily available?
for sharing, Jerome. Those posts by DeAnander were beautiful and concise and eloquent. They re-illuminated parts of the landscape of my mind that I had neglected of late. Many of us in the techno-fix crowd tend to look only forward to the expense of sideways and back.
Space has long seemed to me to be a way out, for the species. Colonizing it has always required recycling, energy efficiency and sustainability. Ideas do flow back and forth between those thinking about how to live on the moon and those thinking about how to live frugally on Earth though there are factions on each side who would rather not talk to each other. It’s silly, we are really on the same side.
Space exploration has already changed humanity’s perspective at least once, with the first pictures of our homeworld from the outside. Once you saw those photographs of that impossible blue and white bubble on a sable background, its roundness became impossible to ignore. </snark>
It can again. As people actually live in space and discover the true cost of life-support, perhaps the great life-support engines of starship earth will be more appreciated.
Let’s not pull the feeding tube out of the human race. : )
We have two of them within thirty miles of us here in Kirksville, MO (they even made it on a feature on PBS Newshour a couple years back). They’ve got the composting toilets, straw bale houses, all that jazz. And we had Stephen and Ina May Gaskin from the Farm in Tennessee come stay at our house for a couple days; I haven’t gotten a chance to go visit them but it sounds like they’re still going strong down there.
I think the piece you posted is very well written, but too pessimistic. Yes, it’s frustrating dealing with all the crap that he describes. The wasting of energy is especially galling (businesses that leave huge lights on 24/7, homes that are getting larger and larger and don’t hold heat, etc.).
But think of how things stood forty years or so ago. It was hard to find any place indoors that was free of cigarette smokers; factories just dumped whatever they wanted into the water or air with no repercussions; gasoline was full of lead (like paint) and cars got 8 MPG. There were no solar cells, and little use of other renewable resources.
And while the federal government is in the pockets of the polluters for the moment, states are taking action in ways that would have been unimaginable forty years ago:
So while for the short term I’m pessimistic, over the long term I think we’ll continue to improve in the area of sustainability, such that in another forty years we’ll be able to look back and be amazed that people of 2005 were so profligate with their energy consumption, sprawl, etc.
Maverick Leftist
Ok. The carpenter chimes in. Qualifier: commenting on the United States only.
The author fails to mention adoption of, and inclusion in the code of “Type K” housing. Basically allows structures to be built with indigenous materials, but requires inspections for any electrical and wastewater systems. If your local jurisdiction has not adopted that section, advocate for the necessary changes.
Secondly, the codes were designed [if you read the introductions] to ensure protection for the occupant – fire, health, safety – as well as surrounding structures. Anything I build “to code” will withstand an earthquake of 7.5 or greater, winds to 100 + mph, will allow time for the occupant to get out in a fire, afford some protection to the adjacent properties, and if in hurricance country, survive 200 mph winds without total collapse.
Third, the arguments for the specific types of alternatives the poster describes fail totally when applied to any developed urban and/or suburban area in the country. I challenge anyone to show me designs for single or multi-family structures using those methods that would provide shelter for the 2500 people moving into new homes in my area alone this year, much less the entire U.S.
I’ve been investigating micro-engineered waste-water treatment, photovoltaic energy production, low-voltage DC fixtures, water containment systems, and alternatives to “stick built” houses since the ’70’s. New products come online almost daily. But as with any other “new idea”, those products/methods & materials take time to be tested and accepted in the marketplace.
Finally, do not blame those of us in the trades that build these structures/shelter. Go whine to your insurance company. Good luck getting past the underwriters. Take your wonderful ideas, buy your land @ exhorbitant rates in downtown San Francisco [or London, or Paris, or…] and build your tower of new, exciting, and sustainable housing.
[friend of mine’s ranch in Africa: model sustainable economy. next time].
I have to wonder why 2500 people need to move into new houses in your area this year. While I understand that this is your living, frankly it sounds like you are helping build sprawl. Or did I misunderstand you?
Maverick Leftist
While I too worry about sprawl, I know a lot of new homes are so much more energy efficient because of better insulation and construction, that they help eliminate greenhouse gases. Britain has a program to tear down older homes to build new homes as part of a greenhouse reduction program. I think 87,000 homes are planned for destruction. Full disclosure: I do not work in the construction industry and I live in an old home that had belonged to my wife’s grand mother and it is terribly drafty.
