How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer)

If you have ever wondered how BooMan, susanhbu, or some of the other BooT’s here manage
to put together those beautiful Diaries, I have the answer. Well – I have part of the answer.
Here is a short primer on the HTML tags and tag elements which are supported by the version of Scoop
that is used to run the BooMan Tribune.

While I have tried to cover all of the HTML tags and tag elements that can be used to write both
Diaries and Diary Comments here on BooMan Tribune, this is by no means either an exhaustive list
of all HTML tags and tag elements, nor does this list necessarily correspond to that set of HTML
tags and tag elements supported for all Scoop sites; or all versions of Scoop.

For example, while Daily Kos supports HTML tags like <STRIKE></STRIKE>, <SMALL></SMALL>,
and <TABLE></TABLE>, these tags are not supported by BooMan Tribune. Based upon what I can
find on the Scoop site, this is not because BooMan Tribune uses an older version of Scoop, but rather
because BooMan Tribune’s version of Scoop is newer.

I have placed quite a few comments in the HTML for this Diary in an attempt to provide even more examples
of both what I am doing, and how I am doing it.

For instance, the Anchor example below is bracketed by two comments, one at the start of the example,
and one at the end. If you view the source page for this Diary you will find:

<!– BEGIN A – Anchor, Hyperlink –>

– and –

<!– END A – Anchor, Hyperlink –>

Additionally, the entire Diary is bracketed by a beginning and ending comment tag:


– and –


So you could choose to simply view the Diary source, cut out the text between a beginning and
ending comment tags, and save that text to a file.

If you have additional tips to add to this Diary, or you find mistakes, plus chime in. I will probably find errors
and additions myself and just edit the Diary. While I have done quite a bit of HTML,
work, I am in no way an expert. Fact is, unlike most 3GL languages, with HTML I am constantly looking things up.
With HTML, there is always something new to learn.
HTML is a page description language, not a programming language, plus, because the browsers
are always evolving, there’s just always something new.

Note:For those who may be new to HTML, it is not necessary to use the ‘HTML Formatted’ option to embed simple HTML
tags in your Diaries or Comments. Simply select ‘Auto Format’ from the Drop Down List as you normally would, and insert the
HTML tags as you would normal text. Scoop will parse out the HTML tags from the regular text, and generally it will
‘do the right thing’.

The following links will take you directly to an example for that HTML tag or element. After reading that example you can then
return to this point in the Diary simply by clicking on your browser’s ‘Back’ button. Each example also contains a link
with much more information on that particular HTML tag or element, as well as other element values for a given HTML tag.

Yes, I know there is no example for the ‘CLASS’ element. Two things here.

  1. The <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> tag is the same as <DIV CLASS=”blockquote”></DIV> so using
    a DIV to create a block quote is analogous to shooting a fly with a shotgun:

    From the BooMan Tribune Style Sheet

    blockquote, .blockquote {
    color: #333333;
    border: 1px solid #fdbb00;
    background-color: #dddddd;
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
    margin: 5px 15px 5px 15px;

  2. I am saving the ‘CLASS’ element for another day, may be able to do some cool stuff.
    But right now, too much coffee, and not enough sleep.

I HTH (hope this helps).

DIV – Document Division

<DIV [STYLE=”Style”] [CLASS=”Class”] [ALIGN=”Alignment”]>
Document Section

Specifies a document division. The most often used type of DIV is a ‘blockquote’.





Also see: DIV STYLE

A – Anchor, Hyperlink

<A HREF=”Target” [NAME=”Name”]>Anchor Text</A>

An Anchor, which is often reffered to as a ‘link’ or ‘hyperlink’ defines a word or other
construct in the document which acts a link to a resource (e.g. another HTML
file, or an image file, or an audio file), or another location in the current document.




Also see: A NAME

DL – Definition List

<DT>Term 1<DD>Definition 1
<DT>Term 2<DD>Definition 2


Presents a list of terms, and corresponding definitions for those terms. Note that while HTML 3.2 defines
the attribute element ‘COMPACT’, this element is deprecated in HTML 4.0. The element ‘COMPACT’ is not supported
by Scoop.









