Several diaries recently have asked what Democrats stand for and what we are doing to win elections and change thinking. This diary is for the behind the scenes teams. For all of us that just post comments on the blogs because we are intimidated by the great research and information from the diaries. We don’t write diaries, and this is my first.

You don’t see us for lots of reasons. Me – I’m painfully shy and work very hard to overcome that because I need to in my profession. One on one or in small, safe groups lots of us are very active just not in the forefront.

Who are we – the behind the scenes team?

-We are the committee members that do the leg work and the research for the next meeting.

-We are on the organization committees that arrange for food and beverage at your campaign fundraiser.

-We put stamps on hundreds if not thousands of envelopes that we just stuffed for campaign mailings.

-We make telephone calls to get out the vote and arrange for volunteers.

-We are the accountants that do the local, state, and national elections filings.

-We knock on doors – one on one – to get out the vote and campaign for candidates.

-We are the database designers that allows all the emails addresses, telephone numbers, and other information about volunteers and donors to be tracked.

-We are the web designers that make sure your website is up and running well in advance of your campaign.

There are lots of us out here…I’m an accountant and my husband is a database designer. I’ve done all of these things…and am active many nights and weekends a month doing them now. You will never see me at the front of the room unless it is a small group that I know. I’ll never do interviews. You will always know that the behind the scenes team is there – because someone else is up front in the limelight.

Add your own contribution – what do you do behind the scenes.