That seems a little better, as they are just replacing old with new. When I hear about 2500 new homes, though, I picture what I see in the only suburban (exurban, really) area I ever spend much time in: the “East Side” of the Seattle metro where my in-laws live. They raze beautiful Northwest forests there to build ugly subdivisions and strip malls that look the same as what you’d find in any other suburb in America, and it makes me sick.
One problem, by the way, with the modern trend toward sealing up houses to get rid of drafts is that you end up with unacceptably high levels of indoor pollution–especially since those new houses use lots of materials that give off chemical vapours.
Maverick Leftist
They move here because we have a good job outlook, and it’s cheaper than the Bay Area for both land and housing. Developers can’t keep up, and some housing is bought before it’s built. Definitely sprawl. [I don’t work tracts. Never have. Generally commercial, and for the past few years, custom homes & upper-end rebuilds].
I’m surprised that Seattle isn’t encouraging vertical development, and incentives for infill/conversion of older properties. Takes some of the pressure off to cut forests.
It is surprising, and disappointing, especially given that they have the example of Portland to follow, just to the south.
Maverick Leftist
friend of mine’s ranch in Africa: model sustainable economy. next time
I’m eager to hear about this ranch! My sense is that options are available all over the world, if we just knew more about how other people do things.
On the one hand my comment seems obvious, and don’t know much about economics or whatever, but on the other hand I don’t see anyone else saying this (why?)
Isn’t this an economics issue? If you increase the productivity of workers so they make more stuff then you have just two choices: (1) everyone has to buy more stuff (2) everyone works less. Since the industrial revolution suddenly increased productivity per worker 10x or 100x both have happened.
You had the introduction of child labor laws – less work. You had the five day / 40 hour week – less work. You had the fact that most middle class women didn’t work (since then reversed) – less work. Pensions meant the elderly didn’t work. Social security for the unemployed meant a limited amount of people could not work while between jobs or ill.
If you want less stuff as a society you must work less. as productivity goes up work must decrease or else the amount of stuff people by has to increase.
Americans work longer hours with less vacation than any other industrialised country I believe. If you want less stuff then decrease work.
Lower retirement age.
Four day working week / 32 hour work week.
Better social security.
Free education to a higher age.
Hell just allow people to not work and get paid by the state for doing nothing at all. A lot of people would take that choice. At the moment you have to have the excuse of ill health or unemployment to do that.
It seems like reducing work is a lot simpler way of viewing things than all this talk about dry toilets or whatever. Trying to do that while maintaining work hours as is would just mean that some other stuff would have to be purchased.
Am I crazy? Is this so obvious no one else bothered to say it?
Not crazy, but not so obvious…
But it has been broached in other posts over at Moon of Alabama…
In a town south of me, Victoria BC, in the early 1990’s, a man had a self-sustaining home. He captured rain water, the sewage was composted, grey water for the lawn, solar panels, the whole thing. He was fined by the city for some minor by-law infraction but mostly they hated him for being off the grid. He should have been given a medal. That was ten years ago and I’m sure the attitude would be different today.
This man showed that it could be done. We KNOW it can be done.
That article was both informative while also being quite poetic and lyrical.
It also reminded me of how much I hate big business-not that I need much reminding. Something I don’t understand is the fact that making our country much more environmentally sound with housing, the land, seems to me would be a win/win situation all around.
How would this not create millions of jobs while actually being beneficial to the land. I’m talking about making environmentally green houses and all other kinds I jobs I can’t envision because I’m not that knowledgeable on these things.
I remember thinking a few years ago one way to put people to work with basically no skills would be to have these huge warehouse type buildings with discarded furniture, etc and these people could refinish/rework/rebuild/repair tables, chairs, dressers, coffee tables, rewire old lamps..use discarded lumber for bookshelves and use this new and improved furniture for all the Habitat Homes. This would give people with no skills jobs and furnish these homes for people of low income.
I was imagining a co-op type place where women with children could work in these places with some of the women and men having part of place as day care center right there to care/watch others kids while these people were working and creating something. I suppose the added benefit might be that these children would see their parents working, doing something important for others.