IMG – Inline Image

<IMG SRC=”URL” [ALT=”String”]
[HEIGHT=”Integer Height”] [WIDTH=”Integer Width”]
[ALIGN=”TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM | LEFT | RIGHT”] [BORDER=”Integer Border Width”]
[HSPACE=”Integer Horizontal Margin”] [VSPACE=”Integer Vertical Margin”]>

Includes an inline image into the document. Note that the only value which is mandatory is ‘SRC’.
However and ‘ALT’ element is strongly recommended. Height and Width values are also recommended as
including these values will result in a page which will display faster. By default, the positioning
of the image, i.e. ‘ALIGN’, is set to the bottom relative to the current text line. A value for ‘ALIGN’ is
not required. ‘BORDER’, ‘HSPACE’, and ‘VSPACE’ values all
are zero by default. If a border, horizontal space, or vertical space is not required, there is no need
to define these elements.


EXAMPLE IMAGE<img SRC=”” ALT=”Booman Tribune” HEIGHT=”175″



TT – Teletype (Monospaced) Text

<TT>Monospaced Text</TT>

Display text in a monospaced font. The font used is typically that font which is selected as the
default monospaced font in your browser preferences.





OL – Ordered (Numbered) List

<LI> List Item 1
<LI> List Item 2


Display information in the form of an ordered (numbered) list.





CITE – Citations

<CITE>Citation Text</CITE>

Display a citation or reference to other sources, such as a book title.
Typically a cite is displayed in italics, though some browsers may display cites differently.
For instance, some browsers use underlining or quotes around the citation.





CODE – Program Code

<CODE>Program Code Text</CODE>

Display program code. Typically a browser will display all text between ‘CODE’ tags
in a monospaced font. In this way a ‘CODE’ tag behaves much like a ‘TT’ tag.





I – Italicized Text

<I>Italicized Text</I>

Display text in italics.





UL – Unnumbered List

<LI> List Item 1
<LI> List Item 2


Display information in a list form (without numbering the items). Note that while HTML 3.2 defines
the elements ‘TYPE’, and ‘COMPACT’, these elements are deprecated in HTML 4.0, and are not
not supported by Scoop. All items will default to TYPE=”Circle”.





EM – Emphasized Text

<EM>Emphasized Text</EM>

Display emphasized text. The definition of what emphasis means may vary among browsers and browser platforms.





BR – Line Break


Forces a line break (but not paragraph break) within a given block of text.


This is text before two line breaks.<BR><BR>This is text after two line breaks.


This is text before two line breaks.

This is text after two line breaks.

STRONG – Strong Emphasis

<STRONG>Strong Text</STRONG>

Displays strongly emphasized text. The definition of what strongly emphasized means may vary among browsers and browser platforms.





BLOCKQUOTE – Long Quotation

Blockquote Text

Displays a long, often copyrighted, quotation to be rendered as a block of its own
(in contrast to shorter quotations embedded into text paragraphs).





P – Normal Paragraph

<P>Paragraph Text</P>

Displays a normal paragraph. Note that the close paragraph tag e.g. </P>, will insert a line
feed into the document





B – Bold Text

<B>Bold Text</B>

Display bold text. Bold version of the current font face is used.





NAME – A Name Element


Although the Anchor tag is normally used to link to a target which corresponds to another document,
the Anchor tag may also be used to link to a specified point in the same document. For long
Diaries, or Diaries where the author may want to use, say, a table of contents, using the NAME element
of the Anchor tag allows the author to define such an Anchor.


Table of Contents
<P><A href=”#section1″>Introduction</A></P>
<P><A href=”#section2″>Some background</A></P>
<P><A href=”#section2.1″>On a more personal note</A></P>
…the rest of the table of contents…
…the document body…
<P><A name=”section1″>Introduction</A></P>
…section 1…
<P><A name=”section2″>Some background</A></P>
…section 2…
<P><A name=”section2.1″>On a more personal note</A></P>
…section 2.1…

The top of this Diary defines the name ‘TOP’.



Click <A HREF=”#TOP”>HERE</A> to jump to the top of the document.<BR>
Use your browser’s “Back’ button to jump back here.


Click HERE to jump to the top of the document.
Use your browser’s “Back’ button to jump back here.

