Post any thoughts, prayers, reflections you might have about Pope John Paul II, here.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Terri, will meet him at the gates, ; )
The lights are on. There are people there.
I meant to add: That’s what the television coverage on every news station will show you.
I hope that JP slips softly and swiftly into the arms of his God.
The Catholic church is a stubborn lot and it is difficult for the faithful to have a Pope that is not able to speak directly to them.
I am not a Catholic, but I admire the Pope’s attitude during his decline and applaud his decision to stay in his apartment and not return to the hospital.
God Speed, John Paul.
people of all (and no) religions around the world are wishing him a peaceful and fun trip.
Here are some cool Pope pics.
I am an Atheist and will always be. However I am saddened by the loss of the Pope. He has been around for 25+ years – how many leaders have come and gone in that time. How many leaders are truly world leaders in that they represent and influence populations everywhere. He has been very conservative, to be sure, and never swayed, but there was never any malice in him. The last time I mourned a leader was when Diana passed away – they had as much in common as they had differences.
I just wanted to add that I seem to recall that when the last pope died it was denied for several days and then the info was finally released.
I am not a Christian, or anything, for that matter. I disagree with the Pope and the Catholic Church on a lot of things, most things in fact.
However, the Pope is one of the brightest people we have had on our planet, surely smarter and stronger than I could ever be, and most others here and elsewhere. I admire this intellect, and always have. Life is where we sort out our differences, Death is where we rejoin. So to the Pope I say:
You had one of the most demanding jobs our species has ever sreated. You carried it out with the faith and the backing of your Church, you did it with dignity and intelligence. Your life was long and incredible. In passing I give you my respects, for a person who fulfilled an amazing destiny, and did it with grace. May your next one be as grand. Peace.
That is so beautiful, and mirrors my feelings. I don’t share his particular religion, but he has been an incredible influence for much that is good.
You took the words right out of my mouth. Again, I am not a Catholic (I’m keeping a tenuous grip on my atheism…for now), but I certainly respect His Holiness, even though I disagree with much of what he says. I hope that for his sake, he passes quickly and quietly, and that his suffering ends soon.
As a side note, this whole thing has been weird and surreal for me. John Paul II was elected pope in 1978, and I was born in 1982, so I have never known a world without John Paul II’s presence as the supreme leader of the Catholic Church. Tomorrow will be a strange day (assuming he doesn’t make it through the night, which is apparently going to be the case)…
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.
(James 4, NIV)
I deeply admire Pope John Paul’s lifetime commitment to peace, and his ability to stay uncorrupted at that level of power.
I’m saddened that the world is about to lose this most generous, compassionate human being.
And I’m saddened that this beautiful man of peace was unable to influence the president to refrain from his war in Iraq.
Don’t wish him ill, but have no positive feelings for a man mired in the dogma of a bygone era whose job it is to promulgate that dogma.
May he die in peace. May his successor be a better man for the times. However, I doubt that will come to pass.
Care to speculate on his successor? My money is on Italian, arch-conservative, older than this man was when he came into the office. Anyone know anything about current Vatican politics?
I agree with you..and know nothing of Vatican politics and don’t care to.(speaking as an ex-catholic who went to catholic school for 10 years.)
I too simply hope he dies in peace with no suffering.
In deference to the man (who apparently is still very much alive) I think it would be best if we would leave the “What comes next?” thoughts for another day. As I said upthread, regardless of how I felt about his theology and his politics, his papacy has helped define an era, and the world of John Paul II is part of my identity. He at least deserves our respect.
Hope I’m not stepping on your thread too badly with my “What Comes Next?” one…
I’m glad you did. I was hoping you would open a thread on John Paul.