An organization called Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, will be holding a two day conference at the Washington Marriott Hotel on 1221 22nd Street NW, this Thursday and Friday.
For media credentials, please fax on your organization’s letterhead a requests for credentials to 936-634-8749. Please include names of individuals covering the event and job title. Credentials will be issued only to recognized working media at the discretion of JCCCR. Also, credentialed media will need to provide documentation (ex: Capitol Police issued media badge, Press Club ID, etc.) and a business card at the media check in table at the Marriot.
You can see their schedule here.
You can register here. “Conference Registration cost is $149.00 per person,$249.00 for a husband/wife couple or $75 for registration WITHOUT meals.”
This will be an extraordinary event, bringing together some of the most powerful, influential, and politically connected wingnuts in our country.
I strongly urge someone to attend this conference as either a guest, or as a paying registrant, and to document the strange wingnuttery that occurs.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
David C. Gibbs, Esq., attorney for Terri Schiavo’s parents
Chief Justice Roy Moore
Former Ambassador Alan Keyes
For information on the other speakers, go below the flip. I have provided links to most of them, and some choice quotes.
Senator Sam Brownback
Senator Tom Coburn
Former Vatican Ambassador Ray Flynn. Flynn has the following notice posted on his front-page, “YCV is a Not-for-Profit Corporation. YCV has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501 © 4 of the Internal Revenue Code.” Anyone care to investigate?
Phyllis Schlafly
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council
The move follows a meeting last week among DeLay, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the chief deputy majority whip, and nearly two dozen conservative leaders, including David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Morton Blackwell, president of the Leadership Institute; and Edwin Feulner, president of the Heritage Foundation.
Perkins, Keene and Feulner called the meeting, according to participants.
“It was a rallying cry to our conservative community that we are under assault. We need to fight back. We’re going to have a challenging year with the judicial issue bubbling up in the senate and the impact it may have on our ability to get things done,” said Cantor, who said he described to the group how Democrats and liberal groups have waged a coordinated battle to raise doubts about DeLay’s conduct.
The Hill
Mike Farris Pastor Dan, this guy is from your turf. Ever heard of him?
“One of the mistakes being made even by people on our side is the notion that we have three separate but equal branches. In fact, the Legislative is the superior branch, the Executive secondary, and the Judiciary is in third place.
We need more leaders with the courage to not only proclaim their faith, but to act on it. The murder of Terri Schiavo will be remembered as one of the darkest days in the history of these United States of America.”
April 1st, 2005.
Morton Blackwell
“When it comes to a judiciary run amok, the other two branches of government are in a persistent vegetative state.
Terri Schiavo died today. Her fate was sealed by an adulterous mate, a homicidal judiciary and conservative politicians who could pass for eunuchs.
Whenever a judge – almost any judge, anywhere – issues an edict (however bizarre or detached from reality and the law), elected officials lose bladder control when contemplating the possibility of actually doing something about it.”- March 31st, 2005.
Kay Daly, President of the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
Jan LaRue, self-professed pornography expert
Tim Lee. Tim Lee is an ex-marine who lost both his legs in Vietnam. He seems like a nice guy. He is even offering a sweet deal on his website:
1 of the America Worth Dying For
1 of the Pledge shirts
OR two of the same shirt
also get 2 videos, “My Personal Testimony” with comments on the war on terrorism and then
The most powerful tape we have, “The Reunion of Two Marines.”
You also get a CD with my story on it.
Not only all these things, but also get an autographed book, “Know Peace In Troubled Times.”
The value of all the above if you bought it individually would be $85.00.
BUT, for this special, you can have it all for $50.00 (plus shipping). That’s a $35.00 savings off the regular price!
Patrick Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society. The CNS was formed, ostensibly, to promote, “the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education in the United States. We are…dedicated to promoting the educational ideal espoused by John Henry Cardinal Newman and further developed by Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. The Society sponsors and assists conferences, lectures, debates, and publications on the true nature and value of Catholic higher education.” But they seem to do very little more than complain about the play “The Vagina Monologues”.
They also want to protect the sanctity of St. Valentine’s Day:
Although few people still know much about Saint Valentine, efforts to replace the holiday bearing his name with “V-Day”—referring to women’s genitalia and not Valentine or victory—would further obscure the life of a real person whose example demonstrated the true meaning of love and human dignity.
Re: Know Thine Enemies – I Fully Agree!
Sorry Booman, mindset has been recently with an automatic check, who or what is behind an GOP organisation, see here goes.