STYLE – DIV Style Element

STYLE=”Name1:Value1; … NameN:ValueN;”

Complete Diaries or sections of Diaries or Comments can be enclosed within a DIV tag.
Because the STYLE element can be used in a DIV tag, that portion of text will be formatted to
display using that ‘name:value;” data which is included in the STYLE element.

Because this topic requires some knowledge of inline styles, cascading style sheets,
and because of the sheer number of possible ‘name:value;’ pairs,
I have left most of how this is done as an excercise for the reader.

The best way to find information about what a ‘name:value;’ pair does, the possible values for
a given ‘name:value;’ pair, etc, is by searching Google.
For example, search
HTML font-size

I have included a modified ‘STYLE’ element name values which define the DIV STYLE I have used in this Diary.
The following changes were made such that the DIV would display differently within its enclosure.

Old ‘font-size’ Value ‘font-size:12px;’

— New ‘font-size’ Value ‘font-size:18px;’

Old ‘font-weight’ Value ‘font-weight:normal;’

— New ‘font-weight’ Value ‘font-weight:normal;’

Old ‘background-color’ Value ‘background-color:#fda;’

— New ‘background-color’ Value ‘background-color:blue;’

Old ‘border-color’ Value ‘border-color:#aaa;’

— New ‘border-color’ Value ‘border-color:red;’

Old ‘border-width’ Value ‘border-width:1px;’ (all)

— New ‘border-width’ Value ‘border-width:1px 2px 3px 4px;’ (top, right, bottom, left)

Old ‘padding’ Value ‘padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;’ (top, right, bottom, left)

— New ‘padding’ Value ‘padding:20px;’ (all)


<DIV STYLE=”width:80%;
border-width:1px 2px 3px 4px;
margin: 5px 15px 5px 15px;”>BLUE TEXT BOX, RED BORDER</DIV>



NYT Does Puff Piece on Bolton

UPDATE: Thank god for the LA Times. (At end of story.)

“Johnny, we hardly knew ye!”

About “this brainy son of a Baltimore firefighter,” the Sunday New York Times writes fondly:

Mr. Bolton has proved himself a fighter, fiercely committed to a bedrock American nationalism.

Bedrock. Can you get any more solid than that? Thing is, that phrase is not a quote. Those are the words of the NYT reporter, Scott Shane.

This tough American — in a story that makes his critics look like a bunch of isolated whiners — passes the foxhole test:

Seemingly untroubled by self doubt, Mr. Bolton, whom former Senator Jesse Helms once called “the kind of man with whom I would want to stand at Armageddon,” has never shied from a dispute nor hesitated to shatter a consensus. In his office he displays a grenade designating him as “Truest Reaganaut,” a telling gift from former colleagues at the United States Agency for International Development.

A real John Wayne.

Cross-posted at DailyKos … more below from “Never Shy, Bolton Brings a Zeal to the Table”:
His critics clearly misunderstand. He’s a patriotic fighter:

From his battle, as a Justice Department official, for the doomed Supreme Court nomination of Robert H. Bork to his dramatic declaration to poll workers tabulating presidential ballots in Florida in 2000 – “I’m with the Bush-Cheney team and I’m here to stop the count” – Mr. Bolton has proved himself a fighter, fiercely committed to a bedrock American nationalism.


When you hear people describe him as abrasive, you think, ‘That sounds like John Bolton,’ ” said [former classmate Ed] Wroe, an attorney in Idaho. “He didn’t worry about what people thought of him.”

Dr. Bruce K. Krueger, his Yale roommate for five years and now a physiologist at the University of Maryland medical school, recalls Mr. Bolton as a far more pleasant character. “He might say something provocative – everyone else in the room might disagree with it – but he’d have something solid and well-reasoned to back it up.”

The flattery goes on for three Web pages, including a paean to Bolton’s work ethic and preparedness. He’s not abusive! He’s “dogged”:

He wins … plaudits [from James Baker and Dick Cheney] partly because of an extreme work style that sometimes has him firing off e-mail messages to subordinates from home at 4 a.m. before arriving at the office at 6. In his current job, he has required staff members to stand – along with him – at morning meetings, to discourage long-winded discussions.

