Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I do like this style of open thread opening, with a quote from Dear Leader. Most entertaining. It almost offsets the obnoxious picture (Ick! Ack!) of JeffyJim, which, thanks to Our Man in Redmond, I have just learned how to turn off.
This isn’t turning off ads, is it? Just the pictures. I can still see the ads and their links, but I don’t have to look at JeffyJim. And I can click on individual pix and open them.
If it’s really hurting him, I’ll turn the pix back on, albeit with reluctance because they slow my machine down real serious like. Someday, I may get to live in the promised land of DSL or even WiFi.
I’m not sure if turning off images turns off ads, but I emailed the guy who puts out that ad, told him how much everyone hated it. And that some were even thinking of not supporting Media Matters, because of it (or his site, once they figure out it’s really for bloggers market).
Don’t know if it will have any effect, but I hope so cuz it wouldn’t be good for booman to have people turning off ads at this time, just because of that one.
I just started a new politiblog and put you on my links. When it’s ready I’ll even tell ya where it is.
I turned off the images coming from blogads, but only because Jeff Gannon’s portrait was arousing feelings within me that I wasn’t comfortable dealing with.
CSPAN2 – 8:00 PM and again at 10:51 PM EDT — 1:25 (est.)
Forum- Journalist Credentials- National Press Club
Julie Hirschfeld Davis , Baltimore Sun
Ana Marie Cox
+ + + AND Jeff (“My map is green cuz my printer ran out of ink”*) Gannon
Bill Maher, HBO
One of tonight’s panelists: Ian McShane, who plays Al Swearengen on Deadwood
“We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, Against thy Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, And are heartily sorry for these misdoings.”
This is the prayer that Prince Charles, Camilla and their guests will say out loud tomorrow during the wedding ceremony.
Oh, thank you SO much. I have been sleepless, pacing the floor, worrying about who’s on the list and who’s not. At last, I can relax.
your friend,
Hedda Hopper
Seriously, while I know they have gotten extremely bad press, I do hope they are happy together. Poor souls, I wouldn’t want to have been born into that life for anything.
And whatever her faults and failings may be, I give Camilla great credit for conducting herself in public like a lady with class. She has not, to my knowledge, snapped at the press, dished the dirt, given “exclusive” interviews, whined about how she is so put upon, or struck back at any of her extremely vituperous attackers.
Their story should give the most ardent arranged marriage proponents pause, when one considers that this is a marriage that should have taken place a third of century ago.
I shall refrain from commenting on Charles, whatever his flaws, they are Camilla’s problem now.
It was disconcerting, though, to see him look happy and peaceful. I was not prepared for such an unprecedented occurrence. I suspect he may have been replaced by an animatronic device for the day, but that, too is Camilla’s problem.
And after today, no one from Great Britain should dare to remark on the strangeness of any headgear worn by any tribe or people on earth. If they do, I will be the first to point and laugh, as most sensible television viewers spent today doing.
I really liked Miss Ekaterina, even looked on amazon to see if she had any CDs but no luck.
Gives the term “mad hatters” a good bit of resonance. I looked at the pix The Guardian had up and fell on the floor laughing.
The Brits do some things extremely well: glorious countryside, luxurious automobiles, foundations of constitutional government, plummy accents, composure in the face of adversity, royal ceremonies.
They are, however, sadly lacking in success when it comes to hats. You’d think, with all that money and all those image consultants, that . . . Oh, my.
All – I’m writing to apologize for the ad I ran on BooMan with the photo of Gannon/Guckert and to provide some context for it.
First, let me apologize to those upset by it.
Now, let me give some context.
As some of you know, I’m a longtime dKos reader. I’ve been commenting on and reading Kos since back in the movable type days before he moved over to Scoop. It was exciting to me to see this community bloom out of that one. Indeed, one of things that keeps me coming to blogs in general is the sense of community cultivated in places like dKos, BooMan, Atrios, and MyDD.
Because of that sense of community, I created – its kind of a “farmers market” for bloggers. The site is designed to compliment the community aspect of blogging and be a place to interact in ways we can’t (and probably shouldn’t in some instances on our favorite blogs).
For example, let’s say a DailyKos or BooMan reader has a laptop for sale. And, another Kos or BooMan reader needs a laptop. They both are coming to Kos and/or BooMan, so they likely have similar interests, and now they have another – one has a laptop and the other needs one. But, it would be inappropriate to start populating the Kos and BooMan comments with “laptop for sale” posts.
On we can interact as Kos and BooMan readers to sell and buy the laptop. The BooMan reader with the laptop can post an ad for the laptop (for free) and when they do, list BooMan as their favorite blog (I also recommend registering and using your same screename). Then, fellow BooMan readers can find them by searching for listings posted by other BooMan readers.
The idea being we may prefer to interact with folks from our favorite blogs because of our community connection.
