I am extremely concerned about the future uses of the VeriChip or RFID tag. In my view, the thought that my every move could be tracked, from shopping to sleeping is violating.

If you have ever been robbed, raped or stalked you will understand that feeling.

I subscribe to a VeriChip Alert newsletter and have received this latest report.

Here’s the most up to date information about the Verichip:

-Applied Digital is talking with credit card companies about eventually using the VeriChip as a backup way of identifying cardholders

-The Verichip will replace ATM cards in the not so distant future

-A Netherlands nightclub owner had the VeriChip implanted in certain customers that frequent his discos and to allow access into VIP lounges

-Just a few weeks ago, a journalist from a ski magazine called the company to inquire about using the Verichip to replace ski lift tickets at a local resort

-The chip, like many other new technologies, raises questions about privacy all over the world

-The Verichip will change the way companies decide how to market and sell their products

-The Verichip will be used for advanced sales tactics

-Soon, a medical patient that has the Verichip with high cholesterol will be bombarded with e-mails and pamphlets from the makers of Medication. How? They’ve got all their info on the Verichip

-Quite possible, companies with advanced technology, will be able to scan an implanted person from any distance, then within seconds, compile their info into marketing campaigns and sales tactics that relate to their specific body type, medical condition,
even recently eaten foods!

-New Study Being Taken Regarding The Verichip: BIGresearch and Artafact have launched a new qualitative/quantitative syndicated report to track consumer awareness, attitudes and opinions about the wave of Verichip hitting the markets

-A new study of over 8,500 adults will explore the impact the recent publicity around new Verichip

-The study will also look at the sources of information consumers use to get and stay informed about The Verichip

-After a study fielded in September 2004, 72% of the respondents had never heard of Verichip and had no
idea what it was.  Those that were aware (28%) had educated themselves via the Internet versus hearing about it from traditional mass media like television, radio and print. Over 8,000 consumers participated in the September survey.

-This next study will also explore what companies and organizations are emerging for consumers as good sources of information about the Verichip and other RFID applications.

-In the first wave of the study, nearly two-thirds of Verichip aware adults were concerned about the potential for privacy abuse and no source was recognized by them as a resource for good information.
Most don’t trust the government.


Say No To Being Chipped!

For more information on the VeriChip click here LINK