“When you go in to brief John Bolton, as I found out early, you better be prepared,” said Thomas M. Boyd, who was Mr. Bolton’s deputy when he was assistant attorney general in the Reagan Justice Department and who remains a friend. “He’s kind of like an appellate judge. He will read everything. If you have holes in your argument, he won’t work with you.”

He has also impressed superiors with his dogged pursuit of goals he believes in. As assistant secretary of state in the administration of the elder George Bush, he took on the task of repealing a United Nations General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism, long resented by Israel and its American supporters.

And he’s tough, logical, relentless, but decent:

“He’s tough and he’s relentless and he’s very logical,” said Frank J. Donatelli, a Republican consultant who has worked with Mr. Bolton both in government and party operations. “But I’ve never observed any kind of abusive behavior.”

Then there are his modest roots, beginning at “Baltimore’s McDonogh School, where Mr. Bolton discovered his intellectual gifts and his fascination with politics”:

Raised in a working-class row house neighborhood in southwest Baltimore called Yale Heights – a far cry from the university where he would earn undergraduate and law degrees – Mr. Bolton won a scholarship to McDonogh, then an all-male military school.

That modest background is a key to his personality, some associates say. “He didn’t come from money,” said Mr. Boyd, his former subordinate. “Sometimes when you push the rock up the hill, you’re hungrier. You have more of a drive to succeed.”

Colleagues admire this devoted family man who loves his wife but who sacrifices a family ski trip to serve his nation:

[A]ssociates describe Mr. Bolton as an avid reader, particularly of history and biography, and a political junkie. They describe him as a very private person who is devoted to his wife, Gretchen, a financial planner, and their daughter, Jennifer, who now attends Yale. When mother and daughter head off on ski trips, he stays behind.

“He can appear to be very stern,” said Mr. Boyd, his former Justice Department colleague. “I think that’s a product of his reserve. He’s got a great sense of humor, a great cackle of a laugh – but he has to trust you.”

Take that, you naysayers! The rehabilitation has begun, thanks in no small part to today’s The New York Times.

In fairness, it must be noted that there are three paragraphs about one of the naysayers:

The drive and ideological certainty that admirers believe make Mr. Bolton effective strike his critics as excessive. Avis T. Bohlen, who worked under Mr. Bolton as assistant secretary of state for arms control, said she agreed with several of his initiatives, including scuttling a protocol to the international ban on biological weapons. But she thought the United States should work with European allies to find a better approach to preventing biological weapons. Mr. Bolton did not.

“He was absolutely clear that he didn’t want any more arms control agreements,” Ms. Bohlen said. “He didn’t want any negotiating bodies. He just cut it off. It was one more area where we lost support and respect in the world.”

In handling disagreements, too, Ms. Bohlen said, Mr. Bolton sometimes went over the line. “What I find unfortunate is that he had a tendency to go after the little guys,” she said. “I think Bolton is a bully.”

But, in her isolation — amidst such positive portraits — Ms. Bohlen’s comments seem rather like whining, just like that silly young woman who complained that Bolton chased her down a hallway.


Bless the LA Times. From the War and Piece blog today:

Bolton’s Civl War. There is much worth contemplating in Sonni Efron’s LAT review today of John Bolton’s being dropped behind enemy lines in the State Department: that Bolton proved himself so untrustworthy that Secretary of State Colin Powell and his deputy Richard Armitage appointed a full time minder to watch him and required that all his speeches be vetted; that foreign officials had to be told to not accept that Bolton’s pronouncements represented Bush administration policy towards Iran and North Korea; that Condoleezza Rice has personally called Senate Republicans to say Bolton would be carefully “scripted” at the UN and that if “he goes off the reservation, he’s out”; that one key reason Bolton got the UN nomination is because Rice wouldn’t accept Bolton as her deputy secretary but thought she could manage him in a position less to do with policy than following instructions; and this:

Some U.S. officials complained that Bolton’s undiplomatic style sometimes backfired, harming U.S. interests.

A U.S. government nonproliferation expert said that in the fall of 2003, Bolton insisted on taking a harsh line against Iran at the board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The U.S. mission in Vienna, where the agency is based, had been assigned a key task: winning a board vote referring Iran to the U.N. Security Council for action to restrain its nuclear programs.

