Deadwood has already been renewed for a third season:
“DEADWOOD is a dazzling and unpredictable show that has connected with both subscribers and critics,” noted Carolyn Strauss, president, HBO Entertainment.
Tonight’s Episode: “Something Very Expensive”

Below: A great conversation on Deadwood
From’s TV Talk:
The character of Al Swearengen runs the town at the start of the series and he seems like a flat-out bad guy. As the gold mines draw more “civilized” citizens, at first it’s a relief and then you realize some of them are even worse than Al because their evil is disguised. You start thinking Al isn’t so bad — at least you know where you stand with him.
Towards the end of the first season, I think Al senses his power is in jeopardy and wants to hold on to it. He calls a meeting of other powerful people and says “Let’s form a government.” It’s one of the most chilling moments I’ve seen on television — it scared the crap out of me.
MitM: Both shows are meditations on power, at least in part. That scene you mention is fantastic. To me, though, the most interesting character is Sheriff Seth Bullock. Men like him are the pivot between anarchy and order. It is a man of honor, despite his own comfort, or tiredness, or wishing for a normal life, a man who becomes a public servant who makes civilization possible. He wanted so badly to make a fresh start, to leave his past life as a Marshall behind, yet he’s driven to step into this vital role.
I’m watching at 9PM PDT so won’t post until later. But go ahead. I just won’t read what you write until I’ve seen the show.
Don’t peek Susan.
What an epidode!
Three murdered whores. A man jerked off on a horse’s leg. The San Francisco cocksucker turned down 20 large.
The governess turns out to be a spy, and a dirty talker as well.
Bullock finds out he’s going to be a papa to a bastard child.
Trixie tries to be a matchmaker.
And so much more. Bravo.
Are there any depravities left to commit
in Deadwood? All the ones I’ve ever heard of have already been exhausted on the program.
Will Alma be persuaded to marry Ellsworth?
We’re beginning to see emerging classes of women at last on the program. Besides the whores and poor Jewel, we have a rich lady, a respectable Sheriff’s wife, and now a school teacher. I can’t quite figure out Miss Ingrihausen, can you? Even Trixie is learning clerical skills.
Is Woolcott Jack the Ripper? He killed all his whores in 1888 by slashing their throats. There are theories that he came to England from America – a rich merchant.
Mr. W.’s motivation for his little hobby is unclear. Was it ever explained why he was reading aloud a letter from Wild Bill to his wife? And why is Sy helping by getting rid of the bodies? What will Joanie do now? What happened to the other three whores at Chez Ami? Did W. murder them too?
What will happen to all the female slaves?
Sorry if I’m being annoying with all the questions. Most of them ask for opinions; just a few are for information. I did watch it.
Was it ever explained why he was reading aloud a letter from Wild Bill to his wife?
Yes. He bought the letter from EB. So, he was sharing its contents and making fun of the spelling.
And why is Sy helping by getting rid of the bodies?
So that he can blackmail W. and get a bigger cut.
What will Joanie do now?
Work at the GEM for Al.
What happened to the other three whores at Chez Ami?
Joanie smuggled them out in the cart and gave them $1400 to split.
What will happen to all the female slaves?
Lord only knows. God help them.
Worse than that, Sy manipulated W. into killing the girls, so he’d have a fresh lever over him.
Sy is a seriously sleazy cocksucker.
I agree Sy was goading him, but I’m not sure he expected THAT. What I’m wondering is why Joanie went to Sy — habit? instinct? or something more considered? I was hoping she was just going to shoot W. herself.
I absolutely think Sy at least hoped for it.
She went to Sy knowing he’d go clean up, and it would give her a chance to gather the money to save the rest of the girls. Then she went to Charlie for help, and then Sweringen …
It took you long enough Madman. I’ve been hoping you’d show up. I think Fred was writing “Human, All too Human” while this season of Deadwood was going on.
I’ve been lurking for a little while. I try to keep my registration at sites down, as I get too little sleep as it is, but you cocksuckers drew me in.
I’m such a hooplehead.
Really nice place you got here, and I love the international flavor.
Good for you, BooMan. I don’t know how I could have missed so much. Thanks for filling in the blanks.
Do you think Al – watching the wagon – suspected anything was going on? Since he and Seth have formed sort of an alliance, and Joanie will be working at the Gem, news of the murders is bound to get out. We should prepare for a showdown next week or the week after.
I have a DEADWOOD album from Vanity Fair. If there is enough desire on the part of fans, I will scan it and make a web page for your viewing pleasure.
Disperse this riotous assembly!
Oh wait, that was last week… carry on.
(I loved it when little Sophia said that last season.)
I hope she’s safe. Al will protect her. And from the look in his eyes — wasn’t that a HELL of a scene on which to end the show?! — I think he’d like to do more than hire her. Let’s hope she goes for Al’s proposition(s) because it’s the only way she’ll be safe.
I have friends who haven’t watched Deadwood yet, and I urge them to rent the DVD. But I warn them that the first episode had me wondering if I’d stay with the show. It was so dark. And in the first few episodes, I just hated Al. So, I tell them to stick with it and keep watching.
Like the conversation above notes, Al grew on me and now I see him, along with Seth, Saul and the beloved Doc Cochran, as one of the few sane men in the camp. I think Alma and Trixie are the two most “together” women in terms of ethics and good sense.
The primary reason I joined this site was because I saw over on Kos that this is where the Deadwood freaks hung out.
Awesome third season news…the last two episodes, imo, were the best this season so far. The hooplehead jizzing on Bullock’s horse? Priceless.
relationship with the sick Al episodes.
Now that he’s back, I feel better. Sunday’s show was one of the best I’ve seen in either season.