An organization called Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, will be holding a two day conference at the Washington Marriott Hotel on 1221 22nd Street NW, this Thursday and Friday.

For interviews or other media information, please contact Don Feder at 1-508-405-1337 or by email at

For media credentials, please fax on your organization’s letterhead a requests for credentials to 936-634-8749. Please include names of individuals covering the event and job title. Credentials will be issued only to recognized working media at the discretion of JCCCR. Also, credentialed media will need to provide documentation (ex: Capitol Police issued media badge, Press Club ID, etc.) and a business card at the media check in table at the Marriot.

You can see their schedule here.

You can register here. “Conference Registration cost is $149.00 per person,$249.00 for a husband/wife couple or $75 for registration WITHOUT meals.”

This will be an extraordinary event, bringing together some of the most powerful, influential, and politically connected wingnuts in our country.

I strongly urge someone to attend this conference as either a guest, or as a paying registrant, and to document the strange wingnuttery that occurs.


House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
David C. Gibbs, Esq., attorney for Terri Schiavo’s parents

Chief Justice Roy Moore

Former Ambassador Alan Keyes

For information on the other speakers, go below the flip. I have provided links to most of them, and some choice quotes.


Senator Sam Brownback

Senator Tom Coburn

Former Vatican Ambassador Ray Flynn. Flynn has the following notice posted on his front-page, “YCV is a Not-for-Profit Corporation. YCV has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501 © 4 of the Internal Revenue Code.” Anyone care to investigate?

Phyllis Schlafly

Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council

Conservative leaders are crafting plans to launch a public campaign to defend House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas).

The move follows a meeting last week among DeLay, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the chief deputy majority whip, and nearly two dozen conservative leaders, including David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Morton Blackwell, president of the Leadership Institute; and Edwin Feulner, president of the Heritage Foundation.

Perkins, Keene and Feulner called the meeting, according to participants.

“It was a rallying cry to our conservative community that we are under assault. We need to fight back. We’re going to have a challenging year with the judicial issue bubbling up in the senate and the impact it may have on our ability to get things done,” said Cantor, who said he described to the group how Democrats and liberal groups have waged a coordinated battle to raise doubts about DeLay’s conduct.
The Hill

Mike Farris Pastor Dan, this guy is from your turf. Ever heard of him?

Howard Phillips

Mr. Phillips, demonstrating a controversial view on the seperation of powers:

“One of the mistakes being made even by people on our side is the notion that we have three separate but equal branches. In fact, the Legislative is the superior branch, the Executive secondary, and the Judiciary is in third place.

We need more leaders with the courage to not only proclaim their faith, but to act on it. The murder of Terri Schiavo will be remembered as one of the darkest days in the history of these United States of America.”
April 1st, 2005.

Bill Dannemeyer

Morton Blackwell

Bill Federer

Rick Scarborough

Don Feder

Mr. Feder is well known for his calm and well-reasoned discourse.

“When it comes to a judiciary run amok, the other two branches of government are in a persistent vegetative state.

Terri Schiavo died today. Her fate was sealed by an adulterous mate, a homicidal judiciary and conservative politicians who could pass for eunuchs.

Whenever a judge – almost any judge, anywhere – issues an edict (however bizarre or detached from reality and the law), elected officials lose bladder control when contemplating the possibility of actually doing something about it.”- March 31st, 2005.

Kay Daly, President of the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Janet Folger

Janet Folger spearheaded the nationwide “Truth in Love” newspaper and television ad campaign offering hope and healing from homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. After the tragedy at Columbine, she launched the Yes, I Believe in God campaign to help public high school students effectively declare their faith. Folger formerly served as legislative director of Ohio Right to Life, where she led the successful effort to ban partial-birth abortion in Ohio. A frequent commentator on TV, radio, and in print, she also successfully worked for passage of a Woman’s Right To Know law, Fetal Homicide law, and Adoption Reform. Folger is the author of True to Life, an entertaining and inspiring account of her pro-life involvement.

Jan LaRue, self-professed pornography expert

Tim Lee. Tim Lee is an ex-marine who lost both his legs in Vietnam. He seems like a nice guy. He is even offering a sweet deal on his website:

Here is a Special I have been offering in our meetings. NOW I want to make it available to you for visiting our web site!

1 of the America Worth Dying For
1 of the Pledge shirts

OR two of the same shirt

also get 2 videos, “My Personal Testimony” with comments on the war on terrorism and then
The most powerful tape we have, “The Reunion of Two Marines.”

You also get a CD with my story on it.
Not only all these things, but also get an autographed book, “Know Peace In Troubled Times.”

The value of all the above if you bought it individually would be $85.00.

BUT, for this special, you can have it all for $50.00 (plus shipping). That’s a $35.00 savings off the regular price!

Patrick Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society. The CNS was formed, ostensibly, to promote, “the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education in the United States. We are…dedicated to promoting the educational ideal espoused by John Henry Cardinal Newman and further developed by Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. The Society sponsors and assists conferences, lectures, debates, and publications on the true nature and value of Catholic higher education.” But they seem to do very little more than complain about the play “The Vagina Monologues”.
They also want to protect the sanctity of St. Valentine’s Day:

Reclaim Saint Valentine’s Day!

Although few people still know much about Saint Valentine, efforts to replace the holiday bearing his name with “V-Day”—referring to women’s genitalia and not Valentine or victory—would further obscure the life of a real person whose example demonstrated the true meaning of love and human dignity.