But energy agency board members from other countries refused to go along. Nevertheless, Bolton instructed the U.S. mission at the agency not to compromise on any of the changes sought by other countries to a draft resolution, the official assigned to “mind” Bolton said.

“Next thing I know, our ambassador … is calling the secretary or Armitage and saying, ‘What the hell are you guys doing? You’re going to send this train over the cliff!’ ” the official said.

Bolton was overruled.

Bolton was distraught at what he considered a soft-line policy on Iran, and sought to have [his chief of staff Frederick] Fleitz travel to Vienna to sit in on a luncheon meeting of energy agency ambassadors, the official said. But the trip was seen as an attempt by Bolton to keep an eye on the U.S. ambassador there, and was nixed as “highly inappropriate.”

The senior State Department official declined to comment on specifics of the Iran policy flap, calling it an example of the “malevolent gossip” surrounding Bolton’s nomination.

Reading between the lines, it’s pretty clear that key Bush administration officials, including Rice, acknowledge there are serious reasons to not have confidence in Bolton in the role of parlaying and representing Bush administration policy at the UN. The multiple accounts of bureaucratic warfare gathered here also add to the suspicion that when Bolton sought the US names from the NSA transcripts he obtained, it was in his role as fighting a guerrilla war against US officials inside the Bush administration, rather than in pursuing external national security matters. More to come, as Steve Clemons alerts us that the NSA has recommended release of those intercepts.

Posted by Laura at May 1, 2005 10:05 AM

That Iraq legal advice in full (slight return)

Oh those Brits. This is taken wholly from The Observer since I’m too brain-dead tired to write more than a sentence myself. It’s a hoot + a wonderful complement to LondonBear’s diary with the great Flash movie.

That Iraq legal advice in full (slight return)

By Rafael Behr / Politics 06:11pm


Another public service brought to you by the Observer blog. We read all of the Attorney General’s advice on the legality of the Iraq war so you don’t have to.

Digested, it boils down as follows.

Advice of 7 March 2003

1. You asked me whether or not you can invade Iraq without getting a new resolution from UN Security Council. I’ve asked around a bit. This is what I reckon. … more below

2. It’s ok to have a war with someone if:

(a) they started it

(b) there’s a humanitarian catastrophe, but it has to be a really, really bad one.

(c) the Security Council says you can.

3.The Americans say you should be able to go to war to preempt trouble; that isn’t in the rules yet.

4. that humanitarian catastrophe thing is a bit flaky, don’t use it now.

5. Maybe the Security Council has actually already given you permission.

6. Some people say that the resolution you got last year, 1441, counts as permission because it revives the old Gulf War resolution.

7. There was a ceasefire at the end of the Gulf War, but with conditions.

8. We’ve bombed Iraq since then a couple of times and got away with it.

9. The US says we didn’t even need resolution 1441, but they’re on their own on that one.

10. Resolution 1441 is ambiguous.

11. Ambiguous enough that we might get away with it.

12. But it’ll be tricky.

13. Resolution 1441 might also say that the Security Council has to decide.

14. There are two arguments:

(i) you can do it anyway.

(ii) you can only do it if the Security Council explicitly says you can.

15. The first argument says you would still need to talk to the Security Council, but, as long as Iraq has been misbehaving, you’re ok. You don’t need a new resolution.

16. The second argument says: nice try, but the Security Council will decide who’s been misbehaving thank you very much.

17. So who decides that Iraq is misbehaving?

18. Under 1441 the definition of misbehaviour is pretty broad. Result!

19. It would help if Blix and El-Baradei slammed Saddam.

20. All that wrangling with the French was supposed to deal with this, wasn’t it?

21. Who knows, the Security Council might come round.

22. But don’t count on it. Bloody French!

23. We know that they know that we know that they know we might be able to go to war anyway, but they know that we know that they know that we know that we’re not sure.

24. So a new resolution would be handy.

25. The old ones seem to mean whatever you want them to mean.


26. Resolution 1441 is a fudge.

27. Ideally, we want a new one.

28. But the US may be right in saying that we don’t need one.

29. As long as Blix and El-Baradei deliver the goods.

30. We got away with it in Kosovo.

31. If we try for a second resolution and get vetoed, we’re screwed.

32. We should think about what the International Criminal Court would say.

33. But not too much, as long as our forces don’t do anything stupid.

34. We should think about what British courts would say.

35. And the UN General Assembly.

36. If we do it, we can’t go around saying that regime change is the goal. Disarmament is our story and we should stick to it.