I ran the Gannon photo touting the Media Matters job for a couple of reasons.
to get your attention
to help out Media Matters. Its a great group and could use some of the talented folks that come to BooMan.
to remind us that Media does indeed matter (I think we all know the details of the Gannon affair).
I’m sorry some folks took it offensively or thought it was a Media Matters ad (but, the ad did say right in the text that it was an ad for bloggersmarket). I’m changing the ad to something I hope is not offensive and hope gets us all interacting in many ways beyond our already great interaction here on BooMan and Kos.
Well, it certainly got our attention. <g> I was less “upset” by it than repulsed, especially since the National Press Club cheapened itself this week by giving him the sort of legitimacy he doesn’t deserve.
BloogersMarket is a great idea. I looked at it a bit last night and liked it.
WASHINGTON – The Secret Service, which has the job of guarding the president and other dignitaries, now has a new temporary duty — protecting a mother duck and her nine eggs.
The duck, a brown mallard with white markings, has had several names suggested by Treasury Department people, including “Quacks Reform,” “T-Bill,” and “Duck Cheney.” It has built a nest in a mulch pile right at the main entrance to the Treasury Department on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Secret Service’s uniformed division, which provides protection for the White House and Treasury building, has set up metal guard rails to protect the nest, which has attracted the notice of tourists on their way to see the White House. …
BooMan, can you drop me an email about scoop?
Namely, how you get you comments look like dat?
meaning, getting rid of the sort options, I mean
I do like this style of open thread opening, with a quote from Dear Leader. Most entertaining. It almost offsets the obnoxious picture (Ick! Ack!) of JeffyJim, which, thanks to Our Man in Redmond, I have just learned how to turn off.
Booman said it kills him when we turn off ads…. he has to make money from the ads to keep the site going. Here’s what he said, in Nanette’s diary:
Please set aside the time to add BooTrib to your Blogroll (or ask your techie assistants to do it for you).
Our biggest problem right now is that almost all our traffic is residual to dKos.
Also, support our sponsors by clicking on their ads, or buying their products or supporting their causes.
And if you have any thing to advertise, the rates are still low for the number of eyeballs you’ll get.
I wan’t to do an advertising campaign in the next few weeks, but that costs money. So, any support is appreciated.
And Nanette’s idea is a great way to publicize this site for free, and to get a more diverse community, while learning new things at the same time.
</shameless self-promotion>
This isn’t turning off ads, is it? Just the pictures. I can still see the ads and their links, but I don’t have to look at JeffyJim. And I can click on individual pix and open them.
If it’s really hurting him, I’ll turn the pix back on, albeit with reluctance because they slow my machine down real serious like. Someday, I may get to live in the promised land of DSL or even WiFi.
I’m not sure if turning off images turns off ads, but I emailed the guy who puts out that ad, told him how much everyone hated it. And that some were even thinking of not supporting Media Matters, because of it (or his site, once they figure out it’s really for bloggers market).
Don’t know if it will have any effect, but I hope so cuz it wouldn’t be good for booman to have people turning off ads at this time, just because of that one.
I emailed them also and no this doesn’t turn off the ads and you can click on ‘image’ (which is left in the pics place) and see any image if you want.
Hey folks, I’m composing a diary/apology for the ad now and will got to blogads to change it.
Yay! Thanks, I wasn’t sure if anyone had let you know about it yet. Glad I wrote and that you’ve responded so quickly.
I really appreciate your email! I posted a diary and comment below. Hopefully folks will get a chance to read one or the other.
I feel worse for that Jesus over on the right. That nasty stick coming out of his arm socket. Ouch.
LOL yes, that ad is also not at all appealing. Especially the stick arm.
I just started a new politiblog and put you on my links. When it’s ready I’ll even tell ya where it is.
I turned off the images coming from blogads, but only because Jeff Gannon’s portrait was arousing feelings within me that I wasn’t comfortable dealing with.
Happy Friday to everyone. I don’t know about the rest of you, but good God, I need the weekend.
CSPAN2 – 8:00 PM and again at 10:51 PM EDT — 1:25 (est.)
Forum- Journalist Credentials- National Press Club
Julie Hirschfeld Davis , Baltimore Sun
Ana Marie Cox
+ + + AND Jeff (“My map is green cuz my printer ran out of ink”*) Gannon
Bill Maher, HBO
One of tonight’s panelists: Ian McShane, who plays Al Swearengen on Deadwood
* See photo at Majority Report radio blog
“We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, Against thy Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, And are heartily sorry for these misdoings.”
This is the prayer that Prince Charles, Camilla and their guests will say out loud tomorrow during the wedding ceremony.
Some of those attending the civil wedding ceremony of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles on Saturday. The list was released by Charles’ office.
