In our echo chamber environment we tend to rush headlong into the future, while failing to look back. We respond to the daily onslaught of information without the means to state our position, or make our opinion known.
I think we can fix that problem. Consider this is planning document, built around a 30-year-old experiment in direct democracy. Call this diary a design workshop to untangle our own little Gordian knot.
First find the end of the string, the starting point:
The quote is from an article written in 1972 by Amitai Etzioni, founder of the Communitarian Network. [SEE ALSO: Stewart Brand’s The Media Lab, 1987. Brand also founded The WELL in 1985].
Can we really involve millions of people to both ask and answer questions on issues of the day? Yes, by using many-to-many communication tools. We have the technology. Please sharpen your pencils and enter the workshop.
What is intriguing about Etzioni’s exeriment was that it was conducted at a time when many-to-many communication over a network meant a conference call. What a difference 30 years later.
Etzioni’s definition of a democratic process:
Let’s start with the idea that the above paragraph is accurate – directly on point – and that we’re already working to establish that dialogue:
- Welshman’s Gauntlet [susanhbu]
- Political Forums [diane101]; and
- Taking Action [Janet Strange]
Etzioni provides the technological means to those ends with MINERVA, “[a] “Multiple Input Network for Evaluating Reactions, Votes, and Attitudes”… (Minerva was the ancient Roman goddess of political wisdom)…”. And the philosophy underpinning the system:
In the article he describes an optimal version of the system, and outlines the prerequisites, but I think the basic construct is enough to get the process moving for now:
– Start with the concept of a “virtual voting booth”, set up on an interconnected group of websites, which in turn forward results to single website, which tabulates votes using Open Source voting software. Wouldn’t be hard to rapidly generate a list that would reach over 100 orgs/sites.
– The process itself starts with a question presented to the “electorate”. Say, universal health coverage. Yes or no? That question is the starting point for disussion on the wide range of issues leading to the answer. Experts in the field, legislators, doctors, insurers, and anyone else with an interest would have input through blogs, house meetings, forums, online/print surveys, or any other means available.
- Time to process is two weeks, broken into two discrete 7 day periods. The first week is for discussions in depth, the “education” phase. The second week is to reach consensus on the question, the “voting phase”.
- The voting process starts at the house/block/neighborhood level on Monday. Small groups meet to discuss and vote on the question, and select two of their members to go forward as their representatives. Tuesday the next level – precinct or borough – meeting takes place to again answer the question, and select the next group of representatives. The process continues through each City, Region, State, finally reaching a National vote on Saturday. Results are tabulated, posted, and a new question posed on Sundays. [Note that this process is not restricted to the “real world” – all of it can take place online].
Most of what I’d consider the basic system components are already in place, especially among our progressive “community of interest”. DFA, Moving Ideas, and of course BooMan have established “homes” for people already engaged in the process. So maybe if we build it, actually ask and answer our questions, we’ll be able to turn the political juggernaut in a more democratic direction.
Think about the implications of just a few million people reaching consensus on an issue thorough a verifiable system of voting. Once a week is all we ask.
I have been thinking along the same lines as you have outlined above and have some ideas I’m not ready to present here yet, but I will email you and ask for your feedback and see if your ideas and my ideas can be linked together.
Great diary by the way, I’m loving seeing all these action diaries springing up.
PS. You might want to shorten up your diary title since it’s too long to submit comment with title as is, one has to delete part or change.
Thanks for the comments, and your earlier diary. I think alot of us are working on parts of this puzzle. I’ll change the title now.
Very interesting, thanks for writing this. Participatory democracy and the ‘many to many’ thing is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and how best to implement things. Not directly related to voting, but more to localized involvment, as well as national.
This opens up a different aspect though. It needs thinking about…
It needs thinking about…. Agreed.
The beauty of his experiment was it’s scalability. A good start would be a poll tool that could be placed on a variety of blogs – aggregate and tabulate the results. Leave ’em up for a week on the sidebar.
I think the title is perfect, by the way. It’s easy just to lop off some to reply, or put a new subject in.
Scalability is another issue I’ve been struggling with. I’m hampered by not knowing enough about software and such, but I figure once I have things set as to what I want to do, I’ll find someone who knows how I can do it ;).
As for the poll placed on a variety of blogs, would a ‘blog ads’ type software work for that, do you think? Also, what would be the purpose of the voting thing? To drive policy, or to show the Democratic leadership that this particular issue resonates? For a real effect (on current politicians) it would have to be votes across party lines, although how you would tabulate party affiliation and such, I don’t know.
I’m going to reread your post
I remember when the blog popularity contest was going on, and we all trotted over to some site to vote. In concept the site would come to us, so to speak. Long term I’d like to see open source voting accessible on, or from, every blog.
Must be verifiable, accurate, and non-partisan, so that also means $$$. But what’s it worth to have a mechanism for a weekly national plebiscite? I’d love to see the media deal with an accurate national vote on an issue – every week. Not to mention certain idiots in D.C.