Advice of 17 March 2003

Oh, go on then.

Cheech and Chong Meet Kafka

Tommy Chong is in a tight spot, man. To hear him discuss it, you’d almost think he’s describing the plot of one of the skits he used to do with his partner, Cheech Marin. But for a comedian who manages to find humor even in the nine-month prison term he recently served for selling bongs, his new legal woes aren’t exactly cracking him up. Forced, he says, by the terms of his parole to quit a stage production called “The Marijuana-Logues,” and uncomfortable with rejoining the cast even after his parole is over in July, Chong is now being sued by the show’s producers for breach of contract.

As the hippy half of Cheech and Chong, a bizarro stoned Abbot and Costello, Chong became a pop pot icon along with Marin upon the release of their eponymous 1971 debut. The album of skits and songs included the classics “Dave”—with Marin as a dealer on the lam, begging his blitzed roommate to unlock the door for him—and “Cruising with Pedro de Pacas,” which also plumbs the theme of dumb druggies dodging cops. But the real-life law caught up with the real-life Chong two years ago for having invested in a business that sells bongs online. On parole now, he tells NEWSWEEK that he can’t do “The Marijuana-Logues” legally until he gets off probation. Still, even after his probation expires, he says, “I don’t feel comfortable because I’m trying to get my record expunged. I’d still be thumbing my nose at the government [that] just finished putting me in jail.”

I have a libertarian streak, and the War on Drugs is one of my many pet peeves. I don’t think Angel Dust should be legal, but it’s appalling effects have pretty much doomed its appeal without any meaningful governmental intervention.

Marijuana, on the other hand, has never been linked to anti-social behavior. And it is very good for the packaged sweets industry. If you smoke pot, have smoked pot, or wish that you could smoke pot without breaking the law, you should feel Tommy Chong’s pain. He’s given me enough laughs to assure that I will always be a big supporter. Why this man cannot participate in The Marijuana Dialogues is beyond me. And to see him sued for trying to abide by his absurd conditions of probation, is just Kafkaesque.

Take the poll.

Citizens Kane and Their Progress

Dan Gillmor of Grassroots Journalism, Etc. blogs this bit of expose on the NYT:

Citizens Kane and Their Progress

     The New York Times killed a magazine story about Wikinews by Matthew Yeomans, who promptly posted the piece online. [Susan’s note: He edited it from what he submitted to the NYT.] Read it here.

I checked out Yeoman’s story, which begins:


Mainstream media is at its lowest point in over three decades, forced to fend off charges of plagiarism, cronyism, fabrication and political bias. Can anything be done to stop the rot? The folks behind Wikipedia think they have the answer.Read it all.

No wonder the NYT editors gave pause

US House Passes ‘Grandmother Incarceration Act’

[editor’s note, by lapin]Susanhbu wrote about this legislation when it was still a proposal in an earlier diary, here.

In a move to chill access to abortion, the US House this week passed the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act.  The stated intent of the legislation is to “strengthen parental rights,” but effectively the bill will curtail access to abortion for those teenagers who must go to a state beside their own to access abortion services.  The bill places severe penalties on those adults who accompany women under 18 years of age across state lines to reach an abortion provider.  The maximum penalty is a $100,000 fine, a year in jail, or both.  The bill has been dubbed by opponents as the “the grandmother incarceration act.”    

President Bush is urging the Senate to take up a bill passed by the House this week that makes it a federal crime — complete with possible fines and jail sentences — for doctors or other adults to help patients under 18 evade parental-notification requirements by crossing state lines for an abortion.

Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council and father of three daughters, said in an interview that the bill was one of his group’s top priorities for the year and called it “a recognition of parental authority.”

Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, countered that the bill is “a bureaucratic nightmare” and is part of a multi-track strategy by conservatives that includes packing the judiciary with judges sympathetic to their views.