So here is some data on support for this website and the media group:
Created On: 01-Feb-2005 22:20:05 UTC
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Lee Miller
Organization: Media Services Group
PO Box 154022
Lufkin, TX 75915-4022 US
Phone: +1.9366377593
FAX: +1.9366373721
Blacklist Status: Clear
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Makes some useful reading possible here —
More Information
Please share these ideas with others so we can reach more people for Christ through crisis management and good public relations. For more information on crisis management, visit
Lee Miller is a principal with Media Services Group (MSG), based in Lufkin, TX. Miller has been involved in public relations for more than 15 years. He has worked in commercial television news, creative services, promotions and public service, and serves on NRB’s TV/Visual Media Committee. Contact him at Visit to see MSG’s Church PR Newsletter.
Provide Authority, Resources and Funding
The church administrative body should officially affirm the formation of the team, and give it the authority to act. It is important that the team also be provided with the necessary resources (equipment, funds, support staff) to carry out its ministry.
Additional reading: Google search
History of complaints Google search
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
on my diary on dkos. You could recommend it too 🙂
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Holy Whack-attack!!! That will prove to be one of the largest gatherings of absolute horses asses on record. I mean WTF??? I urge someone with the proper credentials to follow BooMan’s suggestion and gain access to this event. If you can stomach it.
What do we know about this Don Feder? He seems like a nuanced thinker.
Oh, yeah, the guy is downright professorial.
Speaking of stomaching, perhaps the hollandaise will spoil! (Disclaimer: I don’t want anybody dead, but the idea of a whole bunch of wingnut wackos spending the weekend counting bathroom floor tiles gives me the warm fuzzies.)
Will the 10 Commandments on Wheels be there too?
Interesting how a group called the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration uses a logo showing the gavel smashing down on what appears to be the Ten Commandments. Talk about cognitive dissonance.
So, are you going Booman? We need an on-site reporter with video capabilities and a strong stomach.
Just reading the names is difficult to do without feeling ill. Whatever Democrat goes to this gig is making a heroic sacrifice.
Here is a link to the principals and staff of the Media Services Group
Lee Miller
Lee Miller has been involved in the Public Relations business for over 15 years. He has worked in commercial television news operations, creative services, promotions and public service, managed a television network and owned his own agency, Media Services Group, for the past ten years. As a conference speaker, he has taught on subjects ranging from church growth ideas to television news operations. Recently featured in PR Week Magazine, Miller was recognized for his communications success with the JESUS Video Project of Texas. Also, his instruction and writings on crisis communications have garnered accolades from media worldwide.
Media Services Group most recent visible project was the Shuttle Columbia crash and recovery. MSG handled video and photo images, documentation, media and public relations support for NASA, FEMA, U.S. Forest Service and forty other national state and local agencies.
Miller is a winner of multiple Addy, Television Showcase and network television awards for production of television, radio and print promotional pieces. Also, awarded special recognition from NASA and City of Lufkin for work with the Columbia Shuttle tragedy.
Other activities: serves on the TV/Visual Communications Executive Committee for the National Religious Broadcasters and President of JESUS Texas, the new organization behind the JESUS Video Project of Texas
Miller attended Stephen F Austin State University majoring in Music Education, but took a career turn his last day of student teaching by taking a job in television. Among his hobbies though, he continues to play in many ensembles and teach music privately. He also enjoys camping and activities with his wife Kenla and son, Joshua and daughter, Morgan. They make their home in Lufkin Texas, 90 miles north of Houston Texas.
Norman Lamb
Norman is the “old-timer” at MSG leading our Waco office. He started his Public Relations career with ABC Television as the Southwest Director of Exploitation. That title alone tells you how long he’s been in the business! Norman brings a wealth of experience in media relations and business strategy to our clients. He is a graduate of Baylor University with a major in Radio and Television. Two children and four grandchildren also keep him busy. His heart is with senior issues and education. His current major project is a new senior housing development. Visit his personal website at He is also assisted by Ann, his wife.
Truitt Miller
MSG welcomes Truitt into the agency October 2002. With almost 50 years in the automotive business, his depth of experience is a great asset we’re pleased to have available! Obviously, he’ll be an expert at handling automotive and industrial based accounts. And as a “senior” he works on some of our senior oriented projects and leads industrial and automotive type accounts. Maybe you’ve noted the relation – Truitt is the father of Lee and Mel!
Mel Miller
Mel is new to MSG, but not to the medical community. Specializing in medical public relations, Mel has over 15 years in the medical field and is experienced and respected working with physicians, nurses, and therapists of many disciplines. With our knowledge and expertise, we know the language of the healthcare profession, the patients dependent on their care and the related businesses.
Brad Burleson
Brad is the lead techie! Seven years of broadcast television experience and some time at the Art Institute in Houston brings to our little shop the leadership to produce websites and video materials for our clients. He has over ten years experience in broadcast television, editing and media production.
