The passionate debates in the Terri Schiavo case have added to the controversy over the Democrats’ use of Senate filibusters to block some of the president’s judicial nominees, as we just heard Bill discussing. A little earlier today I did speak with Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia about that issue. But first, I asked him about GOP claims that a major fund-raiser on his behalf by the left-leaning group means he’s too liberal for West Virginia voters.
BYRD: I have one word, one word for that. Horseradish.
That organization is made up of Democrats and Republicans, West Virginians, veterans, farmers, teachers, people from all walks of life. It’s a patriotic organization. It believes in having its say, saying what it thinks. And I’m proud to have the support of that organization.
WOODRUFF: Well, the Republicans say it is out and out a liberal organization and that your association with it means you’re in the same suit.
BYRD: You know, I’m just sick up to my ears concerning all this talk about labels. When I came to the Senate, I was to the right of Senator Goldwater. How about that? Now they say I’m a liberal.
Who cares? I vote the way I see an issue. And the labels just don’t count. There’s too much — too much talk about labels.
They’re not important. They’re not real. And we ought to get beyond that.
WOODRUFF: Well, let me ask you this, there are Democrats on the more moderate end who say that the vocal, the most vocal elements of the party are the liberal groups like MoveOn, and they say it’s not good for the party. Is that something you’re concerned with?
BYRD: You know, I pay no attention to the talk about labels. What I’m concerned about is the liberties of the people of this country. The liberty to speak out, to say what they think, and not be intimidated. That’s one thing that’s happening in this political atmosphere these days.
And I have to say there’s too much of the effort to intimidate. There’s an effort to intimidate those who speak out, who are critical of the administration, who are critical of the president.
They try to intimidate, intimidate the media. That’s a good one. They’ve got you intimidated.
Intimidate senators who have the backbone to stand up for the rights of the people they represent, they try to intimidate. They try to — now they’re trying to intimidate the courts. Back off.
WOODRUFF: Well, I certainly don’t believe they have me intimidated or my news organization intimidated.
BYRD: I don’t think so. But look back at debate on the war.
Where was it? The Senate was mute. The media didn’t ask questions, and the people didn’t ask questions. We were mute.
People were intimidated. That’s the effort now, is to intimidate anybody who has this common sense, and the courage and a strong feeling of what’s right and what’s wrong, trying to intimidate them. They’re trying to do that to me.
WOODRUFF: Well, when it comes to speaking out, let me ask you about this. You know the Republicans in the Senate are talking about changing the filibuster rules.
BYRD: Yes.
WOODRUFF: You’ve said you’re against that. The Republicans say that’s hypocritical, because they say, for example, back in 1977 not once, but they say four different times you helped to close a loophole that let the Republicans have their say.
BYRD: They’re wrong.
WOODRUFF: They were the minority.
BYRD: They’re wrong, they’re dead wrong. And they’ve told themselves that so much that they probably believe it.
It’s not right. They’re wrong.
The ordinary people — the elderly, the young, they’re about to have their rights curtailed by this silly notion that filibuster ought to be eliminated. The filibuster is the last weapon, the lifeline of the liberty of the people. They need to back off that.
WOODRUFF: Last question, Senator. Are you running for re- election?
BYRD: Well, I’m not going to announce it today. I’m thinking about it, seriously.
WOODRUFF: What are you leaning toward?
BYRD: Taking care of the issues here. I’m leaning toward defeating this opening of Pandora’s box, cutting off the filibuster.
WOODRUFF: Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia. He did go onto accuse the Bush administration of trying to pack the federal courts, in his words.
Thanks to Diane101 for the transcript.
Very low contrast, makes it hard for me to read. #CCFFCC ought to do it. I’m going to go copy the text to a text file, and then I’m going to enjoy reading it, I’m sure.
and as usual I was impressed with his passion for the Constitution and the fillibuster. I wish Salkerink and Infidelpig had seen the show, maybe they did.
I fear for his heath though, he seems so frail and does he have parkinson’s, does anyone know.
I saw it diane, and yes, his health is waining, but his mind is still sharp as a tack. How long that will last, well who know’s at this time in his life, career, and health. I’m not sure of his affliction, but it does seem to be some sort of nervous disorder.
What it represents to me is his conviction to his position, and ideals. Although some of them are not and have not, always been in line with everyone, and the times. But as anyone, and everyone, time does, and must bring some change. For without it, well, then there is NO future.
Of course the Republicans want to be rid of the last line of defense against their policies, it’s the only thing left, we the people have to stop a complete blitzkreig and dominance of our life/rights, and well being, not only in present time, but future generations.
The worst thing is that not enough of the Democratic representatives, have the fortitude to stand in complete soladarity in the public eye, to form a solid line of defense for him, and the American people. Take notice, I did not divide the people into partisan labels here. It is neither Democrat, nor Republican, for it is the American people as a whole, for which it is in their best interest and benefit, and for the future of our children. Which I firmly believe that most of us are fighting for.
The republicans, and the timid/greedy representatives, are going to bash this “rock” of the people, for their own personal gains, and all at the cost of “We the People”.
The “Rock” in this case being the filibuster, our last defense. On this matter, we MUST stand strong.
Just saw an ad for this group on CNN.
I’ve kept the link because I still haven’t heard as forceful an argument presented. The Senator definitely has a way with words.
1 March 2005.
“Senator Byrd delivered the remarks below warning the Senate and the American people about a procedural effort being considered by some Senators to shut off debate and shut down minority voices and opinions. Byrd believes that such an effort strikes at the very heart of the Senate — the freedom of speech and debate.”
Of course, this needs repetition, expanision, and strengthening from other, more credible sources. The message is too clear and direct to be heard only from the mouth of an ex-klansman, which is the only light Byrd can be viewed in by many Americans outside his direct constituency.
He’s quite eloquent, indeed.
Stop it. If people aren’t allowed to change — but are forever hung by words they uttered decades ago — there’s no hope for any of us.
But the reality is that he’s another pariah. Unless you’re already converted, he’s unconscionable.
I’m not speaking for my own opinion, just the reality of the discourse. His stance and policy is immaterial when his entire speech can be dismissed. He’s said as much, himself. The truth of the matter is that he’s got about as much credibility outside the democratic party as Strom Thurmond had within it, and for the same reasons.
How many times have you heard this man’s name used as proof positive of liberal hypocrisy?
Due to the nature of incumbent senatorial races, he’ll keep winning as long as he runs, and as long as he keeps running, he’s a chink in the armor.
The Klan is his albatross, and he’s the party’s albatross. If he was decent, he’d groom a protege and retreat to the shadows, where he could do more good through others.
Think about Jeff Gannon, (as if we could stop with those bedroom peepers staring at the side of every article) how long was it between the first publically voiced liberal suspicion that he was a planted GOP operative (with possible ties to Plame) and the conservative blogosphere bringing his gay escort persona to the forefront?
He was irredeemable, so they burned him.
“And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should go into hell.”
Ask any descendant of a virginian lynched in the 40’s r 50’s by one of Byrd’s recruits who THEY think is forever hung.
where were you a few days ago when I could have used your help? <g>
Maverick Leftist
Great diary you pointed me to, there.
The gap between desire and reality is filled by rationalization, the problem is that things like trains, poison, and gravity don’t bother listening to reason much.
I hope you get what I’m saying there.:)