Despite poll numbers that show most Americans think Tom DeLay and his minions are unmitigated assholes, they just don’t know how to shut up about Terry Schiavo. Rep. Steve King has some really choice quotes in the Washington Post:
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a Judiciary Committee member and DeLay ally, said in an interview: “That kind of judge needs to be worried about what kind of role Congress will play in his future.” King said it is not clear what steps his committee might take, but he said most people do not realize the power Congress can exert over courts if it chooses.
“We have the constitutional authority to eliminate any and all inferior courts,” he said, referring to district and circuit courts. King said some federal judges refuse to answer questions from Congress unless they are being impeached, so “that may force our hand.”
Washington Post: Free Registration
I say, “Keep it coming. Keep digging that hole.”
That’s horrifying. The thugs.
the jamook is calling for the Moe Green Special.
I prefer the mob to these goons.
throw a better lawn party, that’s for sure.
i don’t think I ever really knew exactly what the term ‘drunk with power’ meant until bushco got into power.
And that picture of Gannon staring at me while I’m writing this just freaks me out or to use the technical term-Icky.
of the increasing powerbase: WH, Senate, Congress, SCOTUS and now trying to consolidate.
But this arrogance has now become criminal and statements like:
is digging the hole Booman is asking for. I say; keep them coming.
Right, I can call the guy an asshole but if I tell him he needs to be worried about his future, I’m going to jail.
The reverse?
Yes, they are just increasingly making out/out threats to people/groups they don’t like.
I keep going to back to turning it around and if people in Clinton’s administration were running around making these kinds of statements this would be on tv 24/7.
Where’s the media outrage? and yeah that’s rhetorical.
I also unfortunately have this song in my head or phrase from a song–‘I’ve got the power’ and someone like Trent Lott shouting this while he’s doing a dance and twirling around with his fist in the air…jeezzzzzzz between that and that Gannon picture I’m starting to get really freaked out here.
That Gannon picture is bumming me out too.
You don’t think he’s cute? He’s a figgin’ DREAMBOAT, ain’t he?
You just want to frogmarch him in his skivvies, don’tcha? I’m sorry, but I just can’t stop laughing.
BUT it’s also the intimidation. And don’t think that’s not in the minds of judges. … even the brave ones. And those THUGS know that intimidation works to a degree.
‘sides these days those thugs can get away with that kind of crap. Who’s going to take them to task before the American people? Not the media. Not the president. No one except a couple brave souls like Robert Byrd or John Conyers, but 90+% of Americans have never heard of those two, let alone heard them.
I love John Conyers.
Agree, Susan.
Main part of the MO for DeLay and his ilk.
Maybe we’re in an echo-chamber, but it seems we’re getting a lot of good news lately.
I think the Schiavo-case has opened many eyes that were not paying much attention before. They will also notice and remember the Repubs mishandling of the SS-issue, Bush’ scandalous statement about the IOUs, DeLay’s total implosion, Bush’ poor approval rating. The list just keeps growing.
And now I find the statements made to intimidate approaching parody, not that scary anymore.
Sure, it will be a rough ride until 2006, but I think that unless the Repubs (the real ones) make a serious change to the course, they’re in for a major backlash in 19 months.
Hope I’m not too optimistic.
I hope he tries it! Can you imagine the havoc that would be created if the inferior Federal courts are eliminated?
I learned long ago not to threaten my kids with a punishment which I dare not impose.
Please, please Mr. Arrogant Tom! Please make good on this threat!
They can’t and won’t. This is — to borrow one of Boo’s mob terms — a mock execution.
It’s to achieve capitulation through intimidation. And thus is far more insidious.
in thinking that Fed judges have lifetime appointments? I might be. I know the Supremes are in it for life. It seems to me that the purpose of lifetime appointments is precisely for the purpose of warding off political intimidation. Heck, I could be wrong. It’s late, I should be in bed and I’m too lazy to look it up right now.
The thugs are using the I word.
All the thugs have to do is publicly threaten or even attempt to impeach one judge, and the rest will feel pressured to check their courage at the door.
my haircut diary at dKos. Anyone wants to show it some love, that’d be cool.
Sure I’m horrified at the naked “almost threat (he didn’t specify what he was gonna do)”, and this is definitely why some of us are pushing back and trying to get the word out.
That said, I have to say the Schiavo case is
This is the Harry and David monthly mail fruit basket for opening eyes and tracking the slime trails in the House of Representatives.
In combo with Gannon and the slime trails the Gannoneers are uncovering, the “Martinez” memo, and Delay’s many wonderful trips (Saipan trip just uncovered-Saipan?) and all the other stuff, this threat to the Court of Appeal and the Judiciary in general is wonderful. Every Judge and Justice in the US (well, 99%) is sitting a little straighter. Career Bureaucrats are sniffing the blood in the water.
And best of all, this signals Tom and his boys are gonna fight to maintain their position. They ain’t going quietly. Yes! Many will finally notice. As awful as this is, I’m hoping for a gun fight in public, not a quick burial, I don’t want the other slime balls to dagger him quick and hide the body.
Funniest of all, the House Ethics Committee is without any standards or Working Policies or Mission Statement by Tom’s doing. There’s no mechanism in place to hide a quick death in private. Fight! Fight! I know it’s sick but it has real Ancient Greek elements. Enjoy the show and phone everybody. Dear Congresswoman Woolsey and Congressman Thompson, please help step on the cockroaches.
This is rapidly building to a fight. Who’s gonna impeach who first? The judges aint gonna fold to quickly. If they were then Schiavo would still be hanging on to a feeding tube. Remember, the feds withstood the ‘intimidation’ of having the POTUS signing a bill in the middle of the night that really was a snuff to the Florida state judicial system. And the feds didn’t budge…
Average wait 500 years for a Supreme Court hearing?
The court-bashing schtick reminds me of one of Berlusconi’s pastimes. Which makes me wonder if TomDe&Co. are not right this minute looking into ways to overhaul the statutes to make the judicial process more pliant.
Interesting times.
and the opposition can supply the shovels and sharpen them too.
Keep your eyes on the prize, that is, the Constitution of the USA.
DeLay is only digging a deeper hole if you actually believe that there could eventually be some repercussions for his behavior besides ticking off Dems.
What ethics committee?