The bill, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, passed the House on Wednesday night by 270 to 157, with 216 Republicans in favor and 145 Democrats against. Crossing party lines were 54 Democrats who supported the bill and 11 Republicans who opposed it. The bill makes an exception if the abortion is necessary to save the life of the minor. The House passed similar bills in 1998, 1999 and 2002, but none passed the Senate.

There are provisions in the House bill to protect teens who seek abortions and whose lives are endangered or who may be subject to parental/guardian abuse if the parent/guardian receives notification:

The House bill has a provision, not in the Senate version, that requires an out-of-state abortion provider to notify one parent with three exceptions: if the patient shows documentation that she has exercised a judicial bypass provision; if she signs a statement saying she is a victim of neglect, or physical or sexual abuse, by a parent; or if her life is in danger.

Here’s a link to the roll call vote.  You may want to check for your rep’s position on this.  This is one of those bills that kind of slipped in under the radar.  Have no doubts, if this passes the Senate, the Family Research Council and their affiliates will be emboldened to launch further attacks on access to abortion.

Call Louise

I wrote this a couple of months ago, when time and life and circumstances came crashing down one day. Figured a sleepy Saturday would be a good time to post it here. One can always do with a reminder.

I’ll get to the political stuff, I promise. Just not today. I’ll take keyboard in hand and slice and dice right wing tropes and memes into confetti. I’ll chatter on about Social Security, Iraq, Iran – will we or wont we?, sex, lies and Gannongate, and the crooks and liars of the right. Just not today. They’ll all still be there tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that. Isn’t there some saying, “and the freaks will be with you always”?

The good, now… well, sometimes they die young.

<there’s more>
When my brother died a few years ago I found a to-do list in his wallet, on a tiny piece of paper, and the first or second item was: Call Louise. I don’t know why, but I must have put the list in my purse or pocket, because I somehow wound up taking it home with me.

I’ve moved a couple of times since then, but that little list always goes with me. I don’t keep it in any special place, or anything. I’ll be tidying up the house and see a small scrap of paper on the floor, or on top of the dresser, or in my purse or… well, just about anyplace. Naturally, I pick it up and while it may sometimes be a receipt, or a just a stray piece of nothing, sometimes it’s the to-do list. I’ll open it, read it, and then set it back down on the table, or in a drawer. I don’t know why I don’t just throw it out. I would say that it’s because it’s in his own writing, and I want to keep that, but I have other things he’s written out by hand, entire stories even.

I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore why I keep the list. I don’t know who Louise is, although I hope he did call her and didn’t wait. But now, the list has become my little talisman… and Louise? We’ll, she’s become everyone that is close to me, and everything I need to get done. I only find the list every few months or so, and when I do and see `call Louise” I make sure to set aside a time to to give my old mom a little extra attention, and to call my other brothers, my daughter and other family and friends.

The good old Fabric of Life is full of those little tendrils that weave in and out of your existence, some leaving little impression, others becoming a treasured part. And sometimes one breaks off and floats away, leaving a huge hole in the fabric, before you are ready for it to go. If you ever are.

I don’t know how to end this. I guess I’ll just say… when it’s time to call Louise, don’t put it off. Everything else will still be there tomorrow.

Open Thread

“It’s in our country’s interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm’s way.”

—George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

Uncovered: WH’s Scheme to Funnel Cash to the American Taliban

promoted by BooMan. Thanks to Cicero for making me read it 😉

{The notice featured in this diary comes from a source “on the inside” who is fond of their job and will therefore remain nameless}

A seemingly innocuous memo was released today by the SBA, that essentially clears the way for the Federal government to directly fund the Republican’s Theocratic allies.

 For those of you who don’t know the US SBA’s job is to guarantee loans made by banks to small businesses.  This means if the business fails, SBA will pay the lender roughly 75% of the remaining value of the loan.  The guarantee allows large banks to take otherwise unacceptable risks and fund small and start-up businesses, which are traditionally very poor credit risks.

If it works everybody wins, the economy grow, more people get jobs, the lender makes a profit etc.

 So Far so Good.

