I’ve been mostly avoiding the cable news circus for the last couple of weeks. But, yesterday evening I was folding laundry and turned on the Abrams Report on MSNBS. In between showing a CAT scan of Schiavo’s brain that looked like a Rorschach ink blot fringed by a thin line of gray matter — while allowing some idiot to suggest she retained higher brain functions — the show cut away to a memorial service in Florida. And there was Randall Terry playing keyboard and singing a song he wrote about God, The Father, caressing him and running his fingers thru his hair. I thought, satire is dead, just before my mind disassociated from my body slightly and hovered over its left shoulder.
Hardball passed in a blur as I waited for Keith Olbermann to come on and restore my connection to reality. Now I admit that I was literally NOT in my right mind but it seemed that Countdown was seriously whacked last night and I need some feedback from others who saw the show. I mean, did Keith, or did he not, swerve back and forth between Schiavo and the Pope drawing connections between diverse dots? I mean, was Keith, or was he not, borderline unhinged last night? And why was he so angry? I couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t focus on his position, couldn’t get Randall Terry’s erotic hymn to god out of my mind long enough to figure out what the heck was wrong with Keith.
Help me out, folks.
do you even turn the TV on??
I’ll blame it on Hunter’s “Low Tide” post over on dKos. He made me think I was possibly missing something by not observing the macabre carnival of death denial down in Florida. But, like Susanhbu, I’m a big fan of Keith and usually tune in to get his take on the day’s news. I’ve come to rely upon him to make me laugh out loud at least once while putting the media perspective in order. Instead, I am left with the disturbing feeling this morning that Keith was like a hit of speed on top of the LSD of god running his fingers thru Terry Randall’s hair.
Keith has transcripts of his shows uploaded to his website. So keeping your tv just for his show is no excuse!
I should talk, I have full cable.
I am willing to be influenced though, because I am so entirely sickened by recent performances.
Should I go cold turkey or cut down to basic, will the video store be my methodone?
only use your TV for watching baseball and HBO, with the comedy channel an acceptable indulgence.
I love this diary. I had the same misfortune yesterday afternoon, and could not believe what I was seeing. Randall Terry singing at the piano. Dear god.
I’d better drop my boy Keith a line. He must be tearing at his handsome head of hair (inherited from my side of the family).
Thanks. I’m glad you saw it, too, so I don’t have to consider that I’ve lost my mind entirely… instead of merely letting it slip to the side.
But, what was up with our boy Keith? I’ve never seen him in such a state of agitation before.
‘member how he got over Monica Lewinsky? He can only take so much of that crap.
You know, I’d completely forgotten Keith was your son. It’s now easy to see how he came by his inquiring and quirky intelligence and his offbeat sense of humor.
Compliments to you both.
Dumped my cable/bcst TV long ago.
I’ve found comfort via DISH watching Free Speech TV and LINKTV + UC Santa Barbara’s station, and PBS-U’s educational shows. Sadly, BBCAmerica is mostly a joke — wish they’d show their great documentaries.