Global Ecosystems Again Shown to Be Perilously Imperiled

The Global Millennium Assessment – the most comprehensive scientific assessment of global ecosystems ever, carried out over four years by 1,400 leading scientists – was recently released (  The assessment found that two-thirds of the world’s ecosystems that support life on Earth – such as fresh water, fisheries, forests and climate – are being degraded or used unsustainably.  These trends are projected to worsen if policy responses are not forthcoming – threatening the continuation of conditions necessary for advanced human societies.  The Assessment caps some thirty years of studies indicating humans are significantly altering and outright destroying large-scale ecosystems upon which they depend for their habitat.
It is up to the World’s leaders to lead on this matter – establishing economic, political, social and ecological conditions that are sustainable, equitable and just.  Somehow world governments must be made to understand that what is at stake is life itself – for humanity, every Earthly species, and the Earth as a whole.  The Assessment’s over-riding conclusion did hold out hope, noting that humans have the power to protect and conserve the Earth’s ecological services, while using them to bring better living standards to all.

Please join Ecological Internet’s immense global network in calling upon World leaders to vigorously pursue an expanded program of policies sufficient to achieve global ecological sustainability and equitable development.

Keep Invasive Species Provisions in the Transportation Bill!

Invasive species that choke out, devour, and destroy native wildlife and their habitat have infested more than 100 million acres of the American landscape.  An additional three million acres are lost each year to invasive weeds – an area equal to a strip of land two miles wide stretching from coast to coast.  Invasive species are one of the most critical threats to America’s natural diversity and pose clear risks to the nation’s waters, forests, farmlands, rangelands, wetlands, natural areas, and public and private property values.  Experts estimate that these fast moving invaders are already causing $130 billion of damage to the economy.

It is likely that an amendment will be offered in the Senate to strip the invasive species provision from the transportation bill.  We need your help to alert your Senators to the importance of invasive species control and to urge them to reject the amendment.  Hit the TAKE ACTION NOW key below to send a note to your lawmakers.

No Whale Meat Factory in Korea!

Korea’s whales and dolphins are in trouble.

Greenpeace and KFEM (Korean Federation for Environmental Movement) have recently uncovered evidence that Korea is planning to build a whale meat factory in the city of Ulsan, South Korea.  This is the city where the International Whaling Commission will meet in June.

Whaling is currently illegal in Korea, but trade is permitted if whales are “accidentally” caught.  However, Korea has “accidental” catches up to 100 times higher than that of countries which don’t eat whale meat.

We are currently occupying the site of this proposed whale meat factory, in an industrial area surrounded by whale meat restaurants.  The Korean government is redeveloping the area into a “city for whales” for the IWC, but the evidence points to a “city for whaling”.

Help us by telling your local Korean embassy that the international community, and many Koreans, oppose the resumption of whaling in any form.  Ask them to not build this whale meat factory, and to say no to whaling at the IWC.

Stop Illegal Bad Faith Bargaining and Sweatshop Uniforms at the University of California!

On Thursday April 14th, Service workers at UC’s 9 campuses and 5 medical centers will walk off the job to protest the University’s illegal unfair labor practices.  Services workers, who are mostly immigrants and people of color, are the lowest paid workers at UC and have not received a raise in over two years.  Many live in poverty.  Students at all of the UC’s have passed resolutions and held teach-ins, marches, sit-ins to support workers.  Now it’s your chance to show one of the premier public universities in the country that it can no longer disrespect low-wage service workers.

Protect the Right to Vote

In 2004, hundreds of thousands of people had problems voting or couldn’t vote at all.  In some neighborhoods, there weren’t enough voting machines; in other areas the machines malfunctioned.  Forty years after Congress reaffirmed the right of every eligible citizen to vote, this is unacceptable.  Forty years later, some barriers remain.

March 7th marks the 40th anniversary of the march on Selma, Ala., a historic moment that paved the way for the final passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  Signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Voting Rights Act removed barriers that systematically kept African Americans and other minorities away from the polls.

The Voting Rights Act is coming up for reauthorization in Congress.  Sign our petition today and tell President Bush and Washington Republicans to demand real election reform so that the election problems of 2000 and 2004 are never repeated.  Ask them to publicly support the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act.

Planned Parenthood Supports Rights, Respect, and Responsibility for all Michiganders

By signing Planned Parenthood’s Rights, Respect and Responsibility petition, you’ll help educate our legislators about the importance of accessible family planning, contraceptives and other basic health care.  Planned Parenthood will present these petitions to the Michigan Legislature, so your voice is critical.

As health care providers, we know the best way to reduce abortion is to prevent unintended pregnancy through access to information and high-quality, affordable health care.

That’s why Planned Parenthood supports funding for family planning services, equal insurance coverage for contraception, and better access to emergency contraception, which is the best way to prevent unintended pregnancy in cases of rape, incest, or contraceptive failure.

But anti-choice hardliners in the Michigan legislature are working to limit women’s access to reproductive health care.  That’s just not on our to-do list.

You can make a difference, by signing Planned Parenthood’s Rights, Respect and Responsibility petition.

Help the Los Angeles Zoo Elephants

We, the undersigned, support Last Chance for Animals (LCA) in its call to action for all three elephants currently housed at the Los Angeles Zoo– Ruby, Gita, and Billy– to be relocated to sanctuaries and the elephant exhibit at the zoo to be closed down permanently.

We respectfully urge you to do what is best for these elephants and allow them to live out the rest of their lives in a sanctuary that can provide the environment and care they need.

Elephants in zoos suffer from the following:

Lack of adequate space: Even after renovation, the L.A. Zoo elephant exhibit will only be one acre.  Sanctuaries, such as the PAWS sanctuary in Northern California, have hundreds of acres

Shortened life spans: Elephants in captivity live 40-45 years, elephants in the wild live 50-70 years

Health problems: Elephants in captivity regularly suffer from chronic arthritis and foot abscesses (the two main causes of death in captive elephants) due to lack of proper exercise and standing on hard surfaces.  Tuberculosis is also common among elephants in captivity

Lack of proper socialization: Elephants are highly social creatures who in the wild travel in family units of 10-12. In captivity, “herds” can be as small as one

Lives of abuse and neglect: It is common practice for elephants to be beaten, shocked, and chained for long periods of time

Ruby and Gita have already been diagnosed with arthritis and foot abscesses.  Their condition is sure to worsen if they remain at the zoo.

Sanctuaries offer a peaceful retirement for elephants that have spent their lives “entertaining” humans.  The PAWS sanctuary in Northern California has agreed to accept all three elephants and boasts over 100 acres of vegetation and lakes similar to the natural habitats of wild elephants.  These majestic animals deserve more than being on display for human curiosity and should be allowed to live as the social, intelligent animals they were born to be.

Please follow the lead of other national zoos that have closed down their elephant exhibits due to the dangers zoo environments pose to these magnificent animals.

These and over 375 other action alerts are archived at