The booman’s readership seems pretty diverse, so I’m wondering: what’s your favourite non-U.S. political blog?
My personal preference is for a truly interactive format, like this one, rather than just a single voice with comments from readers.
But you tell me: any good political blogs out there in the U.K.? France? (Those are my two languages.) Canada? Germany? Spain? Italy? Elsewhere?
Great Q. Booman is compiling such a list and I think you can find many listed in the right column, further down.
My favorite non-US blog is soj‘s, from Romania — with a truly global perspective. Soj posts here often, and several of her diaries have been featured here and on Daily Kos.
My favorite US blog that is devoted to international issues is: by a woman who has visited China countless times and studies the language. Her insights into China are marvelous reading. She’s also a wonderful writer. Her diaries are often posted here too.
Thanks for the link to soj’s blog.
Papertigertail sounds good, too. Unfortunately for me, all blogspot sites are blocked in the country where I’m currently living (hint, hint). I’ll have a look this summer.
Well I’d have to put in a plug for No Right Turn by Idiot Savant.
Mostly focused on N.Z. politics, but also has some international coverage.
I can’t access at the moment.
I’ll check it out this summer.
Check out A Fistful of Euros.
And wait for better, waaay overdue in our view.
Hi Jerome,
Yes, I see what you mean.
It makes such a huge difference when users can post their own diaries, doesn’t it?
Ça m’étonne qu’il n’y a pas de <blogs> français… les français aiment tellement causer!
Il y a probablement un an de cela, sans guère de succès, et suis resté à l’anglais.
Cela s’est développé récemment, mais je ne suis pas retourné explorer dernièrement…
I’ll second the recommendation of a Fistful of Euros as well as my Ukrainian favorite Neeka’s Backlog.
Best British political blog that I love tho is the Yorkshire Ranter.
Thanks for two more intriguing recommendations that I can’t access at the moment : (
And btw, thanks for your blog, which I just discovered a few days ago through this diary!
One of my favourites is John Quiggin’s blog – actually an economist blog by a left-wing academic economist, but it’s hard to separate the economics from the politics.
The site doesn’t seem to be responding right now but I’ve linked to the right URL.
Dear canberra boy,
Got it!–looks great.
Many thanks!