We have a lot of new members, thanks to Welshman and Jerome’s efforts to steer new readers here.
This is a reminder on the rules. When you pick your country, pick the country of your primary residence. If you are an American living in Germany, choose Germany. If you are a German, living in America, pick USA. And if you are operating on a long-term visa or something, pick your primary residence:
Catnip-Canada, Thor Heyerdahl-Canada, MaggieEh-Canada, S from Van-Canada, D52boy-Canada, Sybil-Canada, Scipio-Canada, Pr Halios- Canada
Luam-Great Britian, Ukrich-Great Britian, Welshman-Great Britian, Febble-Great Britian, Saugatojas-Great Britian, LondonBear- Great Britian, Gary J- Great Britian, dove- Great Britian
Dvx- Germany, Neutral Observer- Germany, Hausfrau- Germany, Cached- Germany, Jandsm- Germany, Detlef- Germany, hesk- Germany
Jerome a Paris- France, Melanchthon- France, LEP- France, ViVeLaMe- France
Frank- Netherlands, Oui- Netherlands
Donna in Rome-Italy, melo- Italy
Fran- Switzerland, whataboutbob, Switzerland
Sersan- Mexico
Outlanddish- India
Canberra boy- Australia
Caneel- Virgin Islands
Wayward Wind- Malta
Athenian- Greece
Lieutenant C-Iraq
Rob511-New Zealand
Ragnark- Iceland
Revel8n- Ireland
Soj- Romania
Wow … it’s so odd to see that list because I always feel so close and cozy with everyone, like we’re all in a wonderful small town together.
now that this blog has been up and running for several weeks and is well on it’s way to stardom. Why don’t you do a roll call? Wouldn’t it be fun to find out a bit more about our Booders? or boomerangs.
It would! What do you have in mind?
I just remember a while back someone did it at Kos and it was great to go and read up on the people that i had been communicating with..where their from..interests…hobbies…how they found Booman Trib…why they are a dem or lib…other fav blog/sites. btw/ you are the best.
Thanks π So are you. Mindmouth did this the other day, and Booman promoted his diary to the front page. I’m trailin’ off to watch a bit of TV and go to sleep (been waking up at 4AM lately), but will think how we can have some fun doing this, Chamonix. Hugs, and ‘night.
I will check it out…I have been around and can’t believe I missed it..I gotta remember to go further back in the Front Page diaries..I’m going to watch “24” Tivo is such a good thing.
Maybe Mindmouth can update her diary periodically and bring it back, but leave all the comments, that way we can have some new member or ones that missed it fill us in on who they are.
What do you say MM? Would it be acceptable with Booman?
I would love to, if it’s alright with Booman and Company.
MM just email him and ask, he usually writes, right back.
I guess being on the West Coast and the timing of the diary, along with not going far enough back on the front page..I totally missed it…great idea..and great work Mindmouth..things like this really do bring the community together and create a bond for all of us that will stick as BooTrib gets older.
And thank you! It’s a very interesting diary, for the comments – our membership here is very diverse.
Waiting for answer.
I have not received your email. Maybe it is hung up in cyberspace. But I have no objection to a periodic revival of your diary.
It may be in spam mail, due to my email tag, its happened before
It might make people leave their comfort zone and go join conversations in other parts of the woods. ie: west, midwest, south, east…WORLD!!!
and then news of Jerome on the FP…Glad they are here, we all may need overseas housing if things get any worse. Welcome to all…
has joined the BooTrib crew as well, but I suspect he is sleeping.
Even Celtic blood needs to rest.
is MSO still gonna do the gig? I love to travel so this whole international community addition was so smart of you and makes me so happy.
and I will start to write my diaries without assuming the reader is from the US.
This international representation is invaluable.
You gotta watch those *Canadians*though, they always
try to take over.
sybil/aka Agathena
I saw that there were ten Canadians on the list!
Does this mean we get a discount on maple syrup and LaBatts 50?
How about if we agree to fly the flg right side up next time? π
..and further agree to spell flag properly..sheesh…(preview is my friend, preview is my friend)
It means they will try to force people to use Canadian/British spelling: neighbour, colour, honour, etc.
They might try sneaking in some French words or swear at people in French. Things like that.
Heh..my partner is an Aussie, and she has already re-educated me on proper spelling…
Laum’s an American, living overseas. So perhaps we need a fourfold division–adding one for American overseas and another for internationals living the US.
Damn, where’s my old “Planetary Citizen” t-shirt???
I am a citizen of the world. – Socrates
I grew up in Austria – now live in US, moved all over and used to believe that quote wholeheartedly. Now I feel I belong nowhere. Though on an abstract level I still am a citizen of the world.