I had also envisioned that these places could also use a certain amount of the land to grow fruits and vegetables. Making sure they were composting/growing organic. With the idea that they would have fresh produce for their families but also to possibly have enough to sell some of the produce.
Here’s a link also to a house Robert Redford was involved with getting built in Santa Monica. It uses 60% less water than most buildings, has bamboo floors, hemp carpet, toilest flush themselves with rainwater. Pretty cool deal.
Thanks for the great link! Redford is showing it can be done, and now we must learn more so we can teach others how to do it. There could be a critical mass that would make it affordable if enough people learn how to do it.
This gives me hope.
Here’s another link that gives a bit of hope on building houses with bales of hay as insulation…done on Indian Reservations. This has attracted people like Robert Redford also and one of the guys(forgot his name for the moment)from Pearl Jam who go and help build some of these houses.
I really wish I was in better health so I would be able to go out and do things like this.
It would be nice if the Redford House would get more air time on tv so people would realize how things can be done and are being done without it being any fringe ideas or wildly costly.
Another great link! I’m going to have to Google some to satisfy my curiosity.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go to the Hopi Mesas to help build that house? I was fortunate to visit there once, an it was magical to me. I can’t go either, but it sounds like a great way to learn.
In the long run, I’m hoping to build a small alternative energy home in the Ozarks. Lots of options!
Thanks again.
Yes that sounds like just such a cool way to be able to do something worthwhile and constructive..the only time when my disability can piss me off is when I’d like to do something like this and can’t.
Do you already have a lot thought out about your alternative energy house? People here might be interested in knowing someone who is actually going to be able to do something like this. We can all use good stories like that.
he speaks exactly what is in my heart as well. it is frustrating to know we could have avoided so much pain, worry and suffering if we’d taken a left when the writing was on the wall back in the 70’s.
there are many ingenious tinkerers out there too busy even to notice politics probably!
i think we could be on the edge of a global new age, as we finally kick these sorry plutocrat asshats off their perch….
what will it take?
gas at $5 a gallon, people too far to walk to work, the economy going south, ten million unemployed hungry ghandis sitting out in the street with little spinning wheels blocking traffic?
the answers are like the raisins in the pudding, we just have to get rid of the stodge.
maybe it will melt into a little puddle of green goo and slither off where it came from.
We’ve known all this stuff for over 30 years. Why are we still sucking the petroleum teat? Because there is LOTS of money to be made.
When the oil parasites and death merchants are done with us, we may see some change. Will it be too late? There’s no clear line to cross, labeled “too late”.
Right now, kids all over the world are breathing polluted air and loading their bodies with chemical waste toxins, from conception onwards. Is it too late for them, right now? How much damage is “acceptable” or “sustainable”? At what point is the damage irreversible? For how many people?
With so many people’s brains plugged into the mass marketing distractions of TV melodrama, nothing good will happen until a good-for-TV crisis forces a change. Then we’ll find out how late it is.
I’ve followed this issue since 1971. I researched, implemented, worked on, lowered expectations, stopped buying impulse consumer goods, bought from sustainable producers, saved, invested, projected, and rejected.
I’m still screwed because there are 5,990,000,000 people living on this planet whose major concern is how much ‘stuff’ they can grab. 5,000,000,000 of these people live in the Third-World (a more condescending phrase is impossible to imagine) where living conditions is one short step from starvation. Do I blame them? No. 900,000,000 of the world’s population, the First World (“We’re Number One! We’re Number One!”) – so to speak, are living in acceptable to lavish conditions. Do I blame them? No.
What I “blame,” if such a word is applicable, is the premise shared by just about all that actions do not have consequences. “We” think we can suck oil from the ground, fish from the sea, trees from the forest unto the n-th generation and oil, fish, and trees will magically be there.
They won’t.
The Third World doesn’t want to starve to death – the selfish buggers. Up to now the First World is has been telling them they need to develop in a sustainable manner while doing every thing we can to ignore our own advice. The Third World is responding, in an old American saying, “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”
I have no answers. I can barely get a grasp on a small subset of the variables and facts required to establish a foundation to begin to find suggestions much less answers. So please take these as ‘talking points’:
And on, and on, and on, and on.