Media enablers.

No News Is Good News
By Al Kamen
Friday, April 8, 2005; Page A23

The Pentagon often whines about how the U.S. media only harp on the negative in Iraq. But there’s some cheery, morale-building news about military-media relations in a recent internal Army study of its operations in the region around Mosul….

Pravda on the Potomac

….the unit transported an embedded reporter to a site “where school supplies were to be handed out to needy students,” according to the Dec. 21 restricted “Official Use Only” report for the Center for Army Lessons Learned.

An excellent idea, but when they arrived at the school, the unit was “surprised to find that no schoolchildren were present and that an Iraqi family was homesteading in the building,” the report said. What’s more, “the Iraqi police were unwilling to remove the family and no school supplies” could be issued because the children were nowhere to be found….

….“Fortunately,” the Army folks said in their report, “the reporter elected not to cover the event, which could have made us look bad, since we didn’t know what was going on with the school after we funded its construction.” The reporter, who was not named, “understood what had happened and had other good coverage to use…rather than airing any of this event…..”

Pravda on the Potomac

Ah, modern journalism.

File this under “see, we let the embarrassing stuff go – and if not, we’ll eventually bury it on page twenty three.”

Heads up via Today in Iraq