Well said.
belonging everywhere = belonging nowhere. how zen.
It’s truly wonderful this is taking shape, just think, we’re a global community, in growth, hmmmmm, wonder if we’ll ever be the true “ownership society” ; )
“if you think it, it can be”
“build it, and they will come”
“I think I can, I think I can”
(feel free to continue folks) KUDOS
Well done, Booman, on your international diplomacy skills. Rare indeed is it to come across an American who does not think a Welshman comes from England.
I prefer the expression United Kingdom (UK) to Great Britain, however, in order to signal that we are indeed separate kingdoms and to avoid the Kiplinesque connotations of our imperial past that the latter title somehow evokes.
Someday we may even explain the difference between The ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’ and ‘Britain’! If we ever become a Republic I suppose we will become the U.R.
As a bonus you have ‘Lithuania’ in my background by the way…
I was going with the identifier from the pull-down menu, which chose GB over UK for their own inexplicable reasons.
I suppose the Welsh could put a note in their profile for clarity.
Also, if I remember correctly, Wayward Wind does not actually live on Malta, but a smaller island nearby.
The cosmopolitanism of this forum really is terrific. To me it is one of its big pres compared to the other, orangey site.
The other day on dKos, a British doctor of public health who spends much of the year working for the UN in rural Africa was flamed into oblivion on dKos for complaining that the shocking current developments in Zimbabwe (which I trust I needn’t spell out in this elite forum) had drowned in the Schiavo sea. Tipped her about this site, and hopefully she will join us – she’d be a great asset.
On an unrelated note: here’s a picture of Bergen, the quaint medieval port which I call my home:
Nearly a thousand years old, it used to be the capital back in the oldie days when Norway was a great power (hey, what are y’all giggling for…?) It has the most ‘continental’ atmosphere of Norwegian cities, a distinct accent influenced by German and Dutch, and a strong – some might say, excessive – civic tradition and patriotism. The fall can be rainy as hell, but the spring is nice.
…in my view the country of Norway has, in its people, some of the most pleasant around. I love that country!
Yeah I saw that one.
Way to go Daily Kos.
I really loved the little exchange between her and the person who sarcastically said, “Why don’t you go to Zimbabwe then?” and she said, “Yeah well I do spend about 5 months of the year in Africa…. but like I just said the president is kicking us out” and the asshole didn’t have the sense to feel embarassed about it. Carried on insulting her without missing a beat.
Funny you should mention Norway’s more beligerent days because someone in another thread was just laughing at the idea of Norway invading anyone.
That always irks me a bit because when people remember 1066 and all that no one ever credits King Arthur with having defeated the Norweigean invasion at one end of the country a couple of months before rushing back to the other end of the country to meet William’s Normandy army.
King Harold sorry.
Er … King Harold II Godwinson of England defeated King Harald Sigurdson (known as Hardrade) of Norway at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. King Arthur is a myth or possibly a Romano-British leader after Rome withdrew from Britain in 410.
The Norse account of King Harald Sigurdson’s life is at: –
A rather dramatic account of the Norse King’s death is: –
King Harald Sigurdson was hit by an arrow in the windpipe, and
that was his death-wound. He fell, and all who had advanced with
him, except those who retired with the banner. There was
afterwards the warmest conflict, and Earl Toste had taken charge
of the king’s banner. They began on both sides to form their
array again, and for a long time there was a pause in fighting.
Then Thiodolf sang these verses: —
“The army stands in hushed dismay;
Stilled is the clamour of the fray.
Harald is dead, and with him goes
The spirit to withstand our foes.
A bloody scat the folk must pay
For their king’s folly on this day.
He fell; and now, without disguise,
We say this business was not wise.”
But before the battle began again Harald Godwinson offered his
brother, Earl Toste, peace, and also quarter to the Northmen who
were still alive; but the Northmen called out, all of them
together, that they would rather fall, one across the other, than
accept of quarter from the Englishmen. Then each side set up a
war-shout, and the battle began again. So says Arnor, the earls’
skald: —
“The king, whose name would ill-doers scare,
The gold-tipped arrow would not spare.
Unhelmed, unpanzered, without shield,
He fell among us in the field.
The gallant men who saw him fall
Would take no quarter; one and all
Resolved to die with their loved king,
Around his corpse in a corpse-ring.”
I do not think anyone who knows history would think that Norwegians are unable to fight.
Yeah, and it’s doubtful if Harald hadn’t been defeated on that day if he hadn’t rashly gone ashore with only 2/3 of his force, who were marked by celebrating yesterday’s victory all night, and for good measure left all their armor behind. Approached by Harold’s numerically stronger army, he then refused a withdraw to the ships. The pride of having had one too many easy victory, I guess.
Damn shame. Maybe if he had won, I wouldn’t have to write a foreign language at Booman’s!
This is wonderful! I’m so glad to see all our international friends being introduced – especially Athenian, as I’m Greek and look forward to reading stories about the country, since I’ve never been.
And with all the Canadians, surely I can get my hands on some poutine. π
but I must say, I love it here in Aotearoa* (Maori name for New Zealand) and hope to make it my home. As you in the States head into spring, we are slipping into autumn after a beautiful summer.
From Down Under — where toilets and sinks thumb their porcelain noses at their Northern counterparts** — we salute you!
*translation: Land of the long white cloud
**Coriolis Effect, don’tcha know
We can really get some upclose and personal on what’s going on in the Vatican right now. Donna can you hear me???
Here I am, a little late, I’m afraid.
I’ve been spending an awful lot of time watching TV these past few days (you can imagine why), and haven’t been online so much.
Plus, I’ve been feeling strangely (because I don’t consider myself religious at all, even though I was raised a Catholic) emotional and weepy about the Pope’s passing, and haven’t felt very much up to writing anything.
The impact is very strong over here. Even I am a bit tempted to make a trip into town to St. Peter’s to pay my respects, but I don’t have the hours that would be necessary to stand in line. They’re saying they’re expecting something like 2 million people to be coming in, and are making arrangements for people (mostly kids) with backpacks and sleeping bags to be able to sleep in all the stadiums, sports and trade fair facilities, on the “Tor Vergata” grounds outside the city where the youths’ Jubilee was held in 2000, etc. And there are going to be something like over 40 special trains added to bring pilgrims into the city. That’s what I heard on tonight’s news.
about us internationals living in the US (waving desperately)
Where are you from?
India-oops guess I should have read what you said a little closer. You were talking about the internationally living internationals !
Welshman and Jerome for pointing me in this direction-i was beginning to feel a little swamped at Dkos-and with Kos’s new changes I lost my TU status today Hmmph! Plus I just finished reading TR Reids and Rifkins mostly fawning look at the EU-so its interesting to get a more realistic picture from people who live there.
mmmm, why do I look at that list of countries and think BEER. π
Bloodlines — pure Celt
Citizenship — USA (By birth, not by choice; though my parents were. Guess that makes me an FOB!)
Heart — belongs to Greece
Palate — Mediterranean (French, North African, Greek, Italian)
Culture — Western
Hero — Dalai Lama
Descendants — half Laotian
Residence — edge of the Everglades
Languages — body language, mostly
Sum? Typical, I suspect.
As mostly Anglo-Saxon with a bit of Italian, I would like to point out the although I am a subject of the United Kingdom, I am a citizen of the European Union.
PS, I feel sure there should be a “z” in there Limelite
Using my internazional spelling.
So interesting to see where people live/are from. And particularly interesting to be able now to match some names with places.
Wayward Wind, Malta, whoever s/he may be, the name makes me think of a nice, oh, 35-foot or so sloop, cruising the Med, perhaps living aboard full time. If you really live in a boring suburb or housing development, don’t disillusion me.
The Dutch never fail to point to their great achievements during the Golden Age, world’s first multinational enterprise on the stock market: the East-Indië Company. The feats of Michiel de Ruyter, Piet Hein and their heroic naval battles against the British. The sciences with Constantijn Huygens.
True, the Dutch sometimes fail to see the true World’s perspective.
The Dutch are champions of hospitality, and it’s a lot more than the traditional tulips, wooden shoes, windmills and hans brinker.
Visit the Netherlands and you’ll find Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam and Rembrandt’s Nightwatch; Arts, Cultural manifestations and renowned Musea. International concerns of Ahold, Philips, Shell and Unilever. Rotterdam harbor as Gateway to Europe, well at least to Germany’s Industrial zone.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
thanks for the link to the museum. I’ve just looked at some of it and have bookmarked the site. Thanks again. I love looking at artwork.
I’m not one to be mushy/gushy but want to thank Booman again for this brilliant idea of his to have specifically gone after this international flavor to his new site. It seems others were looking for this also as it is turning into a great success, thanks to everyone.
I’m still calling it my Frontporch to the world. For someone who can never travel anywhere due the money-which sucks as I’ve always wanted to travel everywhere-this whole idea is just terrific.
To my way of thinking there can not be enough diversity in anyones life or the mind simply shrivels up and dies. Viva la difference–sorry if I mangled that.