Prince William
Prince Harry
Prince Andrew and his daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie
Prince Edward and his wife, the Countess of Wessex
Princess Anne and her husband, Rear Adm. Timothy Laurence
Peter Phillips, son of Princess Anne
Princess Alexandra, cousin of the queen
Viscount Linley, son of the late Princess Margaret, and Viscountess Linley
The Lady Sarah Chatto, daughter of Princess Margaret, and her husband Daniel Chatto
Maj. Bruce Shand, father of the bride
Tom Parker Bowles, son of the bride,
Sara Buys, fiance of Tom Parker Bowles
Laura Parker Bowles, daughter of the bride
Harry Lopes, boyfriend of Laura Parker Bowles
Mark Shand, brother of the bride
Simon and Annabel Elliot, sister and brother-in-law of the bride
Ben Elliot
Katie Elliot
Luke and Alice Irwin, niece of the bride
Dear Ductape,
Oh, thank you SO much. I have been sleepless, pacing the floor, worrying about who’s on the list and who’s not. At last, I can relax.
your friend,
Hedda Hopper
Seriously, while I know they have gotten extremely bad press, I do hope they are happy together. Poor souls, I wouldn’t want to have been born into that life for anything.
And whatever her faults and failings may be, I give Camilla great credit for conducting herself in public like a lady with class. She has not, to my knowledge, snapped at the press, dished the dirt, given “exclusive” interviews, whined about how she is so put upon, or struck back at any of her extremely vituperous attackers.
comportment in the face of the tabloid frenzy.
Their story should give the most ardent arranged marriage proponents pause, when one considers that this is a marriage that should have taken place a third of century ago.
I shall refrain from commenting on Charles, whatever his flaws, they are Camilla’s problem now.
It was disconcerting, though, to see him look happy and peaceful. I was not prepared for such an unprecedented occurrence. I suspect he may have been replaced by an animatronic device for the day, but that, too is Camilla’s problem.
And after today, no one from Great Britain should dare to remark on the strangeness of any headgear worn by any tribe or people on earth. If they do, I will be the first to point and laugh, as most sensible television viewers spent today doing.
I really liked Miss Ekaterina, even looked on amazon to see if she had any CDs but no luck.
Gives the term “mad hatters” a good bit of resonance. I looked at the pix The Guardian had up and fell on the floor laughing.
The Brits do some things extremely well: glorious countryside, luxurious automobiles, foundations of constitutional government, plummy accents, composure in the face of adversity, royal ceremonies.
They are, however, sadly lacking in success when it comes to hats. You’d think, with all that money and all those image consultants, that . . . Oh, my.
All – I’m writing to apologize for the ad I ran on BooMan with the photo of Gannon/Guckert and to provide some context for it.
First, let me apologize to those upset by it.
Now, let me give some context.
As some of you know, I’m a longtime dKos reader. I’ve been commenting on and reading Kos since back in the movable type days before he moved over to Scoop. It was exciting to me to see this community bloom out of that one. Indeed, one of things that keeps me coming to blogs in general is the sense of community cultivated in places like dKos, BooMan, Atrios, and MyDD.
Because of that sense of community, I created – its kind of a “farmers market” for bloggers. The site is designed to compliment the community aspect of blogging and be a place to interact in ways we can’t (and probably shouldn’t in some instances on our favorite blogs).
For example, let’s say a DailyKos or BooMan reader has a laptop for sale. And, another Kos or BooMan reader needs a laptop. They both are coming to Kos and/or BooMan, so they likely have similar interests, and now they have another – one has a laptop and the other needs one. But, it would be inappropriate to start populating the Kos and BooMan comments with “laptop for sale” posts.
On we can interact as Kos and BooMan readers to sell and buy the laptop. The BooMan reader with the laptop can post an ad for the laptop (for free) and when they do, list BooMan as their favorite blog (I also recommend registering and using your same screename). Then, fellow BooMan readers can find them by searching for listings posted by other BooMan readers.
The idea being we may prefer to interact with folks from our favorite blogs because of our community connection.
I ran the Gannon photo touting the Media Matters job for a couple of reasons.
I’m sorry some folks took it offensively or thought it was a Media Matters ad (but, the ad did say right in the text that it was an ad for bloggersmarket). I’m changing the ad to something I hope is not offensive and hope gets us all interacting in many ways beyond our already great interaction here on BooMan and Kos.
Jeff Davidson
(jdavidson2 on Kos).
Well, it certainly got our attention. <g> I was less “upset” by it than repulsed, especially since the National Press Club cheapened itself this week by giving him the sort of legitimacy he doesn’t deserve.
BloogersMarket is a great idea. I looked at it a bit last night and liked it.
it is a nasty picture!
thanks for checking out the site, much appreciated.
The duck, a brown mallard with white markings, has had several names suggested by Treasury Department people, including “Quacks Reform,” “T-Bill,” and “Duck Cheney.” It has built a nest in a mulch pile right at the main entrance to the Treasury Department on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Secret Service’s uniformed division, which provides protection for the White House and Treasury building, has set up metal guard rails to protect the nest, which has attracted the notice of tourists on their way to see the White House. …
I saw that story and had two reactions: