(Note: Title changed in hopes of alerting more BooPersons to this opportunity. Same diary.)
I just received an email from the organizers of Democracy Fest 2005 and wondered if y’all were aware that this is coming up – June 17-19 (Fri, Sat, and Sun) at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, the capitol of Texas.
What is DemFest? From their flyer, ” . . . a gathering of progressives from all over the country who will meet . . . to hear nationally known speakers, receive grassroots training, and enjoy an evening of entertainment with stellar musical and political guests.”
Here are some of the people who will be there:
Saturday night speakers include Gov. Howard Dean, Jim Hightower, and Molly Ivins.
Workshops include:
Got your attention yet?
There’s more . . .
How about
(For non-Texans who don’t know who Glen Maxey is, see Capitol Chronicle: A Profile in Courage and Lines in the Sand.)
There will also be workshops on Balancing Activism with the Rest of Life: (You know what we mean), Campaign Training 101, Campaign Training 201, Civic Action Network, Electoral Reform and IRV, Engaging Communities through Civic Environmentalism, House Parties, Political Scavenger Hunt, Religion, Democracy, and the Common Good, Students for Democracy, Turning Red States Blue, Websites and Blogs, and What It Means to Be a Progressive.
More details about these workshops at the Democracy Fest program page.
Why am I telling you this now? Because, to quote from the email, “If you haven’t yet paid for your registration, please do so as soon as possible. Until you pay, you are not ensured a spot, and we are rapidly approaching capacity. All registrations must be paid for in advance–there will be no payments taken at the door.”
And from the website, “So far, over 600 people have already registered! While more than 75% of the registrants are from Texas, we have people coming from 25 states and 3 foreign countries. Keep in mind–space is limited.” For more information and to register, click here.
Democracy Fest is co-sponsored by Democracy for Texas (our DFA) and My Vote Is My Voice. Tickets are $55, and that includes all kinds of stuff besides the workshops, like two meals, a CD from the workshops, and a t-shirt (of course).
So – y’all come. If you’re from out of town, give me a shout. Love to meet you.
It’s Springtime rampant in Austin now, and the weeds in the vegetable patch are threatening to take over if I don’t get out there and uproot them, among other things, so I won’t be hanging out here for a while.
But I’ll check back in later and do my best to answer any questions you might have.
What an event! It should be a lot of fun, and informative too.
Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed meeting you on Saturday at Scholz Garten (hint, hint– did you send those pics to roses?). DemFest 2005 is one small step by Texans to show the rest of the country we’re sorry we couldn’t stop the Bush Juggernaut.