“You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote. We’re not going to forget this.”
-George W. Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1986.
From back when he still read things, and made clear sense.
Al Hunt is married to CNN newscaster Judy Woodruff. In April 1986, while the couple was eating at a Dallas restaurant with their 4-year-old son, a very pissed-off George W. Bush stormed over to their table and unloaded on Hunt: “You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote. We’re not going to forget this.” (Hunt’s transgression was having predicted in the Wall Street Journal that Jack Kemp would win the 1988 Republican nomination instead of Vice President George H.W. Bush).
Al Hunt was married to Judy Woodruff. Interesting! Hunt is one of my favourite pundits.
Maverick Leftist
I didn’t either! You learn something new every day. 😉
I must admit that opening Booman this afternoon and seeing ‘You fucking son of a bitch’ first thing, attributed to Georgie, nearly made me spit soda all over my desk. LOL!
about that. I try to keep the Bush quotes coming. I am not responsible for how readers respond, or what they spit up as a result.
It wouldn’t have been a ‘whoa!’ spit – it would have been a ‘good GOD, that’s hysterical!’ spit. 😉
Well I wish we spit up some impeachment hearings or Irangate hearings, that I’d go for.
Wasn’t it Al Hunt that W pointed to and called an asshole (to Cheney), not knowing the mic was on?
no, that was Adam Clymer, of the NYTimes. Never heard of the guy before then, like a lot of people.
My error. Thank you.
but it just dawned on me, that the f**ker said that in a public place in front of the reporter’s family.
That’s the thing about Bush, he guarantees us a steady diet of outrage.
Outrage overload is happening.
To interject a happy note:
His polls are at 45%, and may they continue to decline. Woo Hoo!
His polls are at 45%, and may they continue to decline.
another terra alert!
if his polls hit 40%, there will be a red alert.
Wait a minute…
He said this with this man’s 4 year old child sitting there?!
He’s lucky he wasn’t taken outside.
Hunt missed a golden opportunity to go down in history as the man who broke George W. Bush’s nose. Damn!
I’m not surprised at this example of the viciousness that lies always pretty close to the surface in Bush. Remember the debates and his painful facial contortions as he tried to keep himself from having a public tantrum as Kerry spoke?
I knew that Al Hunt and Woodruff were married and read somewhere that their only son was disabled. I am surprised that Hunt could live with such a Republican shill a la Carville-Matalin.
eloquent (stretching here) when he is projecting malice, like threatening Saddam Hussein, or bin Laden.
45% lowest rating of a 2nd term president in history.
going down
well I think his saying to that one moderator to let him speak even when he had used up his responses was pretty much a tantrum, except none in the bush-cult seemed to see it that way-the farkin idiots.
like Dubya was drunk-or was he being his usual self-hard to tell!
Was this before or after he became a “born again christian?
Okay…see…I was out running errands and I stopped by the food coop before returning home. I parked by a modest sedan and didn’t notice until I finished shopping and returned to my car that on the back of the sedan there were two bumper stickers, side by side. One was a round peace symbol and the other a round W04 campaign sticker. Cognitive dissonance anyone? Now either the owner of that car likes round stickers or was he/she was trying to mess with my head. Not that I’m paranoid or anything. I wonder if rates of paranoia have gone up in the last four years?
Maybe it was a mixed marriage… Conservative and Liberal.. vehicle?
(paranoia rates are at a premium at this time, yep)
Haven’t seen her around here in a while, but she does post on dKos. Anybody know if she has left us and quit as a front pager for some reason? Hope not.
I think she posted recently that she was under the weather. Maybe 2 weeks ago, and haven’t seen any posts since then.
Oh, never mind.
yah, well, neither will we. ; )
Exit Polls: The Evidence Demands an Investigation
It’s already in the recommended list.
He’s a brain who’s written many highly valuable papers and articles, as well as news stories for Village Voice, etc. He’s considered an expert on the media and the JFK assassination.