Let us pray*:

Almighty Father, you give us life
as you give life to all people.
You call us into community
that with men and women
of different races, colors, languages,
politics, sexual orientations, and beliefs,
different experiences and different traditions,
we may be united.

Help us to become what you have called us to be.

You are the giver of life.
Father, renew us.

*meditate, hold in good and active thought
Father of all, you give us
wealth in the earth and in the oceans,
forests and fertile plains,
air to breathe, water to drink,
and all that is needful of human life.
We pray for those who know little of your bounty,
for whom the earth is a cruel desert
and existence is a constant struggle
against overwhelming odds.
We acknowledge that their burdens should be our burdens;
we acknowledge that we share a common humanity.

You are the giver of life.
Father, renew us.

Father you have so made us that we need one another,
but because we do not know how to love everyone,
you tell us to start with the sister or brother at our side.
We pray for any from whom we are estranged. Bless them,
and bless us in our future relationships with them.
We pray for our families, our friends,
and all whom we meet day by day…
In their particular needs we ask you to bless them.

You are the giver of life.
Father, renew us.

Father, you are present in every part of human experience.
We hold before you
the infant lying in a mother’s arms,
the young lovers planning together their first home,
the sick and infirm battling with weakness and incapacity,
the dying, soon to experience your new creation.

You are the giver of life.
Father, renew us.

Eternal Father, we remember before you
those who have passed from this world, especially Theresa Schiavo and Karol Wojtyla, called Pope John Paul II, and those whose passings do not earn world headlines.

As we all received from you the gift of life,
so we pray that you will bring us to the life eternal, and grant us rest at the last.

You are the giver of life.
Father, renew us.