 But my Spidey-sense started tingling today when my source sent me an SBA Information Notice entitled:

SBA Loans Allowed to For-Profit Subsidiaries of Not-For-Profit Organizations, Including Faith-Based Organizations

Seems harmless, but this “clarification” is Big Trouble


While this appears on the surface to be only a technical bulletin clarifying SBA’s rules, the tone and emphasis of the notice make it very clear, what the real message is:

Pursuant to Executive Order 13342, signed by the President on June 1, 2004, the SBA was, among other things, directed to incorporate community organizations, including faith-based organizations, into the Agency’s programs and initiatives to the greatest extent legally possible.

In Washingtonese that meant the President expected SBA to move heaven and earth to twist the syntax of its rules to the maximum extent possible to find a way to fund these groups.  And the SBA delivered:

 The Agency is now clarifying that for-profit subsidiary companies of community and faith-based organizations may be eligible for SBA financial assistance.  

Clarifying is Washington speak for Changing

All SBA borrowers must meet certain eligibility requirements,  found in subpart A of 13 CFR Part 120.  These regulations  prohibit SBA loans to not-for-profit businesses or businesses principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular setting.

Until now, it was considered inappropriate (not to mention of a violation of the establishment clause of the 1st amendment) for federal funds to go be used to promote or proselytize  a single sectarian of religious viewpoint over another.

  So while SBA money could be used to fund a bookstore carrying a wide range of books about all religions, it wouldn’t say,  fund the book-store inside of a mega-church that only carried copies of it’s pastor’s writings.

Well those quaint standards and rules are gone now.  While technically keeping the rule intact they’ve just created a loophole you could fly an Airbus through:

However, for-profit subsidiaries of not-for-profit organizations(including community groups  and faith-based organizations)..are eligible for financial assistance.. so long as these subsidiaries are not principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling, or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs.  {emphasis original}

In non-lawyer that means that its perfectly fine to engage in “teaching, instructing, counseling, or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs” just so long as they also  create enough of a fig-leaf of “other business”.

It very hard to see this as anything but a well timed plan to fund W’s allies  to the tune of several million dollars each. The same people pushing this expansion will be the people allowed to decide what constitutes “principally engaged”  and something tells me they’re going to have very lenient standards.  What this means is that just as a major media, and public-relations war is brewing; W’s allies can now free up a whole lot of their liquid cash reserves.  

Any group such a Focus on the Family that has for-profit subsidiary (such as their publishing house) can now get about a million dollars (SBA loan ceiling) in federally guaranteed loan money) to finance their operations.  This will allow them to use the money they raise from their faithful to be spent elsewhere, such as large media buys supporting the president’s agenda.

  This is also a very sneaky way for major financial institutions to get around campaign contribution limits.  Banks and credit card companies,   who owe the Republicans big time  for the bankruptcy bill, can now return the favor.   All the lender has to do is make loans to the “for profit” shell corporations of staunch Republican religious organizations, under the guise of SBA lending.  While they can’t use the loan funds directly to support a candidate, all money is interchangeable, and the organization, will suddenly have a lot more of to use however they see fit.

 To make matters worse, the Banks won’t even be donating their own money, they’ll be donating yours and mine.    Because SBA guarantees the loans, they have to cover the loss if they are defaulted on .  This means when they aren’t paid back, the lender force the SBA (Which means our tax dollars)to pay  75% of the balance, with interest!

The Republiban has said since the election that they would be seeking “payback” from this administration for their support.  Who knew they meant it so literally?

New York State First Recycling License PLate

Environmentalists, take note, New York State has issued the nation’s first license plate promoting solid waste recycling. (Hard to believe that NYS is on the cutting edge but it’s true.) This diary has been cross-posted on

Developed jointly by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and The New York State Association for Reduction Reuse and Recycling (NYSAR3), the plate features the green chasing arrows recycling symbol overlaid on a silhouette of New York State. The motto “New York Recycles” is displayed below. Apparently, the state of Washington is interested and is considering a similar plate.

There is an initial fee of $43.00 and thereafter the annual fee is $25.00. This annual fee is credited to Environmental Protection Fund’s solid waste account for funding of municipal waste reduction or other recycling activities.

The New York State Association for Reduction Reuse and Recycling is a statewide entity that was formed in 1988. It is dedicated to the promotion of recycling and providing educational and networking opportunities to public and private recycling professionals throughout New York State. It also supports citizens, advocates and not-for profit organizations dedicated to waste prevention, material reuse and recycling.