Matt Brevard
Matt joined MSG fulltime during our work with the Columbia Shuttle Tragedy as a field videographer. He originally began working summers with us playing drums in the Ricky Davis band and shooting video while going to college. He continues to play drums with RDB. In the MSG office, Matt edits productions, shoots video in the field and assists with event technical services. He will be going to work in the Waco office and continue his education at TSTI’s Flight School. We keep telling him we’re training him to come back and fly the MSG corporate plane someday – yea right . . .
Ken Cochran
Ken is our IT director. Computers are very important to our business and to our clients. He keeps all our machines running and advises our clients on database and IT management. A graduate of the University of Texas, he has been in the computer industry for over 20 years.
Melinda Brevard
Melinda brings to MSG many talents, including the “woman’s touch” to the many projects MSG is involved. Her main duties include administration, but her talents as a designer are called upon daily. She is currently working on a degree from Stephen F. Austin State University in design. And yes, her son is Matt Brevard.
Nancy Mize
Nancy is a graduate of LSU in Baton Rouge with a degree in Journalism. Her experience on various newspapers and in public relations brings seasoned writing talent to MSG resources. Along with her writing, she is also a travel consultant and owner of Holiday Travel in Lufkin. Nancy is the drama director at Carpenter’s Way Church and wrote the acclaimed production, Titanic Moment.
Paulette Carson
Paulette is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University with a degree in Business Administration. She is working on translations and governmental projects with MSG. Her years of overseas administration makes her ideal for international account assistance.
Mackie Denton
Mackie is the youngster in the group, but she already has seven years experience in broadcast television and major productions. She has turned into a wonderful writer and uses that skill to write news releases, scripts and production resources.
Here is the address to the Media Services Group:
Main Office in Lufkin:
Media Services Group
1511 S Chestnut Dr
Lufkin Texas 75901
PO Box 154022
Lufkin Texas 75915
fax 936-634-8749
Waco Office: Media Services Group
PO Box 294 Waco, Texas 76703-0294
Media Services Group is a member of NRB, Angelina County Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau.
NRB – An association of Christian Communicators
Janet Folger gives me hives. Really. I think she was with Coral Ridge way back when…have to force myself to dig up her old file. I wish I could make the conference though, if I weren’t among the working poor I’d give it a shot.
when do we jump-start the Constitutional War on Theocratic Conspiracies?
Richard C. Powell, Jr.
Mr. Powell joined QGA in March 2001 after working for VenCatalyst – venture capital management, as co-founder and Managing Director of Washington, D.C.-based technology incubator. Dec. 1999, VenCatalyst was acquired by idealab!, Powell co-founded and ran the New York office.
David Bohigian was named Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives [pdf file] at the Department of Commerce on July 16, 2004. Mr. Bohigian also serves as the Director of the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, where he formulates and recommends policy positions and initiatives to the Secretary.
Prior to joining the Commerce Department, Mr. Bohigian served as a Managing Director of Idealab! . Idealab! creates and operates companies, with approximately 50 businesses in various stages of development. With Idealab!, he served in several management positions for various portfolio companies, including Chief Executive Officer of Ice Jewelry. Later, he led operations for Idealab’s London office.
Mr. Bohigian joined Idealab! after it acquired the company he founded, Washington-based VenCatalyst. Prior to founding VenCatalyst, Mr. Bohigian was a partner at Jefferson Partners, a Washington, D.C.-based venture capital firm. Mr. Bohigian developed policy understanding and experience through serving in the office of Speaker Newt Gingrich, including during the first 100 days of the 1995 Congress: the “Contract with America.”
Mr. Bohigian received his J. D. from Washington University and received his B.A. in journalism, cum laude, from Washington & Lee University. He is a member of the Missouri Bar Association and the Eagle Scout Association.
Sky Dayton: in 1994, frustrated by how many hours it took him to set up his first Internet account, he created EarthLink Network to make the process easier.
The Pasadena, Calif.-based idealab!, founded by serial business-plan creator Bill Gross in 1996, is the spiritual father for such enterprises. In its short history, idealab! has already spawned more than two dozen companies, including such billion-dollar success as eToys and CitySearch.
Idealab! — the first company to spark the Internet incubator craze–is opening a Silicon Alley office.
Idealab! Vice Chairman Howard Morgan will head the New York office, which will also employ Andrew Zimmerman, former global leader of E-Business in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ management consulting practice.
David Bohigian, Richard Powell and Andrew Stern, founders and former managing directors of Washington, D.C.-based incubator, VenCatalyst, have also joined idealab! New York as managing directors.
Does anyone know whether there is a family tie to Dr. Richard C. Powell of University of Arizona and incubator of new companies?
UA presidential cabinet welcomes new members to Peter Likins “team”.
VP Research and Graduate Studies , Professor of Optical and Material Science.
PS. Level of US Navy involvement in PropaG search is … becoming very annoying!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité