Black people in long voting lines at polling station… yeah…whadda ’bout it?
Zimbabwe’s ruling party won parliamentary elections Friday but a furious opposition accused President Robert Mugabe of rigging the vote to extend his 25-year grip on power.
Citing official information that as many as 10 percent of voters were turned away at the polls and anecdotal reports that many of these were in districts believed to lean toward the opposition, Boucher told reporters: “This is just another sign that this whole process has been seriously tainted.
“The election process all along has been tilted in favor of the government. And there are many aspects to this, whether it’s the muzzling of the press or the intimidation of voters or the restrictions on opposition candidates.” he added.
…hmmmm, this sounds kinda familiar
Pot calling kettle…pot calling kettle…come in kettle…do you copy…over..
We don’t need no stinkin…Filibuster!
Hell ya, the US is now a God damned Theocracy cuz we said so!!!
But, we want a strong US dollar…kinda.
Welcome to the United States of Zimbabwe
Does Zimbabwe allow felons to vote? I bet it does. Nearly all countries do apart from America. That’s another good wheeze for the Republicans. Pure Jim Crow.
(says the ACLU)